Every Kid in Our Communities…


Lead Table

November 6, 2013

In Attendance: Kevin Kapler CMHLG (co-chair); Tom Turner DSLG; Sandra Devaney YMCA:

Dave Huether Volunteer; Harold Hess co-chair BSN; Gwendy Lapp Triple P; Sara Hammel

TriCAS; Sonya Jodoin VSLG; Allan Hogan FCSLLG; Jen McMaster UCDSB; Jane Hess Health Unit (co-

chair); Tom Jordan CDSBEO; Sue Watts EEC; Loretta Corbeil United Way; Donna Vanderkloet BDACI;

Sherry Melinyshyn CPHC; Kathy Fry CCAC; Kim Gamble Mental Health and Addiction RN CCAC;

Elizabeth Green MPP; Maxine Weber SEAP; Karen McDonald Hurley Girls Inc; Dixie O’Reilly ICDP;

Susan Turnbull CRCHC; Kim Little UCLG; Candace Kaine MCYS Youth Justice; Lois Dewey HCP;

Jordan Schaillie HCP; Sandy McInnes UCDSB; Keith McPhee website; Margaret Fancy EKIOC

1. Welcome and Introductions Kevin welcomed members. Roundtable introductions were made.

2. Approval of Agenda (approved with addition of report from Jen McMaster on South Grenville

Family of Schools (Item #4)

3. Approval of Meeting Notes October 2. Approved

4. Supporting South Grenville Family of Schools (Jen McMaster)

Jen discussed the challenges that local schools have in terms of determining mandates of community partners and finding services for students. She reported on the two community partner meetings hosted by South Grenville family of schools principals. Partners were asked to place their organizations in one of two categories; either first contact or solution groups. Jane Hess commented that the community has developed resources like Red Flags and Checkered Flags and asked what else can be done to improve access to services. Tom commented that understanding the agency referral process is important. Action: Margaret F. will continue to work with the Family of Schools to support the vision of timely effective services for families.

5. Visioning Exercise for Healthy Communities Partnership (Lois Dewey) (ppt attached)

Lois asked members to provide feedback on the vision statements for each of the goals of the partnership. Action: Lois will incorporate changes and bring to January meeting.

6. Updates on recent changes impacting Children’s Mental Health (Kevin) (powerpoint attached)

Kathy Fry reported that CCAC has hire 3 of 7 Mental Health and Addiction school nurses. Positions cross the Boards, not the LHINs. Kim Gamble reported that referrals are received from Special Service Counselors and the Board psychologist. As well referrals are received from CHEO, Royal Ottawa and KGH. Kim underlined the importance of early identification. Support from the Mental Health nurse is intended to be short term but this can vary. Kim sees students in school and at home.

Jane commented on the need for a process map. Kevin commented that CMHLG has met with nurses several times. Kim has a caseload of 17 at the moment.

Kevin reported that MCYS is identifying 50 to 60 lead agencies for children’s’ mental health across Ontario. There will be one lead in LLG; CMHLG is currently meeting with Open Doors to set up procedures.

7. Actions Arising from October Meeting

Members will review the data entry for 211 within their own organizations (roundtable sharing)

Keith expressed thanks to Kim for forwarding the 211 report. Usage of 211 is growing but not showing rapid growth. Loretta reported that 211 is spot checking to see if agencies are referring to 211. Members were reminded to continue to provide updates on successes/barriers using 211 and to continue to monitor agency information.

a) Deborah Alarie (EEC) will continue to update Margaret on number of youth in youth employment fund program; Margaret will update members. Sue Watts reported that 7 youth have received employment to date.

. c) Margaret to create a poster with EKIOC goals and distribute to members. Completed, with posters

distributed at meeting.

b) Members will sign EKIOC membership agreements. Kevin reminded members to sign agreements

if they have not already done so. A copy will be posted on the website.

e) Keith will revise website link asking for placement students/volunteers. Members to provide

information about opportunities/needs. In progress.

8. Business arising from previous meeting –

a) Reviewing our Priorities – updates on planning for December 4 (Elizabeth G)

Elizabeth reported that the document with original priorities will be sent to members. Members are asked to consider how their current work on committees etc. relates to the identified priorities. Consideration should also be given to what has been achieved, what can be let go, and what new priorities have emerged.

9. New Business

a) Update on Volunteer Centre (Sue P) In Sue’s absence Margaret F. reported that postings have gone out for a new manager. Once the manager is hired a strategic plan will be developed. Members seeking volunteers can still contact the Centre

9. Business Reports

a) Report from MCYS – Lesley Benderavage – (no report)

b) Report from Healthy Communities Partnership (Lois Dewey)

Lois reported that the Supporting Recreation event on October 24 was a success. Members

had an opportunity to review a survey of funders in terms of awareness of other

funders/connectors. Action items from the meeting included:

➢ Creation of Directory/database/flow chart

o Potential users: funding available, criteria/eligibility/ funding caps

o Connectors: simple flow chart (make it as easy as possible)

o Funders: map-based?

o Recreation coordinators to have access to this information

1. Take info to recreation summit – Survey summary – Nov.14 (Lois and Jordan)

➢ Consult Youth on how they access info/how they like to communicate

➢ Press Release to promote directory/flow chart - EMC + other media

➢ Promotion of recreation funding through UCDSB (David Coombs)

➢ Invitation to be sent out to participants in 1 year to see if interest in getting together again.

c) Coordinator’s Report (Margaret Fancy)

Revisiting Service Coordination (tabled)

Developmental Assets – Dave Huether requested local pictures showing asset building to be

used for asset modules. (dhuether@cogeco.ca)

d) Report from ASD Workgroup (standing agenda item) Kevin Kapler (no report)

10. Issue Discussion – Coordinating services for Transitioning Youth (tabled)

Next Meeting – December 4 (all day strategic planning at YMCA)


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