REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - San Antonio Water System

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALSTHREE YEAR CONTRACT FOR MERCHANT SERVICESBID NO: 14-14107ADDENDUM 2 BIDS DUE: September 18, 2014 @ 3:00 PM Central TimeTo report suspected ethics violations impacting the San Antonio Water System, please call 1-800-687-1918.Addendum 2 is issued to provide the questions received, and the responses to those questions. Proposer can provide payment solutions for all but “i. and vii”.? Is this an inhibiting factor in responding to this RFP?No, however, SAWS is seeking a Service Provider to take credit card payments on behalf of its customers through the Web, an IVR system and SAWS payment centers. The Service Provider’s proposal will be evaluated based its ability to provide the requested services.Does the fact that Proposer is chartered in the state of New York inhibit it from bidding on the business?No.Section I.B.1.b.Can SAWS break down the 84,300 credit and debit card transactions by residential and commercial separately?See Attachment A.Additionally, can SAWS break down the average payment amount for commercial versus residential separately?See Attachment A.Section I.B.2.a. Please confirm that SAWS is asking vendor to host or manage the interface where customers are entering the payments.The Service Provider will integrate a customer payment option for SAWS residential and commercial customers to make payments by credit cards and debit cards via Web through linkage between SAWS website and Service Provider’s website; IVR (Interactive Voice Response) through linkage between SAWS IVR and Service Provider’s IVR, and in person at SAWS payment centers (through Service Provider’s kiosks or POS payment equipment located separate from cashier windowsSection I.B.2.c. How many SAWS Payment Center Locations are there? 4 SAWS Customer Service Center locations.What payment types are accepted currently at these Payment Center Locations?Cash, personal check, Traveler’s check, Money Order, credit card (VISA or MasterCard) or debt card with a VISA or MasterCard logo.What is the volume of credit and debit card payments accepted at these locations? What is the average credit card payment amount?Approximately 2,490 monthly paymentsAverage dollar amount of payment is approximately $93.74Section I.B.2.q. Please explain what is meant by “accept responsibility.”This means that vendor will resolve customers’ issues that arise as a result of subjects such as reversals of duplicate payments, fraudulent charges, customer inquiries, card verification, etc.? as noted in this section, please explain in detail the escalation process and expected response times.Who are the incoming calls coming from? SAWS customers or SAWS employeesSAWS customersSection I.B.3.h. Are you asking the selected vendor to bring in payments from sources outside of our own solutions?The vendor is being requested to submit one (1) remittance file daily (consolidate all payments from different payment sources (e.g. banks, credit unions, credit card, debit/check card companies, etc.) for credit/debit card payments only and one (1) wire transfer daily. Section I.B.6.1.Can SAWS provide average monthly ACH payment volume through IVR and Web? IVR – 5,543Web – 48,366Can SAWS provide average monthly volume set up on recurring schedules through ACH and?card.SAWS sets up approximately 315 recurring ACH payments monthly through SAWS EZPay system. SAWS does not set up recurring credit card payments.Section I.E. Can the proposal due date be extended by at least 1 week?Due Date was extended until September 18th, 2014 at 3:00 PM. Please define “Proposed Start Work.” Does this mean go live? Or start implementation? Is there a deadline for going live?“Proposed Start Work” date is the preferred go live date. Implementation should begin shortly after award date. Section VI. Does SAWS expect selected vendor to use their contract document? If so, please provide your contract document for our review as part of the RFP.The resultant contract will be negotiated with the successful proposer.Can we share a copy of our contract in response?Once selected, SAWS will request a copy of the contract from the successful proposer. Is RFP response kept confidential or made available publicly?Proposals will be kept confidential during negotiations and prior to award of a contract. The San Antonio Water System is a municipality and is subject to the Texas Public Information Act. After award, proposals may be open for public inspection through an Open Records request. All such requests are handled by SAWS Records Management Department in accordance to the law. What transaction types/card brands does the Utilities Commission accept today?a.Visa: Acceptedb.MasterCard: Acceptedc.American Express: Not Acceptedd.Discover: Not Acceptede.PIN Debit: No f.PINLess Debit: Yes, identified as VISA or Mastercard g.E-Check (POP, ARC, BOC, Verification, Guarantee, etc.): ARCh.Other – please identify – N/ADoes the Utilities Commission desire to accept any additional transaction types/card brands now or in the future?a.Visa: Yesb.MasterCard: Yesc.American Express: Yesd.Discover: Yese.PIN Debit: Nof.PINLess Debit: Yes, for the card types listed aboveg.E-Check (POP, ARC, BOC, Verification, Guarantee, etc.) ARCh.Other – please identify: Mobile applications in the futureHow many current locations