Performance Appraisal Rubric for Caring and Respectful Schools

School-based Administrator

Professional Practice Handbook

Table of Contents

School-based Administrators' Professional Practice Handbook 7

A. Areas of Professional Responsibility 7

B. Professional Growth & Performance Appraisal Process 8

School-based Administrator Professional Practice Timeline 8

C. Administrator Profiles 9

Profile A: New School-based Administrators 9

Profile B: Experienced School-based Administrators 9

Profile C: Intensive Assistance 9

D. Documenting and Evaluating Performance 10

Performance Rubric 11

Performance Indicators 11

School-Based Administrator's Self Reflection Document 13

School-based Administrator's Professional Practice Self Reflection 15

Competency 1: Learning Leadership 16

Competency 2: Setting Vision and Direction 18

Competency 3: Building School Culture 20

Competency 4: Developing Self, Staff and Building Relationships 22

Competency 5: Connecting with Community 24

References 26

Appendix A 27

School-based Administrator's Professional Growth Plan 29

SMART Goals (samples) 30

Reflective Notes 32

Monthly Reflection Sheet 33

Annual Professional Growth Plan (Year End Reflection) 34

Appendix B 35

Administrator Professional Portfolio 37

Portfolio Review 38

Appendix C 41

Survey of Administrative Performance 43

Appendix D 53

School-based Administrator's Professional Practice Evaluation (for Superintendent

Completion) 55

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|Conceptual Framework for School-based Administrators Professional Practice |

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|Best professional practice is based on the following: |

| |

|Servant Leadership |

| |

|2. The five areas of responsibility outlined for School-based Administrators are based |

|on the Sun West Leadership Framework and Competency Model. The Leadership Framework |

|and Competency Model describes the competencies and behaviors considered most important |

|to the performance of school-based administrators in Sun West School Division. Every |

|competency in this model includes key behaviors that make up the competency. The key |

|behaviors within each competency describe the actions a leader takes that demonstrate |

|proficiency in that competency. |

| |

|3. School-based administrators will have knowledge of, and work through the lens of the following |

|21st Century competencies. |

|Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship |

|Collaboration |

|Character development |

|Critical thinking |

|Communication |

|Cultural and ethical citizenship |

|Computer and digital technologies. |

| |

|4. Professional practices guide the professional growth of individuals. |

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|[pic] | |School-based Administrators’ |

|Vision | |Professional Practice Handbook |

|Success for all | | |

| | |The purpose of professional practice is to improve and maintain the quality of service by |

|Mission | |assuring accountability for School-based Administrators. Furthermore, it is the goal of this |

|Learning together | |process in the Sun West School Division to support the continuous professional growth and |

| | |development of these individuals in each of the schools that comprise the Sun West School |

|Principles | |Division. This is accomplished over the course of a two-year professional evaluation cycle for |

| | |new administrators. The evaluation involves a process of professional reflection, |

|Accountability | |self-evaluation, and the provision of meaningful feedback through the compilation of relevant, |

| | |supporting data and documents. Thus, the responsibility for performance appraisal is shared |

|We value individual and organizational | |between each of the School-based Administrators and the Superintendent of Education for the |

|accountability. | |school. Finally, the professional appraisal process is guided by the Vision, Mission, and |

|We champion responsibility toward each other as | |Principles of the Sun West School Division. |

|individuals, as governing bodies, schools and | | |

|communities. | |The School-based Administrators Professional Practice Handbook includes the following components:|

| | | |

|Respect | |Performance standards and indicators for each area of professional responsibility; |

| | |A system of data collection that involves multiple sources; and |

|We value a culture of mutual respect, trust and | |Procedures for conducting performance reviews that emphasizes accountability, promotes |

|understanding. | |professional growth, and involves the School-based Administrators as full partners in the |

|We champion the creation of safe, positive, caring| |evaluation process. |

|environments. | | |

| | | |

|Cooperation | |Areas of Professional Responsibility |

| | | |

|We value cooperative and collaborative | |The areas of professional responsibility provide the framework for evaluating the work of |

|relationships which promote responsible | |School-based Administrators. The five areas of responsibility include: |

|citizenship and the appreciation of rural culture.| | |

|We strive to be approachable, active listeners who| |Learning Leadership: Engages in data driven decision making to promote, model, and supervise |

|openly share information, express our ideas and | |instructional/assessment diversity through adaptive and personalized programming. |

|attempt to understand the ideas of others. | | |

| | |Setting Vision and Direction: Develops a shared vision and sense of direction within a school |

|Lifelong Learning | |community that recognizes and responds to the need for growth and change. |

| | | |

|We value teaching the whole child in learning | | |

|environments that develop the student’s potential.| | |

|We strive to provide meaningful, creative, and | | |

|innovative learning opportunities. | | |

| | | |

|Leadership | | |

| | | |

|We value responsible leadership which is committed| | |

|to creating and maintaining a positive, productive| | |

|and unified school division. | | |

|We strive for excellence in teamwork and shared | | |

|effective leadership in our school division. | | |

| | | |

1. Developing Staff, Self, and Building Relationships: Promotes an approach to leadership where power and relationships are mutual, interdependent and shared.

2. Building School Culture: Insists upon a school environment that is open and welcoming, culturally affirming and equitable.

3. Connecting with Community: Demonstrates a commitment to creating partnerships with family and community members based on trust, respect and authentic experiences.

A. Professional Growth & Performance Appraisal Process

Personal reflection, self-assessment, and planning for professional growth are important components of a school-based administrator’s leadership role. The School-based Administrator and Superintendent of Education work together to ensure the professional growth and performance appraisal process is fulfilled.

