| |

|January 6, 2015 |


|Clearing house for processing of payments using coded payment methods;|Providing systems, methods, and computer-program products for a |

|US 8,930,241 B2; 1/6/2015; Class 705/17; 26 claims; assigned to Bank |clearing house for directing readable indicia to/from merchants, |

|of America Corporation. |users, and/or vendors. |

| | |

| |Frip: Patent on a clearing house. Never been a clearing house before? |

|Keyboard trading system; US 8,930,256 B2; 1/6/2015; Class 705/37; 27 |Relating to systems and methods for providing customized keyboards for|

|claims; assigned to BGC Partners, Inc. |receiving user inputs, and view regions for displaying information for|

| |users in useful arrangements. |

| | |

| |Frip: Unique keyboard = patent. |

|System and method for user defined markets for electronic trading; US |Providing a technology platform that allows a user to define a new |

|8,930,257 B1; 1/6/2015; Class 705/37; 33 claims; assigned to |market for electronic trading and automatically generating the new |

|MarketFactory, Inc. |market for live trading, in one embodiment the new market being |

| |automatically tested using a trading simulator that simulates the new |

| |market for electronic trading. |

| | |

| |Frip: Defining your own market. What can go wrong with that? |

|Method and system for reserving future purchases of goods and |Related to providing electronic options for goods or services via a |

|services; US 8,930,260 B2; 1/6/2015; Class 705/37; 15 claims; assigned|computer network such as the Internet or an intranet. |

|to Smart Options, LLC. | |

| |Frip: Guess that’s not available now, eh? |

| |

|January 13, 2015 |


|Electronic commerce using a transaction network; US 8,935,182 B2; |Directed to the field of facilitating user registration and |

|1/13/2015; Class 705/39; 8 claims; assigned to Amdocs Qpass Inc. |authentication, purchasing from multiple merchants, aggregating |

| |payment transactions, and merchant remittance for electronic commerce |

| |transactions, such as those conducted on the Internet. |

| | |

| |Frip: Covering lotsa ground yet not infringing? |

|Internet billing method; US 8,935,183 B2; 1/13/2015; Class 705/40; 20 |Creating a new business opportunity for telephone companies, cable |

|claims; assigned to AT&T Intellectual Property I, LP. |television companies, existing Internet access providers, and |

| |companies offering financial services by creating a way for them to |

| |offer to their subscribers a method of securely buying and selling |

| |goods and services of any value over the Internet. |

| | |

| |Frip: Wow! A new business opportunity! Thanks AT&T. |

|Wireless payment with a portable device; US 8,935,186 B2; 1/13/2015; |Relating to assisting a financial transaction related to a purchase of|

|Class 705/65; 16 claims; assigned to Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. |a user, example embodiments including enhancing the purchase process |

| |along with optimizing the security, packet transmission, and packet |

| |processing. |

| | |

| |Frip: Well, OK. |

|Distributed payment system and method; US 8,935,187 B2; 1/13/2015; |Relating to a distributed system and method for handling payments in |

|Class 705/76; 17 claims; assigned to Playspan, Inc. |commercial transactions. |

| | |

| |Frip: Talk into the air, make a payment. |

| |

|January 27, 2015 |


|Payment System; US 8,942,997 B2; 1/27/2015; Class 705/26.1; 23 claims;|Providing a method of processing payment authorization requests for |

|assigned to Visa Europe Limited (GB). |payment transactions to be conducted via a data communications network|

| |on behalf of online merchants, the payment authorization requests |

| |being conducted as a result of orders by financial instrument holders |

| |via a plurality of different online merchant systems. |

| | |

| |Frip: Visa Europe, eh? |

| |

|February 3, 2015 |


|Method, apparatus, and computer program product for topping up prepaid|Allowing a card holder to carry out an initial top-up of a balance of |

|payment cards for offline; US 8,949,152 B2; 2/3/2015; Class 705/41; 7 |a pre-paid payment card that is configured for use in an |

|claims; assigned to Mastercard International Incorporated. |infrastructure in accordance with a payment specification requiring |

| |different behavior for normal transactions in the infrastructure |

| |versus behavior required for topping-up of the balance, the process |

| |involving registering risk mitigation information and other stuff. |

| | |

| |Frip: Say what? |

| |

|February 10, 2015 |


|Mobile phone including dynamic verification value; US 8,954,353 B2; |Altering a first data string to form a second data string, forming a |

|2/10/2015; Class 705/67; 20 claims; assigned to Visa U.S.A. Inc. |first dynamic verification value using at least a portion of the |

| |second data string, the first dynamic verification value being used to|

| |authenticate a phone in a first transaction, the second data string |

| |being used to form a third data string, a second dynamic verification |

| |value being formed using at least a portion of the third data string, |

| |and the second dynamic verification value being used to authenticate |

| |the phone in a second transaction. |

| | |

| |Frip: You’ve been encrypted! |

| |

|February 24, 2015 |


|Readable indicia for fuel purchase; US 8,965,790 B2; 2/24/2015; Class |Directed to purchasing fuel for a vehicle from a fuel station, an |

|705/17; 18 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |exemplary apparatus being configured to initiate a fuel purchase |

| |application, to determine identification information associated with a|

| |fuel pump that will be used for fueling the vehicle, and to transmit a|

| |purchase authorization request to an external server based on the |

| |identification information. |

| | |

| |Frip: Hey BofA, fill'er up. |

| |

|March 3, 2015 |


|Dongle facilitated wireless consumer payments; US 8,972,296 B2; |Providing computing systems and methods for facilitating consumer |

|3/3/2015; Class 705/39; 15 claims; assigned to Ebay Inc. |transactions in retail and other establishments, the systems and |

| |methods including communication interfaces adapted to couple a |

| |computing system to a plurality of third party mobile electronic |

| |devices, storage components adapted to store user information, |

| |participating merchant information, or any combination thereof, and |

| |processors in communication with the communication interfaces and |

| |storage components. |

| | |

| |Frip: Software patent involving multiple hardware devices? |

|Track data encryption; US 8,972,303 B2; 3/3/2015; Class 705/67; 20 |Embodiments of the invention being directed to methods, systems, and |

|claims; assigned to Visa U.S.A. Inc. |computer readable media that can be used to securely deliver a primary|

| |account number (PAN) associated with a portable consumer device from a|

| |portable consumer device, a point of sale terminal, or some other |

| |location, to an issuer of the portable consumer device. |

| | |

| |Frip: Really, do we have any hope of staying ahead of the hackers? |

| |

|March 10, 2015 |


|Anonymous mobile payments; US 8,977,568 B1; 3/10/2015; Class 705/39; |Directed to techniques and systems for providing anonymous mobile |

|20 claims; assigned to Amazon Technologies, Inc. |payments that may enable a user to enter into transactions with |

| |another user without disclosing personal and/or private information to|

| |the other user, such as a name, a telephone number, an email, and/or |

| |other personal or private information. |

| | |

| |Frip: But you can bet some Big Bro in the public or private sector |

| |will know. |

|System and method for providing smart electronic wallet and |Providing a smart electronic wallet with reconfigurable |

|reconfigurable transaction card thereof; US 8,977,569 B2; 3/10/2015; |multiple-account transaction card, the system and method providing |

|Class 705/41; 13 claims. |measures for storing a plurality of account identifiers from a |

| |plurality of traditional single-use transaction cards into a storage |

| |memory in a smart wallet, the system and method also providing for |

| |storing a reconfigurable multiple-account transaction card within the |

| |smart electronic wallet and allowing for it to be dynamically and |

| |selectively reconfigured for any one of the plurality of account |

| |identifiers stored within the smart electronic wallet, and |

| |additionally, a consumer being able to initiate a transfer or trade of|

| |transaction cards across different smart electronic wallet devices. |

| | |

| |Frip: Better not lose this wallet. |

| |

|March 17, 2015 |


|System and method for trading having a principal market maker; US |Providing a system that including an electronic brokerage and trading |