within the Utilities Commission accept Credit, Debit, or E-Check?a.How many Retail locations?None, credit card, debit card, and E-check payments are accepted only through SAWS’ Call Center or IVR systemb.How many mail order/telephone order locations?SAWS does not accept credit card, debit card, or E-check payments through the mail. Credit card, debit card, and E-check payments are accepted through SAWS’ Call Center or IVR system.c.How many Internet locations/websites?SAWS accepts credit card, debit card, and E-check payments through it’s website at .Please provide details of any Utilities Commission-owned hardware and software that is currently in place for Credit, Debit, or E-Check processing? a.Hardware – Terminal manufacturer and model number(s)Keyboard: Cherry G86-61400SPOS; Compact USB keyboardMagnetic Stripe ReaderStandards: ISO 7811/-12, AAMVA, JISDurability: 1 million cyclesReading Speed: 3-125 inch/s at 75 Bit/inch; 3-50 inch/s at 210 Bit/inchData is decoded to keyboard scancodesTouchpad: Resolution: 1000 dpi ;2 switch-activated mouse buttonsScanner: Honeywell 1300G linear barcode Imager; Includes black barcode imager and USB interfaceb. Software – Manufacturer and version number(s)SAWS eBill website runs on Adobe Coldfusion 10 application server. Payment/Check out solution must be able to integrate with site. IVR is written with CISCO scripting tools. eBill and IVR use a gateway payment API (Paypal Payflow gateway).Does the Utilities Commission intend to continue utilizing the current hardware and/or software in the future or is the Utilities Commission interested in upgrading hardware/software?If upgrading, what additional functionality would the Utilities Commission like to gain?Not currently upgrading.If hardware terminals are in place today, are most transactions authorized/settled via dial-up or IP-based communication?IP-based communications.System-wide what percentage of transactions are processed at Retail (card-swipe); what percentage are processed in a mail-order/telephone-order environment (key-entered); and what percentage are accepted via the Internet (customer key entered)? Please provide mail-order/telephone-order numbers broken out by IVR vs. other key-entry methods such as via the telephone (CSR rep) or via mailed requests.See Attachment A for all SAWS payment channels and volumes.As the Utilities Commission is accepting transactions via IVR or Kiosk today, a.Is the IVR or Kiosk owned/hosted by the Utilities Commission or a third-party?The IVR system is in house to SAWS, the Kiosks are leased through a third-party.b.If a third-party, who is the current vendor?The Kiosks are leased from TIO.Who is the incumbent electronic payments processor for the Utilities Commission and, if under contract, when does the current contract expire? Bank of America and PayPal currently provides the payment processing for credit card payments. The contract with Bank of America currently expires December 2014.Is the incumbent currently providing all the services required within this RFP? (i.e. customer call center to assist customers with making payments?)No.If available, please provide a list of payment networks (Vital/TSYS, NOVA/Elavon, FDMS, etc.) to which the Utilities Commission is currently authorizing and/or settling electronic payment transactions. FDMS NorthDoes the Utilities Commission currently charge, or plan to charge, a convenience or service fee to the cardholder for use of a Debit or Credit card? If yes, please expand upon how and when this fee is currently charged or where and when the Utilities Commission anticipates it will be charged in the future.SAWS currently does not charge a convenience or service fee to the cardholder for the use of credit/debit cards. Through this RFP, SAWS will be contracting with a service provider to process credit/debit card payments and charge a fee to the cardholder directly.Does the Utilities Commission anticipate that any additional departments, not currently accepting payments today, will desire to implement a merchant services program for payment acceptance in the future?Counter Services may wish to accept payments for impact fees thru this solution in the future.Specific to Merchant Services fees does the Utilities Commission wish to have those fees debited/invoiced directly or does the Utilities Commission wish to process those fees through Wachovia Account Analysis?SAWS does not currently contract with Wachovia. Through this RFP, SAWS will be contracting with a service provider to process credit/debit card payments and charge a fee to the cardholder directly. The service provider will remit the total payments to SAWS. If any fees be incurred by SAWS, they will be billed monthly to SAWS and will not be netted against payments collected and remitted to SAWS on a daily basis.Visa and MasterCard require all acquirers to enter into contracts containing specific provisions with its merchants, provisions which are not included in the form contract and/or which provisions conflict with the terms and conditions of the RFP. Therefore, will the Utilities Commission agree to include the acquirer's standard terms and conditions as a part of the contract?The acquirer’s standard terms and conditions would have to be reviewed by SAWS Legal Department before determining whether they would be allowed to be part of the contract.General. Due to the Labor Day holiday and the