1. School-based Administrator Professional Practice Timeline

The following timeline outlines the process to be completed by the School-based Administrator and the Superintendent.

|Beginning of the Year |

|Aug-Sept |SB Administrator completes Performance Reflection Rubric addressing the five areas of responsibility- this serves |

| |as data collection for the administrator. |

|Sept. – Oct. |SB Administrator completes the Professional Growth SMART goal after reviewing the performance reflection rubric |

| |data. |

|Oct. |Dialogue with Superintendent and process for the year identified – ongoing support or summative performance |

| |appraisal. |

|Ongoing |

|Nov. - April |Ongoing reflection and dialogue with Superintendent regarding SMART Goal progress and other areas of professional |

| |responsibility. |

| | |

| |Data collection for Administrator’s Professional Portfolio (Profile A only). |

|End of Year |

|May |Superintendent meets to discuss Year-end Reflection of SMART Goal achievement, professional portfolio (Profile A |

| |only) and discussion of future goals. |

|May-June |If a summative performance appraisal is required, the Superintendent will complete and discuss with the |

| |School-based Administrator. |

All documents cited above are contained within the School-based Administrators’ Professional Practice Handbook.

B. Administrator Profiles

Profile A: New School-based Administrators

Throughout the first and second year of school-based administration, support and mentoring will occur with superintendents and other school-based administrators. A formative reflection and dialogue will occur using the professional practice rubric and a summative performance appraisal document will be completed by the Superintendent of Education at the end of both years of the supervisory process.

Professional practice rubrics and performance appraisal documents for colony school administrators have been included in this package.

Profile B: Experienced School-based Administrators

Professional practice discussions regarding the administrator’s SMART Goal and fulfillment of role will occur annually. See timeline on page 8.

Upon request of the School-based Administrator, a summative performance appraisal may be written by the Superintendent.

Profile C: Intensive Assistance

When a School-based Administrator’s performance is judged to consistently not meet the standards of the school division, a School-based Administrator may be placed on intensive assistance to improve performance. This procedure must provide “due process” without compromising the teaching/learning process. The two possible outcomes are retention or dismissal.

While the primary responsibility for improvement rests with the School-based Administrator, opportunities for assistance will be available. A team approach will be used to provide such assistance according to the following steps:

a) The School-based Administrator shall be informed of the concerns and written documentation

shall be submitted to the School-based Administrator by the Director or designate clearly identifying the nature of the difficulty. The problem(s) will be discussed with the Administrator in an effort to clarify and identify what changes are expected.

b) The Director or designate will notify the School-based Administrator by letter that a process of

intensive assistance will be initiated. This letter will identify the areas which require improvement, opportunities and assistance available, and the time frame for such improvement.

c) The School-based Administrator will be required to submit a written improvement plan of the

areas noted in the Director or designate’s letter. This Improvement Plan will include specific strategies and a time frame for effecting the improvement. The School-based Administrator will discuss the Improvement Plan with the Director or designate. The approved plan will be signed by the School-based Administrator and the Director or designate and each will retain a copy. A copy of the plan will also be placed in the School-based Administrator’s personnel file.

d) A School-based Administrator who has been placed in a program of intensive assistance may call

upon a colleague, consultant, Director/designate, professional organization or any combination of the aforementioned to provide help in the development of the Improvement Plan.

e) The Improvement Plan will be implemented. Progress will be carefully monitored by the Director

or designate at this stage. All contacts with the School-based Administrator will be carefully documented along with specific examples of the assistance and who provided it. An assessment of the progress will be made at the end of the specified time period. Several alternatives may then be considered depending on the degree of progress. If progress is deemed satisfactory by the Director or designate, the formal process of intensive assistance will be ended. The period of intensive assistance may be extended if some progress has been made but continued effort is required to increase the level of proficiency.

f) A written summary evaluation will be provided by the Director or designate to the School-based Administrator with a copy to be placed in the Administrator’s personnel file at the division office.

g) If progress is judged unsatisfactory at the conclusion of the specified time period, the Director or designate will notify the School-based Administrator that a recommendation will be made to the Board of Education to terminate the Administrator’s contract. The School-based Administrator will be notified that he or she may appear before the Board under the provisions of Section 210 of The Education Act.

C. Documenting and Evaluating Performance

The professional performance appraisal for School-based Administrators strives to acknowledge the complexities of the roles and responsibilities associated with school-based administration. Multiple data sources such as those described below are collected throughout the professional growth cycle of the professional evaluation and are intended to provide a comprehensive, accurate, and authentic review of the School-based Administrator’s work.

|Data Source |Description |

|Annual Professional Growth/Program |School-based Administrators are required to set one results-based goal for professional growth or |

|Improvement Plan |improving program effectiveness each year. The goal and the degree to which it is fulfilled serve as one|

| |data source for evaluation. |

|Observations |The observation process is used by the Superintendent of Education responsible for the school to gather |

| |information to assess work performance. Both formal and informal observations are used when appropriate.|

|Reflective Practice |School-based Administrators are required to engage in reflective practice. As such, their own evaluation|

| |of their work using the Performance Appraisal Rubric forms an important component of the professional |

| |evaluation. |

|Surveys |Surveys of student, parent, and/or school-based staff satisfaction are used at the discretion of the |

| |School-based Administrators. The Administrator may include tabulated survey results as one of the |

| |artifacts in the portfolio. (see Appendix C) |

|Portfolios |The purpose of the portfolio is to collect data to document work quality. The Administrator chooses |

| |portfolio artifacts which includes work samples and other items that provide documentation for a variety |

| |of professional activities. The portfolio is a requirement for Profile A Administrators and are |

| |encouraged, but not mandatory, for Profile B Administrators. (see Appendix B) |

Performance Rubric

The performance rubric is a rating scale that describes acceptable performance ratings for each of the responsibilities of School-based Administrators. It relates the standard of performance expected for each responsibility and provides a specific description of what a rating entails.

