
leftcenterKUSTOMYZE. Be YOUniqueMarketing Plan Brief850000KUSTOMYZE. Be YOUniqueMarketing Plan BriefleftbottomApril 30th, 2014MAR 250 – Section 20407Submitted by: Jonelle Banaszak, Julian Maawad, Claire Munguia, Saima Safa, Liliana RaunPrinciples of MarketingProfessor Chiagouris00April 30th, 2014MAR 250 – Section 20407Submitted by: Jonelle Banaszak, Julian Maawad, Claire Munguia, Saima Safa, Liliana RaunPrinciples of MarketingProfessor ChiagourisTable of Contents TOC \o "1-2" \n "2-2" \h \z \u Executive Summary1Situation Analysis2-21A) Mission StatementB) Company DescriptionC) Profile of the MarketD) Product CategoryE) Consumer ResearchF) Competitive ResearchG) SWOT AnalysisH) Problem analysisI) Market AnalysisJ) Competitive AnalysisMarketing Objectives22Positioning23Competitive Advantage24Creative Strategy Brief27Targeting28Marketing Mix Strategies &Tactics 30Evaluation – Control and Update44Executive SummaryThe major points of our marketing plan include many tactics that we have come up with the overall goal of bettering Kustomyze and helping it become a profitable company. Our strategies will help Kustomyze gain nationwide recognition and awareness. Some of our tactics include promoting in social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. We intend to fully utilize these three platforms of social media to spread the news about Kustomyze and what goods it has to offer in, not only a primary sense where we are making the advertisements, but in a secondary sense as people spread the word themselves. As important as social media is, we also hope to have Kustomyze spread out into physical, on-site settings as well; doing this would include setting up tents at concerts, races, raves, and street fair. Doing this will help us spread the word about Kustomyze while also getting the name spoken about and seen throughout many different consumer targets. Our big idea for Kustomyze is to utilize the ever growing internet browser network found on Google Chrome. This browser is quickly becoming the largest of its kind as more people begin steering away from Fire Fox and Internet Explorer. A unique aspect of this browser is the fact that it also has what is referred to as the Chrome Web Store, which has millions of users in traffic each day; this online store is extremely similar to the App store that can be found on any Apple device in that it offers its users many different, user-friendly options in a variety of fields. The Chrome Web Store supplies people with the opportunity to download applications, extensions, and themes; the subcategory that Kustomyze will take part in is the Productivity section of the Chrome Extensions. Once downloaded, this extension will allow people to choose any photo on the internet that they come across and turn it into a cellphone or tablet case within minutes. Situation AnalysisMission StatementKutomyze’s mission is to provide the means for individuals and businesses to express their feelings through art for their smartphone or tablet case. Kustomyze provides its customers only high-quality products that are made in New York, and it also provides best customer service coming from the same owner of the company. Company DescriptionKustomyze is a dye sublimation company that creates customized products for its customers. The company is a sole proprietorship owned by Jon Hand. Kustomyze is capable of customizing a wide variety of products such as t-shirts, flip-flops, dog tags, mugs, & license plates. However, the best product line are smartphone cases and tablet cases. -1498606280785Through Kustomyze, you can be certain that any product you buy will be long lasting. Thus, the image will not fade within months or years, since an attentive Customization Specialist customizes every single unit in the USA. Through Kustomyze, businesses can be certain than they will get their products on time, every time. Individual consumers can expect their product to be shipped within 24 hours, and business customers to receive their large order with 7-10 business days. They can also be certain that the owner will take care of them in some way with a “quantity discount” with any large order they purchase, so they can pay less for more; and there is no minimum order quantity for your order to go through.-17018069596000Profile of the MarketSmartphone penetration in the U.S is now at over 61% with more and more consumers purchasing iPhones, Samsung’s, iPads, and other devices daily. According to ComScore in 2013, 123.4 million people in the U.S owned a smartphone in which 37.8% own an iPhone. According to a study by the NPD Group, a leading market research company concluded that revenues from mobile phones accessories in the U.S increased 32% during the first half of 2012. Mobile phone cases are the most popular accessories category, growing 69% over the prior year, followed by headphones, which grew 67%.Moreover, the NPD conducted a study of “Mobile Phone Accessories Attach Rate Study,” which based on surveys of more than 2,000 members. The sample consisted of adults’ age 18 and older, where it found that recent mobile buyers cited maximum protection and durability (86%) as the top purchase influence, followed by quality materials (73%). One can argue that people are willing to pay a higher price for a protective case for their smartphone and tables, since these devices are valued up to $600 or more, and in case of any damage it can be very costly to repair it. One could also argue that the longer a consumer holds on to these cases, the more likely they will come up with the wish to getting their case customized, like clothing it gives them a sense of expression about their style.Kustomyze’s main competitors are privately held companies such as Case-Mate and Casetagram. Vistaprint is also a competitor in the industry, but this company is known more as a printing business for promotional materials, rather than having a unique profile, such as Kustomyze which exclusively deals with customizing accessories such as cellphone and tablets cases.Product CategoryThe market of customizing smartphone case and tablets is a relatively new industry where companies such as and actively market the unique idea of customizing your own case. This new industry has grown so fast, that a consumer can find up to ten or more different sites that can provide this same service at different price ranges and quality. Starting a small business in this industry has a low startup cost of approximately $30,000 leading to a high margin of more than 100%. Kustomyze price and markup analysis for smartphone cases and tablet are reported below. Later within the brief, this information will be compared to its main competitors.1. Smartphone Cases: Available for: iPhone 4/4s, 5/5s/5c & Samsung Galaxy S3/S4.Jazz: this is the best-selling product in the product line, known for being basic and a minimalist smartphone case. It is a single-piece clip-on case, made 100% of plastic.Production cost: $4.00Retail price: 14.99Markup based on cost %:Jubilee: this case has a silicone inner shell and a hard plastic outer shell, the Jubilee offers more