Cardholder Guide to Benefits - Barclaycard


Visa Signature?

Cardholder Guide to Benefits

Important information. Please read and save. This Guide supersedes any guide or program description You may have received earlier. This Guide to Benefits contains detailed information about insurance and retail protection services available to You as a Visa Signature cardholder.

Visa Guide to Benefits Benefits that are always with You

Welcome to Your new Guide to Benefits. Please read carefully, each benefit description provides You with the details on what coverage You have and any exclusions and restrictions.

This Guide includes important details about the benefits that come with Your card at no additional cost. Review this Guide and keep it in a safe place so You know how to make the most of Your benefits when You need them.

The benefits, as described in this Guide, apply to purchases made with Your Visa Signature Card on or after the effective date, and this Guide then replaces any Summary or other program description You may have received earlier.

From time to time benefits may be modified, updated or removed. Your current Guide to Benefits is available on the customer website at .


Key Terms


Warranty Manager


Price Protection


Purchase Assurance


Satisfaction Guarantee


ID Theft ProtectionTM


Concierge Services


Travel and Emergency Assistance Services 18

Baggage Delay


Trip Cancellation and Interruption


Travel Accident Insurance


Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver


Cellular Telephone Protection


Account and Billing Information


Legal Disclosure


Questions about these benefits? Call: 844-252-7831



The terms below provide definitions for the bolded words used throughout the document. More specific terms are included in individual benefit explanations, where appropriate, and supersede the terms here.

Administrator means Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc for all benefits other than Warranty Manager Services and Auto Rental CDW. The administrator is Card Benefit Services for Warranty Manager Service and Auto Rental CDW. You may contact the administrator if You have questions regarding this coverage or would like to make a claim. The administrator can be reached by phone at 844-252-7831.

Authorized User means an individual who is authorized to make purchases on the covered card by the cardholder and is recorded by the Participating Organization on its records as being an authorized user.

Cardholder means the person who has been issued an account by the Participating Organization for the covered card.

Charge means any non-refundable amount paid to a travel supplier.

Common carrier means an air, land or water motorized transportation carrier operating under a regularly published schedule and current license as required by law for the conveyance of passengers. Common carrier does not include helicopters, taxis, rental cars, hired cars and private and contract carriers.

Covered card means the Visa Signature Card.

Destination means the place where You expect to travel on Your trip as indicated on Your common carrier ticket.

Domestic partner means an unmarried person in an intimate, committed relationship of mutual caring. They must share responsibility for basic living expenses with You. They must be at least eighteen (18) years old and not currently married and/or committed to another person.

Questions about these benefits? Call: 844-252-7831


Evidence of Coverage (EOC) means the document describing the terms, conditions, and exclusions. The EOC, Key Terms, and Legal Disclosures are the entire agreement between You and Us. Representations or promises made by anyone that are not contained in the EOC, Key Terms, or Legal Disclosures are not a part of Your coverage.

Family member means the spouse or domestic partner of You. It includes unmarried children of You under nineteen (19) years of age. It also includes unmarried children under twenty-six (26) years of age if a full-time student at an accredited college or university.

Injury means bodily injury caused by an accident that occurs while You are covered under this program, and results directly and independently of all other causes of loss. The injury must be verified by a physician.

Medically imposed restrictions means a restriction certified by Your physician prohibiting You from traveling on a common carrier.

Physician means a licensed medical, surgical, or dental practitioner acting within the scope of his or her license. The treating physician may not be You, Your family member, a traveling companion or related to You by blood.

Return destination means the place to which You expect to return from Your trip as indicated on Your common carrier ticket.

Sickness means an illness or disease that is diagnosed or treated by a physician.

Traveling companion means any individual(s) with whom You have arranged to travel on the same trip with the same itinerary and for which the cost of trip was charged to Your covered card.

Trip means a scheduled period of travel with a destination away from Your primary residence and return destination to Your primary residence using a common carrier.

Trip departure date means the date on which You are originally scheduled to leave on Your trip.

United States Dollars (USD) means the currency of the United States of America.

We, Us, and Our refer to New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG company.

You, Your and Yourself refer to the cardholder or authorized user of the covered card.

Questions about these benefits? Call: 844-252-7831



Warranty Manager Service provides You with valuable features to help manage, use and even extend the warranties of eligible items purchased with Your Visa Signature Card. You can access these features with a simple toll-free call. Services include Warranty Registration and Extended Warranty Protection on covered items.