need to print and mail copies in advance of the due date, the bidder only has a few days to respond to this RFP. Can SAWS extend the due date two weeks to September 24?The due date for the RFP has been extended until September 18, 2014, 3:00 PM CDT.Pg 1, B.1.a. Which of these payment channels is in scope for this RFP? For instance, is the vendor handling ACH payments and Authorized Pay Agents payments?Through this RFP, SAWS will be contracting with a service provider to process credit/debit card payments.Pg 1, B.1.b. Of the 84,300 credit and debit card transactions each month, how many are in scope of this RFP? What is the average ticket of the in-scope transactions?All credit/debit card transactions are within the scope of the RFP, with an average ticket amount of approximately $103.00. See Attachment A.Pg 2, B.2.b. Can SAWS clarify how the vendor must “integrate with SAWS IVR system”? Can a customer call the SAWS IVR and then simply be transferred to our IVR if they select something like “press 3 to get invoice information and/or make a payment”? Would they already be validated?The Service Provider will integrate a customer payment option for SAWS residential and commercial customers to make payments by credit cards and debit cards via IVR (Interactive Voice Response) through linkage between SAWS IVR and Service Provider’s IVR. Expectation is the validation would take place before the transaction would pass via a vendor provided API. Pg 2, B.2.c. Does SAWS require an actual kiosk or are you amenable to providing a walk-up PC terminal where a customer may search for a bill and make a payment?SAWS will consider a walk-up PC terminal for the SAWS Customer Service Centers, evaluated through the RFP for practicality and interface with SAWS systems.Pg 2, B.2.d. Is the SAWS’ Project Agua program considered a different merchant from utility payments? Does it have a separate tax ID?Project Aqua is not considered a different merchant from utility payments. SAWS will require a daily report of the amount donated for record keeping purposes. The program does not have a separate tax ID number.Pg 2, B.2.f. Does SAWS already have an IVR in place? If so, who is your current IVR provider? Are you looking for the vendor to accept transfers from your IVR for payment, or is the vendor replacing your entire IVR? SAWS has an IVR in place written via CISCO scripting tools. The Service Provider will integrate a customer payment option for SAWS residential and commercial customers to make payments by credit cards and debit cards via IVR (Interactive Voice Response) through linkage between SAWS IVR and Service Provider’s IVR. Expectation is the validation would take place before the transaction would pass via an API. Pg 2, B.2.g. Is the toll-free telephone line for SAWS personnel to contact the vendor for issues, or is the line for SAWS’ customers to call the vendor? Can we assume this requirement is for an IVR with a convenience fee??A toll-free line would be primary for customer to contact vendor; a separate number should be provided for SAWS personnel to follow-up on technical matters, reports, tech support, etc., and vendor chooses magnitude of fees as part of their entire services packagePg 4, B.3.a. For next day funding, is SAWS open to creating a bank account at the bidder’s financial institution?No, SAWS preference is to have all funds collected transferred electronically to SAWS’ depository bank, Frost Bank.Pg 4, B.3.d. Does the Project Agua donation amount have to be processed separately or can it be rolled into the invoice payment amounts?Project Aqua donations can be commingled with invoice payment amounts. SAWS will require a daily report of the amount donated for record keeping purposes.Pg 5, B.3.n.Does SAWS use a convenience fee currently? The reason we ask is that convenience fees are listed as a “Future Amendment” on page 7. If not, what reasons have led to SAWS wanting to charge a fee? SAWS currently does not charge a convenience fee. The intent of this RFP is to contract with a service provider to process credit/debit card payments and charge the cardholder a fee rather than SAWS paying credit/debit card fees directly.If a convenience fee is charged to customers, what is the amount of the fee? N/AWhich payment channels is it applied to (web, phone, walk-in, authorized agent, etc.)? The service provider will provide for credit/debit card payments through all the payment channels available to SAWS customers today; web, phone, walk-in. Does SAWS set, manage, and collect the fee yourself, or is the fee determined and collected by the processing vendor?SAWS currently does not charge a convenience fee. The amount of the fee will be determined by the service provider as part of the RFP.Under what circumstances would SAWS pay the fee instead of your customer?SAWS does not anticipate it would pay the fee rather than the customer, but reserves the option to switch the fee structure and pay the fee directly.Pg 6, B.4. The first paragraph mentions “manage account transactions”. Can SAWS clarify what it means to manage the transactions? What are your expectations?Manage account transactions is a subset of the other required functions for the online service management portal. This requirement can be deleted.Pg 12, IV.B.6. The RFP states that the proposal should be limited to 40 pages (not including forms), but the RFP includes almost 