|5,963,923 C1; 3/17/2015; Class 705/37; 28 claims; assigned to |network having at least one computer coupled to receive and transmit |

|Technology Research Group LLC. |bids and offers for international currency trading, a display terminal|

| |and input, and a principal market maker computer coupled to the |

|CLAIMS CANCELLED. |electronic brokerage and trading network wherein the principal market |

| |maker computer was operative to receive and transmit the bids and |

| |offers and execute international currency trades by maintaining a |

| |market for such currencies. |

| | |

| |Frip: Patent was cancelled! |

|Method and system for micropayment transactions; US 8,983,874 B2; |Relates to probabilistic micropayment schemes, which allow a user to |

|3/17/2015; Class 705/79; 6 claims; assigned to MIT. |establish payment to a merchant for at least one transaction. |

| | |

| |Frip: All of Frip’s payments are micropayments. |

| |

|March 24, 2015 |


|Smartcard to virtual media conversion; US 8,990,117 B2; 3/24/2015; |Providing a method for converting a smartcard into a virtual media in |

|Class 705/50; 18 claims; assigned to Cubic Corporation. |a transit system. |

| | |

| |Frip: The alleged bottom line? You don’t have to take your smartcard |

| |from your wallet. |

| |

|April 7, 2015 |


|Method and system for signature capture; US 9,002,739 B2; 4/7/2015; |Using advanced internet-connected devices, such as smart TVs, to |

|Class 705/35; 17 claims; assigned to Visa International Service |conduct online transactions, with signature data representative of a |

|Association. |consumer's signature motion being captured by a signature capture |

| |device that can be the smart TV or a device associated with the smart |

| |TV, or a security token, the representation of the consumer's |

| |signature providing a non-repudiation mechanism similar in function to|

| |that of a consumer's actual handwritten signature on a credit card or |

| |debit card receipt. |

| |Frip: How many of you sign a credit card purchase slip with a fake |

| |name? |

|System for market hedging and related method; US 9,002,741 B2; |Providing a system with a data collection module that collects data |

|4/7/2015; Class 705/37; 6 claims. |for a plurality of fuels, a selection module that selects fuels from |

| |the plurality of fuels based on the properties of the fuels to |

| |generate sets of fuels, a benchmark generating module that generates |

| |fuel commodity benchmarks, a communication module that communicates |

| |the fuel commodity benchmarks to traders and that receives orders for |

| |derivatives contracts from the traders based on the fuel commodity |

| |benchmarks, and an order processing module. |

| | |

| |Frip: Hedging in a time of surplus; a brave new world. |

|Virtual check; US 9,002,749 B1; 4/7/2015; Class 705/64; 20 claims; |Creating a virtual check in real-time in a payor mobile device, |

|assigned to USAA. |generating tag data associated with the virtual check, the tag data |

| |including a physical location of the creation of the virtual check, |

| |embedding in the virtual check at least a portion of the tag data, and|

| |sending the virtual check and the tag data from the payor mobile |

| |device to a receiving device. |

| | |

| |Frip: How about just creating for moi some virtual money? |

| |

|April 14, 2015 |


|Phased debit activation system and method; US 9,009,069 B2; 4/14/2015;|Facilitating activation of a general-purpose reloadable (GPR) card at |

|Class 705/17; 17 claims; assigned to Target Brands, Inc. |a point-of-sale (POS) terminal rather than at home while watching TV |

| |and chowing down. |

| | |

| |Frip: A great leap forward for civilization! |

| |

|April 21, 2015 |


|Method, system, and device for implementing network banking service; |Providing a convenient means for users to use a network banking |

|US 9,015,065 B2; 4/21/2015; Class 705/18; 24 claims; assigned to |service, the functions of POS devices being simplified and the cost of|

|Huawei Device Co., Ltd. (CN). |manufacturing and maintaining POS devices being reduced, the process |

| |involving identification, authentication, and stuff. |

| | |

| |Frip: Don’t often see a U.S. process patent being granted to PRC |

| |inventors. Just saying. |

|System for pre-processing sales returns; US 9,015,070 B2; 4/21/2015; |Initiating a sales return transaction prior to a customer being |

|Class 705/28; 31 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |physically present at a merchant store, the system being capable of |

| |transmitting sales return information to a merchant such that the |

| |consumer's presence is not necessary in order to process a sales |

| |return transaction. |

| | |

| |Frip: The assumption is that the customer gets his or her money back. |

| |Just being certain. You never can be too careful when dealing with the|

| |big guys. |

| |

|April 28, 2015 |


|Method and system for mobile banking using a mobile application; US |Running a mobile application on a mobile communication device, the |

|9,020,836 B2; 4/28/2015; Class 705/16; 15 claims. |mobile application being hosted on the mobile communication device |

| |through the server as a Software as a Service (SaaS), the method |

| |further including transmitting data associated with the mobile |

| |application between the mobile communication device and the server, in|

| |which transmission of the data between the mobile communication device|

| |and the server is monitored through the server. |

| | |

| |Frip: Got that? |

|Smart card loading transactions using wireless telecommunications |Allowing a consumer to load value onto a smart card and to make |

|network; US 9,020,853 B2; 4/28/2015; Class 705/41; 39 claims; assigned|purchases using a smart card with a mobile telephone handset. |

|to Visa International Service Association. | |

| |Frip: Scary. |

| |

|May 5, 2015 |


|Portable point of purchase user interfaces; US 9,026,462 B2; 5/5/2015;|Generally relating to techniques for performing sales transactions |

|Class 705/22; 9 claims; assigned to Apple Inc. |using a portable device, in accordance with one disclosed embodiment a|

| |portable electronic device being capable of completing an entire sales|

| |transaction including ringing up articles of merchandise, receiving |

| |payment information, and communicating with an external server to |

| |receive authorization for payment. |

| | |

| |Frip: Got my bank in my pocket. |

| |

|May 12, 2015 |


|Method for inventory governance in a virtual universe; US 9,031,871 |Relating generally to avatars and their inventories in a virtual |

|B2; 5/12/2015; Class 705/28; 25 claims; assigned to IBM. |universe, and more specifically to inventory governance in a virtual |

| |universe. |

| | |

| |Frip: Creepy or what? |

| |

|May 19, 2015 |


|Card reader emulation for cardless transactions; US 9,037,491 B1; |Providing a technique that eliminates the need for a customer to carry|

|5/19/2015; Class 705/17; 14 claims; assigned to Square, Inc. |a physical payment card (such as a credit card or debit card) and |

| |eliminates the need to do a physical card swipe when performing a |

| |payment card transaction, the technique being particularly |

| |advantageous when applied to a full-service retail establishment, such|

| |as a restaurant, the technique facilitating a "pay-by-name" paradigm |

| |in which a customer can pay essentially by just telling the merchant |

| |his name. |

| | |

| |Frip: Name’s Frip, that’s my payment. |

|Secure mobile-based financial transactions; US 9,037,492 B2; |In exemplary embodiments, allowing a mobile communications device to |

|5/19/2015; Class 705/17; 20 claims; assigned to AT&T Mobility II LLC. |communicate with a payment server via a point-of-sale device to |

| |conduct a transaction, the mobile communications device using a client|

| |payment logic to send payment information to the point-of-sale device,|

| |which uses a vendor payment logic to forward the payment information |

| |to the payment server, which verifies the payment information and |

| |sends confirmation to the point-of-sale device. |

| | |

| |Frip: Hack City! |

| |

|May 26, 2015 |


|Systems and methods for making a payment using a wireless device; US |Providing systems and methods for performing payment transactions that|

