Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ

Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ

Proposed Constitution and Bylaws

February 27, 2012

Note: Items highlighted in green are for adoption purposes only. They will be removed after the document is approved.

Table of Contents

Articles of the Constitution 4

Bylaws 5

I. Preface 6

A. Background and Assumptions 6

B. Organization 7

C. Changes in Bylaws 7

D. Vision 7

E. Mission 7

F. Core Values 7

G. Core Beliefs 7

II. Organizational Structure 8

A. Shepherd 8

B. Shepherds’ Leadership Team 8

C. Supporting Teams 8

D. Function 8

E. Ministries 9

F. Shepherds’ Ministry Groups 9

G. Members of the Church 10

III. Shepherds 11

A. Handbook Development 11

B. Responsibilities of all Shepherds 11

C. Conflict Resolution for all Shepherds 12

D. Shepherds: Descriptions, Ministry Lists and Measures of Success 13

1. Christian Education: Children and Youth Shepherd 13

2. Christian Education: Adult Shepherd 14

3. Worship: Preparation Shepherd 15

4. Worship: Serving Shepherd 16

5. Church Family: Caring Shepherd 17

6. Church Family: Fellowship Shepherd 18

7. Community: Missions Shepherd 19

8. Community: Outreach and Evangelism Shepherd 20

9. Operations: Finance Shepherd (Business Manager) 21

10. Operations: Organization Support Shepherd 22

11. Information Services: Information Shepherd 24

IV. Shepherds’ Leadership Team 25

A. Members 25

B. Meetings 26

C. Responsibilities 27

V. New Ministries 28

A. Purpose 28

B. Process 28

C. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team… 28

VI. Nominating Team for Shepherds’ Leadership Team 28

A. Purpose 28

B. Members 28

C. Responsibilities 28

VII. Visioning Team 29

A. Purpose 29

B. Members 29

C. Meetings 29

D. Goal-Planning Process 29

E. Communication of Plans 29

VIII. Legal Responsibilities Team 30

A. Purpose 30

B. Members 30

C. Meetings 30

D. Responsibilities include oversight of… 30

IX. Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team 30

A. Purpose 30

B. Requirements for members of this ministry 31

C. Members 31

X. Healthy Church Meetings 32

A. Purpose 32

B. The leader of any ministry or team shall strive to…. 32

C. All members of the group shall strive to… 32

D. Meetings shall… 32

E. Decision-making guidelines 33

XI. Conflict Resolution 33

A. Conflict within a Ministry group or Ministry 33

B. The Role of each Shepherd 33

C. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team… 33

XII. Audit Team 33

A. Members 33

B. Duties 33


Appendix 36

Action Plan Template - Shepherds’ Leadership Team 37

Annual Report – Reporting form 38

Healthy Communication 39

How to Conduct Healthy Meetings 40

New Ministry - Application 41

Senior Pastor’s Position Description 42

Meeting Agenda – Sample 45

Ministry/ Team Report to Shepherd 46

Suggested Format for Annual Meetings 47

Suggested Format for Special Congregational Meeting 48

Robert’s Rules Simplified 49

Time and Talent Survey 50

Leadership Tree 51

Ministries Leadership Tree 52

Articles of the Constitution

I. Name: The name of the church shall be the Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ - YCUCC.

II. Purpose: As a community of disciples, the Church will transform lives by living Christ’s teachings and sharing the lessons from his life, death and resurrection, understanding that God continues to speak to us today.

III. Vision Statement: Welcoming all people as we seek to live Christ’s example.

IV. Mission Statement: To nurture the divine spark within all people so that together we can advance God’s peace and justice, serve others, and care for creation with open minds, generous hearts, and willing hands.

V. Faith and Covenant: (a) Members promise and agree to work with God and with one another and bind ourselves to walk together in all God’s ways. (b) Members recognize Jesus Christ as head of the church. (c) Members recognize the necessity of cooperating with other organizations, religious and secular, in caring for all God’s people and the Earth. (d) As a community of faith we are in covenant relationship with the United Church of Christ and all of its related missions and ministries, including the Illinois Conference and the Fox Valley Association.

VI. Clergy: The clergy are the ordained spiritual leaders/teachers of the congregation.

VII. Organization: (a) Membership in this congregation is open to any person who has been baptized, has been confirmed, or has made public confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. (b) A Shepherds’ Leadership Team will be comprised of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary and eleven shepherds – all members of the church and elected by the church membership at an annual meeting. The Pastor is also a member of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team. (c) The church will conduct an annual meeting according to the Bylaws. Passing a motion will require a majority vote, with a minimum of 50% of the average attendance over the last 12 months.

VIII. Parliamentary Authority: The latest published revision of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the guide for the conduct of all meetings.

IX. Decision Making: (a) The governance of this church resides with the Congregation, as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws. The business of the church shall be conducted fairly, openly, inclusively and transparently. (b) Church business will be conducted in an orderly and inclusive manner. (c) The work of the church shall be guided by the Bylaws and the Handbook (as developed ).

X. Property: (a) This Church, pursuant unto its Constitution and Bylaws, shall have authority to erect houses or buildings of worship and related activities, and make improvements, and repair, and alter the same; and may mortgage, rent, lease, encumber, sell and convey any real or personal estate of the church for the general purposes of the Church; and enter into all lawful contracts in the name and in behalf of said Church. (b) Gifts, grants or legacies given to this Church shall be appropriated and used, insofar as possible, as directed by the person(s) making the same. In the event that the intent of the person(s) making the same is not known in writing at the time given, the use of said property shall be determined by the Church in a meeting as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. (c) In the event this congregation shall totally disband, its assets and all property and interests of which it shall then be possessed, including any devise, bequest, gift or grant contained in any will or other instrument, in trust or otherwise, made before or after such dissolution, shall be transferred to the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ (or its successor).

XI. Meetings: Annual meetings will occur prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. Special meetings may be called. The bylaws shall describe the timeframe and process of our congregational meetings.

XII. Amendment: The Constitution may be amended or revised at any official meeting of the Church. Amendments or revisions must be presented to the Congregation and be available in writing two months prior to the meeting in which the amendment or revision is considered. Adoption shall be three-fifths majority vote, with a minimum of 50% of the average attendance over the last 12 months.



For more than 150 years, the YCUCC has been, and continues to be, a dynamic organization of members as a body of Christ, who strive together to worship, learn, serve and enjoy fellowship. Over the years, the church was guided by a Constitution and Bylaws that reflected the vision and mission as defined by the members in the time period in which they lived.

In recent years, YCUCC members and leaders have seen the need to revise the Constitution and Bylaws to meet the challenges of the time. In their discernment and discussion of a new Constitution and Bylaws, the committee members sought to capture and include three valued components: (1) the history and culture that built this church; (2) the climate that developed during the interim ministry of Pastor Bob Stout; (3) the necessity to function in the modern, electronic world.

First, the new Constitution and Bylaws must respect the history and culture of this church. The physical structure was built with donated labor. Also, the church has valued both independent thinking and a democratic mode of operation. In addition, members have volunteered their time, talents, and treasures in all aspects of church life, such as Christian education, evangelism, stewardship, missions, worship, music and caring for each other in both celebrating and challenging times.

Secondly, the climate of the interim period challenged members to help carry the responsibilities of the church for nearly 2 ½ years. It served as a time for us to reflect on the more immediate past as well as to seek a vision of the future. What kind of church did we want to be?

Thirdly, the new Constitution and Bylaws must include a response to changing social expectations that require improved communication, including the use of electronics and especially Internet capabilities. It should also include more efficient financial management that will result in additional resources to support the mission of the church. The church, furthermore, should be an organization that encourages members, using their expertise and interests, to participate with passion in the decisions and activities of their area of interest. One of the overarching goals was to draft a Constitution and Bylaws that would take the church into a passion-driven mode of operation.

The new Constitution and Bylaws were written with respect for the history and culture of the church, for the vitality of the members serving the mission of the church and for the opportunities to take full advantage of technological achievements to maximize our time and gifts to do God’s work in the world.

A. Background and Assumptions

1. The Bylaws describe the organization and function of the YCUCC as envisioned and discerned by the committee entrusted to this task.

2. The Bylaws attempt to support the overarching purpose of the Church: to transform lives through the four major functions of the Christian Church as defined by Paul in Acts 2:42. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.” These four functions translate into four major branches of the Church and are included in the ministry groups of YCUCC: Christian Education, Worship, Church Family (Fellowship), and Community (Service).

3. As stated in the Constitution, the purpose of the Church is to transform lives by sharing Christ’s teachings and his life, death and resurrection. It was with this purpose in mind that the Bylaws and Constitution were developed.

4. The Church provides a setting and structure for the transformation of lives. One’s life can be changed individually through involvement and contributions to one or more of the ministries as described in the structure of YCUCC. However, when two or more are gathered together in community, they have the opportunity to experience the synergy and power of transformation in the light of the Holy Spirit working in and through them individually and collectively.