10 pages of questions. Please confirm that exceeding this limit does not disqualify the vendor. Number of pages in submittal should not automatically disqualify vendor’s submittal; answering questions and providing relevant information to answer specification requirements is the primary goal. Submittal of extraneous, superfluous, and irrelevant information that contributes to voluminous submittal can be used as final selection criteria for evaluation purposes.Pg 12, IV.B.9. “…agrees to all terms and conditions stated herein…” Please confirm that we may include exceptions as indicated on page 21. Respondents may submit exceptions with proposed alternative language to SAWS as an attachment accompanying proposal. Pg 14, IV.C.11.a. The RFP states an SMWB goal of 19%. Will the vendor be disqualified if we do not have SMWB participation? The vendor will not be disqualified; however, it will be taken into consideration during the evaluation process. One of the evaluation criteria is “Adherence to Small, Minority and Woman Business SMWB) participation (Exhibit “B” Good Faith Effort Plan)” and accounts for 10 points. Pg 18, Submittal Response Checklist. Does SAWS want the vendor to return Exhibit D and Exhibit G with our proposal? The vendor does not need to return Exhibit D and Exhibit G with proposal. Exhibit E, Pricing Schedule. For Part 2, where SAWS absorbs the fee, would the switch to this fee structure be across all transactions, or by individual transaction? Would the switch be permanent, or does SAWS want to be able to go back and forth between the customer paying and SAWS paying the fee?SAWS does not anticipate paying the fee rather than the customer, but would like to option to do so and see the pricing relating to it. SAWS would work with the selected service provider regarding the type of transactions SAWS would pay should SAWS desire to start paying the fee directly.Exhibit E, Pricing Schedule. For Part 2, where SAWS absorbs the fee, what kind of fee are you expecting here? Is this a percentage, like a convenience fee charged to your customers, or are you expecting a transaction fee with interchange and network fees added in?The amount of the fee will be determined by the service provider as part of the RFP.Are there any Point of Sale (POS) terminals required for this engagement? If so how many?Should the service provider recommend a POS as the solution to credit/debit card payments accepted at the SAWS four Service Center locations, then SAWS would expect the same number of POS terminals located AWAY from cashier windows as there are cashier windows, based on the evaluation for spacing requirements at each location. Currently, there are cashier windows at SAWS Headquarters (5), Las Palmas (7), Comerica (5), and Southcross (4).If you currently use a POS terminal, what is the make and model? Are they connected via analog or Ethernet? Currently, there is TIO Bill Pay Kiosks Model KIS Standard - Financial Series at HQ (0), Las Palmas (2), Comerica (1), and Southcross (1) that are geared for CASH ONLY. The successful vendor will have to complement this same number of kiosks in addition to the POS terminals in the questions above. The kiosks are connected to our internal local network with internet.From your current and previous operations do you have any idea of how many or what percentage of your transactions are or were debit cards, credit cards, electronic check and IVR and counter POS?See Attachment A.Approximately how many records in the current SAWS system use the automatic function of providing for recurring payments?The only recurring payment method currently used at SAWS is the EZ-Pay. See Attachment A.If POS is currently used, can your provide an approximate volume (both transactions and dollar gross)? See Attachment A.Will you provide a copy of your most recent credit card processing statement?See Attachment C provided via e-mail. This information will not be posted to our website, however, is available via request at ytorres@. Does the SAWS lease or own their IVR equipment? If a lease can you provide the name of the vendor? If owned by the County can you provide product name, model and software version?SAWS has an IVR in place written via CISCO scripting tools. The Service Provider will integrate a customer payment option for SAWS residential and commercial customers to make payments by credit cards and debit cards via IVR (Interactive Voice Response) through linkage between SAWS IVR and Service Provider’s IVR. Expectation is the validation would take place before the transaction would pass via an API. Does the provider have to include a stand-alone IVR solution (one part of the RFP indicates ?that the vendor must “interface” with an existing IVR solution and another part of the RFP indicates that the vendor must provide and IVR solution that is both in Spanish and English)? JoeSAWS has an IVR in place written via CISCO scripting tools. The Service Provider will integrate a customer payment option for SAWS residential and commercial customers to make payments by credit cards and debit cards via IVR (Interactive Voice Response) through linkage between SAWS IVR and Service Provider’s IVR. Expectation is the validation would take place before the transaction would pass via an API. Are the costs of the toll-free number for the IVR a reimburseable to the vendor?It is SAWS’ preference to pay no fees. All proposed