|9,043,237 B2; 5/26/2015; Class 705/35; 22 claims; assigned to Fexco |involve wireless devices, the systems and methods including the |

|Merchant Services. |receipt of purchase information from a merchant, the communication of |

| |identifiers and authorizations, and the transmission of confirmations |

| |to the merchant. |

| | |

| |Frip: If the PTO says this is unique, who are we to disagree? |

|Securities trading system and device; US 9,043,239 B2; 5/26/2015; |Providing, in one embodiment, a securities trading system comprising a|

|Class 705/37; 5 claims; assigned to Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba and |plurality of order sharing devices and a plurality of ordering devices|

|Toshiba Solutions Corportion. |that are configured to communicate with each other, the order sharing |

| |devices being switchable between a master system and a slave system |

| |and having a first storage unit, and the ordering devices being |

| |switchable between a master system and a slave system and having a |

| |second storage unit.  |

| | |

| |Frip: Lotta schematics with this baby. |

|Apparatus and method for secure fulfillment of transactions involving |Relating generally to networked computer games and more particularly |

|virtual items; US 9,043,245 B2; 5/26/2015; Class 705/64; 20 claims; |to executing financial transactions in virtual environments. |

|assigned to Visa International Service Association. | |

| |Frip: Visa is patenting make-believe stuff?! No wonder Frip’s Visa |

| |card keeps getting compromised. |

| |

|June 2, 2015 |


|Single identifiable entry point for accessing contact information via |Relating to methods, apparatus, and computer program products for |

|a computer network; US 9,047,590 B2; 6/2/2015; CPC G06Q 10/107; 37 |providing contact information via a computer network, and more |

|claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |specifically, for providing an activatable indicium configured as an |

| |entry point for accessing contact information on a user interface. |

| | |

| |Frip: Wanna see my activatable indicium? |

|Smart phone system and method; US 9,047,594 B2; 6/2/2015; CPC G06Q |Providing a system and method for remediation, curing concerns, and |

|20/20; 37 claims; assigned to American Express Travel Related Services|transferring information associated with declined transactions, the |

|Company, Inc. |disclosure generally relating to electronic commerce, and more |

| |particularly, to a system and method of validation and efficiency |

| |associated with electronic commerce. |

| | |

| |Frip: What if you are only a dumb phone ol’ codger? |

| |

|June 9, 2015 |


|Apparatus and method for conducting securing financial transactions; |Relating to a system and method for conducting dual-authenticated |

|US 9,053,471 B2; 6/9/2015; CPC G06Q 20/12; 4 claims. |electronic transactions without the use of a point of sale device. |

| | |

| |Frip: Next step, triple authentication. |

|Systems and methods for initiating payment from a client device; US |Providing methods, systems, and articles of manufacture configured to,|

|9,053,476 B2; 6/9/2015; CPC G06Q 20/322; 18 claims; assigned to |for example, initiate financial transactions, such as payments, from a|

|Capital One Financial Corporation. |client device in an efficient and user-friendly way, the disclosed |

| |embodiments including detecting a physical action performed on a |

| |mobile client device, and determining a first financial service |

| |function to perform based on the detected physical action. |

| | |

| | |

| |Frip: Flip your smart phone the bird and you’ve done a financial |

| |transaction. |

|Methods and systems for providing a payment account with adaptive |Providing systems, methods, apparatus, and means for conducting |

|interchange; US 9,053,481 B2; 6/9/2015; CPC G06Q 20/40; 8 claims; |payment transactions using mobile devices in which a mobile device is |

|assigned to MasterCard International Incorporated. |presented at a point of sale for use in a payment transaction, a |

| |primary account selection being received from the user of the mobile |

| |device, which automatically identifies a product type of the primary |

| |payment account and selects and transmits a proxy payment account |

| |identifier having a product type equivalent to the product type of the|

| |primary payment account to the point of sale, which causes a first |

| |payment authorization request message to be routed to an issuer of the|

| |proxy payment account. |

| | |

| |Frip: No prior art? |

| |

|June 16, 2015 |


|Money-transfer techniques; US 9,058,625 B2; 6/19/2015; CPC G06Q 40/02;|Directed to a technique for transferring money between a customer and |

|47 claims; assigned to Uniteller Financial Services, Inc. |a beneficiary via a system comprising a money-transfer company, a |

| |plurality of selling agents and paying agents, transaction cards, |

| |computers, databases, and the like. |

| | |

| |Frip: But what is money? |

|System and method for financial services device usage; US 9,058,626 |Receiving, by a financial services device, comprising at least one |

|B1; 6/19/2015; CPC G06Q 40/02; 30 claims; assigned to JPMorgan Chase |computer processor, a container from a business entity, wherein the |

|Bank, N.A. |container has an internal volume and is configured to hold contents |

| |comprising one or more of cash, coins, and checks and the container is|

| |received into a receptacle at the financial services device; |

| |extracting, by the financial services device, the contents; |

| |processing, by the financial service device, the contents; and |

| |ejecting the container by the financial services device following the |

| |processing of the contents. |

| | |

| |Frip: More bank clerks outta work. |

|Marketplace for trading intangible asset derivatives and a method for |Relating generally to trading of financial contracts and other trading|

|trading intangible asset derivatives. US 9,058,628 B2; 6/19/2015; CPC |products, and more particularly, to a marketplace and a method for |

|G06Q 40/04; 18 claims; assigned to Ocean Tomo, LLC. |trading intangible assets and/or derivative financial contracts based |

| |on such intangible assets. |

| | |

| |Frip: Just what the world needs—another marketplace for intangibles. |

| |

|June 23, 2015 |


|Plug-in based chip card payments; US 9,064,251 B2; 6/23/2015; CPC G06Q|Allowing a payment services component to interact with a plurality of |

|20/20; 20 claims; assigned to Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC. |different chip card peripheral devices in conducting a transaction, |

| |and also with a plurality of different chip card payment processors to|

| |authenticate and validate the transaction. |

| | |

| |Frip: Move over financial industry, here comes Microsoft. |

|Payment system and methods; US 9,064,252 B2; 6/23/2015; CPC G06Q |Providing a payment system and methods in which a shopper pays with a |

|20/202; 14 claims; assigned to National Payment Card Association. |temporary payment token that is a number (such as a 7-digit number |

| |that appeared on the screen of the shopper's mobile phone) at a POS |

| |device, without the shopper needing have his own mag-stripe card. |

| | |

| |Frip: But ya’ gotta remember to swipe your own mag-strip card. |

|Multi-panel user interface; US 9,064,281 B2; 6/23/2015; CPC G06Q |Providing a multi-panel user interface that includes one-tap access of|

|30/0641; 19 claims; assigned to MasterCard Mobile Transactions |a shopping-related function from a collapsed panel in an expandable |

|Solutions, Inc. |panel user shopping interface without requiring expanding the |

| |collapsed panel. |

| | |

| |Frip: Another thing to blow a consumer’s mind and increase his or her |

| |aggravation. |

| |

|June 30, 2015 |


|Mode switching to provide security for cash handling device; US |Requesting an exchange transaction, inserting currency into a cash |

|9,070,125 B1; 6/30/2015; CPC G06Q 20/045; 20 claims; assigned to Bank |handling device, prompting a user to identify one or more requested |

|of America Corporation. |denominations of currency, tracking elapsed time, if the elapsed time |

| |exceeds a timeout threshold, switching the transaction from an |

| |exchange transaction to a deposit transaction and crediting the |

| |inserted currency as a deposit into an account, otherwise, allowing |

| |the exchange transaction to proceed. |

| | |

| |Frip: Or maybe just confiscating the user’s currency. |

|Administering a plurality of accounts for a client; US 9,070,127 B2; |Providing methods and systems for supporting electronic transactions, |