5. Individually or in community of small or large groups, members have the opportunities to know Jesus and God through worship, education and the service and care for others. Many ministries of the church work collaboratively and in conjunction to support the purpose of the church.

B. Organization

1. The organization and function of the church is established to support the vision and mission of YCUCC.

2. The Bylaws were written with the belief that members of the church will work with awareness and understanding of the Core Values and Core Beliefs as discerned by the members of the church.

C. Changes in Bylaws

1. Changes in Bylaws I - II must be approved with a congregational vote.

2. Changes in Bylaws III - XII must be approved by a minimum of 7 of the 11 voting members of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team

D. Vision

Welcoming all people as we seek to live Christ’s example

E. Mission

To nurture the divine spark within all people so that together we may advance God’s peace and justice, to serve others and creation with open minds, generous hearts and willing hands.

F. Core Values

We value…

• An open, welcoming church environment and acknowledge this as an opportunity for ongoing emphasis.

• Ministry to persons in times of hardship whose needs may be emotional, spiritual, physical or financial.

• The spiritual nurturing of our children and young adults and dedicate ourselves to passing on our Christian faith through Christian education, experiences and example.

• Our responsibility to identify and respond to Local, National and Worldwide needs in a giving and Christian manner.

• Our time of fellowship and breaking bread together and recognize its vital role in our social and spiritual growth.

• The gift of music and song as an integral part of our worship experience and an expression and proclamation of our faith.

• Our responsibility to be good stewards of the earth and environment that God has entrusted to us.

• The need for direct, open communications and transparency of our actions. And, we recognize the need for parity in our expectations of one another.

• The Bible as Holy Scripture and as a guide for our individual Faith Journeys and Spiritual Guidance and encourage thoughtful interpretation as we seek to apply it to our lives.

• Our local church autonomy.

G. Core Beliefs

1. We believe that Jesus is the head of the church and that “God is still speaking” to the church and through the church.

2. We believe that, as the church of Jesus Christ, …

a. We are to live and minister, seeing God in every human being.

b. God calls us to live as Jesus did, and through prayer and discernment, align our lives and ministries with God’s purposes in the world.

c. We are to continue the mission Jesus left to us as His disciples – making disciples/followers of all people by sharing God’s love in word and deed.

d. God calls us to be a prophetic voice in our community, as Jesus was, living justly and calling for justice in all places.

e. We are to live and serve in a way that brings people closer to each other and closer to God, working in love for the wholeness and unity of all creation.

f. God calls us to be open to ongoing renewal, always seeking to find common grounds of service and ministry with other faith communities.

g. God calls us to live on the forefront of society, bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to life in our lives and our ministry to others.

h. We are called to minister and serve without fear, knowing that God’s side of our covenant with Him assures us that His love and forgiveness are sufficient to embrace our successes and our failures.

i. We need to be a joyous and celebrating community of faith.

Organizational Structure

H. Shepherd

1. We have chosen “shepherds” as a designation of leadership within the church. A shepherd is a person who protects, guides and watches over a person or group of people within his/her ministries. The term shepherd has been used in churches for centuries. It is our vision that each shepherd in the church will create a Christian atmosphere, while leading the ministries with whom they work.

2. Eleven shepherds have been identified as the leadership body for the church. Each shepherd has responsibility for a group of ministries. It is the responsibility of each shepherd to be an advocate for those ministries. This leadership body is called the “Shepherds’ Leadership Team.”

I. Shepherds’ Leadership Team

1. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team will be a group of leaders, members of YCUCC, who will meet monthly to guide the activities of the church and make decisions to support the purpose, vision, mission, core values and core beliefs.

2. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team will be comprised of 11 elected “Shepherds” who protects, guides and watches over a person or group of people within his/her ministries. Also on the Shepherds’ Leadership Team will be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary and the Pastor.

J. Supporting Teams

Five established supporting teams to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team are listed below:

• Nominating Team

• Visioning Team

• Legal Responsibilities Team

• Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team

• Audit Team

K. Function

1. The structure of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team and its responsibilities provide a foundation for thorough, open and straightforward communication, collaboration and cooperation, transparency in conduct, problem-solving avenues, inclusiveness, equality and ways to develop and grow the mission of the church.

2. Communication: An underlying function is multi-directional communication. It is important for all to listen and communicate in a Christian manner. An atmosphere of collaboration is critical to the success of our church’s vision and mission. Healthy communication is the responsibility of every member of the church.

3. Decision-making: Decisions shall be made as close to the source as possible. Whenever possible, decisions within a ministry shall remain with that ministry.

4. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year for YCUCC shall be July 1 to June 30.

L. Ministries

1. Within the church, there are many ministries. Ministries are defined as ongoing activities that are designed to promote the four branches of the church. These ministries vary but must have one thing in common. They must be consistent with the purpose, vision, mission, core values and core beliefs as adopted by the congregation.

2. Members of the church are encouraged to actively participate in one or more ministries of the church.

3. A “Ministry” . . .

a. Moves one’s passion in action.

b. Gives an opportunity for worship, learning, fellowship, and service.

c. Meets as often as desired or needed.

d. Continues as long as needed.

e. Includes any number of members.

f. Creates its own agenda within the vision, mission, core values and core beliefs of YCUCC.

g. Serves others in the church and community.

h. Shares God-given talents and gifts.

i. Gives joy and meaning to all involved.

j. Is it a God-centered experience?

4. Ministries may be added or discontinued as the church or Shepherds’ Leadership Team determines.

M. Shepherds’ Ministry Groups

1. Ministries that provide similar experiences or services have been grouped together.

2. There will be 11 ministry groups.

a. Eight of the ministry groups directly support the four major branches of the Church: Christian Education; Worship; Church Family (Fellowship) and Community (Service).

b. The Shepherds’ Ministry Groups are:

1. Christian Education – Children and Youth

2. Christian Education – Adult

3. Worship - Serving

4. Worship - Preparation

5. Church Family - Caring

6. Church Family - Fellowship

7. Community - Missions

8. Community - Outreach and Evangelism

c. Three additional ministry groups support the first eight groups and the general management of the church.

1. Operations - Finance (Business Manager)

2. Operations - Organization Support

3. Information Services - Information

N. Members of the Church

1. Each member of the church is encouraged to discover his/her gifts and talents and offer them to the work of the church through one or more ministries. The early Christian churches received guidance for using their spiritual gifts.

1 Corinthians 12: 4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 5 and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. 7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good... 11 All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills. 12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—

and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

2. While the Shepherds’ Leadership Team is established to give leadership to the church, every member of the church is a valued and important person in the church community and has unique gifts to offer.


O. Handbook Development

It should be recognized that the Bylaws and Constitution do not answer all questions and concerns of church ministries. Each ministry will be responsible for the development of procedures and guidelines within the scope of their ministries. These components should be compiled by the Shepherd and submitted to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team for approval. Handbooks should be readily available from the church office to all interested parties. Handbooks should be reviewed annually by the ministries and the Shepherds’ Leadership Team. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team will determine the format and insure the components are compiled according to plan.

P. Responsibilities of all Shepherds

|01 |Demonstrate respect and love for your ministry group. |

|02 |Serve on Shepherds’ Leadership Team as an advocate for your ministry group. |

|03 |Call and facilitate meetings as needed within your ministry group. Employ strategies for |

| |“Healthy Church Meetings” (see Bylaws - Healthy Church Meetings) |

|04 |Share information with: |

| | a. Building Manager when appropriate |

| | b. Your ministry groups |

| | c. Other shepherds as needed |

| | d. Entire Shepherds’ Leadership Team |

|05 |Define the areas of responsibility among each ministry in your ministry group |

|06 |Facilitate decision making |

|07 |Plan for the future (See Bylaws - Visioning Team) |

|08 |Maintain fiscal responsibility of the budget for your ministry groups: |

| | a. Sign off on all your ministry groups’ expenditures |

| | b. Clearly communicate your ministry groups’ budgets in writing |

|09 |Attend leadership training (offered by the church through Information Services) |

|10 |Provide content input to the Personnel Team regarding job descriptions of paid staff within his/her ministry groups. |

|11 |Evaluate and make recommendations regarding any paid staff within your ministry groups in conjunction with the Operations: |

| |Organization Support Shepherd. |

|12 |Submit an informational report (electronic submissions if possible) to the Chairperson at least five days before the regular monthly |

| |Shepherds’ Leadership Team Meeting. |

|13 |Prepare an annual report for the Shepherds’ Leadership Team and available before the Annual Meeting |

|14 |Oversee the development of handbook components within their ministries. |

Q. Conflict Resolution for all Shepherds

1. Inevitably, conflict within a ministry group or ministry may occur. This conflict can often be a healthy disagreement on an important part of the ministry or something simple. Regardless, this conflict needs to be addressed. It is the role of each Shepherd to address those conflicts or concerns as close to the source as possible. The Shepherd should request that the complainants meet to discuss the issue. Whenever possible, participants shall include and involve the people who are part of the question or conflict. It is hoped that the conflict will be addressed in a mutually, agreeable fashion. In the event that conflict cannot be resolved, a formal meeting between the complainants should be scheduled by the Shepherd to address the conflict. If no resolution can be found to the issue, the Shepherd should make a decision using available resources as to what is best for the church. If in the event one person or group is still in disagreement, they may address the Shepherds’ Leadership Team at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

2. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall address the issue as presented by the Shepherd(s) involved. They shall discuss and discern the underlining cause of the problem and shall work cooperatively through dialogue to reach consensus for implementation of an action plan for a fair solution. If needed, the Shepherds’ Leadership Team may create a sub-committee to gather more information and to make a recommendation to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team regarding the conflict.