protection that the jazz.Production cost: $4.00Retail price: $19.99Markup based on cost %:Brookley: made of thick rubber honeycomb inner shell, which Is encased in a hard plastic outer shell. This is Kustomyze’s tough case.Production cost: $4.00Retail price: $24.99Markup based on cost %:Malaga: this is a wallet case made of canvas, faux suede, and faux leather. The Malaga features a bi-fold cover that protects the phone and its screen, and provided pockets for storage of MetroCards, cash, credit cards, etc.Production cost: $7.00Retail price: $29.99Markup based on cost %:2. Tablet Cases:Available for: iPad, iPad Mini, Kindle, Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD, Google Nexus, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Tab, Galaxy Tab 2.Jazz: this tablet case has a simple design comprise of hard plastic, similar to the smartphone case. This table case is a minimalist clip-on cases, designed to be easily interchangeable for the customer who want to accessorize. Small Cases (iPad mini)Large Cases (iPad)Production Cost$12.00 Production Cost$12.00 Retail Price$34.99 Retail price$44.99 Markup%?Markup %?Malaga: this tablet case is similar to the Malaga smartphone case, only that instead of functioning as a wallet, it functions more as a notebook. Small Cases (iPad mini)Large Cases (iPad)Production Cost$16.00 Production Cost$18.00 Retail Price$39.99 Retail price$49.99 Markup%?Markup %? Consumer ResearchWe first started through Simmons OneView where we wanted to know who our targeted demographic is. Simmons allowed us to get a quick demographic overview of a certain group of people based off a lifestyle phrase. We narrowed down phrases that we thought people who have customizable phone and tablet cases might use or identify themselves with. We started very generally and asked the question of what kind of people would buy customizable things? Creativity was the first trait that came to mind. So we looked up the demographics for people who identified with the statement “I consider myself to be a creative person”4We found out that about 60.7% of all adults think they’re creative. Out of those 60.7%, about 54% were female, 46% male and the age group demographic is so close between ages 25-34 (18%), 35-44 (18%), and 45-54 (19%). _______________________Simmons One View. “I consider myself to be a creative person” Simmons One View. <; ? Experian 2012. (Accessed April 3, 2014). Web Image.We decided to specify our search, so we cross referenced this phrase with a group of people who identified with having cell phones for personal use only.5 The data is about the same, but zeros in on a more specific group. The 35-44 and 45-54 age groups both make up 19% of the age demographic, followed by the 25-34 year olds with 18%. They are primarily female (57.1%) white (77.4%) individuals who at least graduated high school (31%) or attended some college (31%)._______________________Simmons One View. “My cell phone is for personal use only” Simmons One View. <; ? Experian 2012. (Accessed April 3, 2014). Web Image.We then used another demographic statement directly relating to the individuality and creativity a customizable case would provide. We used the statement, “I like to stand out in a crowd”. 6This information tells us that only 21.8% of all adults like to stand out in a crowd. Substantially less than the 60.7% of all adults that considers themselves a creative person. Among these adults, the gender aspect is fairly close, with females at 50.4% and males at 49.6%. 18-25 year olds (21%) and 25-34 year olds (21%) make up majority of the age demographic. Aside from the race (white 69.5%) and education (some college 31%) demographic aspect, this information is radically different than the first statement we analyzed. Based off of this new information, we decided to investigate more demographic statements like these to see if we have a different target market than what we first discovered.We chose statements such as “My cell phone is an expression of who I am”, “My cell phone connects me to my social world”, “My friendships would not be as close if it weren’t for my cell phone”, and “The extra features on my phone are more important than the phone itself”. We focused our view on someone who would use their cell phone a lot and someone who thinks their cell phone is very important to them. If they place value in their cell phones, then they are willing to invest in a good quality, unique, phone case._______________________Simmons One View. “I like to stand out in a crowd” Simmons One View. <; ? Experian 2012. (Accessed April 3, 2014). Web Image.Since the demographics are very similar, we took averages of the age, gender, race, income and education. The average age groups are 18-24 (23.25%), 25-34 (21%) and 35-44 (19.5%). The gender is female (52.725%) and male (47.3%). The race is primarily white (69.775%), then African American (14.45%). The average income is $100,000 or more (30%), then $50,000-$74,000 (18.5%). While the education of the average person who identified with those lifestyle statements is less than high school (37.75%) and then some college (31.5%). The education demographic surprised us, since the average 18-25 year old is not in a grade less than high school. This brought to our attention that maybe a targetable group of people would not be in the Simmons database- the high school group. In our primary research, we decided to survey both college and high school people. From these statistics, we can derive the types of consumers that are in the market. Based off of these new numbers, we can identify our target audience as the 13-25 year old white female. We then decided to use MRI+ to find out more about the targeted demographic. We wanted to know how often they bought a phone, because whenever you buy a new phone you also buy a case for it. MRI+ told us that, on average, 45.3% of 18-25 year olds, and 41.3% of people who attended college bought a new phone in the last 12 months. We identified our target as young adults, still in college or high school. They are at a point in their lives where expressing themselves and individuality is important to them. And, since most don’t have a full time job at this age, they spend their time mostly on themselves. They individualize themselves through their clothes, music, the way they style their hair, the friends they have, the weekend jobs they work, and many more aspects. They also don’t have to worry about fitting into how the “cookie cutter mold” of society looks like (i.e. business suites, professional haircuts) that most adults have to. The targeted consumers also have the time and resources to go out to activities. The most popular events that young adults go to are concerts, races, and street fairs. The consumer group that we are targeting will be those who fully practice individuality, creativity and truly making something your own. Their psychological attributes will be what drive them to want to customize their smartphones to begin with. Competitive ResearchKustomyze’s key competitors are Gelaskins, Vistaprint, Skin-it, and Casetagram. After