|6/30/2015; CPC G06Q 20/3829; 5 claims; assigned to MasterCard Mobile |including transactions that are provided with per-user, per-device, |

|Transactions Solutions, Inc. |and per-domain security across domains of multiple service providers. |

| | |

| |Frip: Gettin’ down into the weeds. |

|Method and system for securing data fields; US 9,070,129 B2; |Pertaining to encrypting accounts. |

|6/30/2015; CPC G06Q 20/403; 21 claims; assigned to Visa U.S.A. Inc. | |

| |Frip: Just another challenge for your average hacker. |

|Check processing method, check processing program medium, and check |Relating to a method, a program medium, and an apparatus for |

|processing apparatus; US 9,070,163 B2; 6/30/2015; CPC G06Q 40/02; 3 |processing checks in conjunction with using checks to complete |

|claims; assigned to Seiko Epson Corporation (JP). |financial transactions.  |

| | |

| |Frip: What’s a check? |

| |

|July 7, 2015 |


|Computerized money transfer system and method; US 9,076,134 B2; |Providing a computerized money transfer system and method for |

|7/7/2015; CPC G06Q 20/10; 60 claims; assigned to Chequepoint Franchise|implementing a money transfer service for transferring money from a |

|Corporation. |sending entity such as an individual or company to at least one |

| |receiving entity such as a person or company, one aspect of the |

| |invention being that the sending entity or receiving entity does not |

| |have to have an account. |

| | |

| |Frip: This ain’t that bitcoin blockchain stuff, is it? |

| |

|July 14, 2015 |


|Methods and systems for validating real time network communications; |Relating to network communications and resource access, and in |

|US 8,126,991 C2; 7/14/2015; CPC G06Q 10/02; 144 claims; assigned to |particular, to methods and systems for monitoring network |

|JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. |communications status, identifying available resources, and |

| |determining resource access status. [Patent was pursuant to a |

| |Reexamination Request.] |

| | |

| |Frip: JP gettin’ into computer geek stuff. |

|Secure payment card transactions; US 9,082,120 B2; 7/14/2015; CPC G06Q|Securing payment card transactions at a point of sale (POS) by |

|20/40; 20 claims; assigned to Shift4 Corporation. |intercepting, with a POS security layer installed on a POS terminal, |

| |payment data from the POS terminal, transmitting the payment data from|

| |the POS security layer to a server security application installed on a|

| |POS server, and providing false payment data from the POS security |

| |layer to a POS terminal application installed on the POS terminal. |

| | |

| |Frip: How does false payment data help? |

|System and method for guided passcode entry; US 9,082,121 B2; |Providing additional security to traditional secret PIN or passcode |

|7/14/2015; CPC G06Q 20/4012; 20 claims; assigned to MasterCard |entry systems by generating a randomized input sequence (order of |

|International Incorporated. |entry) and prompting the user to input the passcode according to the |

| |randomized input sequence, and more. |

| | |

| |Frip: So not only must you remember a password, you must possess the |

| |mentally dexterity to put it in a different order while under the |

| |pressure of public scrutiny? |

| |

|July 21, 2015 |


|Geography based transaction cost recovery; US 9,087,330 B2; 7/21/2015;|Relating to providing apparatus and methods for recovering a |

|CPC G06Q 20/401; 14 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |transaction cost in connection with a transaction between two or more |

| |transaction participants. |

| | |

| |Frip: BofA, reaching into your pocket? |

| |

|July 28, 2015 |


|System for packaging, processing, activating, and deactivating |Generally relating to a processing and activation system providing |

|multiple individual transaction cards as a singular unit; US 9,092,764|consumers with the ability to purchase transaction cards, i.e., gift |

|B2; 7/28/2015; CPC G06Q 20/20; 20 claims; assigned to Blackhawk |cards, debit cards, and credit cards, of various affiliated or |

|Network, Inc. |non-affiliated service providers in a singular prepackaged assembly.  |

| | |

| |Frip: Don’t have enough cards in your wallet now? Then sign up. |

|Trusted internal interface; US 9,092,769 B2; 7/28/2015; CPC G06Q |Directed to a system, apparatus, and method for enabling the |

|20/322; 11 claims; assigned to Visa International Service Association.|communication and secure transfer of data between applications |

| |installed in a payment device, such as a smart card, mobile phone, or |

| |device with an embedded chip, the invention permitting the local |

| |(i.e., within the payment device) transfer of data between |

| |applications installed in the payment device by providing one or more |

| |interfaces between an installed payment application and each |

| |additional application.  |

| | |

| |Frip: The world is getting far too complex. |

|Bank account protection method utilizing a variable assigning request |Directed to a novel method of substantially, if not totally, |

|string generator and receiver algorithm; US 9,092,778 B2; 7/28/2015; |eliminating financial account fraud through the implementation of a |

|CPC G06Q 20/3821; 4 claims; assigned to Varsgen, LLC. |specific algorithm that permits a financial institution the means to |

| |communicate directly and nearly instantaneously with an account holder|

| |for verification purposes during a financial transaction, the overall |

| |system depending on a string variable method that accords a limited |

| |number of representations to all the words and numbers of a specific |

| |human language in order to provide a suitable machine language |

| |translation for the capability of communicating quickly and |

| |effectively between a financial institution, an account holder, and |

| |possibly, a third party. |

| | |

| |Frip: Software per se maybe? |

| |

|August 4, 2015 |


|Mobile electronic wallet; US 9,098,844 B2; 8/4/2015; CPC G06Q 20/32; |Providing a mechanism to verify identification of a user of a mobile |

|25 claims; assigned to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. |electronic wallet and incorporate user ID into remote data exchange, |

| |including remote financial transactions, with one or more networked |

| |devices. |

| | |

| |Frip: Biometric analysis is mentioned, as in Big Bro is on your case. |

|Contactless automated teller machine; US 9,098,846 B2; 8/4/2015; CPC |Providing an automated teller machine, computer product, method, or a |

|G06Q 20/322; 25 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |combination of the foregoing for receiving a contactless transmission,|

| |the invention being particularly directed to an ATM capable of |

| |receiving data from an external apparatus via a contactless |

| |interface.  |

| | |

| |Frip: Can you signal the ATM from home and have a robot deliver the |

| |cash? |

| |

|August 11, 2015 |


|Bill-pay integration; US 9,105,018 B2; 8/11/2015; CPC G06Q 20/102; 6 |Providing a treasury management system that may include a central |

|claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |management apparatus ("CMA") controlled by a drawee bank, the CMA |

| |including a second non-transitory computer readable medium having |

| |second computer readable program code embodied therein, a second |

| |processor being configured to execute the second computer readable |

| |program code, which may configure the CMA to receive the first payment|

| |information from the bill-pay vendor.  |

| | |

| |Frip: Lotta words, but what the hell do they mean? |

|Enhanced near field communications attachment; US 9,105,025 B2; |Providing a secure fob that enables a user to pay for an item or items|

|8/11/2015; CPC G06Q 20/3278; 24 claims; assigned to Capital One |without needing to present a mobile device, the fob including a |

|Financial Corporation. |proximity capability to ensure that a mobile device is within a |

| |particular range, thereby eliminating the risk of fraudulent charges |

| |on a stolen fob. |

| | |

| |Frip: Why not steal both the fob and the mobile device? |

|Systems and methods for providing a benefit product with periodic |Relating generally to systems and methods for providing a user with |

|guaranteed minimum income; US 9,105,063 B2; 8/11/2015; CPC G06Q 40/06;|guaranteed minimum income payments and, more particularly, to systems |