| |Proficient |Adequate |Limited |

|Distinguished | | | |

|Exceeds responsibilities. |Fulfills responsibilities resulting |Able to respond to the demands of the|Resistant to or does not have the|

| |in quality administrative leadership |role. |ability or awareness of the |

|Consistently produces exceptionally |that impact effective practices for | |requirements necessary to fulfill|

|high quality administrative |school improvement in a positive |Recognizes a need for continued |the leadership responsibilities |

|leadership. |manner. |refinement of professional practice. |required. |

| | | | |

|Optimizes effective practices for |This standard is expected. |Willing to address professional |Performance negatively impacts |

|school improvement. | |improvement through the Professional |practices for school improvement.|

| | |Growth Plan. | |

|Involved in leadership roles beyond | | | |

|the school. | | | |

Distinguished: Distinguished is a level of performance typically demonstrated by School-based Administrators who are visionary in their approach and who put forward creative, innovation solutions to problems. Distinguished administrators attempt to shape school policy and are viewed as leaders in the broader educational community.

Proficient: Proficient is a level of performance typically demonstrated by School-based Administrators who appreciate the broader impact of leadership and are able to synthesize information and respond appropriately in a given context. They are able prioritize and act proactively and are willing to take reasonable risks.

Adequate: Adequate is a level of performance typically demonstrated by School-based Administrators who meet the standard and are able to respond to the day-to-day demands of the role. They are making progress in developing their practice.

Limited: Limited is a level of performance typically demonstrated by School-based Administrators who lack the necessary, knowledge, skills and/or personal attributes to successfully meet the day-to-day demands of the role.

Performance Indicators

Performance indicators are descriptive of observable behaviors and attributes relating to the broad areas of responsibility for School-based Administrators. The indicators may not fully encompass the duties for individual Administrators but are intended to describe an acceptable level of performance of the responsibilities indicated. Thus, the list may be altered to accommodate any differences that might exist within the role of the Administrator involved.

School-based Administrator’s

Self-Reflection Document

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| |School-based Administrator’s |

| |Professional Practice Self Reflection |

| | |Years of Experience: | | |

|Administrator’s Name: | | | | |

|Position: | |Years as Administrator: | | |

|School: | |Report Date: | | |

| | |Superintendent’s Name: | | |

| | | | | |

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|The four levels of the Sun West Leadership Competencies are identified below. The levels range from administrators who are still striving to |

|master the basics of school leadership to highly accomplished school-based administrators who are viewed as leaders in the broader educational |

|community. |

| |

|Limited level – Limited is a level of performance typically demonstrated by administrators who lack the necessary knowledge, skills and/or personal|

|attributes to successfully meet the day-to-day demands of the role. |

| |

|Adequate level –Adequate is a level of performance typically demonstrated by administrators who meet the standard and are able to respond to the |

|day-to-day demands of the role. They are making progress in developing their practice. |

| |

|Proficient level - Proficient is a level of performance typically demonstrated by administrators who appreciate the broader impact of leadership|

|and are able to synthesize information and respond appropriately in a given context. They are able to prioritize and act proactively and are |

|willing to take reasonable risks. |

| |

|Distinguished level – Distinguished is a level of performance typically demonstrated by administrators who are visionary in their approach and who |

|put forward creative, innovative solutions to problems. Distinguished administrators attempt to shape school policy and are viewed as leaders in |

|the broader educational community. |

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|Key: |

|Ensures that teachers integrate outcomes, content and a variety of instructional/assessment strategies according to | | | | |

|student ability, their cultural and linguistic backgrounds, aptitudes, and interests | | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge and assists classroom teachers in implementation of current curricular practices in various subject| | | | |

|areas | | | | |

|Works with teachers to implement to plan, modify and implement the instructional program consistent with student needs | | | | |

|Engages staff and models long term planning to ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment | | | | |

|Facilitates, with professional learning teams, the use and/or creation of common assessments | | | | |

|Ensures staff maintains a positive learning environment | | | | |

|Models and develops planning procedures that implement 21st Century competencies and learning | | | | |

|Encourages teachers to regularly provide opportunities for student leadership and self-directed learning | | | | |

|Ensure that teachers engage in ongoing two-way communication with parents/caregivers about their child’s programming | | | | |

|1b. Inclusion and Intervention |

|Coordinates the work of school-based special education, support personnel, division consultants and outside agencies with | | | | |

|the programs of the school | | | | |

|Advocates for students’ needs with early intervention and special program implementation | | | | |

|Collaborates with staff to create individualized programming as needed | | | | |

|1c. Data Driven Decision Making |

|Develops a plan for the regular monitoring of student achievement which includes teacher input, use of test results and | | | | |

|the placement of students in appropriate instructional program | | | | |

|Implements the use of school, provincial and national data | | | | |

|Engages the learning community to identify areas for collaboration to improve the learning program (teachers, support | | | | |

|staff, parents, school community council, school division) | | | | |

|Engage professional learning team in developing a common understanding of assessment for learning and acquires data | | | | |

|necessary for informed decision-making | | | | |

|1d. Teacher Supervision and Monitoring |

|Carries out procedures for the orientation and supervision of all personnel | | | | |

|Comments: |

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|Learning Leadership Artifact Suggestion |

|School learning improvement documents (ESSP Level Three School Strategic Plan, Flourishing School Inventory, REORDER rubric) |

|School-level PD agenda |

|List of committees |

|Minutes of meetings (Student Support, Interagency, School Partners, etc.) |

|School Code of Conduct |

|School-level policies |

|Records of staff professional growth plan meetings |

|Record of staff supervisions (walk-throughs, data collection) |

|Record of student-led conferences |

|Meeting agendas or minutes (SCC, SRC/SLC) |

|Documents/photos from parent information events |

|OurSchool data |

| |


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|Key: |L |Limite|A |Adequa|

| | |d | |te |

|Ensures that school vision is aligned with goals of the Sun West School Board and the Ministry of Education | | | | |