fees to be paid by SAWS and SAWS’ customers should be listed in Appendix E and will be evaluated as part of the RFP.Approximately how many times per year are IVR scripts changed?This depends on messaging requirements, for estimating purposes, please use up to 24 times per year.How many cashiering locations are used by SAWS?Currently there are four cashiering locations for SAWS.What is the expected time frame for settlement for daily transactions?Next day settlement.Is it required that the 24/7 customer service be through live agents or will a combination of email, FAQs, emergency paging satisfy the County's requirement?? Section I.B.2.h. states “…must offer SAWS customers both website and IVR based payment options 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year….; it is up to the service provider whether to provide live agents and will evaluated as part of the RFP.To better understand your peak periods; please provide the average or estimated number of transactions by month and average or estimated total dollar value of transactions by each month of the year.See Attachment A.Can the Kiosks be a stand-alone PC? If not what are your specifications for a stand-alone Kiosk? Yes, Kiosks can be stand-along PCs for customers to use. The proposed solution for in person credit/debit card payments at SAWS Customer Service Locations will be evaluated as part of the proposal in terms of practicality and interface. Can you please define what your expectations are for “mobile friendly? Does the proposed solution have to have been certified for certain mobile communications devices?This requirement is stated in the solicitation and should include as many popular mobile communications devices as possible.Please provide a description of what the SAWS “Coldfusion” environment entails? Joe/PromiseSAWS eBill website runs on Adobe Coldfusion 10 application server. Payment/Check out solution must be able to integrate with site. SDK/API are acceptable.What is the SAWS minimum expectation for “assistive technology”? Web/Mobile – Minimum expectations all users to be able to understand and interact with payment solution. Please see Media Accessibility User Requirements from W3C for specific guidance: describe the SAWS minimum expectations regarding backup, failover and disaster recovery?Please describe what you have in place or offer for each of these items as requested in the solicitation.How do you currently receive chargeback information?SAWS receives a hard copy of charge-back information.Is there anything that you would like to change about your current merchant processing? AllBasically, that all charges currently being borne by all SAWS ratepayers be deferred to only the customers that choose the credit card payment optionWhat are your expectations for the merchant conversion/implementation process? AllService Provider must provide implementation support and training to SAWS staff including Customer Service Representatives, Technical/Functional support staff and Finance staff.? The support and training will include accessing and directing customers to the Service Provider’s website and IVR system, payment lookup, daily and monthly reports such as return items reports, statistics, etc. Explain available support and training in detail, both for the initial implementation and for ongoing use of the proposed solutions by both SAWS and SAWS Customers. This should include customers also and must be user friendly, easy to use, and reliable. If a conversion is required, the Service Provider must provide technical and functional support for the conversion. Bill presentmentIs SAWS presenting bills electronically today? If so, is the preference to have a third party present the bills to SAWS customers electronically or is SAWS looking to retain the electronic presentment capabilities in your own database with the service provider providing a payment gateway connection for payments?SAWS is not requesting bill presentation services. SAWS will continue to provide bill presentation to its customers. This RFP is requesting a service provider to process credit/debit card payments.Which solution direction is SAWS most leaning towards – fully hosted (outsourced) bill presentment and payment processing via integration with existing systems?SAWS is seeking a Service Provider to provide Merchant Services, processing of credit/debit card payments.? The Service Provider will integrate a customer payment option for SAWS residential and commercial customers to make payments by credit cards and debit cards via Web through linkage between SAWS website and Service Provider’s website; IVR (Interactive Voice Response) through linkage between SAWS IVR and Service Provider’s IVR, and in person at SAWS payment centers (through Service Provider’s kiosks or POS payment equipment located separate from cashier windows.)67ScopeWe’re just confirming that ACH isn’t part of the scope of the RFP? If ACH transactions are part of the scope please provide the relevant counts. Correct, SAWS is not seeking a service provider to process ACH payments.Regarding the requirement that the service provider work with SAWS to establish limits for the number of transactions and dollar amount per transaction by customer and by account on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis for the website and IVR system – what’s the rationale? Is for velocity controls or for