|20 claims; assigned to Genworth Holdings, Inc. |and methods for guaranteeing minimum periodic income payments in |

| |association with a benefit product.  |

|See also US 9,105,065. | |

| |Frip: Guaranteed minimum income? I’m thinking $200,000 per year. |

| |

|August 18, 2015 |


|Methods and systems for processing electronic transactions and |Related to network-based systems and methods for processing and |

|managing vehicle costs; US 9,111,277 B2; 8/18/2015; CPC G06Q 20/401; |tracking electronic transactions relating to a vehicle wherein the |

|28 claims; assigned to MasterCard International Incorporated. |transaction is initiated by a cardholder having a transaction account.|

| | |

| |Frip: Sorta like your car having its own credit card. |

|General purpose messaging; US 9,111,280 B2; 8/18/2015; CPC G06Q 30/00;|Relating to systems and methods for enabling entities, such as |

|16 claims; assigned to Visa International Service Association. |issuers, merchants, payment processing networks, and mobile-network |

| |operators, to send account-related messages and marketing messages to |

| |a user's mobile device in response to a message request sent from the |

| |user's mobile device. |

| | |

| |Frip: Great, more drivel on your mobile device. |

|System and method for custom service markets; US 9,111,314 B2; |Embodiments of the present invention include methods for providing a |

|8/18/2015; CPC G06Q 30/0641; 15 claims; assigned to Visa International|custom service market to service providers and developers, as well as |

|Service Association. |potential users of such services who conduct various electronic |

| |transactions and communications, and a market place for buying and |

| |selling specific services or products that can directly or indirectly |

| |benefit, support or enable their particular electronics transaction |

| |and communication needs. |

| | |

| |Frip: Huh? |

| |

|August 25, 2015 |


|Systems and methods for randomized mobile payment; US 9,117,210 B2; |Relating to providing payment using randomized temporary account |

|8/25/2015; CPC G06Q 20/385; 26 claims. |numbers and systems and methods for obtaining and using randomized |

| |temporary account numbers on a mobile device. |

| | |

| |Frip: The world is getting trickier. |

|System and method for authentication using speaker verification |Directed to systems and methods that allow for cardholder verification|

|techniques and fraud model; US 9,117,212 B2; 8/25/2015; CPC G06Q |using voice biometric techniques. |

|20/4014; 20 claims; assigned to Visa International Service | |

|Association. |Frip: Can you fool a voice authentication device? |

|Electronic transaction risk management; US 9,117,213 B2; 8/25/2015; |Providing a method of detecting unauthorized activity in an electronic|

|CPC G06Q 20/4016; 10 claims; assigned to Royal Canadian Mint. |message transfer system comprising a plurality of devices, each device|

| |being configured to generate and receive cryptographically secured |

| |transfer messages for exchanging content with other devices in the |

| |system, audit information being accumulated in a memory of each |

| |device. |

| | |

| |Frip: Eh? |

| |

|September 1, 2015 |


|Online transactions using an embedded storefront widget; US 9,123,064 |Providing a method and system of using widgets embedded in web pages |

|B2; 9/1/2015; CPC G06Q 30/06; 18 claims; assigned to American Express |as virtual storefronts, the method involving a user of a social |

|Travel Related Services Company, Inc. |networking site creating a merchant account with a transaction service|

| |provider, embedding a storefront widget provided by the transaction |

| |service provider in the user's profile page on the social networking |

| |site, using the storefront widget to input information about products |

| |that the user is selling, having other users of the social networking |

| |site viewing the user's profile page and the storefront widget display|

| |of the products the user is selling, and having the other users |

| |interacting with the storefront widget to purchase the products. |

| | |

| |Frip: Have always wondered just what the heck is a widget. |

| |

|September 15, 2015 |


|Internal management of contact requests; US 9,135,593 B2; 9/15/2015; |Providing for systems, devices, apparatus, methods, and computer |

|CPC G06Q 10/06311; 54 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation.|program products for allowing a first agent associated with an entity |

| |to initiate contact with a second agent associated with the entity via|

| |a contact entry point that is displayed on an interface page, the |

| |process enabling a first agent to contact other agents associated with|

| |the entity in a faster, more efficient, and better informed manner. |

| | |

| |Frip: Why not just pick up the phone? |

|System and method for managing issuance of financial accounts; US |Providing a system for managing issuance of a financial account such |

|9,135,614 B2; 9/15/2015; CPC G06Q 20/24; 11 claims; assigned to Visa |as a corporate meeting account for use in making purchases related to |

|U.S.A. Inc. |a meeting. |

| | |

| |Frip: A patent on a meeting?! |

| |

|September 22, 2015 |


|Control system arrangements and methods for disparate network systems;|Relating generally to computer-automated devices, systems and methods,|

|US 9,141, 948 B2; 9/22/2015; CPC G06Q 20/20; 27 claims; assigned to |and as an example, to systems and methods for automated computer |

|U.S. Bank National Association. |systems and networks implemented as may be found in a control center |

| |of a financial institution.  |

| | |

| |Frip: A little broad, don’t you think? |

| |

|September 29, 2015 |


|Control system arrangements and methods for disparate network systems;|Relating generally to computer-automated devices, systems, and |

|US 9,147,184 B2; 9/29/2015; CPC G06Q 20/20; 20 claims; assigned to |methods, and as an example, to systems and methods for automated |

|U.S. Bank National Association. |computer systems and networks implemented as may be found in a control|

| |center of a financial institution. |

| | |

| |Frip: Here’s my conglomerate of a computer system. Gimme a patent. |

|System and method for controlling financial transactions over a |Providing a method for completing financial transactions at point of |

|wireless network; US 9,147,185 B2; 9/29/2015; CPC G06Q 20/206; 18 |sale locations by using a wireless device, such as a wireless |

|claims; assigned to Unwired Planet, LLC. |telephone or a pager. |

| | |

| |Frip: What’s a pager? |

|Electronic currency and authentication system and method; US 9,147,188|Providing a method of certifying electronic money corresponding to |

|B2; 9/29/2015; CPC G06Q 20/381; 31 claims; assigned to Tectonics. |cash received by a mobile network operator, the method involving the |

| |generation of an electronic money validator for certifying electronic |

| |money, and attaching the electronic money validator to electronic |

| |money originated by the mobile network operator when a cash deposit is|

| |received from a mobile subscriber for deposit into the mobile |

| |subscriber's account that is administered by the mobile network |

| |operator.  |

| | |

| |Frip: Money sure is getting complicated. |

| |

|October 6, 2015 |


|System and method for downloading an electronic product to a pin-pad |Transmitting to a network gateway a transaction proposal for an |

|terminal after validating an electronic shopping basket entry; US |electronic product from a network device, receiving a response that |

|9,152,957 B2; 10/6/2015; CPC G06Q 20/202; 30 claims; assigned to The |includes a transaction pointer associated with the electronic product,|

|Toronto-Dominion Bank. |an electronic cash register receiving an indication of a proposed |

| |payment amount for the electronic product, a pin-pad terminal |

| |receiving from the electronic cash register confirmation of entry of |

| |the electronic product in an electronic shopping basket maintained by |

| |the electronic cash register, the terminal validating the confirmation|

| |of entry of the electronic product from a comparison with the |

| |transaction proposal response, and the transaction being completed. |

| | |

| |Frip: Whew. |

| |

|October 13, 2015 |


|Method and apparatus for object security session validation; US |Relating to token-based rules, tokens, alarms, security systems, and |

|9,159,065 B2; 10/13/2015; CPC G06Q 20/4016; 30 claims; assigned to |whatever. |

|Bank of America Corportion. | |

| |Frip: Locked out of yer car? BofA’s got a token for ya. |

|Systems and methods to communication via a merchant aggregator; US |Relating to the processing of transactions, such as payments made via |