|2b. School Goals and Learning Plan |

|Collaborates with staff to plan and establish goals that are clear, achievable and measureable (ESSP Level Three School | | | | |

|Strategic Plan) | | | | |

|Creates a plan for 21st Century competencies implementation and support | | | | |

|Accounts for decisions and directions within the school | | | | |

|Manages resources wisely to promote the instructional program and other school initiatives | | | | |

|Effectively implements the school division policy and procedures in collaboration with staff and school community council | | | | |

|2c. Leading Change |

|Encourages staff innovation and initiative | | | | |

|Creates an environment conducive to risk-taking and implementing new initiatives | | | | |

|Recognizes and responds to the need for growth and change; demonstrates forward thinking | | | | |

|2d. Resource Management |

|Implements a process for completing inventory, acquiring, and replacing equipment | | | | |

|Implements a plan and regular monitoring for effective cleaning and maintenance of the facility | | | | |

|Develops, updates and communicates five year facility plan | | | | |

|Implements procedures for budget preparation and monitoring | | | | |

|Responsible for school-based decisions with respect to such matters as school finances, resource allocation, schedules and | | | | |

|timetables, staff assignments, purchasing, student services, reporting and record keeping | | | | |

|Completes tasks as outlined in the Administrators’ Calendar and Admin Almanac. | | | | |

|Comments: |

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|Setting Mission and Vision Artifact Suggestion |

|Meeting agendas or minutes (Staff, SCC, SRC/SLC) |

|Vision/mission statements |

|School learning improvement documents (ESSP Level Three School Strategic Plan, Flourishing School Inventory, REORDER rubric) |

|Photo of Viz Wall |

|PLT initiatives |

|School-level PD agenda |

|Maintenance plan |

|Copy of budget |

|Technology Plan |

|List of personal accomplishments |

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|Key: |L |Limite|A |Adequa|

| | |d | |te |

|3a. Positive Climate and Culture |

|Creates a child-centered school focus, in which all staff are encouraged to be advocates for children through school policy | | | | |

|and procedures | | | | |

|Has procedures and practices in place to provide a safe and nurturing environment for staff and students | | | | |

|Maintains a visible presence in the school | | | | |

|Ensures staff maintains a caring and respectful school environment | | | | |

|Works with staff to develop and implement positive behavioral expectations and supportive discipline practices and | | | | |

|facilitates collaborative problem solving for behavioural intervention | | | | |

|Works with staff to coordinate services and supports for students and their families | | | | |

|Develops a plan to promote students’ personal and social development | | | | |

|Establishes high expectations of students and staff | | | | |

|Creates and promotes an atmosphere of inclusion for cultural and societal diversity | | | | |

|3b. Communication, Collaboration and Relationships |

|Implements a comprehensive and effective system of communication, consultation and collaboration with the staff, students | | | | |

|and parents of the school, the school community council, the larger community and other human service organizations to | | | | |

|ensure a shared vision for the school | | | | |

|Promotes teamwork and collaboration among staff and supportive relationships among students, staff, parents and community | | | | |

|based on mutual trust and respect. | | | | |

|Supports and demonstrates personal and professional ethics in all relationships. | | | | |

|Comments: |

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|Developing Self, Staff, and Building Relationships Artifact Suggestion |

|Staff surveys |

|Presentations given |

|Committee involvement |

|Lists of PD activities, professional/local organization memberships, level of education |

|Samples of reflective journal writing |

|Lists of books, documents or articles read |

|Description of group initiatives |

|Letters of support from students, parents, etc. |

|Newsletters |

|PLT documents |

|Schedule of activities/meetings |

|Copies of local news clippings, articles, etc. |

|Supervision schedules |

|Sample of professional growth plan |

|Samples of written material (letters, thesis, emails, etc.) |

|Schedule of staff professional growth meetings |

|OurSchool data |

| |


| |

|Key: |

|Ensures that staff are educated and supported with respect to implementing 21st Century competencies | | | | |

|Supervises all school personnel and provides support for each staff member’s professional growth in accordance with division | | | | |

|procedures | | | | |

|Ensures that staff engage in reflection, personal and professional development planning, implementation and networking to | | | | |

|ensure learning outcomes | | | | |

|Encourages staff innovation and initiative | | | | |

|Engages the learning community to identify areas for collaboration to improve the learning program | | | | |

|Reviews long-term plans with teachers to ensure that curriculum, instruction and assessment are aligned | | | | |

|Assists teachers to align, enhance and continuously refine their teaching practices and assessment repertoire with additional | | | | |

|strategies and the use of performance assessments | | | | |

|Encourages staff to utilize curricular supports such as technology coaches and mentors | | | | |

|Provides opportunity for teachers to solve their own problems | | | | |

|4b. Collaboration and Relationships |

|Promotes an approach to leadership where power and relationships are mutual, interdependent and shared | | | | |

|Promotes teamwork among staff and supportive relationships among students, staff, parents and community based on mutual trust | | | | |

|and respect | | | | |

|Creates collaborative processes for making decisions and solving problems | | | | |

|Works well with Division personnel and supports positive relationships between school staff and Division staff. | | | | |

|Recognizes strengths in teachers and provides opportunity for others to lead | | | | |

|4c. Professionalism |

|Demonstrates and supports the values and ethical principles that guide educational decisions | | | | |

|Exhibits professional growth through in-service activities, committees and conferences and the creation of a professional | | | | |

|portfolio | | | | |

|Demonstrates active participation in personal and professional growth and self-reflection | | | | |

|Practices shared leadership | | | | |

|Acknowledges personal strengths and potentialities | | | | |

|Responds to and effectively addresses emerging issues | | | | |

|Demonstrates appropriate and accurate verbal and written communication skills in a timely fashion | | | | |

|Commit to personal wellness and work-life balance | | | | |

|Comments: |

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|Building School Culture Artifact Suggestion |