R. Shepherds: Descriptions, Ministry Lists and Measures of Success

1 Christian Education: Children and Youth Shepherd

Christian Education is a valued part of church life. The Children and Youth Education Shepherd

is responsible for the coordination and development of educational programs and activities,

which occur throughout the year for children and youth.

Ministry List:

| Sunday School* |Confirmation Ministry |Youth Ministry Team* |

|Summer Children’s Fellowship |Vacation Bible School |Nursery/Child Care * |

* May include paid staff

(Current ministries: Christian Education Ministry; Youth Ministry Team;

Confirmation Ministry; Director of Christian Education; Child Care; Youth Director)

Measures of Success:

• Youth education programs are organized, prepared, staffed and executed effectively.

• Communication is open and fluent between ministries in this group.

• Ministries within this group have necessary program supplies.

• The Youth Group is active, focused on needs and issues of the group, and has a visible

presence in the church.

3 Christian Education: Adult Shepherd

Christian Education is a valued part of church life. The Adult Education Shepherd

is responsible for the coordination and development of educational programs and activities,

which occur throughout the year for adults.

Ministry List:

|Adult Education Classes* |New Member: Search and Discovery Classes* | Teacher Training* |

|Reel People |Bible Study Classes* | Library Ministry |

|Rezash Lectures |Individual Studies | |

* May include paid staff

(Current Ministries: Adult Education Classes; Adult Bible Study;

Endowment Committee; Pastor; Christian Education Ministry; Library Ministry; Reel People)

Measures of Success:

• Adult Education Classes and Bible study classes have regular attendance

and sufficient materials.

• The Rezash Lectures are scheduled, advertised and attended.

• New Member classes are offered at least twice a year.

• Teacher training is made available at least once a year.

• The Library is organized, advertised and well maintained.

4 Worship: Preparation Shepherd

Worship Preparation planning begins long before the service for a more meaningful worship experience.

The Worship Preparation Shepherd, in coordination with the pastor, is responsible for communicating

with the preparation ministries on planning for needs according to the church calendar and special services.

Ministry List:

|Altar Ministry |

|Wedding Ministry |

|Funeral Ministry |

|Banner Ministry |

(Current Ministries: Altar Guild; Banner Guild; Wedding Guild; Volunteer Funeral Group)

Church Calendar and Other Special Services:

|Christmas Eve |Holy Saturday |Commitment and Installation |

|Christmas Day |Easter |Pet Blessing |

|Epiphany |Pentecost Sunday |Baptism Service |

|Sundays of Ordinary Time |Advent Season |Communion Service |

| |(Hanging of the Greens) | |

|Ash Wednesday |Weddings |Dedications |

|Lent |Funerals |Third Grade Bibles |

|(Palm Sunday) | | |

|Maundy Thursday |Memorial Services |In-Gathering Sunday |

|Good Friday |New Members |Teacher Recognition |

Measures of Success:

• Preparation for worship should be well planned and executed in collaboration with and respect

for the pastor and with understanding by all participants.

• Preparation for worship should be communicated to the appropriate groups in a timely fashion

and explained well.

• In preparation for any worship service, everyone should have all the necessary supplies

and equipment needed to prepare for the service.

• In preparation for service, think of hospitality, liturgical seasons, nature, (five) senses and

respect to the mystery of the story of salvation.

6 Worship: Serving Shepherd

The Worship Serving Shepherd, in coordination with the pastor, is responsible for

communicating, organizing and serving members and guests before,

during and after the worship services.

Ministry List:

| | MUSIC: |

|Multi Media | Choirs* |

|Head Usher | Special Vocal Music |

|Ushers | Special Instrumental Music |

|Liturgist | Organist * |

|Acolytes | Pianist * |

*May include paid staff

(Current Ministries: Worship and Spiritual Growth; Music Programs)

Church Calendar and Other Special Services:

|Christmas Eve |Holy Saturday |Commitment and Installation |

|Christmas Day |Easter |Pet Blessing |

|Epiphany |Pentecost Sunday |Baptism Service |

|Sundays of Ordinary Time |Advent Season |Communion Service |

| |(Hanging of the Greens) | |

|Ash Wednesday |Weddings |Dedications |

|Lent |Funerals |Third Grade Bibles |

|(Palm Sunday) | | |

|Maundy Thursday |Memorial Services |In-Gathering Sunday |

|Good Friday |New Members |Teacher Recognition |

Measures of Success:

• Serving worship should be well planned, organized and executed in collaboration with and

respect for the pastor and with understanding by all participants in the worship space.

• Serving worship should be communicated to the appropriate groups in a timely fashion and

explained well.

• In serving worship everyone should have all the necessary supplies and equipment needed

to carry out the service.

• Serving worship should be directed with attention to members and guests to allow them to

experience a meaningful worship service.

• Serving worship should begin when members and guests arrive by greeting and welcoming

everyone before and after service with warm hospitality.

7 Church Family: Caring Shepherd

YCUCC has many outreach activities that help individuals or groups of the church. They vary

from visiting shut-ins to providing meals following funerals. The Caring Shepherd is responsible

for the coordination, development and quality of these outreach activities involving the church family.

Ministry List:

|Pastoral Care Ministry |Pastor-Parish Relations |Membership Ministry |

| |Ministry Team | |

|Cards |(See section in Bylaws) |Baptism Records, Certificates and Gifts |

|Visits: Shut-ins/hospital | |Membership Certificates |

|Prayer Chain | |Membership lists |

|Volunteer Funeral Group | |Nametags |

|Meals for Families | |Living Directory |

|Counseling and Support: hardship, grief, | |Wedding records |

|loss, | | |

|divorce, abuse | | |

|Driving Ministry | |Funeral records |

(Current Ministries: Pastoral Care; Living Directory;

Church Membership Secretary; Volunteer Funeral Group)

Measures of Success:

• All identified caring ministries are operating successfully and the needs of the church

family are being met.

• All caring ministry leaders have the appropriate materials and/or equipment to complete

their tasks successfully and expediently.

• Services are being administered with sincerity and caring.

• Members of each caring ministry are able to communicate concerns and ideas with

the shepherd.

• Appropriate information is shared and readily available to those who need that information.

8 Church Family: Fellowship Shepherd

There are numerous fellowship events that occur over the church year. These events are designed to bring the church family together or to provide information to members of the church. These may occur before or after service or at some other designated time. The Fellowship Shepherd is responsible for coordinating existing events and will be the point person in the development of new or different fellowship activities.

Ministry List:

|Celebrating Women |Ministry Fair* |Hospitality Ministry |

| | |(Coffee Fellowship) |

|Men’s Fellowship | |Fall Festival |

|Women’s Fellowship | |Wednesday Night Dinners |

|Joy Circle | |Church Picnic |

|Shalom Circle | |Taste of Christmas |

*Ministry fair is the responsibility of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team,

coordinated by Church Family - Fellowship Shepherd

(Current Ministries: Evangelism/Welcoming Ministry; Celebrating Women; Men’s Fellowship;

Women’s Fellowship; Joy Circle; Shalom Circle; Fall Festival; Wednesday Night Dinners)

Measures of Success:

• Fellowship activities are scheduled in a timely fashion.

• Fellowship activities are well planned and easy to follow.

• Fellowship activities are communicated to the appropriate groups in a timely fashion.

• Fellowship activities are meaningful and central to the purposes of the church or church family.

• Fellowship leaders and participants have the appropriate materials and equipment to have a successful experience.

• A feedback loop demonstrates that the fellowship activity was successful.

9 Community: Missions Shepherd

Supporting missions that improve the lives of people locally and beyond is a valued aspect of the church. The Missions Shepherd is responsible for coordinating and communicating among the ministries

that oversee the events or activities whose main purpose is to raise money or collect items

for specifically identified missions.

Ministry List:

|Missions Ministry |Our Church’s Wider Mission |Christian Education Missions |

| |(OCWM) | |

|BBQ Event |UCC Basic Support |White Gifts |

|Soup Sundays |One Great Hour of Sharing |Camp Sunday |

|Mutual Ground |Strengthen the Church |Blanket Mission |

|Hesed House |Neighbors in Need |UNICEF |

|Operation Santa |Pastors’ Christmas Fund |Pancake Breakfasts |

|Food Pantry | | |

|AID | | |

|(Christmas) | | |

(Current Ministries: Mission Ministry, Christian Education Ministry)

Measures of Success:

• All identified ministries are operating successfully according to the goals and purpose set

by each ministry.

