RUN FORWARD GIVE BACK 8th Annual Y5K ? VIRTUAL RUN ? 8/1/20 ? 9/26/20


CELEBRATION RUN (pending any government restrictions) will be held at 993 Lenox Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Virtual Races ? 8/1-9/25/20 ? RUN ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME ? T-shirts and medals will be mailed to all participants.

5K and 1 Mile Walk - 12 years old and over - ($25.00) This also includes participation in the Celebration Run. 5K and 1 Mile Walk - ages 6-12 years old ($15.00) This also includes participation in the Celebration Run. 5K and 1 Mile Walk - College Students AND Seniors (62+) ($15.00) This also includes participation in the Celebration Run.

Virtual races are very similar to live races ?You can choose to complete the race whenever you like. RUN ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME. You can even do the whole thing indoors on a treadmill. For more information about teams and fundraising visit y5k

In Person Races ? 9/26/20 ? T-shirts and medals to all participants. PLEASE NOTE ? ALL VIRTUAL RUNNERS DO NOT HAVE TO PAY AGAIN FOR THE CELEBRATION RUN.

5K and 1 Mile Walk - 12 years old and over - ($25.00) 5K and 1 Mile Walk ages - 6-12 years old ($15.00) 5K and 1 Mile Walk - College Students and Seniors (62+) ($15.00)

7:30am-8:45am ? Race Check-In 9:00am ? 5K Race 9:15am ? 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk Awards Ceremony immediately following

First Name: ____________________________ Last Name: __________________________________________________ Age on race day: __________ Gender: Male Female Phone: _______________________ Email: __________________________________________________________ Street address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________________________________________ State: _____________________ Zip: ________________

Shirt Size by 8/15







Check enclosed payable to: Capital Area YMCA - Attn: Maria Johnson, 431 Pennington Ave, Trenton, NJ 08618 or email form to mjohnson@

Charge My: M/C

Visa AmEx

Card No. .................................................................. Exp. Date ............................. Security Code.........

Signature .....................................................................................

Date.................................Event Waiver

I know that running a road race is potentially a hazardous activity. I should not enter and run or walk unless I am medically able and properly trained. I assume all risks associated with running this event including, but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including heat and humidity, traffic and the conditions of the road and such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I hereby release the Capital Area YMCA, Lennox Corporate Center and all their sponsors, representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use photographs, motion pictures, recording, or any record of event for any legitimate purpose. This is a road race and is not intended for individuals with bicycles, baby joggers, baby strollers, animals on leashes, skateboards and skates.

By checking this box, I agree to the waiver above

Signature (parent/guardian if under 18): ________________________________

Date: _____________________


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