|9,159,084 B2; 10/13/2015; CPC G06Q 30/0256; 25 claims; assigned to |credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, etc., and/or providing |

|VISA International Service Association. |information based on the processing of the transaction data. |

| | |

| |Frip: A patent on communicating? |

|System and method for communicating with an electronic exchange in an |Directed to tools for an improved remote connection in an electronic |

|electronic trading environment; US 9,159,097 B2; 10/13/2015; CPC G06Q |trading environment. |

|30/08; 16 claims; assigned to Trading Technologies International, Inc.| |

| |Frip: Nothing like being specific. |

|System for clearing financial transactions; US 9,159,098 B2; |Providing a system for clearing financial transactions in which a |

|10/13/2015; CPC G06Q 40/00; 10 claims; assigned to Visa Cape Town |plurality of banking institutions are each enabled to communicate with|

|(PTY) Ltd. (ZA). |each other and with at least one clearing house and each banking |

| |institution has a computerised server programmed to address clearance |

| |requests to at least some of the plurality of banking institutions in |

| |the system by way of a particular route, and more. |

| | |

| |Frip: Clearing, smearing, ho hum. |

|Client deposit tracking; US 9,159,102 B2; 10/13/2015; CPC G06Q 40/02; |Providing an apparatus and methods for client deposit tracking, the |

|8 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |methods including preparing depositable items for transfer, |

| |transferring the items to maybe a vault, the depositable items maybe |

| |including cash and/or checks, the cash maybe including coins or any |

| |suitable depositable item. |

| | |

| |Frip: Coins? are they still around? Does your smart phone have a slot |

| |for them? |

| |

|October 20, 2015 |


|Payment transaction by email; US 9,165,291 B1; 10/20/2015; CPC G06Q |Sending payment from a person (e.g., a consumer) to another over |

|20/10; 16 claims; assigned to Square, Inc. |e-mail without requiring any sign-up or login procedure, the |

| |technology including, in at least one embodiment, the receipt of a |

| |service request email generated by a native email application on a |

| |consumer's device, verification of the email using information |

| |included in the email, and initiation of the service as requested |

| |based on the information. |

| | |

| |Frip: “Here’s your 10 bucks. Don’t spend it all in one place.” |

|Systems and methods for a network-to-network interface; US 9,165,292 |A first network message, received at a network interface device, |

|B2; 10/20/2015; CPC G06Q 20/16; 18 claims; assigned to MasterCard |containing financial transaction data from a first one of a plurality |

|International Incorporated. |of multiprotocol label switching networks; process involves |

| |determining a destination of the financial transaction data from the |

| |network message, transmitting the financial transaction data to a |

| |second one of the plurality of multiprotocol label switching networks |

| |using a second network containing the financial transaction data, |

| |where at least one of the first one and the second one of the |

| |plurality of multiprotocol label switching networks is a |

| |satellite-based network. |

| | |

| |Frip: Another innovation in message sending? Or is Frip confused? |

|Systems and methods for waveform transmission of transaction card |Relating generally to a portable computer device configured to |

|data; US 9,165,293 B2; 10/20/2015; CPC G06Q 20/20; 22 claims; assigned|transmit transaction card data in a waveform to a merchant |

|to MasterCard International Incorporated. |point-of-sale (POS) device and, more particularly, to a method and |

| |system for converting magnetic stripe data coupled to a payment card |

| |into transaction card data that mimics the magnetic stripe data, and |

| |transmitting the transaction card data as a wave signal from the |

| |computer system to a merchant POS device. |

| | |

| |Frip: A Master’s in EE meets a Master’s in Finance. The result? |

| |Confusion. |

|Method for using barcodes and mobile devices to conduct payment |Facilitating payment transactions by integrating the image capture and|

|transactions; US 9,165,294 B2; 10/20/2015; CPC G06Q 20/3276; 24 |image processing capabilities of certain mobile devices with the |

|claims; assigned to Visa International Service Association. |card-based payment transaction infrastructure, a camera contained in a|

| |mobile device being used in some embodiments to capture an image of a |

| |barcode that is visible on the surface of a substrate. |

| | |

| |Frip: Sayonara real, tangible monies. |

|Automated card information exchange pursuant to a commercial |Relating to a multi-function smart card and method for automated |

|transaction; US 9,165,295 B2; 10/20/2015; CPC G06Q 20/3278; 20 claims.|information exchange pursuant to a commercial transaction. |

| | |

| |Frip: Must be smart-card-in-the-payment-system-week at the Patent |

| |Office. |

|Wireless devices for storing a financial account card and methods for |Providing wireless devices capable of storing a financial account card|

|storing card data in a wireless device; US 9,165,296 B2; 10/20/2015; |and methods for storing card data in a wireless device, and in |

|CPC G06Q 20/3567; 40 claims; assigned to Capital One Financial |particular providing a wireless device capable of reading card data |

|Corporation. |from a financial account card that is inserted into the wireless |

| |device, the wireless device then storing the card data and |

| |transmitting the card data by radio frequency. |

| | |

| |Frip: All those ions flowing through the air probably cause cancer. |

|Virtual account and token-based digital cash protocols; US 9,165,297 |Using a combination of blind digital signatures and pseudonym |

|B2; 10/20/2015; CPC G06Q 20/40; 4 claims; assigned to King Fahd |authentication having at least two pairs of public and private keys, |

|University of Petroleum and Minerals (SA). |the protocols ensuring anonymity when withdrawing digital cash tokens |

| |from the user's account under the user's real identity, in addition to|

| |providing pseudonym authentication when spending digital cash tokens |

| |from pseudonym-identified virtual accounts. |

| | |

| |Frip: Does KFU have cheerleaders for its football team? |

|Method and system for generating and sharing customized portable |Directed to systems and methods for allowing consumers to generate |

|consumer devices; US 9,165,306 B2; 10/20/2015; CPC G06Q 30/42; 17 |customized designs and/or generate customized sets of terms for |

|claims; assigned to Visa U.S.A. Inc. |portable consumer devices, and to share these customized designs |

| |and/or sets of terms with others. |

| | |

| |Frip: Hey Visa, you’re not getting distracted from protecting my |

| |money, are you? |

| |

|October 27, 2015 |


|Risk-based transaction authentication; US 9,171,306 B1; 10/27/2015; |Providing an apparatus and methods for evaluating risk associated with|

|CPC G06Q 30/0185; 21 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |a transaction between a customer and a service provider, and in |

| |particular relating to an apparatus and methods for reducing fraud in |

| |a transaction involving a customer and a financial services provider. |

| | |

| |Frip: Claim 1 has 436 words, so something must be happening. |

|Search term hit counts in an electronic discovery system; US 9,171,310|Relating to systems, apparatus, methods, and computer program products|

|B2; 10/27/2015; CPC G06Q 30/02; 12 claims; assigned to Bank of America|for electronic discovery and, in particular, providing a collaborative|

|Corporation. |interface accessible to all individuals relevant to the search term |

| |creation process (e.g., case analysts, data processors, data reviewers|

| |or the like), such that any designated individual can provide search |

| |term creation inputs, and in addition, providing for tracking of the |

| |search term creation process, such that modifications (e.g., |

| |additions, deletions, changes) to the search terms are tracked prior |

| |to finalizing the search term set, and more.  |

| | |

| |Frip: A cynic would say that BofA has been sued so much, of course it |

| |knows all about document review and e-discovery. |

|Hybrid virtual account and token-based digital cash protocols; US |Relating to digital payment methods, and more particularly, to digital|

|9,171,324 B2; 10/27/2015; CPC G06Q 30/06; 19 claims; assigned to King |cash tokens spendable from virtual accounts using secure protocol |

