Central Bucks School District

Virtual Rules For Mr. Mussari’s Classes Respect and Safety – Our virtual classroom, like the regular classroom, will abide by all the same conduct rules as in our in building school environment. Please be respectful of your classmates and the teacher. This is our golden rule.Behavior – Please know that you will be held accountable for your behavior virtually. If a student acts in a disrespectful way towards another classmate or the teacher, they will be warned and given a disciplinary referral depending on the severity of the action. If they continue to violate class rules, they will be blocked from the virtual meeting and reported to a principal. Consequences will be given to the student at later time.Virtual Class Expectations – Online and Present - It is the expectation that you will be online and present at the start of every class for our Teams meeting. As you join, you will be admitted from the Lobby. As I do this, I will take attendance so please be patient as you are admitted one at a time. This may change in the future, but this is how we are starting. Cameras – Please have your camera on and your mic off when joining the meeting. Please turn your mic on to say hello or comment when appropriate. I understand that you may feel uncomfortable to have cameras on, but I need to see you for accountability purposes – No turning the camera off and doing another personal activity. Cameras that are off during presentation indicate non-participation and being absent from class (cutting class). If there is an exception you have for this for health reasons, then please reach out to me.How to ask Questions – During the teacher presentation of new material, you may raise your hand with the raise hand button. If I don’t see that, (and you have been waiting for a bit) simply keep your hand up slightly near your face and I will call on you just like a normal class. Then feel free to turn your mic on. Once we are done talking, simply turn the mic off. All mics on will cause a giant echo noise. You are also welcome to ask a question on the chat window – I will do my best to address questions there as well as I see them.How Do Class Sessions work? Here is quick virtual road map of how our class will currently work in the future. A – Join the meetingB – Attendance taken C – Demonstration and Assignment presented by your teacher.D- Individual work time – After your teacher presentation, you will leave the meeting and work on your exercise, project, or writing assignment. The teacher will ask you to rejoin the meeting at a later check in time for either further instruction or to wrap up the class with an exit activity or reminders for the following day. Students with questions during individual work time can rejoin the meeting anytime as the teacher will have the teams meeting open during the entire class. Students will be admitted one a time for individual help. If you join and aren’t admitted immediately it is because I am assisting another student. Please be patient as you wait. C- Class Wrap Up – At the end of class when the teacher asks you to rejoin, please join the meeting and turn your camera back on. You will receive either an exit activity or a class reminder for the next day. Students who fail to come back to the teams meeting by the end of class will be considered cutting class and reported.Questions Outside of Class – When class is over you can reach out for help by joining my office hours teams meeting. Simply email me so we can set up a time for help during my office hours or afterschool. ................

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