we surveryed our targeted demographic, we found these results . High School students are most familiar with (in order) Vistaprint, Skinit, Gelaskins and Casetagram, then Kustomyze. College students are most familiar with (in order) Vistaprint, Skinit, Gelaskins, Casetagram, then Kustomyze. Unfortunately, we cannot find any information reguarding these company’s financial records or their key demographics. What we can deduce from these surverys is the order in which Kustomyze stands compared to the competition. There is no advertising done to promote these items, but our targeted consumer seems to know about them through word-of-mouth communication, which is evident in a google search for “customizable phone cases” as these are the four websites that came up first and google displays the order of websites by popularity. G) SWOT Analysis1. Strengths The products of this company are made in the US and that is important because this factor can attract more customers who dislike products because they are made in other countries.Kustomyze also provides free delivery and this can encourage people to buy more products without having to pay for shipping. This can increase sales because without a shipping cost customers have a higher budget to buy products.A great strength of this company is that it can produce and deliver products within a short period of time. This can encourage businesses that need cases customized for events in a short amount of time. Kustomyze can produce 12 cases per minute. 2. WeaknessesThe weakness of this company is that the prices of the products are quite high compared to other similar businesses. This can discourage customers because they know they can find the same thing for a cheaper price. Another weakness would be that it’s a sole proprietorship. With only one person working for the company it makes it harder for the business to grow and expand. 3. Opportunities There are a few opportunities that are open for this company. The machinery used to customize the cases is mobile and this can create opportunities of going to large events and customizing cases in front of the customer or event attenders. The Etsy website also produces opportunities of being promoted through the website and increasing individual sales. 4. ThreatsThere are many other companies that do the same thing as Kustomyze and are those companies are better known and more established. The fact that Kustomyze’s products are made in the US is not enough of an incentive to gain more customers. G) Problem analysisThe problem that this company faces is the lack of people who recognize the company and the products that it offers. More often than not, a company will get consumer traffic on its website if said website has advertisements online and if the name has been heard of through the grapevine. People prefer ordering from companies they trust; if the company has yet to show consumers its strengths, the company will have a harder time making sales in comparison to its competitors. Kustomyze also needs to offer more than simply free delivery and US made products in order to gain customers because a majority of the time, these things just simply aren’t enough. Market AnalysisThe targeted market are young adults, age 18-25 because they view their phone cases as a fashion accessory and a way to express themselves. Businesses are also markets that we are targeting. We hope to get businesses that have events in which they need customized products to give out to employees or their petitive AnalysisThere are many advantages that Kustomyze has. One of them being that its products is made in the US, which is why the quality of the Kustomyze’s products is much higher than similar companies in its industry. However, Kustomyze has a lot of competitors in its industry. Below we will discuss some of Kustomyze’s main competitors and what differentiated them from Kustomyze.Vistaprint: Vista print is an online vendor that supplies customized material. Vistaprint strongest marketing mix strategy is Promotion, where good deals and promo codes are offered on their homepage such as 250 business cards that were originally $20 are on sale for $10. Vistaprint also has a strong online presence with social media in networks such as twitter (with 42,900 followers), Facebook (with 921,129 likes), and google+ (with 25,000 followers) and Pinterest (with 2,209 followers). Product: the phone cases that Vistaprint offers are light weight but effective to keep your phone safe. Price: the prices at Vistaprint are a little higher than Kustomyze, which will help Kustomyze. It cost $20 at Vistaprint and $14.99 at Kustomyze. Skinit: Skinit is a company that customizes devices for your electronic devices. Skinit strongest marketing mix strategy is Promotion, where it offers seasonal collections such as the new spring collection for this spring. The new designs will appeal to the customers, which will make them want to get a new customized phone case. They offer free shipping for purchases over $40. Skinit also has a strong online presence with social media in networks such as: Twitter (6594 followers), Google+ (241 followers), Facebook (401,197 likes), and YouTube (141 subscribers). Products: Skinit offers many types of cases and skins for phones. Skinit’s advantage is that they offer covers for almost all kinds of phones and devices whereas Kustomyze only offers for a couple of phones and devices. Price: The prices of Skinit cases are more than Kustomyze. The price of a regular case from Skinit is $24.99, which is $10 more than Kustomyze’s price. This gives Kustomyze an advantage and this will allow Kustomyze the ability to enter the market and grow as a business.Gelaskins: Gelaskins is a company that manufactures removable art prints for electronic devices (IPhone, IPod etc.). Gelaskins’ strongest marketing strategy is its product, where it offers its customers the ability to customize a variety of covers for electronic products ranging from laptops to IPads and IPhones. The website is extremely easy to navigate and also provides products that have images/writing already on them. It also gives a person the option to customize his or her own electronic device case with an image/writing of their choice. The unique part of Gelaskin is how convenient it is to customize a phone sticker and the short amount of time it takes to do so. Gelaskins also has a strong online presence with social media in networks. Gelaskin is prominent online in: Twitter (13,300 followers), Facebook (407,739 likes), and YouTube (1,731 followers).What is especially impressive in regards to their social media is their Facebook page. They offer a unique technique in which they show some incredibly well done artist drawings/paintings/pictures that, once clicked, has a link in which it will give you options to have that image placed on a variety of different electronic devices. This is a great idea because it allows the creation process to be more convenient and will give its customers a reason to follow/like Gelaskins page, especially if they feel an image may appear in the future that they may