|Fahd University Of Petroleum And Minerals (SA). |methods, the system involving many pairs of secret and public keys.  |

| | |

| |Frip: So with oil running out, the Saudis are turning to virtual |

| |money? |

|Due diligence systems with integrated indication of required action; |Relating to systems and methods that facilitate the performance of due|

|US 9,171,333 B2; 10/27/2015; CPC G06Q 40/12; 26 claims; assigned to |diligence in an electronic environment, and more particularly, to |

|NASDAQ, INC. |virtual data rooms where users can access documents and other |

| |information in performing dynamic due diligence.  |

| | |

| |Frip: Want a patent? Then learn to use words like “virtual” and |

| |“dynamic.” |

| |

|November 3, 2015 |


|System for providing cardless payment; US 9,177,302 B2; 11/3/2015; CPC|Providing a system and method for enabling an account-holder to use |

|G06Q 20/04; 17 claims; assigned to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. |his or her transaction card or a transaction account without actually |

| |having a card present at the time of purchase, this being accomplished|

| |by cross-linking the account-holder's phone number, or other alias |

| |that is selected by the account-holder, to the transaction card |

| |number, such as a credit card number, and providing the customer with |

| |a corresponding "personal identification entry" (PIE) that can be |

| |changed immediately upon receipt so that it is a number that the |

| |account-holder can easily remember. |

| | |

| |Frip: In Frip’s deteriorating stage of life, no number is easily |

| |remembered. |

|Wearable financial indicator; US 9,177,307 B2; 11/3/2015; CPC G06Q |Being a wearable article, such as but not limited to a watch, |

|20/20; 47 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |wristband, or ring, configured for indicating financial information to|

| |a customer, the wearable article including a communication device |

| |configured for receiving a financial indicator from a server, the |

| |indicator being communicated by the server in accordance with a |

| |financial indicator profile pre-established by the customer, a user |

| |output device, such as a display, being configured for communicating |

| |user output, such as a colored light, to the customer based at least |

| |in part on the financial indicator, the wearable article being |

| |configured to communicate with the server through a mobile terminal, |

| |such as a mobile phone, an Internet hot spot, a mobile telephony |

| |system, a payment network, a point-of-sale terminal, or the like, and |

| |the wearable article being configured to communicate with a |

| |point-of-sale terminal so that the wearable article can also be used |

| |as a payment device. |

| | |

| |Frip: Yikes! My watch just bought a car! |

|Readable indicia for fuel purchase; US 9,177,308 B2; 11/3/2015; CPC |Directed to purchasing fuel for a vehicle from a fuel station, an |

|G06Q 20/20; 14 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |exemplary apparatus being configured to receive pre-configured |

| |information associated with an information-providing source associated|

| |with at least one of the fuel station or a fuel pump at the fuel |

| |station, to determine identification information associated with the |

| |fuel pump that will be used for fueling the vehicle, and to transmit a|

| |purchase authorization request to an external server based on the |

| |identification information and the pre-configured information. |

| | |

| |Frip: Hey BofA, fill’er up. And be quick about it. |

|Mobile device and application for remote deposit of check images |Being a check image generator application that generates a remote |

|received from payors; US 9,177,310 B2; 11/3/2015; CPC G06Q 20/3223; 12|deposit capture (RDC) compatible check image that is sent from a |

|claims; assigned to Tyfone, Inc. |sender mobile device to a recipient mobile device, the image maybe |

| |passing through a server and maybe being encrypted, the recipient |

| |mobile device receiving the RDC compatible check image and forwarding |

| |it to a financial institution for deposit. |

| | |

| |Frip: So you take a picture of a check and get a patent? |

|System and method for issuing, circulating and trading financial |Issuing, circulating and trading financial instruments with smart |

|instruments with smart features; US 9,177,313 B1; 11/3/2015; CPC G06Q |features, such instruments maybe comprising a document portion and a |

|20/36; 13 claims; assigned to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. |token device attached to or embedded in the document portion, the |

| |token device being configured to provide a unique address for the |

| |financial instrument, the unique address including a device identifier|

| |that matches at least in part the document portion and a network |

| |address that changes based on a network location of the financial |

| |instrument, the system enabling the tracking of the financial |

| |instrument. |

| | |

| |Frip: Big Bro, eh JP? |

|Establishing direct, secure transaction channels between a device and |Relating to methods and systems of electronic transactions and |

|a plurality of service providers; US 9,177,315 B2; 11/3/2015; CPC G06Q|particularly relating to mobile secure electronic transactions, |

|20/3829; 6 claims; assigned to MasterCard Mobile Transactions |including transactions that are provided with per-user, per-device, |

|Solutions, Inc. |and per-domain security across domains of multiple service providers. |

| | |

| |Frip: We don’t stand a chance. |

|Mobile monetary transactions and banking for rural populations; US |Relating generally to conducting monetary transactions using a mobile |

|9,177,316 B2; 11/3/2015; CPC G06Q 20/388; 23 claims. |device and particularly to a solution wherein a user can conduct |

| |secure transactions after using a USB-based memory stick for |

| |authentication, authorization, and security. |

| | |

| |Frip: A thumb drive, the last word in security. |

|System and method for consumer protection; US 9,177,317 B2; 11/3/2015;|Relating to a system and method for protection of private information,|

|CPC G06Q 20/40; 18 claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |and, more specifically, to a system for combating website spoofing |

| |through personalization and customization. |

| | |

| | Frip: So, another anti-spoofing patent. BofA taking all the fun out |

| |of life. |

| |

|November 10, 2015 |


|Transaction processing using a global unique identifier; US 9,183,555 |Using a Globally Unique IDentifier (GUID) to match an authorization |

|B2; 11/10/2015; CPC G06Q 20/4014; 18 claims; assigned to VISA U.S.A. |request with an authorization response for a transaction between a |

|Inc. |merchant and a consumer upon an account within a payment processing |

| |system where the payment amount is unknown until after the merchant |

| |receives the authorization response that includes the GUID.  |

| | |

| |Frip: Huh? |

| |

|November 17, 2015 |


|Systems and methods for operating transaction terminals; US 9,189,786 |Providing a payment reader and terminal that allow processing of |

|B2; 11/17/15; CPC G06Q 20/327; 5 claims; assigned to MasterCard |payment card transactions, including transactions involving |

|International Incorporated. |contactless and other payment devices, the reader and terminal being |

| |adapted in some embodiments to processing transactions in a |

| |synchronized manner such that the reader requests data from the |

| |terminal and the terminal can allow for piecemeal or stepped reading |

| |of information from the reader and the payment device, thus ensuring |

| |that the reader does not move to the next phase of a transaction until|

| |the terminal has confirmed that the reading phase has been completed. |

| | |

| |Frip: Whaa? |

|Customer service controller; US 9,189,790 B2; 11/17/15; CPC G06Q |Relating to systems and methods for providing information about a |

|30/016; 21 claims; assigned to Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. |caller to an agent, such as a customer service operator in a customer |

| |service call center, in one embodiment the agent receiving detailed |

| |account and/or personal information about the caller before being |

| |connected to the actual or live call, the customer database and the |

| |order database being external to the call center. |

| | |

| |Frip: Wow! What a concept! |

| |

|November 24, 2015 |


|Remote deposit capture compatible check image generation; US 9,195,974|Generating a remote deposit capture (RDC) compatible check image that |

|B2; 11/24/2015; CPC G06Q 20/0425; 20 claims; assigned to Tyfone, Inc. |is sent from a sender mobile device to a recipient mobile device, that|

| |may be encrypted, and that is forwarded to a financial institution for|

| |deposit. |

| | |

| |Frip: Scary. |

|Delivery of information services to personal devices; US 9,195,975 B2;|Relating generally to the delivery of information services to |