|School Code of Conduct |

|School policy manuals (bullying, harassment, etc.) |

|Minutes of meetings (Student Support, Interagency) |

|Parent handbook |

|Safety protocols |

|Special guest presentations |

|Newsletter |

|Celebrations/recognition of school community members |

|Letters and notes of appreciation |

|Special events photos (Christmas Dinner, Welcome Back BBQ, etc.) |

| |


| |

|Key: |

|Promotes a culture of mutual respect among partners | | | | |

|Facilitates a community-wide commitment to early intervention that connects families, schools and communities to long-term | | | | |

|strategies that support the well-being and educational success of children and youth | | | | |

|Supports parents in identifying meaningful ways that families can be partners in their children’s education. | | | | |

|Works collaboratively and builds relationships with staff, students, parents and community members (including School Community| | | | |

|Councils) | | | | |

|Engages school community members in school learning improvement | | | | |

|Regularly acknowledges positive contributions of members of the school community | | | | |

|Promotes a welcoming atmosphere to parents and community members | | | | |

|Provides opportunities for beginning teachers to connect with community | | | | |

|Maintains positive visibility within the community | | | | |

|Educates parents and community about 21st Century learning and current educational practices | | | | |

|Comments: |

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|Connecting with Community Artifact Suggestion |

|Description of initiatives |

|Photos of partnership events |

|SCC minutes |

|Letters of support from families and community group |

|List of community partners |

|Newsletters |

|Newspaper clippings |

| |

| |

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Dinwiddie County Public Schools. (no date). Educational Specialist Evaluation Manual. Retrieved September 10, 2006 from

McBride, M. & Miller, M. (2005). Assessing teacher quality through goal-setting: The Alexandria, Virginia, School District. In P. D. Tucker & J. H. Stronge (Eds.), Linking teacher evaluation and student learning. ASCD. Retrieved November 30, 2006 from

Stronge, J. H. (1997). Improving schools through teacher evaluation. In J. H. Stronge ( Ed.), Evaluating teaching: A guide to current thinking and best practice (pp. 1-23). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Appendix A

School-based Administrator’s

Professional Growth Plan

|Professional Growth SMART Goal Tree Diagram |

|SMART Goal Samples |

|Reflective Note Page Templates |

|Annual Professional Growth Summary |

| |Form 417-1e |

| |School-Based Administrator Professional Growth Plan |

| |(SMART Tree Diagram) |

|[pic] | |Reference |AP 417 Professional Growth Development |

| | | | |

| |Box 700, Rosetown, Sask., S0L 2V0 | | |

| |Phone: (306) 882-2677 Fax: (306) 882-3366 | | |

| |Toll Free: 1(866) 375-2677, | | |

| | |Revised |November 21, 2017 |

| | |Level |School |

| | |Submit to |School Based Administrator |

| | |When |Beginning of Year |

_____________________________________ ______________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________

School-Based Administrator’s Signature Date Superintendent of Education’s Signature Date

| |Form 417-1e |

| |School-Based Administrator Professional Growth Plan |

| |(SMART Tree Diagram) |

|[pic] | |Reference |AP 417 Professional Growth Development |

| | | | |

| |Box 700, Rosetown, Sask., S0L 2V0 | | |

| |Phone: (306) 882-2677 Fax: (306) 882-3366 | | |

| |Toll Free: 1(866) 375-2677, | | |

| | |Revised |November 21, 2017 |

| | |Level |School |

| | |Submit to |School Based Administrator |

| | |When |Beginning of Year |

_____________________________________ ______________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________

School-Based Administrator’s Signature Date Superintendent of Education’s Signature Date

| |Form 417-1e |

| |School-Based Administrator Professional Growth Plan |

| |(SMART Tree Diagram) |

|[pic] | |Reference |AP 417 Professional Growth Development |

| | | | |

| |Box 700, Rosetown, Sask., S0L 2V0 | | |

| |Phone: (306) 882-2677 Fax: (306) 882-3366 | | |

| |Toll Free: 1(866) 375-2677, | | |

| | |Revised |November 21, 2017 |

| | |Level |School |

| | |Submit to |School Based Administrator |

| | |When |Beginning of Year |

_____________________________________ ______________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________

School-Based Administrator’s Signature Date Superintendent of Education’s Signature Date

Reflective Notes

Reflective notes kept during the school year regarding professional growth plan:

Date Notes

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Monthly Reflection Sheet

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Year End Reflection

Administrator: _________________________________________ Year: ______________

A. Summarize the progress of your professional goals this past year

(To be completed and discussed end of May)

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B. Administrator’s Comments:

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C. Superintendent Comments:

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_________________________________________________________ __________________________________

School-based Administrator’s Signature Date

_________________________________________________________ __________________________________

Superintendent’s Signature Date

Appendix B

Professional Portfolio

Administrator Professional Portfolio


The purpose of the professional portfolio is to provide documentation of competencies relating to the various areas of responsibility outlined in the Sun West School Division School-based Administrators Professional Practice Handbook. The portfolio is a required document for Profile A Administrators which is maintained by the Administrator and reviewed with the Superintendent of Education at regular intervals or upon request. The artifacts and other evidence of competencies to be entered and maintained in the portfolio are chosen by the Administrator. Profile B Administrators are encouraged, but not required, to maintain a professional portfolio.

Portfolio Contents

The portfolio will contain artifacts which demonstrate that the School-based Administrator is meeting or exceeding the standards of the school division in each area of responsibility. The portfolio format is at the discretion of the Administrator. Required artifacts include:

• Educational credentials

• Administrative and teaching experience

• Administrator SMART Goal tree diagram

• Performance Reflection Rubric

• Professional Development summaries/experiences

Additional artifacts that might be included in the professional portfolio have been indicated in the Performance Reflection Rubric. Note that these are only suggestions, and there are multiple ways to document professional performance. School-based administrators are free to include anything that might illustrate how responsibilities are being fulfilled.