like. For its Instagram page, even though it can’t offer links like it can on Facebook, it does say the name and the artist of all the images shown. This allows a person to find the artist online if he or she wants to use one of their artworks to customize his or her phone, laptop, or any other miscellaneous item. Gelaskin also has a YouTube channel in which they show consumers how to attach their product onto the consumer’s device as well as simply to promote Gelaskins as a whole. This is a great tactic because it makes the process a little more personal. Gelaskin tries to accommodate a wide variety of different styles and images for its consumers. They do not have a particular season in which sales increase, however, they could improve their sales by promoting at concerts or events that happen throughout America- especially if these events run seasonally. Regardless, they already do an excellent job of advertising online. They do not offer any promotional offers like buy one get another 5% off, but they do have gift cards, which one can purchase for family members and friends. ? Price: Gelaskins’ basic case is around the market average as far as price is concerned. However, compared to Kustomyze, there is a huge price difference. Gelaskins retail price for its basic case is $35.00 while Kustomyze’s retail price for its basic case stands at $14.99. This could work in advantage for Kustomyze if they were to get to the same level in popularity as Gelaskins and its competitors. Kustomyze’s costs are much less and more appealing to consumers. Casetagram: Castagram is a very unique customization company because it makes it extremely convenient for an individual to choose photos from his or her Facebook or Instagram in order to create a customized phone case. . Casteagram’s strongest marketing strategy is its promotion where, similar to its competitors, Casetagram has a very strong internet presence. They show all their unique customization products as well as discounts that they are promoting through a number of online sites. Something we found extremely unique in regards to Casetagram’s Facebook page was that they offered distinctive ways to cook scrambled eggs or other cool facts/tools. This had absolutely nothing to do with their company and what they sell, but it made their Facebook page more interesting to look through. With this idea, they hope that while a person is scrolling down through their feed, he or she will also be attracted to the products-phone customizations- that the company offers while curiously sorting through all the other “fun-to-do” topics. Casetagram also offers wonderful promotions such as “$10 Casetagram Monday” to give their consumers a unique way to purchase their products.In addition, on its Instagram page, it shows a lot of phenomenal final products that they have made and unique photos to make is Instagram interesting and exciting to look through. Product: Casetagram offers a very unique product customization. Not only does it allow you to get phone cases for your phone but it also allows you to customize that case with photos from your Facebook and Instagram or you can just upload photos from your computer. What is unique about this customization process is that it puts your images in squares and allows you to choose where you want that specific picture to be placed. The layout of the images that you want to have on your phone covers is what makes Casetagram different from its competitors. Price: Casetagram prices, like its competitors, are around the same price. With a basic case for Casetagram being $39.94 while a basic case for Kustomyze is $14.99. This dramatic difference in prices is an advantage that can work in Kustomyze’s favor once it gains popularity in the industry, since its prices are more appealing to the consumers. Marketing ObjectivesIncrease sales Take our first fiscal year sales and attempt to increase them by 10%.Utilize the purchase of the Google Chrome extension, which we would like to get up to 500 downloaders in order to get people to use Kustomyze in a wider variety of ways and purchase giving us the opportunity to grow to 400 sales per fiscal year. After people purchase their iPhone or Android cases, there will be a checkable box (already checked, that people can uncheck if they so choose) that will give Kustomyze the opportunity to send them promotional emails. We would like to increase the amount of people on this list by roughly 30%-40%. Keychain card for members will increase loyal customers who will return to use their code on the website by 5%-10% and will get a larger amount of the population to see the Kustomyze name in every day activities. Increase Market SharesIncrease brand market shares by roughly 5% after the first fiscal year and 10% after the next two to five years. Increase the number of Kustomyze Instagram followers by at least 20-30 every month and #Kustomyze tags by roughly 15-35, resulting in an overall greater awareness of the product and the services it provides.Have a minimum of 300-500 likes on Facebook after the first fiscal year. To get Kustomyze to become the family and trusted name for customization services due to its efficiency and convenience, especially through the Google Chrome Extension. C)Return on InvestmentTo achieve a return of investment of approximately $23,000.79 (not including fixed cost), which is %, at the end of at least two fiscal years. Positioning Brand nameWe represent the CCMG Marketing Corporation. We are promoting a product that represents uniqueness, individuality, and freedom delivered by Kustomyze. Kustomyze allows its consumers to express their ideas through a creative, yet elegant method. Kustomyze uses only the best methods and materials to make personalized designs or images a reality through state of the art technology Kustomyze Brand Problem Kustomyze solves the problem in the accessorizing industry of your electronic products by creating high-end quality customization at great valued prices all produced in the United States. Kustomyze focuses on entering the market by providing what its competitors are not focusing on, which is high quality produced products. Kustomyze is trying to target the individual or business that does not want cheap, low quality merchandise but merchandise that will last a long time and will attract the attention of other individuals. C)Positioning StatementFor people who range from roughly the ages of 18-25, Kustomyze is a company that focuses on supplying quality, sturdy, and attractive device cases. D)Tag LineKustomyze: Be YOUniqueThe Kustomyze tag line associates itself with positioning on the basis that Kustomyze wants nothing more than to supply its consumers with merchandise that they can be proud of. Having an organization that understands that no two individuals are the same is essential when trying to sell them unique cases. Kustomyze understands that each person has their own story to tell the world and would like to help them share these. Competitive Advantage The market for customization of electronic cases in the industry has exploded in recent years. With