


Sokrates Programm: Comenius 3 • 109853-CP-1-2003-GR-Comenius-C3 • DAF-SÜDOST Netzwerk

22. Juli 2005

Comenius Contact-Seminar in Cooperation with the National Socrates Agency in Hungarry „Tempus Public Foundation“



2. International Conference and Comenius-Contactseminar

of the „DaF-Südost“-Network


New Paths to Language Education with the DAF-Network

Szigetszentmiklós/Budapest, Hungary, 8 - 11 September 2005.


Preliminary Programme

Thursday, 8 September 2005

Arrival of participants

Friday, 9 September 2005

Throughout all conference days there will be an exhibit with stands by schools, institutions and projects.

09.00 – 11.00 Arrival and registration of conference participants

Opportunity to set up stands on the

„European Market Place“

11.00– 11.20 Welcoming Addresses Conference Hall

Dr. Ferenc Koós, Headmaster of

Batthyány Kázmér Schools Szigetszentmiklós, Hungary

Orsolya Jánosik, TPF, National Socrates Agency,

Budapest, Hungary

Dagmar Schäffer, Network-Coordinator,

Athens, Greece

11.20 – 11.40 Report from the „DaF- Südost“ Network Conference Hall Dagmar Schäffer, Network-Coordinator, Athens,


11. 40 – 12.00 MICaLL: Web Tools and Teacher Training Conference Hall for Task Based, Collaborative Language Learning.

Dr. Ton Koenraad, Hogeschool van Utrecht,


12.00 – 12.40 Pedagogy for Autonomy in Europe: Conference Hall

A Topographic Map.

Prof. Dr. Manuel Jiménez Raya, Universidad de Granada,


12.40 - 12.50 Questions and discussion

12.50 – 14.15 Lunch Break Restaurant

14.15 – 14.45 The Comenius-Programme and Conference Hall

Comenius-Projects in Hungary

Orsolya Jánosik, TPF, Nationale Sokrates Agentur,

Budapest, Ungarn

14.45 – 15.30 Networking in the Comenius-Community Conference Hall with the DAF-Network

Dr. Rüdiger Riechert, IIK Düsseldorf, Germany

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee Break

| |Room A |Room B |

|16.00 – |Comenius 1 Contact-Workshop |Comenius 2 Contact-Workshop |

|18.00 | | |

| |Project „Multicultural Europe“ |Early Language Learning through Traditional Stories. A Teacher Training|

| |Marion v. Braun, Eosander Grundschule Berlin, Germany |Project for Language Educators |

| | |Chantal Muller, HENaC, Champion, Belgium |

| |Project „Hungary as a EU Member“ | |

| |Agnes Frank, Verebély László Szakközépiskola Budapest, Hungary |From Foreign Language as School Subject to Functional Language |

| | |Integrated in Subjects: A New Concept of Foreign Language Education. |

| |A Project on Combined Virtual and Geografical Mobility of |Nicole Kränkel-Schwarz, Seminar für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung GHS |

| |Learners of German. |Offenburg, Germany |

| |Saara Peutere-Heikka, dafnord, Finland | |

| | |Presentation of the Comenius-Network COMCULT and Suggestion for a new |

| |Project Proposal „Dalton Plan: From Teacher Centered Education|Project . |

| |to an Innovative School Programme |Dr. Edmund Ohlendorf, Max-Weber-Kolleg Freiburg, Germany |

| |Jelena Nemes and Ildikó Tar, Általános Iskola Győrszemere, | |

| |Hungary |The GEH-MIT-Project and its Outcomes |

| | |Lucia Leporati, Ist. Sup. Balbo – Liceo Scientifico Palli, Casale |

| |Planning Projects and Preparing Proposals |Monferrato, Italien |

| |Dr. Brigitte Terbe, BKG, Hungary | |

| |Orsolya Jánosik, National Socrates Agency Budapest, Hungary |Planning Projects and Praparing Proposals |

| | |Dr. Rüdiger Riechert, IIK Düsseldorf, Germany |

18.00- 18.30 Plenary Session with Discussion Conference Hall

18.30 – 20.30 Joint Guided Tour and Stroll through Budapest

20.30 Dinner

Saturday, 10 September 2005

Participation in the International Conference


Throughout all conference days there will be an exhibit with stands by schools, institutions and projects.

09.00 – 09.30 Official Conference Opening Conference Hall


Dr. Ferenc Koós, Headmaster Batthyány Kázmér Schools

Dr. Bernd Finger, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Hungary, Budapest

Dr. Antalné Fodor, Mayor of the City of Szigetszentmiklós

Béla Fábry, Vice Director of the School Board in the Pest District

Jean-Michel Boullier, European Commission, GD Education and Culture

09.30 – 10.00 Key Note Speaker Conference Hall

Interculturality as a Field of Research for Linguistics and

Language Education

Prof. Dr. Csaba Földes, University of Veszprém, Hungary

Section 1 Conference Hall

10.00 – 10.30 Models of Teaching Intercultural Competence in Foreign Language Education

Prof. Dr. Ivanka Kamburova-Milanova, University of Shumen –

Teacher Training Institute Varna, Bulgaria

10.30 – 11.00 Promoting Intercultural Learning – New Technologies and Productive, Action Oriented Teaching

Prof. Dr. Bernd Rüschoff, University of Essen, Germany

11.00 - 11.30 Coffee Break

11.30 – 12.00 Developing Writing Skills – Playful, Exiting, Motivating.