Who is eligible for this benefit? You are eligible if You are a valid Cardholder of an eligible Visa Signature Card issued in the United States.

Warranty Registration Details

Why should I use Warranty Registration to register my purchases? You'll have peace of mind knowing that Your purchases' warranty information is registered and on file. Although Warranty Registration is not required for Extended Warranty Protection benefits, You are encouraged to take advantage of this valuable service. When arranging for a repair or replacement, instead of searching for critical documents, You can just pick up the phone and call the Benefit Administrator.

How do I register my purchases? To register an eligible purchase call 800-551-8472, or call collect outside the U.S. at 303-967-1096. The Benefit Administrator will provide the address to which You can send in the item's sales receipt and warranty information so this key information can be kept on file for You.

Extended Warranty Protection Details

How does Extended Warranty Protection work? Extended Warranty Protection doubles the time period of the original manufacturer's written U.S. repair warranty up to one (1) additional year on eligible warranties of three (3) years or less for items purchased entirely with Your eligible Visa Signature Card.

This benefit is limited to no more than the original price of the purchased item (as shown on Your Visa Signature card receipt), less shipping and handling fees, up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per claim and fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per Cardholder.

Questions about these benefits? Call: 800-551-8472


What about purchases made outside of the U.S.? Purchases made outside of the U.S. are covered as long as You purchased the item entirely with Your eligible Visa Signature card and the eligible item has a valid original manufacturer's written U.S. repair warranty of three (3) years or less, store-purchased dealer warranty, or assembler warranty.

What types of purchases are not covered? ? Boats, automobiles, aircraft, and any other motorized vehicles

and their motors, equipment, or accessories, including trailers and other items that can be towed by or attached to any motorized vehicle. ? Any costs other than those specifically covered under the terms of the original manufacturer's written U.S. repair warranty, as supplied by the original manufacturer, or other eligible warranty. ? Items purchased for resale, professional, or commercial use. ? Real estate and items which are intended to become part of real estate including, but not limited to, items that are hardwired or hard-plumbed, garage doors, garage door openers, and ceiling fans. ? Rented or leased items or items purchased on an installment plan and for which the entire purchase price was not paid in full at the time of the occurrence. ? Computer software. ? Medical equipment. ? Used or pre-owned items.

Should I keep copies of receipts or any other records? Not if You've already registered Your purchase. If You have not registered Your purchase, however, You should keep copies of Your Visa Signature card receipt, Your store receipt, the original manufacturer's written U.S. warranty, and any other applicable warranty in the event that You need to file a claim, as these documents will be required to verify Your claim.

Filling an Extended Warranty Protection Claim

How do I file a claim? Call the Benefit Administrator at 800-551-8472, or call collect outside the U.S. at 303-967-1096 immediately after the failure of a covered item. Please Note: If You do not notify the Benefit Administrator within sixty (60) days after the product failure, Your claim may be denied.

The Benefit Administrator will ask You for some preliminary claim information, direct You to the appropriate repair facility, and send You the appropriate claim form.

Gift recipients of eligible items are also covered by the claim process. However, a gift recipient must provide all the documents necessary to fully substantiate the claim. For faster filing, or to learn more about the Warranty Manager Service benefit, visit

Questions about these benefits? Call: 800-551-8472


What documents do I need to submit with my claim? Complete and sign the claim form sent to You by the Benefit Administrator and submit it within ninety (90) days of the product failure along with the following documents: ? Your Visa Signature Card receipt. ? The itemized store receipt. ? A copy of the original manufacturer's written U.S. warranty and

any other applicable warranty. ? A description and serial number of the item, and any other

documentation deemed necessary to substantiate Your claim (this includes bills and, if necessary, a copy of the maintenance record and receipts). ? The original repair order.

Please Note: All claims must be fully substantiated.

How will I be reimbursed? If You have substantiated Your claim and met the terms and conditions of the benefit, the item will be replaced or repaired at the Benefit Administrator's discretion, but for no more than the original purchase price of the covered item as recorded on Your Visa Signature card receipt, less shipping and handling fees, up to a maximum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per claim, and a maximum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) per Cardholder.

Under normal circumstances, reimbursement will take place within five (5) business days of receipt and approval of all required documents.

What about repairs? Extended Warranty Protection will pay the repair facility directly, or You may go to an authorized repair facility and file a claim for reimbursement. Only valid and reasonable repairs made at the manufacturer's authorized repair facility are covered.

In either case, the Benefit Administrator's payment, replacement, or repair made in good faith will fulfill the obligation under the benefit.