more and more companies, big and small, beginning to supply phone cases to consumers- especially online- it is getting nearly impossible to keep track of all of the competition. Regardless of the opposition, the market is relatively easy to break into. Kustomyze achieves this by producing all of its own materials to make it’s customized accessory covers, as well as manufacturing them all in the States. This allows Kustomyze to separate itself from its competitors who may manufacture their products in the United States, but receive their materials from countries like China or Malaysia due to the fact that they or a lot cheaper. This allows their profit margin to greater, but in the long run, consumers may feel pressured to order in their own nation to “keep the money circulating,” in a sense. Determinant Attributes:High quality – Made in the USLow Price:All these companies have different prices for the same basic iPhone case which Kustomyze refers to as the “Jazz case.” We could assume that their quality is as high as Kustomyze since all the materials are made in USA. However, it not worth for the consumer to pay up to 50% to 167% for about the same quality customization you can get from Kustomyze at a cheaper cost. Kustomyze v. Competitors Price for customized basic IPhone case 5/5s (most popular)Competitors Basic caseKustomyze Jazz Case?NameRetail PriceRetail Price% 22.4914.9950%29.9914.99100%35.0014.99133%39.9514.99167%39.9514.99167%39.9614.99167%custom.case-40.0014.99167%Design/StyleDue to its quickness in creation and the availability to be produced at multiple locations, we have the opportunity to produce customize cases at locations/events in which people may want to capture. This is especially true for the age group we are targeting, females from 16 to 30 years old- who would more than likely want to show them off to their friends, family, and colleagues. The events we are looking to target are concerts (electronic, hip hop etc.), marathons, and even political events (rallies). Since our product only takes a matter of minutes to create, this will be appealing to our customers who do not want to waste their time waiting for this type of product to be created/customize in a few weeks’ time. In addition, by customizing on-site at events, we believe that people are more likely to purchase a product, which could be priced just slightly more than its competitors. Creative Strategy BriefTarget DescriptionOur basic target market is younger females roughly from the ages of 14-25. Although the female gender market is barely higher than the male, it still exists. This target description does not mean that this is our sole sales market, only that this is the best range of ages to market to for the highest projected amount of sales and income. Key CompetitionThe number of competitors for this specific consumer market is growing more and more rapidly. Between companies that specialize in selling this product, companies that do this in addition to their main sales, and individual sellers- especially those available through Etsy- a person really has a wide variety of companies to choose from. The specific brands we have chosen as our main competitors include Castegram and Gelaskins. Brand AdvantagesKustomyze has a number of advangtages over its competitors, a few of which include being made in the USA, having free shipping available to its customers, having the ability to manufacture and ship items, and having the cheapest available cases across the spectrum. Positioning Statement For people who range from roughly the ages of 18-25, Kustomyze is a company that focuses on supplying quality, sturdy, and attractive device cases. Brand PersonalityThe personality we are aiming to achieve is along the lines of a very warm and welcoming company. The personality of our brand should follow very closely with the tone that is listed as follows. ToneCCMG has come to the conclusion that Kustomyze needs to have a very welcoming and friendly tone. Although it is important to convey the vibe that any order put in will be done as efficiently as possible, we believe it is more important to have a sense of customer relatablity. People love to feel important, so if we treat each person like they are our most important customer, we are guaranteed returning consumers. Special Media ConsiderationsAs a company, we have decided the most important media for Kustomyze to utilize would be the internet, more specifically, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Being as these are the largest social media websites, it would make sense for us to utilize these resources to the best of our abilities. Other media we would like to consider would be newspaper inserts, although this would come secondary to internet media. Regulatory Issues We, as a whole, have come to the conclusion that there are no regulatory issues to be discussed as we take the journey to make Kustomyze a widely recognized name. TargetingEverybody has a smartphone, and with that, everyone needs a smartphone case. Kustomyze not only provides a high quality case, but it also gives you the option to create a unique, functional, and portable work of art that’s totally your own. AgeAccording to surveys conducted by CCMG to a sample of 125 females from Bishop Kearney High School, we found that our first target market is High School students from 13-17 years of age. According to surveys conducted by CCMG to a sample of 100 females and male from Pace University, we found that our second target market is college students from 18-23 years of age. Gender/ EthnicityKustomyze belongs to the customization industry, which is gender neutral. Kustomyze will target all backgrounds and ethnicities. Anyone that finds a need to protect their cellphones or tablets, they will think about the buying a case. During the purchase decision process, they will think about the design and Kustomyze can offer then a quality customized case that at the same time expresses their art…LifestyleWe identified our target as young adults, still in college or high school. They are at a point in their lives where expressing themselves and individuality is important to them. And, since most don’t have a full time job at this age, they spend their time mostly on themselves. They individualize themselves through their clothes, music, the way they style their hair, the friends they have, the weekend jobs they work, and many more aspects. They also don’t have to worry about fitting into how the “cookie cutter mold” of society looks like (i.e. business suites, professional haircuts) that most adults have to. The targeted consumers also have the time and resources to go out to activities. The most popular events that young adults go to are concerts, races, and street fairs. The consumer group that we are targeting will be those who fully practice individuality, creativity and truly making something your own. Their psychological attributes will be what drive them to want to customize their smartphones to begin with. Behavioral Segmentation:For our first target market 14-17 years of age, we found that:The average high