School-based Administrator Professional Practice Handbook

Portfolio Review

|Name | |Date | |

Required Elements

|Educational Credentials | | |Administrative and Teaching | |

| | | |Experience | |

|Professional Growth Tree Diagram | | | | |

|Professional Development Summaries | | |Performance Reflection Rubric | |

Additional Elements

|Compentency One |Compentency Two |

|Learning Leadership |Setting Vision and Direction |

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|Competency Three |Competency Four |

|Developing Self, Staff, and Building Relationships |Building School Culture |

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|Competency Five |

|Connecting with Community |

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Appendix C

Survey of Administrative Performance

Survey of Administrative Performance


For each of the following statements, circle the response which most accurately describes your feelings. If the statement does not apply to you, please circle “NA” for “Not Applicable.”

|1 |Strongly Agree |

|2 |Agree |

|3 |Somewhat Agree |

|4 |Somewhat Disagree |

|5 |Disagree |

|6 |Strongly Disagree |

|NA |Not Applicable |


Role of individual completing survey: ○ Staff ○ Parent ○ Student

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|My morale at school is generally good. | | | | | | | |

|The morale of the staff at school is generally good. | | | | | | | |

|The morale of the students at school is generally good. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Collaborates with staff to establish clear goals. | | | | | | | |

|Reviews goals with the staff periodically. | | | | | | | |

|Demonstrates an ongoing concern for school improvement. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Promotes teamwork among the staff. | | | | | | | |

|Delegates responsibilities equitably and fairly. | | | | | | | |

|Encourages and welcomes discussion of issues; believes in shared decision making. | | | | | | | |

|Motivates the staff to grow as professionals. | | | | | | | |

|Is a good liaison between our school and central office. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Assists in the implementation of curriculum. | | | | | | | |

|Provides support and access to resources to meet student needs. | | | | | | | |

|Maintains a school climate conducive to learning. | | | | | | | |

|Provides leadership in the coordination of the work of special education and other support | | | | | | | |

|personnel. | | | | | | | |

|Discusses my professional growth plan with me. | | | | | | | |

|Provides meaningful feedback. | | | | | | | |

|Encourages innovation and 21st Century learning. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Holds high expectations of self, teachers, and students. | | | | | | | |

|Communicates effectively with the staff and students. | | | | | | | |

|Reflects understanding and concern for staff and students. | | | | | | | |

|Displays assertive rather than aggressive or passive behaviors. | | | | | | | |

|Is open-minded and willing to seek win-win solutions. | | | | | | | |

|Values the contributions of staff members. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Works to build community awareness and understanding of school programs and services. | | | | | | | |

|Fosters good relationships between the school, parents, and community. | | | | | | | |

|Promotes a welcoming atmosphere to parents and community members. | | | | | | | |

|Addresses parental concerns. | | | | | | | |

|Serves as a good role model in the community. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Completes tasks in a thorough manner. | | | | | | | |

|Sees that school records and student information are accurate, complete, and easily accessible.| | | | | | | |

|Addresses the physical plant and equipment needs. | | | | | | | |

|Effectively implements Board policy and procedures. | | | | | | | |

|Makes decisions which are timely, effective, and decisive. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Presents a positive professional image. | | | | | | | |

|Displays good people skills. | | | | | | | |

|Demonstrates personal and professional ethics in all relationships. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Provides for teacher involvement and is open to suggestions from staff pertaining to the | | | | | | | |

|operation of the school. | | | | | | | |

|Recognizes teachers’ strengths and gives them an opportunity to utilize them. | | | | | | | |

|Recognizes teachers’ weaknesses and lends a hand when necessary. | | | | | | | |

|Acknowledges the efforts of the staff and recognizes same. | | | | | | | |

|Gives clear and consistent directions so teachers know what is expected of them. | | | | | | | |

|Displays respect for staff. | | | | | | | |

|Encourages cooperation and works as a member on the staff team. | | | | | | | |

|Distributes fairly the work load related to the school operation which times over and above the| | | | | | | |

|regular instruction. | | | | | | | |

|Provides staff members with security and sufficient freedom so that they might do their best | | | | | | | |

|work. | | | | | | | |

|Demonstrates concern for teacher problems and openly discusses possible solutions. | | | | | | | |

|Provides and encourages activities which enhance professional growth. | | | | | | | |

|Supports staff members in dealing with the public. | | | | | | | |

|Makes sound decisions which are problem solving by nature. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Promotes a positive school atmosphere for students. | | | | | | | |

|Ensures students are aware of appropriate support systems available. | | | | | | | |

|Involves himself/herself in promoting satisfactory progress of students. | | | | | | | |

|Deals effectively with student discipline problems. | | | | | | | |

|Deal fairly with student problems. | | | | | | | |

|Has good rapport with students. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Communicates information to parents/public regarding the school. | | | | | | | |

|Responds in a sensitive and constructive manner to parental/community expectations of the | | | | | | | |

|school and its programs. | | | | | | | |

|Works cooperatively with the School Community Council. | | | | | | | |

|Deals appropriately with parental complaints. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Conducts the school operation in an orderly manner, but at the same time encourages initiative,| | | | | | | |

|imagination and creativity on the part of staff and students. | | | | | | | |

|Works cooperatively with teachers to formulate matters concerning school budget. | | | | | | | |

|Effectively communicates division/school policy to staff members. | | | | | | | |

|Ensures that reasonable safety precautions and emergency procedures are developed and used. | | | | | | | |

|Exercises sound judgment in the day-to-day operation of the school. | | | | | | | |

|Supports new curricula and other initiatives involving instruction. | | | | | | | |

|Plans teacher-student timetables in the best interests of quality instruction. | | | | | | | |

|Delegates responsibility to others to empower staff/students. | | | | | | | |

|Selects, assists, and supports personnel in their teaching/learning process. | | | | | | | |