fraud prevention?Fraud prevention.Customer interface For the donation option towards SAWS’ Project Agua program, is SAWS looking to support these donations through all payment channels? And, will the donations be funded to a separate account from the credit/debit card transactions?SAWS accepts Project Agua donations through all payment channels. No separate account is needed for the donations. SAWS will require a daily report of the amount donated for record keeping purposes. Is SAWS looking for the service provider to the actual kiosks? Or rather a solution to support the kiosks? (2c) SAWS is seeking a Service Provider to provide Merchant Services.? The Service Provider will integrate a customer payment option for SAWS residential and commercial customers to make payments by credit cards and debit cards via Web through linkage between SAWS website and Service Provider’s website; IVR (Interactive Voice Response) through linkage between SAWS IVR and Service Provider’s IVR, and in person at SAWS payment centers (through Service Provider’s kiosks or POS payment equipment located separate from cashier windows.) Should the proposer suggest kiosks as a payment solution for in person payments, it will be evaluated in the RFP.Payment Processing3(h) on page 5. Regarding the requirement that the service provider consolidate payments from different sources there’s references to banks and credit unions. Are these online bill pay/bill pay providers (e.g. CheckFree) transactions? If so what are the counts (volumes) of these kinds of payments that SAWS is receiving today?No, this was meant as different providers of credit/debit cards. Payments received from online bill pay (e.g. CheckFree) will continue to be processed by SAWS.3(a) on page 4. Regarding the requirement of remitting the sum of the payment transactions to SAWS’ designated bank account by wire transfer the next business day – is next business day funding by ACH acceptable?Yes, next day funding by ACH is acceptable.Funds Held in TrustRegarding the requirement that the service provider separate SAWS customer payments collected from all other funds collected by the Service Provider including other collection agreements – is this requirement applicable to service providers only as compared to financial institutions? Please clarify.No, this requirement is for all service providers. SAWS funds should be separate from other funds collected by the service provider.LogoDo we have your permission to use SAWS logo in our response? It is not necessary to put our logo on your response, however, if you wish to do so, please use the trademarked, three color logo. See Attachment B. In order to provide bidders sufficient time to develop thorough solutions to SAWS RFP requirements, could you extend the due date by two weeks to September 23, 2014? Due Date was extended until September 18th, 2014 at 3:00 PM.Question 13 asks Respondents to acknowledge that they have read the contract attached to the RFP, however a contract was not included in the core RFP or included as an Attachment. Can you please provide a copy of the Contract Terms and Conditions referenced in Question 13? The resultant contract will be negotiated with the successful proposer.For each “biller” (e.g., Residential, Commercial, etc.) please provide the below statistics to summarize the historical or anticipated collection:See Attachment A.Collection Summary Statisicts (Annual)ReisentialTotal number of bills issued______(#)% of payers enrolled for paperless billing______%Total amount of payments collected annually (via all payment channels and methods combined) ($)$______Total number of payments collected annually (via all payment channels and methods combined) (#) ______(#)Average payment amount ($)$______Collection Summary Statisicts (Annual)CommercialTotal number of bills issued______(#)% of payers enrolled for paperless billing______%Total amount of payments collected annually (via all payment channels and methods combined) ($)$______Total number of payments collected annually (via all payment channels and methods combined) (#) ______(#)Average payment amount ($)$______Please describe and quantify (on an annual basis) any trends anticipated to impact the above statistics over time.None.For each “biller” (e.g., Residential, Commercial, etc.) please provide the historical the e-payment channel/method mix. (If applicable , please indicated if a the e-payment channel/method does not already exist, is not desired or if data is not known.)See Attachment A.ResidentialCredit/Debit CardACHe-Payment Channel TOTALWeb / Mobile Payments______(#)______(#)______(#)IVR Payments______(#)______(#)______(#)Automated Recurring Payments ______(#)______(#)______(#)In Person Payments______(#)______(#)______(#)SAWS’s Customer Service Call Center ______(#)______(#)______(#)Vendor’s Customer Service Call Center ______(#)______(#)______(#)CommercialCredit CardACHe-Payment Channel TOTALWeb / Mobile Payments$______$______$______IVR Payments$______$______$______Automated Recurring Payments $______$______$______In Person Payments$______$______$______SAWS’s Customer Service Call Center $______$______$______Vendor’s Customer Service Call Center $______$______$______Please provide the # or % of IVR transactions that roll out to Vendor’s Customer Service Call Center?See Attachment A. ................

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