school student owns 4 cases for their cellphone. This works in advantage of Kustomyze, because it shows that it is likely to have returning customers.75.2% of this sample own an iPhone, followed by 12.8% own a Samsung Galaxy. In addition, 40.8% of this sample owns an iPad, followed by 32.8% that do not know own any. This is an advantage because Kustomyze mainly caters to these types of cellphones and tablets.From 1 (least important) to 4 (most important): protection is (4), quality (3), appearance (2), price (1). Protection and quality are rated as the most important qualities, and 43.2% preferred a case made in the U.S. followed by 10.40% made in China. This is an advantage because Kustomyze’s cases are made in the U.S, which translates to better protection and quality in the mindset of most consumers in comparison to a case made in China.From our sample: 48% knows Vistaprint, 30.4% knows Skinit, 8% knows Casetagram and Gelaskins, followed by 3.2% that know Kustomyze. Therefore, our most important competitors are Categram and Gelaskins because their sales margin are the closest to Kustomyze.We plan to promote our brand on concerts, race, and street fairs, which according to our surveys it will be a good idea since 55.2% of high school students attend 1 concert per year, 80% of high school attend 1 race per year, and 42.4% attend between 2 to 3 street fairs per year. These are good social events for Kustomyze to increase brand awareness, and at the same time produce cases to increase sales.Chrome is the most used browser by high school students, which works in advantage of our Big Idea of creating a chrome web extension about KZ. Be YOUnique.For our first target market 14-17 years of age, we found that:The average college student owns 3 cases for their cellphone. This works in advantage of Kustomyze, because it shows that it is likely to have returning customers.77% of this sample own an iPhone, followed by 11% own a Samsung Galaxy. In addition, 51% of this sample owns an iPad, followed by 24% that own a nook. This is an advantage because Kustomyze mainly caters to these types of cellphones and tablets.From 1 (least important) to 4 (most important): quality (4), appearance (3), protection (2), and price (1). Quality and appearance are rated as the most important qualities, and 64% preferred a case made in the U.S. followed by 4% made in China. This is an advantage because Kustomyze’s cases are made in the U.S, which translates to better protection and quality in the mindset of most consumers in comparison to a case made in China. In addition, appearance is up to the choice of the consumer which Kustomyze offers.From our sample: 55% knows Vistaprint, 33% knows Skinit, 15% knows Casetagram, 18% knows Gelaskins, and 7% know Kustomyze. Therefore, our most important competitors are Categram and Gelaskins because their sales margin are the closest to Kustomyze.We plan to promote our brand on concerts, race, and street fairs, which according to our surveys it will be a good idea since 49% of college students attend at least 1 concert per year, 81% of college students attend at least 1 race per year, and 44% attends at least 2 to 3 street fairs per year. These are good social events for Kustomyze to increase brand awareness, and at the same time produce cases to increase sales.Chrome is the most used browser by high school students, which works in advantage of our Big Idea of creating a web chrome extension for KZ. Be YOUnique.Marketing Mix Strategies & Tactics – Implementations For the $10,000 budget$10,000 BUDGET?ONLINEBRICK AND MORTARTargetTacticCostTacticCostIndividual1.?Advertising online: Facebook, twitter/google ads and better social media. $500.00 3.?Going to events (concerts, races, street fairs, & flea markets) $ 500.00 2.??Redesign Etsy profile $500.00 4.?Key tag discounts $ 275.00 Businesses5. ?Thank you email +??Sample packages (box design) $ 1,000.00 For Both6. ?Improve website $ 7,000.00 Social MediaFacebook:a. Promotion: As of October 3, 2013 around 500 million people have Facebook accounts. Weekly business pages on Facebook get 645 million views as well as 13 million comments. In 2013 there were one million active advertisements on Facebook. This information alone shows the mass audience we could reach at an extremely low price. Facebook also has a marketing team that will place your advertisements in strategic positions where they believe people with similar interests will be interested.b. Price: Facebook is very helpful when it comes to advertisement on its site. Since advertising revenue is one of its main sources of income they have managed to keep the process easy and convenient to use. This is extremely helpful for small business like Kustomyze because it allows an opportunity to reach a large target audience without paying a huge price for it. The price usually depends on what your competitors in the market are willing to pay, but in general the prices are extremely low i.e. $1.20 to $2.00. In addition, another appealing aspect of Facebook is that you can set a maximum limit on how much you want to spend a day. We believe to start this process we would like to see an investment of $100 if the general cost of advertising is around $1.50 to give us the total cost of $150. From there we will see how this advertisement is working and how we can better tackle using Facebook’s advertising tools. c. Penetration: As you can see below Facebook has a wide variety of different types of advertising options. Cost per mille (CPM): This bid type is best for getting people to view your adCost per click (CPC): This bid type is best for getting people to click your adOptimized cost per mille (oCPM): This bid type is best for showing your ad to the people who are most likely to take action on your ad. For example, liking your Page or clicking a linkCost per action (CPA): When available, this bid type is best for getting people to take action on your ad. For example, liking your Page or clicking a link.However, we decide to go with the best option that will help Kustomyze would be one that optimized cost per mile (oCPM). oCPM. This will be extremely beneficial when it comes to our advertisement on Facebook because Facebook optimizes your ads by showing it to individuals who will most likely perform the desired action that you want to perform. Twitter: a. Promotion: When advertising with Twitter they offer three types of advertising opportunities: Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends. However, for our budget we will only perform Promoted Tweets. The key is to know how these Twitter adverts will work. For Promoted Tweets they are tweets that you have already tweeted and are tweets that you want to promote, which will appear on people’s timelines and search results. In addition, you can target your ads towards people with similar interests, gender etc.b. Price: What is great about this advertising technique is that you only pay when users click, reply, retweet, or favorite your tweet (advertisement). Promoted Tweets usually cost between $.50-$4.00 per engagement. To tackle this advertising