|11/24/2015; CPC G06Q 20/08; 11 claims; assigned to MasterCard |customers (for example, consumers and corporate employees) and, more |

|International Incorporated. |particularly, to the delivery of such information services to personal|

| |devices held by such customers, one particular embodiment concerning a|

| |display card based information service, other embodiments including |

| |other form factors of personal devices, such as key fobs, PDAs, mobile|

| |phones, and so on. |

| | |

| |Frip: Excuse me, my key fob is calling. |

|System and method for remote deposit system; US 9,195,977 B2; |Receiving facsimile data corresponding to facsimile of a plurality of |

|11/24/2015; CPC G06Q 20/108; 5 claims; assigned to EFT Network, Inc. |checks, constructing digitized images of the checks as a function of |

| |the facsimile data, gathering check data from each of the digitized |

| |images, and processing the check data according to a check processing |

| |procedure to settle transactions referenced by each of the checks. |

| | |

| |Frip: So which is real money, a check or a facsimile thereof? |

|Dynamic query sequences for retrieval of negotiable instrument image; |Relating to dynamic query sequences for requesting images of financial|

|US 9,195,978 B1; 11/24/2015; CPC G06Q 20/108; 38 claims; assigned to |documents such as negotiable instruments including checks from a data |

|Intuit Inc. |store or image server, the query sequences being dynamic and changing |

| |over time in contrast to static or fixed query sequences that are |

| |currently utilized. |

| | |

| |Frip: Intuit talks a different language than the rest of us. |

|System and method for authorizing transactions via mobile devices; US |Receiving a transaction code generated by a mobile phone via a first |

|9,195,981 B2; 11/24/2015; CPC G06Q 20/322; 21 claims; assigned to IMS |channel, comparing it to the transaction code received from a merchant|

|Health Incorporated. |system via a second channel, and if the codes correspond, processing |

| |the transaction. |

| | |

| |Frip: What if your only mobile device is a bicycle? |

|Systems and methods for processing transactions using a wallet; US |Providing a wallet vault, in the form of a tangibly embodied |

|9,195,984 B1; 11/24/2015; CPC G06Q 20/3674; 21 claims; assigned to |processing machine, disposed in communication with a financial payment|

|JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. |network, the wallet vault comprising a communication portion that |

| |inputs and outputs information and a processing portion that may |

| |perform processing including storing token information of a customer |

| |and real credentials of the customer. |

| | |

| |Frip: You’re not just making stuff up, are you JP? |

| |

|December 1, 2015 |


|Methods and apparatus for providing and operating an enhanced payment |Providing improved methods and apparatus for providing and operating a|

|display card with network support; US 9,202,214 B2; 12/1/2015; CPC |payment card with a display which allows payment network support, |

|G06Q 20/341; 8 claims; assigned to MasterCard International |allowing payment cardholders to use their payment card in different |

|Incorporated. |ways.  |

| | |

| |Frip: Another step forward for mankind (and womankind too). |

|Using mobile device to monitor for electronic bank card communication;|Permitting a bank customer's consumer electronics (CE) device to |

|US 9,202,212 B1; 12/1/2015; CPC G06Q 20/3227; 15 claims; assigned to |passively eavesdrops on near field communications (NFC) between the |

|Sony Corporation (JP). |customer's electronic debit or credit card (e-card) and a third |

| |device, the customer being alerted, when such communication is |

| |detected from the e-card, to possibly fraudulent "fishing" of the |

| |e-card data by a nearby theft device. |

| | |

| |Frip: Near field communications. Cool. |

| |

|December 8, 2015 |


|System and method for facilitating online transactions; US 9,208,485 |Facilitating online transactions, the method including supplying |

|B2; 12/8/2015; CPC G06Q 20/26; 18 claims; assigned to American Express|content for display in a frame of a website hosted by a third-party, |

|Travel Related Services Company, Inc. |and also including receiving transaction information from the |

| |third-party, returning a token to the frame, the token including state|

| |information based on the transaction information, passing the token |

| |from the frame to the third-party, and optionally receiving the token |

| |from the third-party and transferring funds from a first account to a |

| |second account based on the transaction information and the state |

| |information. |

| | |

| |Frip: Huh? |

|Facilitating establishing trust for a conducting direct secure |Providing methods and systems for supporting electronic transactions, |

|electronic transactions between a user and a financial service |including transactions that are provided with per-user, per-device, |

|providers; US 9,208,490 B2; 12/8/2015; CPC G06Q 20/3829; 10 claims; |and per-domain security across domains of multiple service providers. |

|assigned to MasterCard Mobile Transactions Solutions, Inc. | |

| |Frip: A kitchen-sink patent? |

|Low latency financial data network architecture; US 9,208,523 B2; |Providing improved financial data network systems and methods that |

|12/8/2015; CPC G06Q 40/04; 20 claims; assigned to Dell Products L.P. |allow for the communication of financial market data and the execution|

| |of market trades with reduced levels of network latency. |

| | |

| |Frip: Yeah, that latency is bad stuff. Once had a case of it my own |

| |self. |

| |

|December 15, 2015 |


|Machine, methods, and program product for electronic inventory |Relating generally to electronic inventory management, and more |

|tracking; US 9,213,965 B1; 12/15/2015; CPC G06Q 20/085; 5 claims; |specifically, to machines, methods, and program products for |

|assigned to MetaBank. |facilitating electronic inventory management of products through |

| |messaging over existing financial services electronic payment |

| |networks. |

| | |

| |Frip: Should flow charts be patentable? |

|Investment, trading and accounting management system; US 9,213,993 B2;|Relating generally to an investment, trading and accounting management|

|12/15/2015; CPC G06Q 40/06; 21 claims; assigned to American Financial |system and method to manage investments under various accounting |

|Group, Inc. |methodologies effective dated for events occurring in the life of the |

| |security, effective dating ensuring that the full financial effect of |

| |an event will be reported "as-of" a specific date, regardless of the |

| |date it occurred, or the date it entered the system. |

| | |

| |Frip: Should systems really be patentable? |

| |

|December 22, 2015 |


|Portable e-wallet and universal card; US 9,218,598 B2; 12/22/2015; CPC|Providing a method for use in a system comprising a card reader in |

|G06Q 20/3829; assigned to GoNow Technologies, LLC. |communication with a computing device and a universal card in wireless|

| |communication with the computing device, wherein the computing device |

| |comprises an application and the universal card comprises a secure |

| |element and a dynamic magnetic stripe. |

| | |

| |Frip: Devices, cards, you need a backpack to carry all this stuff. |

| |

|December 29, 2015 |


|Encoding a magnetic stripe of a card with data of multiple cards; US |Providing a method and apparatus for encoding a magnetic stripe area |

|9,224,141 B1; 12/29/2015; CPC G06Q 20/341; 26 claims; assigned to |of a magnetic stripe card with account data from multiple cards, such |

|Square, Inc. |as account data from a driver's license and from various payment |

| |cards, such as a credit card, a debit card, and a pre-paid gift card. |

| | |

| |Frip: In other words, you got your whole life on one piece of plastic.|

| |Best you don’t lose it. |

|Retrieving product information from embedded sensors via mobile device|Providing methods, apparatuses, systems, and computer program products|

|video analysis; US 9,224,166 B2; 12/29/2015; CPC G06Q 30/0623; 48 |for using video analysis to process video streams and, more |

|claims; assigned to Bank of America Corporation. |specifically, to access product information from embedded sensors and |

| |present information associated with the product to the user, which |

| |information may be presented via augmented reality (AR) or the like. |

| | |

| |Frip: Frip’s love life could use a little AR. |


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