Do I have to file with my insurance company? No. However, if You have purchased or received a service contract or Extended Warranty, Extended Warranty Protection is supplemental to, and excess of, that coverage.

Additional Provisions for Warranty Manager Service

This benefit applies only to You, the eligible Visa Signature Cardholder, and to whomever receives the eligible gifts You purchase entirely with Your eligible Visa Signature Card.

You shall use due diligence and do all things reasonable to avoid or diminish any loss or damage to property protected by this benefit. This provision will not be unreasonably applied to avoid claims.

Questions about these benefits? Call: 800-551-8472


If You make any claim knowing it to be false or fraudulent in any respect including, but not limited to, the cost of repair services, no benefit shall exist for such claim and Your benefits may be canceled. Each claimant agrees that representations regarding claims will be accurate and complete. Any and all relevant provisions shall be void in any case of fraud, intentional concealment, or misrepresentation of material fact.

Once You report an occurrence, a claim file will be opened and shall remain open for six (6) months from the date of the damage or theft. No payment will be made on a claim that is not completely substantiated in the manner required by the Benefit Administrator.

After the Benefit Administrator has paid Your claim, all Your rights and remedies against any party in respect of this claim will be transferred to the Benefit Administrator to the extent of payment made to You. You must give the Benefit Administrator all assistance as may reasonably be required to secure all rights and remedies.

No legal action for a claim may be brought against the Provider until sixty (60) days after the Provider receives Proof of Loss. No legal action against the Provider may be brought more than two (2) years after the time for giving Proof of Loss. Further, no legal action may be brought against the Provider unless all the terms of this Guide to Benefits have been complied with fully.

The benefit is provided to eligible Visa Signature cardholders at no additional cost. The terms and conditions contained in this Guide to Benefits may be modified by subsequent endorsements. Modifications to the terms and conditions may be provided via additional Guide to Benefits mailings, statement inserts, or statement messages. The benefit described in this Guide to Benefits will not apply to Visa Signature cardholders whose accounts have been suspended or canceled.

Termination dates may vary by financial institutions. Your financial institution can cancel or non-renew the benefit, and if they do, they will notify You at least thirty (30) days in advance. This information is a description of the benefit provided to You as a Visa Signature Cardholder. Indemnity Insurance Company of North America ("Provider") is the underwriter of this benefit and is solely responsible for its administration and claims. The Benefit Administrator provides services on behalf of the Provider.

FORM #VWMGR 10K-50K-3YR ? 2013 (04/14)

Need to make a claim?

To file a claim call 800-551-8472

Questions about these benefits? Call: 800-551-8472



Ensure the advertisement clearly shows the same manufacturer, product and model number as Your original purchase.

Reimburses You for credit card price differences should You find a lower price advertised in print or online within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of purchase.

Key Terms

Auction (online or live) means a place or Internet site where items are sold through price bids, price quotes; or where prices fluctuate based on the number of people purchasing, or interested in purchasing a product. (Examples include, but are not limited to, eBay, Ubid, Yahoo, public or private live auctions, etc.).

Non-auction internet advertisements means advertisements posted on the Internet, by a non-Auction Internet merchant with a valid tax identification number. The advertisement must have been posted within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the date You purchased the product and must be for the identical item (advertisement must verify same manufacturer and model number). The printed version of the Internet advertisement must include the merchant's internet address and customer service telephone number, as well as the item including manufacturer, model number, sale price and date of publication.

Printed advertisements means advertisements appearing in a newspaper, magazine, store circular, or catalog which state the authorized dealer or store name, item (including make, model number), and sale price. The advertisement must have been published within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the date You purchased the product and must be for the identical item (advertisement must verify same manufacturer and model number).

Refer to Key Terms on page 2 for other definitions and words that appear in bold as well as Legal Disclosures at the end of this booklet.

Questions about these benefits? Call: 844-252-7831


A. To get coverage: You must purchase the new item entirely with Your Covered card and/or accumulated points from Your Covered card for Yourself or to give as a gift.

You must see either a Printed advertisement or Non-auction internet advertisement for the same product (advertisement must verify same manufacturer and model number) for a lower price within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of purchase as indicated on Your receipt.