• All fundraising ministry leaders are communicating and cooperating, with the leadership of

the shepherd, in regard to dates on the church calendar for fundraising events and collections.

These leaders will work closely with the pastor and the building manager in setting these dates.

• Members of each fundraising ministry are able to communicate concerns and share ideas with

their ministry leaders and with the shepherd.

• All ministry leaders responsibly and appropriately publicize and promote their events and

collections with information services of the church.

11 Community: Outreach and Evangelism Shepherd

Supporting missions that improve the lives of people locally and beyond is a valued aspect of the church. The Community Outreach and Evangelism Shepherd is responsible for coordinating and communicating among the ministries that sponsor annual events and the ministries that function continuously; the ministries’ purpose is to assist people in need through service locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, and to reach out to people in the community to invite them into our church family. It is the responsibility of all members of the church to practice evangelism as they reach out to non-church members.

Ministry List:

|Kendall Cares Clinic |Green Group |Evangelism |

|Mission Trips |PADS |Greeters |

| | |Welcomers |

(Current Ministries: Green Group; PADS; Evangelism/Welcoming Ministry;

Mission Trips Groups; Kendall Cares Clinic)

Measures of Success:

• All identified ministries are operating successfully according to the goals and purpose set by each ministry.

• All outreach ministry leaders are communicating and cooperating, with the leadership of the shepherd, in regard to dates on the church calendar for outreach special events and on-going activities. These leaders will work closely with the pastor and the building manager in setting these dates.

• Members of each outreach ministry are able to communicate concerns and share ideas with their ministry leaders and with the shepherd.

• All outreach ministry leaders responsibly and appropriately publicize and promote their events and collections with information services of the church.

• All outreach ministries’ leaders work with the shepherd to assess the participation level of church members and evaluate the extent that the local community (and beyond) is being reached by the service of these ministries.

13 Operations: Finance Shepherd (Business Manager)

The Finance Shepherd facilitates the activities, which manage and record the finances of the church.

The Finance Shepherd will assist in counting income with the Contribution Managers

and will reconcile the check register.

(The Chairperson of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team and the Operations: Finance Shepherd

are both required to sign legal documents.)

Responsibilities and Ministries

|Contribution Manager(s) |Business Managers (2) |Special Manager(s) |

|Contributions and income* |Cash Assets Management |Memorials |

|Pledges |Financial Bookkeeping |Endowment |

|Stewardship campaign |Budget development, monitoring, and | |

| |payout priorities | |

| |Payroll Administration | |

| |Accounts payable | |

| |Purchasing Supervision | |

| |Sign all outgoing checks | |

*May include paid staff

(Current Ministries: Church School Financial Secretary; Trustee Ministry; Church Treasurer*;

Church Financial Secretary*; Endowment Committee; Administrative Assistant, Stewardship)

Measures of Success:

• Creating a fiscal policy that maintains a balance of income and expenditures of the church resources

• Payroll administration and employee benefits meet government laws.

• Bills are paid according to terms.

• Church income and pledges are accurately counted and recorded.

• Capital assets are accounted for and wisely invested.

• Endowments are created using our church's guidelines and resources wisely invested and carefully tracked.

• Memorials are recorded and utilized as designated in an optimum fashion.

• The budget reflects the best use of resources gifted by church members. The budget is monitored and approved by the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

• Accurate and complete church financial records will be delivered to the audit team.

14 Operations: Organization Support Shepherd

The Organization Support Shepherd facilitates the activities,

which provide a home and administrative support for our congregation.

Ministry and Staff List:

|Administrative Leader |Building and Grounds Leader |Personnel Ministry |

| | |(3-5)** |

|Administrative/Secretarial – Reports to |Building Administration and Maintenance* |Job Description |

|Pastor, Communicates with Shepherd* | |(Content of job descriptions is |

| | |provided by the appropriate Shepherd) |

|Office Management* |Grounds Maintenance* |Evaluations format and scheduling |

|Purchasing Support* |Janitorial* |Job Advertisements |

|Office Equipment |Security/Safety |Hiring Guidelines and procedures |

| |(Sextons and after service | |

| |building lock-up)* | |

| |Custodial Supplies* |Salary Levels |

| |Insurance/Incident Reports* |Personnel Records |

| |Kitchen Scheduling and Safety* | |

| |Sound Room Equipment | |

| |Sacristy Equipment | |

| |Property Asset Management | |

| |Safe Church Policy | |

| |Schedules/Communicates Building Use | |

| |Maintains Community-related bulletin board | |

| |Oversees contracts related to buildings and | |

| |grounds | |

*May include paid staff

** Personnel Ministry (does not hire or dismiss staff)

(Current Ministries: Administrative Assistant; Building Manager; Trustees Ministry;

Personnel Committee; Search Committee [ad hoc]; Custodians; Maintenance; Sextons)

Measures of Success:

• Efficient secretarial; administrative support provided

• Building manager schedules and communicates building use.

• Church office maintained

• Organizes and manages bulletin and newsletter printing accurately and punctually

• Give support to church publicity projects.

• Provide efficient office support for the functions required for church program

• Maintain church home and grounds in clean and orderly condition

• Provide a security program for church home and grounds, which prevents security violations.

• Provide accurate church job descriptions and provide a timeframe for job evaluations for people

who perform paid jobs for the church.

• Develop and monitor successful procedures for job advertisements and hiring.

• Determine fair compensation levels for church employees.

• Maintain accurate and up-to-date church employee records.

15 Information Services: Information Shepherd

Communication must be multi-faceted, dynamic and multi-directional. This is accomplished by disseminating and receiving information that affects all aspects of church life. The Information Tech Shepherd is responsible for the technical operations of the church’s internal and external communication.

Ministry List:

|Web Presence |Media |Internal Communications |

|E-mail* |Newspapers* |Oral Announcements |

|Facebook* |Radio* |Worship Folder |

| | |(Bulletin Information)* |

|Website* |TV* |Church Newsletter* |

|Twitter | |Phone Tree * |

| | |Information Center |

| | |Leadership Training |

| | |Time and Talent Survey |

| | |Multi media |

*May include paid staff

(Current Ministries: Evangelism/Welcoming Ministry; Administrative Assistant;

Building Manager; Website Maintenance; Media Person)

Measures of Success:

• All church information is accessible in a timely, accurate manner.

• A process is in place to receive and provide information for Shepherds, Ministry Groups, church members and staff.

• The process is used and understood by all participants.

• All posted information is accurate and up to date.

Shepherds’ Leadership Team

S. Members

1. All members of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall be active members of this church. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall include the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary, eleven Shepherds, and Senior Pastor. Members serving in these positions, other than the Pastor, shall be elected by church members at the annual meeting. Shepherds shall serve a three-year term and shall have one vote. Note: The Pastor, Chairperson (except in case of a tie), Vice-Chairperson and Recording Secretary are non-voting members.

2. The voting members of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall include the 11 Shepherds of the ministry groups:

a. Christian Education: Children and Youth Shepherd

b. Christian Education: Adult Shepherd

c. Worship: Serving Shepherd

d. Worship: Preparation Shepherd

e. Church Family: Caring Shepherd

f. Church Family: Fellowship Shepherd

g. Community: Missions Shepherd

h. Community: Outreach and Evangelism Shepherd

i. Operations: Finance Shepherd (Business Manager)

j. Operations: Organization Support Shepherd

k. Information Services: Information Shepherd

3. The Chairperson…

a. Shall be a member of the church.

b. Shall have interpersonal, leadership and basic computer skills.

c. Shall be willing to devote the time needed to serve in this position.

d. Shall be elected by the members of the church at the annual meeting.

e. Shall not be one of the Shepherds.

f. Shall vote only in the case of a tie.

g. Shall serve a two-year term, with a minimum of two prior years as a member of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team, with at least one year as a shepherd. This is to create a smooth transition from year to year as each shepherd gains experience and understanding of this position.

h. Shall listen to issues and provide direction to problem solving in the most direct and simplest ways involving all related parties.

i. Shall have a written agenda prepared three days prior to the meetings, and conduct orderly, efficiently run meetings.

j. Shall meet regularly, or as needed, with the Pastor, along with the Vice-Chairperson.

k. Shall make recommendations to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team for members of the Legal Responsibilities Team for approval.

l. Shall serve as facilitator of the Legal Responsibilities Team.

m. Shall serve as a member of the Visioning Team.

n. Shall be responsible for signing all legal documents along with the Finance Shepherd.(Business Manager)

o. Shall facilitate annual and special congregational meetings, as well as the regular and special Shepherds’ Leadership Team Meetings.