Prof. Dr. Daniela Stoytcheva, University of Sofia, Bulgaria

| |Computer Lab 1 |Room A |Computer Lab 2 |Room B |

|12.00 - 13.30 |Workshop |Workshop |Workshop |Workshop |

| | | | | |

| |„Learning Scenario |„The taaldorp-Conzept for German |„Free Real Time Online Teacher |„Oxygen for Tired |

| |Y-Group: The Example of a Global |as a Foreign Language“ |Training“ |Learners “ |

| |Simulation“ | | | |

| | |Dr. Charitini Iordanidou, |Frank Leppert, Universidade |Werner Bönzli, |

| | |Dr. Christoph Chlosta, |Católica Portuguesa Viseu, Portugal|Max Hueber Publishers, |

| |Dr. Ana Margarida Abrantes, |University of Duisburg-Essen, | |München, Germany |

| |Universidade Católica Portuguesa |Germany | | |

| |Viseu, Portugal | | | |

13.30 – 15.00 Lunch Break - Light Meal Restaurant

Sektion 2 Conference Hall

15.00 – 15.30 German as a Foreign Language in Computer-mediated School Environments – Comprehensive and Multi-dimensional Language Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Dr. Kim Haataja, National Teacher Training Institute OPEKO, Tampere, Finland

15.30 – 15.50 The Multi Media Driver’s Licence for German Teachers Katja Bradač, Austria-Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

15.50 – 17.00 Coffee Break and EUROPEAN MARKET PLACE

with Stands of the European Partner Countries, Schools and Projects. Information and Contacts.

| | Room A |Computer Lab 1 |Room B |

|17.00 – |Talk (17.00 – 17.30) |Presentation – Workshop |Workshop |

|17.45 | | | |

| |„German as an Economic Language: |„The Transition from E-Mail-Projects to |„Hungarian for Absolute Beginners!“ |

| |Description of a Teaching Methdology“ |the Use of the Learning Platform | |

| | |E-Journal“ |Teachers of the Batthyany Kazmer Schools |

| |Dr. Murielle Étoré, Universitá de | |Szigetszentmiklós, Hungary |

| |Calabria, Italy |Leila Huhta, dafnord, Finland | |

17.45 – 18.00 Plenary Session: Questions, Answers and Information on the next Conference Day.

18.00 – 19.30 Buffet Reception in Szigetzentmiklós

19.30 - 22.00 Cultural Programme – Budapest by Night

Sunday, 11 September 2005

Participation in the Conference


Throughout all conference days there will be an exhibit with stands by schools, institutions and projects.

Section 3 Conference Hall

9.30 – 10.00 Educational Systems and GFL-Education in Europe: A Comparison with Special Respect to School Leaving Exams.

Prof. Dr. Ana Marija Muster, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

| |Room A |Computer Lab 1 |Computer Lab 2 |Room B |

| |10.05-10.45 |10.05- 11.30 |10.05 – 11.30 |10.05 – 11.30 |

| | | | | |

| |Presentation-Workshop |Workshop |Workshop |Workshop“ |

|10.05 – | | | | |

| |„Learning German with the Football World |„Making Movies with Learners of|"My Town. An Example for |„Early Language Learning with |

|11.30 |Championship 2006“ |German – |Project-based, Intercultural |Traditional Stories“ |

| | |New and Old Technologies in |Language Learning in the Web“ | |

| |Gaby Frank-Voutsas, Goethe-Institute |Action Oriented Language | |Chantal Muller, HENaC , |

| |Athens, Greece |Teaching“ | |Champion, Belgien. |

| | | |Dr. Joachim Quandt, |Gerlinde Paulik, Apor Vilmos |

| | |Marta Ares Fontela, |Centro Navarro de Autoaprendizaje |Katolikus Főiskola, |

| | |Escola Oficial de Idiomas Vigo,|de Idiomas CNAI, |Budakeszi, Ungarn. |

| | |Spain |Pamplona, Spain | |

| | | | | |

| | |(Note: 10 Participants only) | | |

| |10.50 – 11.30 | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Presentation | | | |

| | | | | |

| |„What’s going on in 117 Main Street? A | | | |

| |Telenovela for Teaching and Learning GFL“ | | | |

| |Dr. Susanne Hecht, Language Center of the | | | |

| |Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, | | | |

| |Germany | | | |

11.30 - 11.50 Coffee Break

Conference Hall

11.50 – 12.15 GFL-Crisis in Portugal and its Connection to the Images of Foreign Languages in Schools.

Alexandra Schmidt und Maria Helena Araújo e Sã, University ofAveiro, Portugal

12.15 - 13.00 Closing Speaker Conference Hall

Public Relations and Publicity for Language Learning – Strategies, Ways, Examples

Erika Broschek, Goethe-Institute Athene, Greece

13.00 – 13.30 Conclusions, Evaluation and Future Activities

13.30 End of Seminar and Conference


15.00 – 20.00 Meeting of Network-Partners

For Non-Network-Partners:

Exkursion to the Danube Lowlands South of Budapest

(Registration at the Conference Secretariat on the Venue)





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