SAINT MARY’S COLLEGEPURCHASING CARDPOLICY & PROCEDURESPurchasing Card (P Card) Policy and ProceduresP Card IntroductionA Saint Mary’s College P Card, is a VISA credit card issued to approved Saint Mary’s College personnel. The P Card program is managed via a web based application called WORKS and is administered by the Business Office. P Cards are available to designated employees to help facilitate the procurement of goods and services up to $3,000.00, without a purchase requisition; some restrictions apply. The implementation of this program is to provide a convenient way of making and approving business related transactions within pre-described parameters while complying with internal policies and procedures as well as external regulations. The P Card is a corporate charge card which will not affect the Cardholder’s personal credit; the liability rests with the College and not with the individual cardholder. However, it is the Cardholder’s responsibility to ensure that the card is used within the stated guidelines of Saint Mary’s College’s Policy and Procedures for the Purchasing Card program. These are posted on My Saint Mary’s, Staff Campus Resources, Purchasing. To request a P Card please complete the application form located on the Purchasing website. Upon approval, Cardholders will be required to sign a P Card Agreement and complete the online training and exam prior to receipt and usage of a College issued Purchasing Card.P Card Support:Ronda Park, Administrator:Lizette Desperate925-631-4034lmd7@stmarys-ca.eduProgram Accountant:Gary Stewart, Accounting Manager925-631-4205gbs2@stmarys-ca.eduPage 1Purchasing Card Policy and ProceduresPurchasing Card Program OverviewPurchasing cards will be issued to Saint Mary’s College employees only, upon application approval and completion of P Card training.The employee’s name will be embossed on the P Card.The cardholder’s personal credit will not be affected, liability rests with the College. Purchasing cards are not transferable between individuals or departments.The Cardholder is responsible for keeping their P Card in a secure location at all times.Each Cardholder will be assigned to an Approver based on their Department, determined when their application is approved.The Cardholder will be responsible for reconciling (signing off on) their transactions in the Works application on a regular basis but no later than the second business day of the month.A billing cycle is comprised of the first day of the month to the last day of the month.The Cardholder will be responsible for submitting original itemized receipts along with their monthly statement (not available until the third business day of the month) to the Business Office by the fifth business day of the month. Failure to meet both the sign off and statement deadline means your P Card will be suspended.After three suspensions, for any reason, all P Card privileges will be revoked and your card will be canceled.Each Cardholder’s transaction reconciliations will be reviewed and approved by their designated Approver and an Accountant. All approvals take place within the Works application, no other approval or signature is required on the actual Visa statement.No cash advances will be issued with the P Card.The default monthly credit limit is $5000.00 with a single transaction limit of $3,000.00. Card limits will only be reset upon completion of online reconciliation by the cardholder.Page 2Purchasing Card Policy and Procedures Cont’dThe P Card is not to be used for:Personal purchasesOffice supplies (you can request an Office Depot desktop account via the Purchasing website)FurnitureComputer and technology equipment (includes software and hardware)Gift or Debit cards, in any denomination, for any reason.Any single transaction committing the College that is greater than $3,000.00 (including tax and any applicable shipping).Services requiring a service agreement or contract UNLESS an approved contract and CAR # has been assigned. The CAR # should be noted when signing off on these transactions.Outside Catering (anything that would require a service agreement, see above).Sodexo Catering and Flex Dollars.Any payment to Saint Mary’s College. Payments from one department to another should only be handled by journal entry. In order to make such a payment, please send an email to the Assistant Controller or Accounting Manager with the dollar amount, the account from which to draw the funds, the account to which to credit the funds and the purpose for the transfer.Example: Please transfer $100.00 from account 10.5.73200.6559.000 to account 10.1.3140.7568.000 for co-sponsorship of speaker Joe Smith.Printing and Duplicating.For any jobs which cannot be completed by the Duplicating department, you should work with the Purchasing department.Shipping charges which can be accomplished by going through the Warehouse.Travel insurance or equipment protection plans**** When in doubt contact the P Card Support first. ****Please review the P Card FAQs before calling or emailing with your questions.Page 3Purchasing Card Policy and Procedures Cont’dThe Business Office is responsible for final sign off, batching and uploading all transactions and making payment to the bank. Once transactions have been signed off by a Works Accountant, they will be batched and imported into Colleague. These charges will be reflected in your GaelXpress budgets the following business day after being imported.Cardholder ResponsibilitiesThe Cardholder must use the P Card for legitimate business purposes while complying with the P Card Policies and Procedures and Purchasing Policies and Procedures found on My Saint Mary’s. Failure to comply with these Policies and Procedures will be considered as a misappropriation of Saint Mary’s College funds and may result in sanctions up to and including termination of employment. After three suspensions for any reason all P card privileges will be revoked.The Cardholder Is Required To:Ensure the P Card is used for legitimate College business purposes and that no single transaction exceeds $3,000.00 (including tax and shipping).Not make any personal purchases with their P Card. Using the card for personal gain will be considered a misappropriation of Saint Mary’s funds and may result in termination of employment. The cardholder will also be accountable for any charges that were placed on the card. Maintain their SMC P card in a secure location at all time.Not allow other individuals to use their P Card.Take responsibility for placing orders, tracking receipt of goods, submitting returns and tracking credits due.The Bill to and Ship to address should always be: 1928 Saint Mary’s Road, Moraga, CA 94575. Note P Card on second line of mailing address or anywhere on mailing label.If ever asked by a vendor what the phone number for your Visa card is, do not give them your number, use 925-631-4205, which is the number of Program Accountant, Gary Stewart.You can use your SMC email for confirmation purposes.Be responsible for tracking Department budgets and not exceeding available funds or work with someone within your department who is responsible for budgets.Page 4Purchasing Card Policy and Procedures Cont’dThe Cardholder Is Required To: (cont’d)Reconcile purchases online no later than 2 business days into the new month.Submit monthly statement with original receipts to Purchasing in the Business Office, by the 5th business days of the new month.Ensure that any credits for any reported disputed items or billing errors appears on a subsequent Cardholder statement. Contact P Card Support if you need any assistance with this.Immediately report a lost or stolen card to P Card Support at x4572 if it is within regular business hours. If after hours, weekend or holiday call Bank of America at 1-866-500-8262 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year) and also notify P Card Support that you’ve reported your card missing.Notify the P Card Support, if the Cardholder has a change of Department or employment status.Upon termination of employment with Saint Mary’s College, the P card is to be turned in to Purchasing. All transactions should be reconciled and receipts submitted to the Business Office.Approver ResponsibilitiesThe Approver should work closely with their cardholders to ensure that the P cards are being used for legitimate SMC business purposes and that their department budgets are not being over spent. The Approver Is Required To:Log into Works, review by confirming GL and Business Purpose; Flag txns if necessary and sign off on transactions on a weekly basis. The Approver can re-code the GL as appropriate but the account should reflect the true nature of the charge. The Accountant has the final signoff and can recode as necessary. Ensure that all transactions within their To Be Signed Off queue have been approved and closed no later than 2 business days after the close of the billing cycle.Notify P Card Support if the Approver has a change of Department or employment status.Page 5 ................

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