4. The Vice-Chairperson…

a. Shall be a member of the church.

b. Shall have interpersonal, leadership and basic computer skills.

c. Shall be willing to devote the time needed to serve in this position.

d. Shall be elected by the members of the church at the annual meeting.

e. Shall not be one of the Shepherds.

f. Shall be a non-voting member of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

g. Shall serve a two-year term, with a minimum of two prior years as a member of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team, with at least one year as a shepherd. This is to create a smooth transition from year to year as each shepherd gains experience and understanding of this position.

h. May move into the position of Chairperson at the end of the Chairperson’s term.

i. Shall listen to issues and provide direction to problem solving in the most direct and simplest ways involving all related parties.

j. Shall support the Chairperson and be prepared to facilitate meetings in the absence of the chairperson.

k. Shall meet regularly, or as needed, with the Pastor, along with the Chairperson.

l. Shall make recommendations to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team for members of the Visioning Team for approval.

m. Shall serve as facilitator of the Visioning Team.

n. Shall serve as a member of the Legal Responsibilities Team.

o. Shall make recommendations to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team for members of the Nominating Team for approval.

p. Shall be the non-voting facilitator for the Nominating Team.

5. The Recording Secretary…

a. Shall be a member of the church.

b. Shall have interpersonal, leadership and basic computer skills.

c. Shall be elected by the members of the church at the annual meeting.

d. Shall be responsible for the minutes at congregational meetings and the Shepherds’ Leadership Team Meetings.

e. Shall be responsible for the electronic distribution of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team meeting minutes within five days after the meeting.

f. Shall maintain a permanent church record of the meeting minutes.

g. Shall be a non-voting member of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

h. Shall be responsible to keep the constitution and by laws up to date and posted online with changes noted.

i. Shall serve a term of two years.

6. The Senior Pastor…

a. Shall be a member of the church.

b. Shall serve as a resource person and advisor.

c. Shall be the spiritual leader of the congregation.

d. Shall hold the vision of the church and communicate it at least annually.

e. Shall have control of the pulpit and shall not permit secular appeals for causes or money to be made from the pulpit without the vote of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

f. Shall submit a monthly written report to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

g. Shall be a non-voting member.

T. Meetings

1. Generally, meetings shall be held monthly, with additional meetings only as needed. All meetings shall have an agenda prepared by the Chairperson.

2. Generally, meetings shall be open to all members of the congregation and/or guests.

3. All Meetings will follow the Healthy Church Meetings guidelines.

4. Prior to each meeting,

a. The Shepherds shall submit an informational report (electronic submissions if possible) to the Chairperson at least five days before the scheduled meeting.

b. Each Shepherd’s report shall be a summary of the current activities of the ministries within that ministry group.

c. The chairperson, in turn, shall distribute the reports and agenda electronically to the entire Shepherds’ Leadership Team three or more days prior to the meeting.

d. All Shepherds’ Leadership Team members shall be responsible for understanding these reports.

5. Agenda process.

a. An agenda shall be prepared by the chairperson and distributed at least three or more days before meeting.

b. The shepherds shall submit agenda items, based on the issues related to each of their ministries, to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team Chairperson.

c. Agenda items shall focus on issues that affect more than one group of ministries or support Teams. Examples: calendar, coming events, communications, new ministries.

d. Each agenda shall include a directive for an action plan.

e. When an agenda item requires explanation, or more in-depth discussion, the chairperson shall request a representative(s) from a specific ministry or Support Team (chairperson or member) to attend for the purpose of providing information, insight, and recommendations regarding that agenda item.

6. Conduct. Each Shepherd shall dialogue and discuss openly, transparently, respectfully, and with the understanding of the church’s vision, mission, core values and core beliefs.

7. Follow up after meetings. Shepherds’ Leadership Team members shall follow up with appropriate and related ministries and Support Teams.

8. Meeting minutes. The recording secretary shall write and send electronically minutes of the meeting, including the action plan, within five days of the meeting; Shepherds shall forward the meeting minutes to the chairpersons of their ministry groups.

U. Responsibilities

1. Budget

a. Approve major purchases outside the established church budget.

b. Recommend Budget to the Congregation.

2. Annual Report

a. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team is responsible to prepare an annual report for the congregation.

b. The report should be prepared both electronically and in written form.

c. The Complete Annual Report will be ready for presentation at the Annual Meeting.

3. Annual Meeting

a. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall schedule an annual meeting at least one month prior to the end of the fiscal year.

b. The Chairperson shall facilitate the meeting.

c. The annual meeting must be announced and published a minimum of two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.

4. Special Meetings

a. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall schedule special meetings as needed.

b. The Chairperson shall facilitate the meeting.

c. The special meeting must be announced and published a minimum of two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.

d. The Chairperson or, in his/her absence, the Vice- Chairperson may call a special meeting at any time. Also, upon written request to the Chairperson by five percent or more of the average attendance over the last 12 months, a special membership meeting must be called within 30 days after the request is received unless the request is withdrawn.

e. Notice of the special meeting and the agenda shall be sent to the membership at least two weeks prior to the meeting as well as being announced from the pulpit.

f. All discussion and action shall be restricted to that agenda

5. Shall appoint an Audit Team that will present its findings annually to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

6. Shall recommend up to three candidates for the Pastor Parish Relations Ministry Team.

7. Hiring and Dismissal of Paid Staff

a. In this organizational structure, an employed staff member functions in the group of ministries of a specific Shepherd. One of the responsibilities of the Shepherd is to “evaluate and make recommendations regarding any paid staff within his/ her ministry group in conjunction with the Operations: Organization Support Shepherd.”

b. The following section gives “suggested guidelines.”

1. Hiring: To hire a person to fill an established paid position, the Shepherd will collaborate with the Personnel Ministry in providing description of the job. Interviews will be conducted by the Shepherd, and may include other ministry members as is appropriate. The Shepherd will bring the recommendation for the position to the Shepherd’s Leadership Team, who will vote on it.

2. Evaluating: Evaluations of a staff member will be done by the Shepherd, using the evaluation format from the Personnel Ministry. The Shepherd will work with the staff member to support the staff member by communicating successes. In addition, if any problem areas are identified, the Shepherd will work cooperatively with the staff member to determine ways to change and improve the problem areas.

3. Seeking support from SLT: If difficult situations require extended attention, the shepherd may request assistance from the Shepherd’s Leadership Team, who will discern a course of action for the staff member to work on changes for improvement.

4. Dismissal: If, after appropriate intervention and guidance from the Shepherd, a problem cannot be remediated, after informing the employee, the Shepherd will bring a recommendation to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team, who will vote on will the dismissal of that staff person. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team may allow employees the opportunity to address them.

8. Search Team

a. When a vacancy occurs in the pastorate, the Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall form a Search Team and provide for an interim pastor.

b. The Search Team …

1. Shall consist of seven to nine members recommended by the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

2. Shall elect a chairperson from its membership.

3. Shall, with the cooperation of the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ, make a canvas of the available ministers, settle upon one who, in their judgment, shall be called to the pastorate, introduce the candidate to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team, then to the Congregation and, at a duly called congregational meeting, propose the election of the candidate by ballot.

4. In the Call, the terms of the relationship shall be stated, and agreed upon between the candidate and the Shepherds’ Leadership Team. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team is responsible to provide a copy of the “Call Agreement” to the called Pastor(s), the Church, the Fox Valley Association and the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ.

New Ministries

V. Purpose

1. An individual member or group of members may propose a new ministry.

2. The purpose of the new ministry shall reflect the purpose, vision, mission, core values and core beliefs of the YCUCC.

W. Process

1. To start a new ministry, the individual or group shall complete a new ministry form for their proposal and submit it to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team Chairperson

2. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team Chairperson shall forward the request to one or more appropriate Shepherds.

3. If the proposed new ministry is determined to be appropriate and consistent with the purpose, vision, mission, core values and core beliefs, the Shepherd shall present the proposal to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team

X. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team…

1. Shall determine if the new ministry reflects the purpose, vision, mission, core values and core beliefs of the church.

2. Shall determine to which ministry group the new ministry shall belong.

Nominating Team for Shepherds’ Leadership Team

Y. Purpose

To search for qualified volunteers who are willing to serve the church as a member of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

Z. Members

1. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice Chairman is the non-voting facilitator for the Nominating Team.

2. Three members of the church shall represent different ministry groups.

3. Members shall be appointed or reappointed annually by the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

AA. Responsibilities

1. Accept the names of qualified volunteers to be considered as candidates for specific shepherd positions and for other leaders to be elected per the requirements listed under the Shepherds’ Leadership Team members.

2. Create a tentative list of possible candidates for all vacancies on the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

3. Contact each potential candidate to secure an affirmative answer for his/her nomination. Candidates shall receive a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws.

4. Assemble a slate of candidates to be voted upon by the church membership at the annual meeting.

Visioning Team

AB. Purpose

1. The purpose of the Visioning Team is to create a comprehensive, strategic plan for the future of YCUCC, which shall include one-year, three-year and five-year goals.

2. The plan shall reflect the current YCUCC’s mission and vision of the church and strive to advance the Core Values and Core Beliefs.