tactic we will invest around $140 worth monthly if the price to advertise is around $2.50 to gives us a total of $350 of final cost for this type of advertisement. c. Penetration: Twitter, like its counterpart, Facebook is another great way to distribute your company, Kustomyze, to a broad audience for a low price. Twitter in 2014 has 240 million active users. This number is still growing today with 135,000 users signing up everyday. From these numbers alone you can see the potential Twitter has to offer. In addition in 2013 Twitter’s annual advertising revenue is $405,500,000; which is a huge number especially for small businesses like Kustomyze. Instagram: a. Promotion: the way we are going too tackle advertising on Instagram will end up costing us nothing. Our idea is to create a Kustomyze account on Instagram and promote Kustomyze final products or cool/unique pictures that could be customized into a phone case. With 100 million people on Instagram it is a great way to get into the market and advertise our product and company to the world. b. Price: They way we will be advertising using the hashtag will cost us nothing at all, which is perfect due to our company’s small budget. c. Penetration: By creating a hashtag trend it will allow for Kustomyze to become a commonly known name and eventually a trending one on Instagram. This will be beneficial because it will allow people to know what Kustomyze is and maybe even recommend it to friends who are looking to get a case customized in the future. Redesigning Etsy ProfileThis information is repetitive and does not need to be repeated on every available phone case. The fact that the cases are made in America and have free shipping can be displayed at the top of the page solely. Having an image representative of the case would inform the consumer what exactly they are interested in buying. If the case changed view as a mouse scrolled over it, consumers would have a better idea of the product. This is much better than having a 2D photo as the main marketing tactic. Kustomyze was located relatively close to the bottom of the search feed when looking up “customizable phone case” on Etsy. Although the photo can be somewhat difficult to make out, it is basically supporting the idea that the Kustomyze photo representation is not nearly as appealing as the other etsy profile competitors. Going to EventsWe know that a majority of us will agree on the importance of social media but a unique idea among phone case customization companies is to attend events such as concerts, races and such other events for on-site customization. Events will help Kustomyze become more popular because if enough people see Kustomyze at events, the company will get recognized when consumers see ads for Kustomyze on their social media. This will help people remember Kustomyze next time they need a customized phone or tablet case. For these events, Kustomyze would bring the heat press machine with them and customize device cases right in front of customers. This will make customers more interested in Kustomyze because they will be able to see the action in a more personal setting. The cost that goes into this varies from event to event, but we have rounded it out to a range of about $200-$500, depending on fixed and variable costs. Key Tag discounts: a marketing tactic we think can help business is key tag discounts. Any customer who gets key tags from Kustomyze can get a discount on their future orders. Key tags are $275 for 500 so this would be perfect for our $10,000 budget Thank you email + Sample packages (box design)Improve websiteFor Promotion:left331470000A well designed website makes your company look more professional. Today, people expect to be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily, if they can’t they will just go to another site. Kustomyze must develop an elegant online presence in order to attract customers and make them stay longer in the site. According a Nelson Global Consumer Report in June 2010, 66% have purchased an online product of 81% of internet users who research products online. One could argue that these statistics are higher today since shopping online has become a trend with 56% of American adults that are now smartphone owners and 4 out of 5 consumers that use smartphones to shop.For a well-designed website, Kustomyze should follow these recommendations:If you are trying to appeal to individuals and businesses. You should give a choice to the customer to tell you who they are at your home page. There is certain information in your website that individuals are not interested in as much as a businesses. For instance, individuals that have a definite idea about what they are buying, are looking for a website that is simple and easy to follow to make their purchase decision. Corporate events should be a tab for the businesses page, and private events should be tab for the individual’s page.The Individuals page should consist of a 3 step process:Select your device and caseDesign your casePreview & purchase your caseCurrently, Kustomyze’s website does not provide this service, but instead after clicking “Place Order” in the right hand tab, the individual is informed that he/she has to place an order directly over the phone. What if I cannot explain with my own words how I want my case?left-38100This format should be implemented not only in the website desktop presence but also the mobile website. In fact as of 2012, 64% of smartphone owners were using their mobile devices to shop online (and the number keeps going up every year), and 57% of consumers will not recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site. Similarly, 40% of consumers will go to a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience.In a transaction with businesses, they tend to be more careful than individuals in selecting their supplier or distributor. They want to choose a brand that provides quality and good appearance products. Therefore, in the business page you would try to introduce as much information about the products you deliver. This page should consist of:Why us? Here you introduce your company and provide information about the products you deliver. For instance, since some of characteristics that Kustomyze want to use to differentiate itself in the market is “Made in the U.S.A” and “low prices”. Therefore, you might want to highlight something like: “KZ. Be YOUnique has yours needs covered. We offer only the highest quality products made in the USA for your customer and the rock bottom lowest prices for you”.Corporate events: this is page where you can give more information to businesses about the services your company can offer. However, this should be more like an informational page and not having a “view pricing” and “place order” tab under every picture.114300-34290000The 3 step shopping process should have the same appearance as the individuals’ one. In addition to information about wholesale prices and quantity discounts after reaching a number of units or dollar sales.This website should also have a “get a sample now” tab only for businesses. This concept is more visible and shows businesses the confidence that this company has about their products. As result, this reinforces their judgment about Kustomyze.Price:Redesigning the website with the extra features above should have an estimated amount of $4,850:(1).E-commerce shopping carts, catalogs, payment processing, an estimated amount of $1,000.