|Accepts the responsibility and consequences of resolving conflicts and making final decisions | | | | | | | |

|when necessary. | | | | | | | |


The Administrator

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |NA |

|Communicates effectively with others. | | | | | | | |

|Retains composure in stressful situations. | | | | | | | |

|Adapts to change with flexibility. | | | | | | | |

|Assumes and carries out the commitments of the position. | | | | | | | |

|Relates in an appropriate and productive manner with others. | | | | | | | |

|Demonstrates integrity in the work situation. | | | | | | | |

|Handles confidential information appropriately. | | | | | | | |

|Values and recognizes the people in the work situation. | | | | | | | |

|Displays sensitivity to the attitudes, thoughts, and feelings of various audiences. | | | | | | | |

|Anticipates possible conflict situations and develops preventative measures. | | | | | | | |

|Establishes a positive working environment which encourages self-discipline, self-direction, | | | | | | | |

|and cooperative participation. | | | | | | | |


Discuss the strengths of the administrator which you feel are important.

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Discuss areas for improvement for the administrator which you believe may impact the school.

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In your opinion what single change in the actions of the administrator would make your feelings as a staff member, student or parent more positive?

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Make any additional comments about the administrator which you believe are important to this evaluation.

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Thank you for your honest feedback in helping me to assess my work and to set goals for my own professional growth.

Appendix D

School-based Administrator’s Performance Appraisal

Completed by Superintendent of Education

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| |School-based Administrator’s |

| |Professional Practice Evaluation |

| | |Years of Experience: | | |

|Administrator’s Name: | | | | |

|Position: | |Years as Administrator: | | |

|School: | |Report Date: | | |

| | |Superintendent’s Name: | | |

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|The four levels of the Sun West Leadership Competencies are identified below. The levels range from administrators who are still striving to |

|master the basics of school leadership to highly accomplished school-based administrators who are viewed as leaders in the broader educational |

|community. |

| |

|Limited level – Limited is a level of performance typically demonstrated by administrators who lack the necessary knowledge, skills and/or personal|

|attributes to successfully meet the day-to-day demands of the role. |

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|Adequate level –Adequate is a level of performance typically demonstrated by administrators who meet the standard and are able to respond to the |

|day-to-day demands of the role. They are making progress in developing their practice. |

| |

|Proficient level - Proficient is a level of performance typically demonstrated by administrators who appreciate the broader impact of leadership|

|and are able to synthesize information and respond appropriately in a given context. They are able to prioritize and act proactively and are |

|willing to take reasonable risks |

| |

|Distinguished level – Distinguished is a level of performance typically demonstrated by administrators who are visionary in their approach and who |

|put forward creative, innovative solutions to problems. Distinguished administrators attempt to shape school policy and are viewed as leaders in |

|the broader educational community. |

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|Key: |

|Ensures that teachers integrate outcomes, content and a variety of instructional/assessment strategies according to | | | | |

|student ability, their cultural and linguistic backgrounds, aptitudes, and interests | | | | |

|Demonstrates knowledge and assists classroom teachers in implementation of current curricular practices in various subject| | | | |

|areas | | | | |

|Works with teachers to implement to plan, modify and implement the instructional program consistent with student needs | | | | |

|Engages staff and models long term planning to ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment | | | | |

|Facilitates, with professional learning teams, the use and/or creation of common assessments | | | | |

|Ensures staff maintains a positive learning environment | | | | |

|Models and develops planning procedures that implement 21st Century competencies and learning | | | | |

|Encourages teachers to regularly provide opportunities for student leadership and self-directed learning | | | | |

|Ensure that teachers engage in ongoing communication with parents/caregivers about their child’s programming | | | | |

|1b. Inclusion and Intervention |

|Coordinates the work of school-based special education, support personnel, division consultants and outside agencies with | | | | |

|the programs of the school | | | | |

|Advocates for students’ needs with early intervention and special program implementation | | | | |

|Collaborates with staff to create individualized programming as needed | | | | |

|Develops concepts through a sequence of varied learning activities | | | | |

|1c. Data Driven Decision Making |

|Develops a plan for the regular monitoring of student achievement which includes teacher input, use of test results and | | | | |

|the placement of students in appropriate instructional program | | | | |

|Implements the use of school, provincial and national data | | | | |

|Engages the learning community to identify areas for collaboration to improve the learning program (teachers, support | | | | |

|staff, parents, school community council, school division) | | | | |

|Engage professional learning team in developing a common understanding of assessment for learning and acquires data | | | | |

|necessary for informed decision-making | | | | |

|1d. Teacher Supervision and Monitoring |

|Carries out procedures for the orientation and supervision of all personnel | | | | |

|Comments: |

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|Key: |L |Limite|A |Adequa|

| | |d | |te |

|Ensures that school vision is aligned with goals of the Sun West School Board and the Ministry of Education | | | | |

|2b. School Goals and Learning Plan |

|Collaborates with staff to plan and establish goals that are clear, achievable and measureable (ESSP Level Three School | | | | |

|Strategic Plan) | | | | |

|Creates a plan for 21st Century competencies implementation and support | | | | |

|Accounts for decisions and directions within the school | | | | |

|Manages resources wisely to promote the instructional program and other school initiatives | | | | |

|Effectively implements the school division policy and procedures in collaboration with staff and school community council | | | | |

|2c. Leading Change |

|Encourages staff innovation and initiative | | | | |

|Creates an environment conducive to risk-taking and implementing new initiatives | | | | |

|Recognizes and responds to the need for growth and change; demonstrates forward thinking | | | | |

|2d. Resource Management |

|Implements a process for completing inventory, acquiring, and replacing equipment | | | | |

|Implements a plan and regular monitoring for effective cleaning and maintenance of the facility | | | | |