AC. Members

1. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice-Chairman (non-voting facilitator)

2. Chairperson of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team

3. Senior Pastor

4. Additional members: two to five people from the church membership

5. Recruitment of additional members: Interested members shall contact the Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice-Chairperson, or the Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice-Chairperson may seek people to serve on the Visioning Team.

6. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall approve members of the Visioning Team based on the Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice Chairperson’s recommendations.

AD. Meetings

1. The Visioning Team shall determine when and how often to meet.

2. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice-Chairperson shall prepare and distribute agendas three days prior to the meetings.

3. A secretary shall be selected from and by the members of the Visioning Team.

AE. Goal-Planning Process

1. Each Shepherd shall request goals from the Ministries in his/ her group and shall develop a “future plan” to represent his/ her “Ministry Group.” The Shepherds shall submit these future plans to the Visioning Team’s facilitator.

2. The Pastor shall write goals and submit these to the Visioning Team facilitator.

3. The members of the Visioning Team shall discuss, sort and prioritize the goals, merging those of the Pastor.

4. Goals shall be written into timelines and shall include who, when and how statements to indicate a plan for accomplishment.

5. The Visioning Team shall assess plans at least quarterly.

AF. Communication of Plans

1. The comprehensive strategic plan includes one-year, three-year and five-year goals including the goals of the Pastor.

2. The Visioning Team shall present the plans to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team at least once a year and to the Congregation at the Annual Meeting.

Legal Responsibilities Team

AG. Purpose

The purpose of this team is to address the legal and covenant issues that are a part of the church life.

AH. Members

1. Chairperson of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team is the facilitator.

2. Vice-Chairperson is a member.

3. Additional members: two to three from the church membership

4. Members are recommended by the Chairperson and approved by the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

AI. Meetings

1. Follow the guidelines for Healthy Church Meetings.

2. Meet a minimum of once per year.

3. Minutes of the meetings shall be recorded by a secretary selected from/by the Legal Responsibilities Team.

AJ. Responsibilities include oversight of…

1. Covenants with Denomination: (Association/Conference/and National)

2. Labor Law

a. Social Security taxes

b. Medicare taxes

c. Unemployment compensation

d. Gender Requirements

e. Employment Contacts

f. Workmen’s Comp

g. Safe Church Policy: Child/Sexual Abuse

h. Sexual harassment

i. Construction contracts premise liability

j. Church property Contracts

k. Tax law for not-for-profit organization

l. Rental of Church contracts

m. Equipment Contracts

n. Property buy or sell contracts

3. Communication: Reports on all legal issues to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team at least once per year, prior to the Annual Meeting.

Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team (PPRMT)

(Within group of “Church Family: Caring Shepherd)

AK. Purpose

1. The purpose of the Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team is to support and maintain an open and healthy relationship between the Pastor and members of the congregation:

2. To enhance the effectiveness of the church.

3. To create a climate in which the spiritual life and mission of the people are strengthened

4. The ministry shall serve as both an advisory group to the Pastor and as support for the Pastor’s leadership:

5. As an advisory group, the ministry group shares ideas, dreams, hopes expectations and concerns of the congregation with the Pastor.

6. As a support for the Pastor, the ministry group interprets roles, functions, and needs of the Pastor to the congregation.

7. The ministry team is neither programmatic nor policy orientated.

AL. Requirements for members of this ministry

1. Shall be a member of the church.

2. Constructive and caring communication

3. Atmosphere of confidentiality and trust

4. Training session to help the ministry function better; training to be led by a designated person with expertise in this role

AM. Members

1. This ministry shall consist of the pastor and four to six members of the congregation

2. Qualifications shall include…

a. Christian character that elicits the respect and admiration of the congregation and the Pastor

b. Maturity

c. Patience and flexibility

d. Vital interest in the life of the church

e. Ability to appreciate different points of view

f. Ability to negotiate and reconcile differences

g. Availability for listening to church members

h. Trustworthiness

i. Willingness to learn how to be effective in this ministry

3. Selection of members

a. Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall recommend up to three candidates

b. The Pastor shall recommend up to three candidates

c. Either the Shepherds’ Leadership Team or the Pastor may excuse any candidate from the suggested slate to strive for consensus

d. Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall vote on the final slate of candidates

e. Members serve two-year terms with reappointment being made possible with the consensus of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team and the Pastor.

4. Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team Facilitator

a. Selected by the members of the PPRMT

b. Serves a term of one year as facilitator

5. Meetings shall…

a. Take place at least quarterly with a meeting schedule being agreed upon shortly after the team is formed.

b. Follow Guidelines for Healthy Church Meetings

6. Responsibilities of the Pastor and the members of this ministry

a. To interact with each other and come to appreciate each other’s understanding of the expectations of the roles of Pastor and members of the congregation in carrying out the intended mission of the church

b. To find ways to improve or maintain the relationship between the Pastor and congregation to enhance their mutual ministry

c. To resolve unfruitful conflict

d. To assist the church in its ministry

e. To care personally for the Pastor

f. To oversee that a procedure for the annual evaluation of the Pastor takes place, insuring that the process is agreed upon between the Pastor and the evaluating team.

7. Communication

a. This ministry shall make an annual report to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team with comments, in general terms, regarding the health of the relationship of the Pastor with the congregation.

b. The nature of this ministry shall be to preserve confidentiality of all topics of the ministry.

Healthy Church Meetings

AN. Purpose

1. The meeting content and conduct shall reflect YCUCC’s defined mission and vision of the church and strive to advance the Core Values and Core Beliefs.

2. Everyone in the meeting group shall have a clear sense of the group’s purpose.

3. The first job of a church is to “grow people” and the second is to do God’s work in the world today.

AO. The leader of any ministry or team shall strive to….

1. Prepare an agenda in advance and sees that members receive a copy three days prior to the meeting.

2. Make sure that all members have what they need to make good decisions.

3. Introduce guests or newcomers to the group.

4. Encourage that all in the group have a voice.

5. Acknowledge and affirm each person’s contributions to the meeting.

6. Summarize or re-state each person’s comments.

7. Reach consensus.

8. Remind group members to support a decision or action.

AP. All members of the group shall strive to…

1. Practice good listening skills and discernment.

2. Be transparent, respectful and fair to all involved - directly and indirectly.

3. State questions, ideas and positions openly and honestly, even if these seem to be varying from the group.

4. Reach consensus on ideas and action plans.

AQ. Meetings shall…

1. Begin and end in prayer or include a short devotion when possible.

2. Encourage discussion that demonstrates understanding and discernment throughout the meeting.

3. Encourage all members to participate in discussion.

4. Develop an action plan, including how, when, where, who and evidence of completion.

5. Begin and end within the planned time frame so as to respect the members’ time.

6. Include setting a date for next meeting(s).

7. Be set in advance in order for all members to be able to reserve the times.

AR. Decision-making guidelines

1. Does this fit the group?

2. Does it add support to the purpose, vision, mission, core values and core beliefs of the group?

3. If so, do we have the resources to do it?

4. If so, do we have the will or passion to do it?

5. Does the topic need to be referred to another ministry group or team?

a. If so, is the timing right?

b. Only go forward if all answers are “yes”.

6. If done, who gets the glory (recognition) for this? God

Conflict Resolution

AS. Conflict within Ministries

1. Conflict can often be a healthy disagreement on an important part of the ministry or something simple.

2. The conflict needs to be addressed.

AT. The Role of each Shepherd

1. Address conflicts or concerns as close to the source as possible.

2. The Shepherd should request that the complainants meet to discuss the issue.

a. Participants shall include and involve the people who are part of the question or conflict.

b. The conflict will be addressed in a mutually agreeable fashion.

3. In the event that conflict cannot be resolved, a formal meeting between the complainants should be scheduled by the Shepherd to address the conflict.

4. If no resolution can be found to the issue, the Shepherd should make a decision using available resources as to what is best for the church.

5. If in the event one person or group is still in disagreement, they may address the Shepherds’ Leadership Team at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

AU. The Shepherds’ Leadership Team…

1. Shall address the issue as presented by the Shepherd(s) involved.

2. Shall discuss and discern the underlining cause of the problem and shall work cooperatively through dialogue to reach consensus for implementation of an action plan for a fair solution.

Audit Team

AV. Members

1. Shall consist of two members

2. Appointed by the Shepherds’ Leadership Team

AW. Duties

1. Shall have the duty to audit the previous year’s financial records (including endowment fund) and submit a report on their findings to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team as soon as possible after the close of the year

2. This committee may be asked to audit these and other financial records of the church throughout the year at the request of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.