(2). A Blog that shows testimonials and recommendations from previous customers, an estimate amount of a $650.Social media: Create and manage social media network profile such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn etc.?This has an estimated amount of $500.New landing pages. An estimated about of $450 per page with a total of $2,700.(3) Three step shopping process(1) Sign up or login(1) Get a sample now(1) Why us?This estimated amount is a quote from Executionists, Inc. This is an innovative creative agency specializing in design, development, marketing, and client services.For the $50,000 budget (in addition to the $10,000 budget)50,000 BUDGET - (In addition to the $10,000 budget)?ONLINEBRICK AND MORTARTargetTacticCostTacticCostIndividual7. Big Idea?15,000??Businesses??For Both8. Newspaper inserts $200-$500 Big IdeaAs previously touched on earlier on in the brief, our big idea is centered on the idea that as time progresses forward, more and more people are beginning to adopt Google Chrome as their web browser of choice. This being said, there is a huge opportunity that, if taken advantage of, can be a golden token in the pocket of Kustomyze. Google Chrome offers something known as the Chrome Web Store which is essentially the equivalent of the App store for Apple products. We have opted to create an extension which would be present for the downloader at any time during their internet experience. The “KZ” icon, which is representative of the Kustomyze brand, would be present at the top of the page in the toolbar and as the downloader scrolls over any single picture on the internet, a small button will appear in the top left hand corner. Upon clicking this button, the downloader will be see a new window pop open containing that picture on the Kustomyze website at which point he or she will have the opportunity to then complete their customized order. Price:Creating an extension, based on the research I could find, costs the simple fee of $5, and that is simply for the sake of having a start-up fee. However, this is IF you have the knowledge to use things such as HTML and manifest.json very well. If you cannot, there are a few websites who, for a price, can create the extension for you. If you opt to create the extension yourself, the steps to complete it are listed on the link: 5857721/how-to-build-a-chrome-extension/allYou can also try to follow along for yourself through the tutorial Google provides: will add a new way for consumers to interact with Kustomyze by allowing them to find any picture on the web and simply click the little “KZ” icon that will appear in one of the top corners of said photo. By doing this they can easily, from any site, design and order their customized phone case. The Kustomyze extension will be located within the productivity section of the Chrome Web Store, alongside websites that use similar tactics, such as Pinterest. Promotion:When a person has installed the Kustomyze extension, they will get bonus information about a page.After downloading the extension, an excellent bookmark becomes readily available to the consumer. Once installed, it will always remind a user that your site exists and that they can visit or utilize it. For instance in this case, any time a person runs their mouse over a photo the “KZ” icon will pop up in one of the top orders creating efficiency as well as a constant reminder that he or she can get a customized phone case any time they choose. Place/ Distribution:The concept of our marketing team’s big idea is found within the Chrome Web Store on Google Chrome. Much like the App store for iPhones, the Chrome Web Store allows individuals to download an app, extension, or theme; of these we chose to adopt the extension. Being as more and more people are beginning to opt for the Google Chrome browser, we estimate that this investment will ultimately reach more consumers and aid Kustomyze’s company in the long run. Once an extension is downloaded, it will become permanently located at the top of the page on the toolbar, directly by the URL of websites, easily reachable no matter the page a person is on. Millions of people search for extension in the Chrome Web Store every day, which is exactly where these extensions will be located for purchase.Items supported by Google Wallet can be purchased by buyers in these regions: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States. Newspaper insertsNewspaper inserts would be a useful marketing tactic because this would spread the word about the company. Newspaper inserts vary in pricing because it depends on what kind of a newspaper it is and what size the ad itself is. A lot goes into determining the price for a newspaper ad but an estimate would be around the price of $500 for a local newspaper. For the $100,000 budget (in addition to the $50,000 budget)100,000 BUDGET - (In addition to the $10,000 and $50,000 budget)?ONLINEBRICK AND MORTARTargetTacticCostTacticCostIndividual9. App for iPhone???10. App for Samsung Galaxy???11. App for Andriod???12. App for Blackberry???Creating an AppThe price of creating a well-designed layout app has rocketed. Now a days phone apps are an easier way for consumers to purchase or get something done without that task being extremely inconvenient. However, there are some ways that you can get an App created for a low cost; but that is not what we want to do. We want to create an App that exemplifies that Kustomyze is all about perfection, which is key. Spending money on a low cost web designer who is not going to be able to deliver on the quality that we expect for our App is simply not worth it. By talking to some App developer companies, we know that the type of App we want to get created can be done. However, the price is going to change throughout the process depending on what we want the App to do, what it will include, and how it will grow. There is, however, ballpark figures, which can give us an idea of, how much we are talking about. From research we estimate that our cost for the creation of our App will roughly be between $50,000 to $150,000. This may seem like a lot of money at first but we will only implement creating an App when we know that Kustomyze has established and is generating the right amount of income to not only to afford this but also to use this App to help dominate the market.Evaluation – Control and UpdateWe plan to sell of unit in one year: 250 for cellphone cases, and 150 for tablets. Total sales in one year will be $8995, after the production cost is subtracted the total profit will be $6495.Increase brand market shares by roughly 10% after the first fiscal year and another 15% after the next two to five years. ................

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