The Visual Arts Program

2001 Executive Summary of the Art-VCT Program

The Visual Arts Program

The Visual Arts Program through its foundation-level and second year courses in studio art, photography, art history and art appreciation provides understanding and skills in visual awareness, conceptualizing and creative problem solving.

The Visual Communications Technology Program

The Visual Communications Technology Program provides the learning environment for students to develop as creative problem solvers, to become technologically adept and to develop job skills. Its focus is to provide an environment focused on student success and to develop competencies necessary for entry and advancement in this career path.

Foundation Studio Art / Photography and Visual Communications Technology

These courses have as their purpose and goal the development of perceptual awareness through visual representations. The courses also provide cognitive understanding of the elements and principles of art. The course content develops critical thinking, problem solving, and creative abilities.

Art History

Art History develops an awareness of the manner in which diverse historical, technological, and cultural forces shape the creation and role of art and design.

Visual Communications Technology

Visual Communications is the convergence of numerous media: video, film, audio, graphics, and text.

The objective of a Visual Communications program is to develop and train Visual Communications professionals to develop concept, work as a team member and provide customer service and interaction .


Art / Photography / Art History

Courses in Art and Art History are transfer level courses that are considered separate from VCT but also form an integral part of the foundation for the professional/technical program. Currently, over 500 enrollment seats (per quarter) are in the Art and Art History side of the program.

VCT: The Professional/Technical Program

Currently, for Fall 2001 the number of students with VCT intent codes is 214 taking an average of 10.17 credits; the low credit average is skewed by available statistics. This number is not be truly representative of the students with vocational goals in our program. Part-time VCT students are “occupational supplemental and not identified in out intent code system.


Overall, FTES for Art/Art History/VCT have increased to 229 in year 2000-01.

Art History has maintained consistency in enrollment paralleling humanities enrollments in general.

There has been tremendous growth in both Art and VCT disciplines.

There is some difficulty in obtaining true statistics for each discipline within the Art/VCT program due to the clustering of like courses and dual listing of classes within Art and VCT and because of shared intent codes with other divisions.

Student Intent:

Matriculating Academic transfers - 40%

Matriculating Vocational students (AAAS) - 53%Other populations - 5%

Full vs Part-time

Full-time students - 71% - Part-time students - 29%


High School - 30% - Some education past High School - 17% - BA or above - 8%

Gender Breakdown

Males - 38% - Females - 58%


Under 20 years old - 20% -20-29 years - 44% - 30-39 years - 12% - 40 years - 14%

Ethnicity Breakdown

Caucasian - 65% - this ratio has remained relatively unchanged in the last 5 years.

All other ethnic designations have incrementally increased with the overall student increase.


•Maintenance of enrollment numbers (Art/VCT).

•Retention rates (Art/VCT).

•Breadth of course offerings (Art/VCT).

•Relationship to college mission statement (Art/VCT).

•Student success in transferring to 4 year institutions and in VCT programs (Art/VCT).

•Student success in placement in jobs

•Student transfer from VCT graduation / completion to 4 year colleges and universities

•Faculty member’s activity and reputation (Art/VCT).

•Student internships

•Student competitions (VCT).

•Program awards and accreditation (VCT).

•Industry recognition and support in the form of partnerships, donations, accreditation,

•Professional organization affiliations for program, faculty and staff (Art/VCT).

•Awards, advisory committee membership, and other involvement (VCT).

•Community involvement in program (VCT).

•Articulation with other institutions

•Grant, equipment and scholarship support from industry and community. (VCT)

•Active student clubs. (Art/VCT)

•Completion statistics for students in both VCT and Art.



Énrollment in the program has grown overall and continues to serve a diverse range of student groups. The VCT program especially has grown at a rapid rate. While these figures reflect program growth and success, we are concerned that in most areas the facility is at or will be at maximum capacity.


Retention rates are high in both the ART and the VCT programs ( 85 % course completion rate for courses in the program overall). These quite substantial retention numbers are in part due to the excellent tutors that come from our advanced student ranks. To continue to provide this “just in time” intervention and help to struggling students, the VCT program needs to have an in-house tutorial coordinator (Instructional Assistant) whose charge it is to provide scheduling, tutoring and tutor training that will assist students with the complexities of the technological tasks that occur routinely.


•Continue positive dialogue with administration

•Articulation and recruitment

•New curriculum for Digital Photography and Multimedia

•New curriculum in Photograpy

•Incorporate technology in Fine arts/Art history courses

•Maximize use of facility

•Work to realize plans to cover studio courtyard

•Add floor space to print area

•Expand list of courses offered summers and evenings.

•Instructional technicians to support tutoring and student use of both the photography lab and print shop.

•Acquire and upgrade needed equipment and software

•Basic photographic equipment upgrade

•Print shop equipment

•Upgrade ceramics equipment and tools

•Upgrade current computer lab equipment and software. Grants and partnerships need to be explored as ways to acquire access to needed technology. Base line support from the college needs to be established as well for long-term strategic planning

•Include release time for faculty for training as part of the Puget Sound Center formula

•Develop program and curriculum information sheets to assist general advising and Workforce programs

•Refocus and rewrite the mission statement for new directions

•Maintain current positive dialogue with part-time faculty


•Concerns regarding some communication about inter-college responsibilities. While innovative teaching strategies and programming and dialogue with industry are at the heart of teaching - statistical research and such responsibilities as maintaining a consistent plan for tracking graduates to get more than anecdotal information is beyond our resources of time and skill.

•Continued articulation process with college faculty participating in critiques for high school graduates and providing articulation pathways for college entry.

•College-wide articulation with Business Administration and Web Development Certificate.

•Continued participation in NEVAC association

•Flexible Programming continue development of “certificates of completion” that articulate with certificates in our program and in other programs

•Develop and maintain a broad based and integrated foundation of courses.

•Dialogue with Industry

•Continue to research and develop economic partnerships with industry

•Improve advising by a assisting general advising and Workforce programs and to help students self-advise.

•Expanded the list of VCT courses offered summer and evenings.

•Acquire and upgrade needed equipment and software

•Faculty continue to pursue options for professional improvement such as: self-paced tutorials, courses at private instructional facilities, courses on-line, courses at 2 and 4 year colleges and universities

•Continue to develop/integrate industry-based standards

•Write new MCO outlines and revise old ones in the areas of multimedia, computer graphics, and photography.

•Integrate standards into strategies for instruction and assessment

•Develop assessment strategies for the program

•Promotion of the Art program

•Maintain a balance of instructional needs with production needs in the print shop

•Continued weekly meetings with instruction and staff to identify instructional needs in the facility

•Develop a structured plan to increase enrollment, facilities utilization, and to develop curriculum that addresses the changing technologies in the printing industry


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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