Action Plan Template 37

Adult Shepherd 14

Annual Report – Reporting form 38

Appendix 38

Articles of the Constitution 4


business manager 21

Bylaws 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 41


Caring Shepherd 17

Chairperson 25

Conflict Resolution 12

Core Beliefs 7, 8, 29, 32, 41

Core Values 7, 29, 32, 41


Dismissal 28


Evaluating 28

Evaluations 22, 28


Fellowship Shepherd 18

Finance 10, 21, 25

Finance Shepherd 21

Function 9


Handbook Development 11

Healthy Church Meetings 11

Healthy Communication 39

Healthy Meetings 40

Hiring 22, 28


Information Shepherd 24


Legal Responsibilities Team 9, 25, 26


Meetings 26, 30

Members of the Church 10

Mission 4, 7, 19, 20, 41

Missions Shepherd 19


New Ministries 28

New Ministry - Application 41

Nominating Team 8, 29


Organization 4, 7, 10, 11, 25

Organization Support Shepherd 22

Outreach and Evangelism Shepherd 20


Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team 31

Preface 6

Preparation Shepherd 15


Recording Secretary 26

Robert’s Rules 4, 40, 49


Senior Pastor 26

Serving Shepherd 16

Shepherd 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 31, 34, 37, 42, 43, 44, 46, 50

Shepherds 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 41

Shepherds’ Leadership Team 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 41

Shepherds’ Ministry Groups 9

Supporting Teams 8


Vice Chairperson 25

Vision 4, 7, 41

Visioning Team 8, 11, 25, 26, 30


The appendix contains templates, explanations, sample agendas, and information that clarify the bylaws and provide guidance to those who are implementing them. Additional templates may be developed over time or current ones may be adjusted.

Action Plan Template - Shepherds’ Leadership Team

Each Shepherd is responsible to complete the action plan at the end of each meeting.

Shepherd Ministry: ____________________________ Date: ______________________ Next Meeting: ________________

|Ministry |Action Plans |Person Responsible | Timelines 50 |Proof of completion |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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Annual Report – Reporting Form

Name of Ministry/Team:

Mission Statement of Ministry (optional):

Members: number of members/ list names (optional):

Meetings: may include how many meetings per year, when and where:

Highlights of the past year:

Goals for future: one year, three years, five years:

Submitted by: __________________________________

Healthy Communication

• I tell my story and let others tell theirs.

• I avoid “awfulizing” negative experiences.

• I say what needs to be said to the one who needs to hear it in a personal setting, rather than in the presence of others.

• I devote as much energy to careful listening as to careful speaking.

• If something prompts anger in me, I report honestly how a feel in a way that invites positive solutions.

• I refrain from blaming and shaming.

• I will try to remember that challenges are not about me, and I will not take things personally.

• I will try to not make assumptions and will strive to find out facts before I jump to conclusions.

• I will speak with integrity, saying what I mean and avoid gossiping about others.

• I will strive to use the power of words in the direction of truth and love.

• I will strive to do my best in all situations.

Philippians 2: 12-18

“Do all things without murmuring and arguing, so that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine like stars in the world. . .”


The ideas above come from: Completing the Circle: Reviewing Ministries in the Congregation by David McMahill and from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

How to Conduct Healthy Meetings

All ministries, and teams will strive to follow the guidelines in “Healthy Church Meetings” and recommendations for “Conflict Resolution”.

Chairpersons and members of groups will be invited and encouraged to attend training sessions or workshops for leadership development and/or for healthy church meetings.

Prior to the meeting:

• All members of group are informed of the meeting date, time, place and purpose 5+ days in advance.

• Chairperson or facilitator writes an agenda.

• All members receive minutes and agenda (electronic or paper copy) 3+ days in advance.

• All members come prepared for the meeting: having read the agenda and minutes; completed tasks; be ready for discussion.

During the meeting:

• Arrive before the start time of the meeting.

• Follow the agenda as a guide to discussion, discernment, and action.

• Recommend following Robert’s Rules of Order whenever possible and appropriate.

• Respect each other through open, honest and transparent interaction.

• In discussion and in decision-making, each person is invited to participate to the extent that he/she desires.

• Questions and concerns should be stated.

• Silence will be understood as agreement/no disagreement.

• An action plan will be developed.

• The date, time, place and general purpose of the next meeting will be determined before adjournment.

• In respect for members’ time, meetings will begin and end as planned.

After the meeting:

• Secretary shall prepare a draft of the minutes and send these in a timely manner, 5 days, to members of the group.

• New thoughts should be shared with all, preferably by email, so that all receive the information simultaneously.

• Members of the group will follow up with any action assigned or volunteered.

Yorkville Congregational United Church of Christ

New Ministry - Application

A member or group of members of YCUCC may begin a new ministry, which develops out of their beliefs and passions. The new ministry must relate to the YCUCC Vision, Mission, Core Values and Core Beliefs.

Vision: Welcoming all people as we seek to live Christ’s example.

Mission: To nurture the divine spark within all people so that together we can advance God's peace & justice, serve others and care for creation with open minds, generous hearts and willing hands.

Core Values and Core Beliefs: as stated in the Bylaws.

After completing the application, please turn it in to the Chairperson of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team, who will review it. The Chairperson may request further information if needed and then will place this on an upcoming Shepherds’ Leadership Team meeting agenda for discussion and vote. The person or group submitting the application is encouraged to attend the Shepherds’ Leadership Team meeting to explain the Ministry and to answer questions.

Name of Ministry: ______________________________________________________________


How does this Ministry relate to the Vision, Mission, Core Values and Core Beliefs of the church?



What activities/events may be involved with this Ministry?




Expected outcomes: _____________________________________________________________________



Anticipated membership: __________________________________________________________

Frequency of meetings: ___________________________________________________________

Location of meetings: ____________________________________________________________

Anticipated budget: ______________________________________________________________

Submitted by: __________________________________________________________________


Signature(s):_________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Please attach additional information or explanation.

Senior Pastor’s Position Description

[Note: This document is intended to serve only as an overview of the Pastor’s position.

It is not inclusive of all tasks and responsibilities.]

I. Position Title: Senior Pastor

A. Reporting Relationships: The Senior Pastor works collaboratively with to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team, Visioning Team and the Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team.

B. Evaluation and Salary Recommendations: A sub committee of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team and a representative from the Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team will be responsible for the evaluation and recommendations for salary for the pastor.

C. Position Summary:

1. Responsible for the spiritual welfare, overall program, growth and life of the church.

2. Provides spiritual leadership in all areas of education, worship, service, and fellowship. Creates, communicates and coordinates vision with the Shepherds’ Leadership Team and Visioning Team, the staff and lay leaders as they minister and serve the church family and community.

3. Responsible for the oversight and leadership of worship services and special events.

II. Major Duties and Responsibilities

A. Shepherd’s Leadership Team

1. Serves as a resource and advisor.

2. Holds the vision of the church.

3. Submits a monthly written report to the Shepherd’s Leadership Team.

4. Meets with the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Leadership Team to plan for effective meetings, ensuring time is spent on relevant matters.

5. Works collaboratively with the Shepherd’s Leadership Team for leadership development of the members of the Shepherd’s Leadership Team regarding their duties as spiritual leaders of the congregation and as witnesses to the community.

6. Works with the Shepherd’s Leadership Team regarding special projects and events, such as congregational meetings, etc.

7. Determines opportunities for growth and makes recommendations to the Shepherd’s Leadership Team.

8. Anticipates future staff requirements and recommends action to the Shepherd’s Leadership Team.

9. Works with the Shepherd’s Leadership Team to coordinate involvement in various Fox Valley Association and Illinois Conference programs and ministries. Maintains a good working relationship with those entities.

10. Participates as a non-voting member of the Shepherd’s Leadership Team.

B. Worship

1. Prepares and delivers relevant sermons that challenge members and non-members to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

2. Ensures overall weekly worship services are effective, with focused content and coherent style, structure and design.

a. Weekly reviews and critiques prior worship services.

b. Plans future worship services, including order of worship, transitions and music selection (in partnership with Leader of Music Ministry).

3. Plans and implements special worship services, such as Christmas, Easter, Children’s/Youth Sundays and other special programs.

4. Assists Information Service Shepherd for timely and proper advertising and publicity for church services and future events.

5. Takes responsibility for securing pulpit supply in Pastor’s absence.

6. Works closely with the Worship Preparation Ministries and the Worship Serving Ministries.

C. Education

1. Organizes and teaches Bible study providing an in-depth interpretation of Scriptures.

2. Teaches periodic Search and Discovery classes for prospective new members, including subject areas:

a. What the Bible says about the Church

b. What we believe at YCUCC

1. Vision

2. Mission

3. Core Values

4. Core Beliefs

c. What the UCC believes

d. Vision, philosophy, personal testimony

e. Covenant relationship and responsibilities

3. Helps design and facilitate Christian Education Programs with the Christian Education Shepherds.

D. Church Family

1. Fellowship – Caring

a. Works collaboratively creating and maintaining a people-orientated ministry.

1. Visits people in hospitals, nursing homes and homes.

2. Reacts promptly to emergency and crisis situations.

3. Conducts baptisms, weddings, and funerals as requested, needed and appropriate.

b. Greets and socializes with people who attend worship services.

c. Is available to members and non-members, as needed and as the schedule allows.

d. Works collaboratively with the Membership Ministry.

e. Counsels, as requested, and makes referrals, as needed.