|Develops, updates and communicates five year facility plan | | | | |

|Implements procedures for budget preparation and monitoring | | | | |

|Responsible for school-based decisions with respect to such matters as school finances, resource allocation, schedules and | | | | |

|timetables, staff assignments, purchasing, student services, reporting and record keeping | | | | |

|Completes tasks as outlined in the administrators’ calendar | | | | |

|Comments: |

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|Key: |L |Limite|A |Adequa|

| | |d | |te |

|3a. Positive Climate and Culture |

|Creates a child-centered school focus, in which all staff are encouraged to be advocates for children through school policy | | | | |

|and procedures | | | | |

|Has procedures and practices in place to provide a safe and nurturing environment for staff and students | | | | |

|Maintains a visible presence in the school | | | | |

|Ensures staff maintains a positive learning environment | | | | |

|Works with staff to develop and implement positive behavioral expectations and supportive discipline practices and | | | | |

|facilitates collaborative problem solving for behavioural intervention | | | | |

|Works with staff to coordinate services and supports for students and their families | | | | |

|Develops a plan to promote students’ personal and social development | | | | |

|Establishes high expectations of students and staff | | | | |

|Creates and promotes an atmosphere of inclusion for cultural and societal diversity | | | | |

|3b. Communication, Collaboration and Relationships |

|Implements a comprehensive and effective system of communication, consultation and collaboration with the staff, students | | | | |

|and parents of the school, the school community council, the larger community and other human service organizations to | | | | |

|ensure a shared vision for the school | | | | |

|Promotes teamwork and collaboration among staff and supportive relationships among students, staff, parents and community | | | | |

|based on mutual trust and respect. | | | | |

|Supports and demonstrates personal and professional ethics in all relationships. | | | | |

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|Key: |

|Ensures that staff are educated and supported with respect to implementing 21st Century competencies | | | | |

|Supervises all school personnel and provides support for each staff member’s professional growth in accordance with division | | | | |

|procedures | | | | |

|Ensures that staff engage in reflection, personal and professional development planning, implementation and networking to | | | | |

|ensure learning outcomes | | | | |

|Encourages staff innovation and initiative | | | | |

|Engages the learning community to identify areas for collaboration to improve the learning program | | | | |

|Reviews long-term plans with teachers to ensure that curriculum, instruction and assessment are aligned | | | | |

|Assists teachers to align, enhance and continuously refine their teaching practices and assessment repertoire with additional | | | | |

|strategies and the use of performance assessments | | | | |

|Encourages staff to utilize curricular supports such as learning coaches and mentors | | | | |

|Provides opportunity for teachers to solve their own problems | | | | |

|4b. Collaboration and Relationships |

|Promotes an approach to leadership where power and relationships are mutual, interdependent and shared | | | | |

|Promotes teamwork among staff and supportive relationships among students, staff, parents and community based on mutual trust | | | | |

|and respect | | | | |

|Creates collaborative processes for making decisions and solving problems | | | | |

|Implements a comprehensive and effective system of communication, consultation and collaboration with the staff, students and | | | | |

|parents of the school, the school community council, the larger community and other human service organizations | | | | |

|Recognizes strengths in teachers and provides opportunity for others to lead | | | | |

|4c. Professionalism |

|Demonstrates and supports the values and ethical principles that guide educational decisions | | | | |

|Exhibits professional growth through in-service activities, committees and conferences and the creation of a professional | | | | |

|portfolio | | | | |

|Demonstrates active participation in personal and professional growth and self-reflection | | | | |

|Practices shared leadership | | | | |

|Acknowledges personal strengths and potentialities | | | | |

|Responds to and effectively addresses emerging issues | | | | |

|Demonstrates appropriate and accurate verbal and written communication skills in a timely fashion | | | | |

|Commit to personal wellness and work-life balance | | | | |

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|Key: |

|Promotes a culture of mutual respect among partners | | | | |

|Facilitates a community-wide commitment to early intervention that connects families, schools and communities to long-term | | | | |

|strategies that support the well-being and educational success of children and youth | | | | |

|Supports parents in identifying meaningful ways that families can be partners in their children’s education. | | | | |

|Works collaboratively and builds relationships with staff, students, parents and community members (including School Community| | | | |

|Councils) | | | | |

|Engages school community members in school learning improvement | | | | |

|Implements a comprehensive and effective system of communication, consultation and collaboration with all stakeholders | | | | |

|Develops a shared vision and sense of direction within a school community | | | | |

|Regularly acknowledges positive contributions of members of the school community | | | | |

|Promotes a welcoming atmosphere to parents and community members | | | | |

|Provides opportunities for beginning teachers to connect with community | | | | |

|Maintains positive visibility within the community | | | | |

|Educate our communities about 21st Century learning and current educational practices | | | | |

|Comments: |

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School-based Administrator’s Comments:

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|School-based Administrator’s Signature | |Date |

Superintendent’s Comments:

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|Superintendent’s Signature | |Date |

Note: Signatures indicate that the parties have read and discussed the report.












By June 20__, I will incorporate aspects of Marzano’s commitment #2 into my supervision practices.

Record of classes visited and reflective journaling on my goal.

- One visit per classroom per month.

- Teachers familiar with ten instructional design questions.

-Review current documents on supervision at division level.

-Action research using Marzano’s model.

-Introduction of model to staff.



-Policy of division aligns nicely with Marzano’s model.

-Experienced at supervision.

-Reflective staff.

Marzano books and handouts.

Peer support with colleague.

Making the supervision process meaningful for all staff.





Development of a personal model of supervision that is practical and helps support and foster teacher effectiveness.




By June 20___ all support staff will have completed the professional growth as outlined in the Sun West handbook.



100% of support staff will have met the goal.

-Specific meeting time to complete the documents together.

-Make it fun

-Conference and support as needed.




Time provided

Support of team


Time and busy school





Completed documents from the applicable handbook.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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