B. The kind of coverage You receive: ? Purchases You make entirely with Your Covered card are

covered for one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of purchase as indicated on Your receipt for the difference between the price You paid and the lower price advertised. ? Items You purchase with Your Covered card and give as gifts also are covered. ? This coverage is secondary to any other applicable insurance or coverage available to You or the gift recipient including benefits provided by the retailer (including, but not limited to, refunds, exchanges, and store credits). Coverage is limited to only those amounts not covered by any other insurance or coverage, or retailer benefits (including, but not limited to, refunds, exchanges, and store credits).

C. Coverage limitations: Coverage is limited to the difference between the actual cost of the item (excluding taxes, storage, shipping, and handling costs) and the advertised lower price, up to $250 per claim. There is a maximum of four (4) claims per Cardholder account per twelve (12) month period.

D. What is NOT covered: ? Any item purchased from an Internet site whose primary

purpose is not the sale of the item or related items. ? Items purchased for resale, rental, professional, or commercial use. ? Jewelry, art, used or antique items; collectibles of any kind (such

as items designed for people to collect or items that over time become collectibles); recycled, previously owned, refurbished, rebuilt, or remanufactured items. ? Customized/personalized, one-of-a-kind, or special-order items. ? Layaway items; items returned to any store. ? Any items purchased from an Auction. ? Items for which the Printed advertisement or Non-auction internet advertisement containing the lower price was published after one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date You purchased the item. ? Items advertised or shown as price quotes, bids or final sale amounts from a non-auction Internet site. ? Items advertised in or as a result of "limited quantity," "going out-of-business sales," "close out", or as "discontinued".

Questions about these benefits? Call: 844-252-7831


? Printed advertisements or Non-auction internet advertisements that display pricing lower than Your purchased item due to rebates, special offerings, bonuses, free items/ giveaways, manufacturer's coupons, or special financing.

? Professional services, including workmanship, installation, professional advice/counseling, and technical support, or help line.

? Plants, shrubs, animals, pets, consumables, and perishables. ? Motorized vehicles, including, but not limited to, automobiles,

watercraft/boats, aircraft, and motorcycles, or their motors, equipment, or accessories. ? Land, any buildings (including, but not limited, to homes and dwellings), permanently installed items, fixtures, structures, or home improvement. ? Game animals, pets or specimens preserved for display (e.g., fish, birds, reptiles, or mammals). ? Traveler's checks, tickets of any kind (e.g., for airlines, sporting events, concerts, or lottery), negotiable instruments, bullion, rare or precious metals, stamps, and coins, currency or its equivalent. ? Differences in price due to sales tax, storage, shipping, handling, postage, transportation, and delivery. ? Differences in price due to foreign exchange rates or fluctuation in foreign exchange rates.

E. How to file a claim: For a Printed Advertisement: ? Call 844-252-7831 to open a claim. You must report the claim

within sixty (60) days of the incident or the claim may not be honored. ? Submit the following documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the advertisement's publication: - A copy of the Printed advertisement that shows the date

of the advertisement, retailer name, the product (advertisement must verify same manufacturer and model number), and sale price. - Receipt showing the item(s) was purchased. - Statement showing item(s) purchased and use of accumulated point. - Itemized purchase receipt(s). ? Any other documentation that may be reasonably requested by Us or Our administrator to validate a claim.

For a Non-Auction Internet Advertisement: ? Call 844-252-7831 to open a claim. You must report the

claim within sixty (60) days of the incident or the claim may not be honored. ? Submit the following documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the advertisement's publication: - A copy of the Non-auction advertisement that shows the

date of the advertisement, website address, retailer name, the product (advertisement must verify same manufacturer and model number), sale price, and, if applicable, shipping, handling and other charges.

Questions about these benefits? Call: 844-252-7831


- Receipt showing the item(s) was purchased. - Statement showing item(s) purchased. - Itemized purchase receipt(s). ? Any other documentation that may be reasonably requested by Us or Our administrator to validate a claim.


You'll be asked to provide clear evidence of what happened to Your item.

Provides coverage for card purchases if items are damaged or stolen within 90 days of the date of purchase.

Key Terms

Stolen means items that are taken by force and/or under duress or the disappearance of an item from a known place under circumstances that would indicate the probability of theft.

Damage means items that can no longer perform the function they were intended to do in normal service due to broken parts, material or structural failures.

Refer to Key Terms on page 2 for other definitions and words that appear in bold as well as Legal Disclosures at the end of this booklet.

A. To get coverage: You must purchase the new item entirely with Your Covered card and/or accumulated points from Your Covered card for Yourself or to give as a gift.

