ESTR-J-Revised - DiSC with Impact

Enderle-Severson Transition Rating Scale-Form J-Revised

(Transition assessment for learners with mild disabilities.)


Learner Information

Name---------------- Parent/Guardian-----------

School/Agency----------- Primary Disability---------

s Grade --------- Birth Date ------ Age ___ Gender

n Evaluators

---------------- ----------- io Name


at-- Name---------------- Title -------------

lic Name---------------- Title -------------

Date ofEvaluation___________ Anticipated Date of Graduation____

Pub Previous ESTR-J Scale Total Performance Score(s) and Date(s)-----------

ESTR-J-Revised Profile: Number of Items

ESTR # ofYes Items


(13) (4) (15) (7) (8)




*number ofyes items divided by number of items

? 1996, 2003 Jon Enderle and Susan Severson

Reproduction or duplication ofthis instrument in any manner is a violation ofcopyright law.

& E publications


: :,

Transition rating scales for leami'rs w;th disabilrtie

ESTR Publications ? 7464 Mapleleaf Ct? Columbus, OH 43235 P: (614) 940.9996 ? F: {218) 236 5199 ? E: transition@estrnet ? W:

Circle Yes Only ifPerfonned Independently and Consistently = 1 Circle No ifNot Perfonned or Perfonned Inconsistently = 0


1. The learner demonstrates good attendance............................................ Yes No

s ?Good attendance in school. n ?Good attendance in an employment situation (if applicable). tio 2. The learner demonstrates appropriate hygiene and grooming................. Yes No a 3. The learner is punctual. .......................................................................... Yes No lic ?Punctuality in school.

?Punctuality in work situations (if applicable).

ub 4. The learner recognizes the need to eventually support himself/herself.. Yes No P ?Understands the relationship between working and paying for personal


R ?Understands how work provides opportunity to develop personal relaT tionships.

?Understands how work contributes to self-confidence.

ES ?Understands how workers contribute to society.

?Understands a paycheck.

T 5. The learner responds appropriately to authority figures. .............,.......... H ?Follows directions. G ?Shows respect.

RI 6. The learner demonstrates an understanding that different jobs require Y varying levels of training (e.g., college, technical colleges, high school, P other). .....................................................................................................

?Understands that some jobs do not require further education.

O ?Understands the relationship between specific jobs and the education C required. 0 7. The learner demonstrates an understanding of factors that influence job 2 retention, dismissal, and promotion. ...............................,...................... 0 ?Understands factors that lead to termination of employment. 2 ?Understands factors that lead to promotion in employment.

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

8. The learner is able to access various resources for assistance in job searching. ................................................................................................ Yes No

?Want Ads. ?Employment Agencies. ?On-line resources,


Circle Yes Only if Performed Independently and Consistently = 1 Circle No ifNot Performed or Performed Inconsistently= 0

9. The learner demonstrates the necessary interpersonal skills to work

with others. ............................................................................................. Yes No ?Good listening skills.

s ?Good verbal communication skills. tion 10. 1T.nhaeJ.loebar.1nnetrerdve1.mewo.n..s.t.r;.a.t..e.s...t.h..e...s.k..i.l..l.s..n..e..c..e.s..s..a.r..y...t.o...p..e..r.f..o.r..m....s.u..c..c..e..s.s..f.u..l.l.y.. Yes No

a ?Communicates information about themselves.

?Answers job interview questions.

lic ?Demonstrates appropriate job interview behaviors. b 11. The learner demonstrates the skills necessary to accurately complete a

u job application. ...................................................................................... Yes No P ?Knows personal information.

?Neatly completes job application.

TR 12. The learner has a realistic expectation of his/her vocational potential. Yes No S ?Communicates jobs of interest. E ?Understands his/her own personal strengths and weaknesses.

?Understands how personal characteristics relate to jobs of interest.

HT 13. The learner has had successful community-based work experience. ... Yes No Please list: IG ?Work experience program,-job shadow, apprenticeship, summer job, part-time job. PYRRecreation and Leisure

CO 1. The learner chooses appropriate free time activities. ............................. Yes No

2020 Please list:

2. The learner acts appropriately in public. ................................................. ?Helps others. ?Makes reasonable demands.



?Acts courteous.

3. The learner initiates and participates in a variety ofrecreation/leisure activities with friends outside the home. ................................................. Yes No

4. The learner effectively communicates with others. ................................. Yes No


Circle Yes Only if Performed Independently and Consistently = 1 Circle No ifNot Performed or Performed Inconsistently = 0

Home Living

s 1. The learner demonstrates the ability to use the telephone. ..................... Yes No ion 2. The learner dresses appropriately for specific situations. ....................... Yes No

t ?Weather conditions. a ?Various activities. lic 3. The learner performs household cleaning/laundry. ................................ Yes No b 4. The learner is able to safely perform light household maintenance. ..... Yes No u ?Uses basic appliances and tools. P ?Demonstrates safety when using appliances and tools..

?Performs basic home care tasks.

TR 5. The learner demonstrates the qualities of a good citizen. ....................... Yes No S ?Obeys rules and laws. E ?Shows consideration for others.

?Respects the environment.

T ?Knows how to vote.

?Knows about state and federal governments.

IGH 6. The learner has an acceptable understanding of concepts related to sexual awareness. ................................................................................._.. R ?Awareness ofphysical self. Y ?Understands the reproductive process. P ?Understands dating, relationships, marriage.

O 7. The learner treats minor medical problems, performs basic first aid, and C knows how and when to seek medical assistance. ................................. 0 8. The learner understands checking and savings accounts. .......................

2 ?Could open a checking/savings account. 0?Check writing, making deposits, and recording checking transactions. 2?Making deposits and withdrawals and recording saving transactions.


Yes Yes


No No

?Understands interest.

?Can use ATM.


Circle Yes Only if Performed Independently and Consistently= 1 Circle No ifNot Performed or Performed Inconsistently= 0

Publications 9. The learner has the skills necessary to perform written correspondence. Yes No ?Notes. ?Letters. ?Phone messages. ?E-mails.

10. The learner practices preventive health care. ....................................... Yes No ?Manages body weight. ?Gets sufficient sleep. ?Does not abuse alcohol/drugs. ?Makes and keeps routine medical/dental appointments. ?Gets proper exercise.

ESTR 11. The learner knows how to respond to household emergency situations. ?Plumbing problems. ?Heating problems. ?Fire. ?Accidents.




HT 12. The learner understands nutrition and is able to plan balanced meals. ?Understands basic food groups. G ?Plans meals within a budget.

RI 13. The learner manages his/her own money responsibly. ......................... Y ?Knows how to develop a budget. P ?Understands the importance of financial records.

?Pays bills on time.

CO ?Understands taxes.

Yes Yes

No No

2020 14. The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic parenting skills..

15. The learner is able to prepare and serve foods that require a variety of cooking procedures. ............................................................................. ?Proper food storage.

Yes Yes

No No

?Personal hygiene.

?Kitchen safety procedures.

?Food preparation.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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