VISUAL Transition Assessment - KRESA

VISUAL TRANSITION RATING SCALE Student Post School Outcomes/ Interview

Name __________________________ Parent/Guardian ______________________

School _________________________ Primary Disability _____________________

Grade _________

Birth Date ____/ ____/ ____ Age _____ Sex _____

Summary: (fill in after student completes the questions)

I want to have a job....


No Where _______________________________

I plan to... Work Full Time

(Everyday 6-8 hours)

Work Part Time

(Most Days 1-4 hours)

Join a Day Program Stay Home

(E-Squared, Pioneer, Other) (no job/ no school)

I like to go _____________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________ for fun.

I want to someday move into my own place.... Yes No I would like to live in a __________________________, with ___________________________.

Jobs I can do at home are ________________________________________________________


I would prefer to live in....

the city

the country

a neighborhood

I plan to get around by ___________________________________________________________. I plan to go _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________


I want to ___________________________________________

Stock Shelves

Clean Things

Build Things

Work in a Kitchen

Wash Dishes

Work Outside

Work with Kids

Deliver/Move Things

Work with Animals

Clean/ Fix Cars

Do Laundry

Work in a Store

Jobs/ Jobsites are typically looked at in three ways:

Supported Employment - competitive work in integrated work settings for individuals

with the most severe disabilities for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred or for whom competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a severe disability. Also, who, because of the nature and severity of their disability, need intensive supported employment services or extended services in order to perform such work. This also included transitional employment for persons who are individuals with the most severe disabilities due to mental illness.

Key Words- Competitive Work- real jobs, Integrated- in the community, Supported- trainers/coaches

Sheltered Workshop - an organization that provides employment opportunities for

people with disabilities and/or those from disadvantaged backgrounds, such as ethnic minority groups, the long-term unemployed, and those returning to the workforce after a period of rehabilitation. The word 'sheltered' refers to a protective environment where disadvantaged people can undertake paid meaningful employment in a supportive environment.

Key Words- Organization- Usually training facility or non profit, Protective Environment- Private

Building or Shop,

Employment Opportunities- Jobs are brought in to the site

Independently Employed/ Competitive Employment- Applying for and obtaining a

general job within the community with little or no accommodations or additional supports.

In general the most successful job placements for students with moderate to severe needs is with a friend or family member who can act as an employer, job coach, and advocate. If you have access to such a placement please let you classroom teacher know as they can tailor instruction to help your learner be successful in this placement.

What Skills does your son/daughter currently have that will help them do their chosen job? (please list) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ What skills do you feel you son/daughter would need to learn in order to be successful in this job? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Recreation and Leisure

In my free time I will (Circle All)

Go Bowling

Go Out to Eat

Go Golfing

Go to the Movies

Date People

Go Camping

Go Traveling

Exercise Regularly

Rent Movies

Go Fishing


Volunteer/ Help People

Watch TV

Go Skiing

Play Softball

Drive Around


Go to Sporting Events Join a Gym/Health Club Go Dancing

Listen to Music

Join the YMCA

Talk on the Phone

Take Community Ed. Classes

Other things I like to do are...

Home Living

I want to have my own house...



I plan to move when I'm ....

_________ old.

Right Now Age 20 Age 25 Age 30 Age 40 Age 50 Never

I want to live in:

An Apartment

I want to live:

A Mobile Home/Trailer

A House

A Condominium


With One Friend/ Roommate

I want to live:

With a Spouse

With Many Friends/ Roommates

In a City

In the Country

In a Neighborhood/ Near Neighbors

In or near what city (name) _____________________________________

Jobs I can do by myself (Circle the H if you can help)

Cleaning H

Budgeting H



Paying Bills H

Cooking H

Grocery Shopping H


H Clothing Shopping H

Home Repair H

Take Medication H Make/Schedule Appointments H


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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