B. The kind of coverage You receive: ? Most items You purchase entirely with Your Covered card are

covered if damaged or stolen for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase as indicated on Your Covered card's receipt. ? Items You purchase with Your Covered card and give as gifts also are covered. ? This coverage is secondary to any other applicable insurance or coverage available to You or the gift recipient. Coverage is limited to only those amounts not covered by any other insurance or coverage benefit.

Questions about these benefits? Call: 844-252-7831


C. Coverage limitations Coverage is limited to the lesser of the following: ? The actual cost of the item (excluding delivery and

transportation costs). ? A maximum of $500 per loss and a total of $50,000 per

Cardholder account per twelve (12) month period. ? Purchases that are made up of a pair or set will be limited to

the cost of repair or replacement of the specific item stolen or damaged. If the specific item cannot be replaced individually or repaired, the value of the pair or set will be covered not to exceed the limits above. ? Coverage for stolen or damaged jewelry or fine art will be limited to the actual purchase price as listed on Your credit card statement, regardless of sentimental or appreciated market value.

D. Your eligible purchases are protected against damage due to the following: ? Fire, smoke, explosion, riot, or vandalism. ? Certain weather conditions, including windstorm, lightning, hail,

rain, sleet, or snow. ? Aircraft, spacecraft, or other vehicles. ? Theft (except autos or motorized vehicles). ? Accidental discharge of water or steam from household plumbing. ? Electric current (This benefit does not apply to electronic


E. What is NOT covered: ? Items left in public sight, out of arm's reach, lacking care,

custody or control by the Cardholder. ? Lost items, and items that mysteriously disappear (the only

proof of loss is unexplained or there is no physical evidence to show what happened to the item) without any evidence of a wrongful act. ? Items that are stolen from any location or place (including, but not limited to, exercise facilities, places of employment, schools, or places of worship) due to the lack of due diligence by You or another party. ? Items lost, stolen, damaged, or mis-delivered while under the care, custody, and control of another party or common carrier (including, but not limited to, airlines, the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, or other delivery services). ? Losses due to normal wear and tear, misuse, gradual deterioration, and/or abuse. ? Losses resulting from any dishonest, fraudulent, or criminal act committed or arranged by You. ? Losses that cannot be verified or substantiated. ? Items covered by a manufacturer's recall or class action suit. ? Items that You damage through alteration (including, but not limited to, cutting, sawing, shaping).

? Used or antique items; collectibles of any kind (such as items designed for people to collect or items that over time become collectibles); recycled, previously owned, refurbished, rebuilt, or remanufactured items.

? Stolen items without a documented report from the police. ? Items that are damaged during transport via any mode. ? Items stolen from the interior or exterior of a watercraft/boat,

aircraft, motorcycle, automobile or any other motor vehicles. ? Motorized vehicles, including, but not limited to, automobiles,

watercraft/boats, aircraft, and motorcycles, or their motors, equipment, or accessories. Motorized equipment not designed for transportation and used solely for the upkeep and maintenance of a residence is eligible for coverage. (including, but not limited to, snow thrower, lawn mowers, and hedge trimmers). ? Land, any buildings (including, but not limited to, homes and dwellings), permanently installed items, fixtures, or structures. ? Traveler's checks, tickets of any kind (e.g., for airlines, sporting events, concerts, or lottery), negotiable instruments, bullion, rare, or precious metals, stamps, and coins, currency or its equivalent. ? Losses caused by insects, animals, or pets. ? Plants, shrubs, animals, pets, consumables, and perishables. ? Items purchased for resale, rental, professional, or commercial use. ? Professional services (including, but not limited to, the performance or rendering of labor or maintenance; repair or installation of products, goods, or property; professional advice of any kind, including, but not limited to, information/services or advice secured from any help or support line; or technical support for software, hardware, or any other peripherals). ? Application programs, computer programs, operating software, and other software.

F. How to file a claim: ? Call 844-252-7831 to open a claim. You must report the

claim within ninety (90) days of the loss or the claim may not be honored. ? Submit the following documentation within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the date You report the claim: - Repair estimate for damaged item(s). - Photograph clearly showing damage, if applicable. - Receipt showing purchase of covered item(s). - Statement showing purchase of covered item(s). - Report from police listing any items stolen. - Copy of the declarations page of any applicable insurance or

protection (including, but not limited to, homeowner's, renter's, or auto insurance policy). - Any other documentation that may be reasonably requested by Us or Our administrator to validate a claim.

Questions about these benefits? Call: 844-252-7831


Questions about these benefits? Call: 844-252-7831



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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