2. Fellowship

a. Participates in and attends retreats as schedule allows.

b. Participates in other fellowship activities as schedule allows.

E. Community

1. Supports the outreach, evangelism, and missions of the church through word and deeds.

2. Participates in YCUCC sponsored mission trips.

3. Participates in community events and organizations to foster community relations and outreach.

F. Operations

1. Finance:

a. Collaborates with the Finance Shepherd regarding development of the annual budget.

2. Operations:

a. Collaborates effectively and as needed with Administrative Support staff, Building and Grounds staff and Personnel Ministry.

G. Information Services

1. Write monthly articles of the YCUCC newsletter.

2. Communicates effectively and often with office staff.

3. Works collaboratively with the Information Shepherd.

H. Visioning Team (Bylaws)

1. Serves as a member of the Visioning Team.

2. Writes pastor’s goals and submits these to the Visioning Team Facilitator.

3. Works collaboratively with the members of the Visioning Team as they discuss, sort and prioritize the goals, merging those of the Pastor and the Shepherds’ Leadership Team.

4. Initiates, recommends, implements and exhibits creativity in fulfilling the vision of the church.

I. Other Duties and Responsibilities

1. Provides overall leadership, inspiration, and motivation of staff. Schedules and leads staff meetings. Inspires staff to strive for high goals.

2. Participates on the Pastor-Parish Relations Ministry Team (Bylaws)

3. Provides input to the various ministries for performance evaluations of staff members.

4. Assists the Operations Finance Shepherd in the design of stewardship campaigns

5. Takes proactive approach toward identifying problems and challenges and their creative solutions.

6. Devotes time to spiritual, mental, and physical development and well-being through devotional time, study, exercise, vacation, and continuing education.

Meeting Agenda – Sample

A meeting agenda provides a plan, keeps the group focused,

guides the participants to action, and uses time most effectively.

The agenda should be tailored to the needs of the ministry or team.

Name of Ministry Team

I. Call to order and welcome

II. Opening prayer, spoken or silent (one minute) or Devotions

III. Sharing time

IV. Attendance

V. Minutes of last meeting

VI. Treasurer’s Report

VII. Chairperson’s Report

VIII. Reports of ministries and supporting teams

IX. Open-ended business




X. New Business




XI. Action List

a. Identify tasks -who, what, when, where, why

b. Calendar/timeline

XII. Next meeting: Date, time, place (notify the building manager and/or other ministries involved.)

XIII. Closing prayer

XIV. Adjourn

Ministry/ Team Report to Shepherd

Ministry/Team Name____________________________________________________________

For month ______________To Shepherd of _________________________________________

Meetings held since the last report

Recent activity/ event completed

Upcoming activity/ event status

Questions/ concerns

Possible interface with other ministries

Calendar dates and times of activities in the ministry.

Submitted by: ________________________________, Chairperson Date Submitted:

Suggested Format for Annual Meetings

1. Call to order

2. Minutes, presented and approved

a. Motion:

b. Second:

c. Vote:

3. Financial Report

a. Last years’ history- Income and expenses

b. Upcoming year’s budget proposal: motion; second; discussion.

c. Approval of proposed budget

4. Brief Objectives Reports

a. Past year – Chairman

b. Goals for the future – Pastor

c. Future Plans – Visioning Team

5. Call for any other old business

6. Call for any new business

7. Adjournment

• Shepherds’ Leadership Team Chairperson facilitates the meeting.

• Quorum= .8[(a) ÷ (b)] x (c)

a= 5 year average attendance of congregational meetings

b= One year average worship attendance at regular services

c= 5 year regular church attendance average

• Votes are passed by simple majority of attendees.

• Speakers from the floor are limited to 3 minutes during discussion after the motion is seconded.

• Ballots: Generally, votes will be taken with secret ballot. Numbered ballot packets will be distributed at the beginning of the meeting. Distributed ballots will be counted to determine a quorum based on the above listed formula. (Note: Procedural votes such as accepting the minutes may be taken by voice count or count of hands.)

• Minutes, past budget report, proposed budget, and the visioning report will be made available to the congregation two weeks prior to the annual meeting.

Suggested Format for Special Congregational Meeting

1. Call to order

2. Minutes (if available) read and approved

3. Goals of the Special Meeting:

a. Proposed motion;

b. Second;

c. Discussion;

d. Congregational vote.

4. Adjournment

• Shepherds’ Leadership Team Chairperson facilitates the meeting. Presentation of the agenda item responsible for calling the special meeting may be made by the Chairperson or his/her designee.

• Quorum= .8[(a) ÷ (b)]x(c)

a= 5 year average attendance of congregational meetings

b= One year average worship attendance at regular services

c= 5 year regular church attendance average

Votes are passed by simple majority of attendees.

• Speakers from the floor are limited to 3 minutes during discussion after the motion is seconded.

• Ballots: Generally, votes will be taken with secret ballot. Numbered ballot packets will be distributed at the beginning of the meeting. Distributed ballots will be counted to determine a quorum based on the above listed formula. (Note: Procedural votes such as accepting the minutes may be taken by voice count or count of hands.)

• Proposals or issues with background information as well as past minutes will be made available to the congregation two weeks prior to the special meeting.

Robert’s Rules Simplified

Robert’s Rules describe basic protocols for discussing and deciding issues and are a useful way to manage any meeting.

Basics of Addressing a Motion

• In order to put forward a motion, the mover must be recognized by the Chair.

• The group can only consider one motion at a time.

• The mover states his/her motion; usually in positive terms. The motion statement is structured to start with the works “I move that…”

• A second person, or seconder, declares “I second the motion”. The Chair may ask if there is a second to the motion.

• If there is no second to the motion, it will not be considered by the group.

• If the motion is seconded, the Chair declares to the group that “It has been moved and seconded that…” The motion must now remain unchanged while it is discussed and debated by the group.

• The membership is given an opportunity to express their views or ask questions about the motion.

• There is a time limit, usually set by the Chair at the beginning of the meeting, for how long someone can hold the floor to talk about the motion. Sometimes there is a limit put on the debate of the entire motion rather than on individual contributions to the discussion.

• If no one has any comments or questions on the motion, it can go immediately to a vote.

• Otherwise, when there has been a full discussion and no further comments or questions are forthcoming from the floor, the Chair will then ask for a vote. This is called “Calling the Question”. Depending on the circumstances, votes can be:

o By the show of hands.

o By voice.

o By ballot.

Time and Talent Survey

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied Grace. 1 Peter 4:10

YCUCC ministries you would like to learn more about: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

YCUCC ministries you would like to continue your service:


YCUCC ministries you would like to become a participant:


Starting a ministry that reflects your passion:


Serving on the Shepherd’s Leadership Team in the area of:





Christian Education –Children/ Youth Shepherd

Christian Education – Adults Shepherd

Worship: Preparation Shepherd

Worship: Serving Shepherd

Church Family: Caring Shepherd

Church Family: Fellowship Shepherd

Community: Missions Shepherd

Operations: Finance Shepherd (Business Manager)

Operations: Organization Support Shepherd

Information Services: Information Shepherd

YCUCC Ministries 2012

Christian Education –Children/ Youth

Confirmation Ministry

Youth Ministry Team

Nursery/ Child care

Sunday School

Vacation Bible school

Summer Children’s Fellowship

Christian Education - Adults

Teacher Training

Bible Study Classes

Adult Education Classes

Library Ministry

Reel People

Rezash Lectures

Worship: Preparation

Altar Ministry

Banner Ministry

Wedding Ministry

Funeral Ministry

Worship: Serving


Head Usher



Audio-Visual Ministry

Adult / chancel choir

Youth Choir

Jubilation Choir

Sonshine Choir

Instrumental Music

Special Music

Church Family: Caring

Pastoral Care Ministry

Funeral group

Meals Ministry

Counseling and support group

Driving Ministry

Membership Ministry

Living Directory Ministry

Church Family: Fellowship

Celebrating Women

Men’s Fellowship

Women’s Fellowship

Joy Circle

Shalom Circle

Ministry Fair

Hospitality Ministry (coffee fellowship)

Fall Festival

Wednesday Night Suppers

Church Picnic

Taste of Christmas

Community: Missions

Missions Ministry:

BBQ Event

Soup Sundays

Operation Santa

AID Gifts

Special Offerings

Christian Education Missions:

White Gifts


Camp Sunday

Blanket Mission

Pancake Breakfasts

Community: Outreach and Evangelism

Green Group



Mission Trips

Kendall Cares Clinic

Operations: Finance

Contribution Manager

Business Manager (need 2)

Special Managers:



Operations: Organization Support

Assist in Office

Personnel Team (need 3-5)

Information Services: Information

Web manger


Radio and TV

Assist with weekly worship folder

Assist with newsletter

Assist with leadership training

Assist with Time & Treasures questionnaire

Leadership Tree


Ministries Leadership Tree



Chairperson/Facilitator: _____________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

Time: __________________________________

Location: _______________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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