K-2 @ SPS - HOME

|Fantasy Genre | Stage 1 | English |

|Summary |Duration |

|Using a range of print and digital texts, students will explore the fantasy genre. Students will |Sample term |

|identify and discuss common features & techniques used in the development of a range of fantasy |4 weeks |

|texts including illustrators of visual literacy texts. (This will include narrative |Detail: CR - 4x2 lessons/wk - & 2h tech lesson/2wk |

|elements, characterisation techniques, heroism & the concepts of good & evil). In small groups, | |

|students will develop their own fantasy text to share with their peers using a storyboard as a | |

|scaffold. One student text will be used as a class dramatisation & will be recorded in a video format| |

|to showcase to others & also to become part of a self-reflection activity. | |

|Outcomes |Unit overview |

|English K-10 |Explore how character is represented in texts. Students will learn that characters are constructed in|

|EN1-1A communicates with a range of people in informal and guided activities demonstrating |texts while also developing their skills in reading, responding, composing, grammar and spelling. |

|interaction skills and considers how own communication is adjusted in different situations |Key skills: visual understanding, expressing a point of view, reading, using & greating with |

|EN1-2A plans, composes and reviews a small range of simple texts for a variety of purposes on |technology resources. |

|familiar topics for known readers and viewers | |

|EN1-4A draws on an increasing range of skills and strategies to fluently read, view and comprehend a | |

|range of texts on less familiar topics in different media and technologies | |

|EN1-7B identifies how language use in their own writing differs according to their purpose, audience | |

|and subject matter | |

|EN1-11D responds to and composes a range of texts about familiar aspects of the world and their own | |

|experiences | |

|EN1-3A composes texts using letters of consistent size and slope and uses digital technologies | |

|EN1-5A uses a variety of strategies, including knowledge of sight words and letter–sound | |

|correspondences, to spell familiar words | |

|EN1-9B uses basic grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary appropriate to the | |

|type of text when responding to and composing texts | |

|EN1-6B recognises a range of purposes and audiences for spoken language and recognises organisational| |

|patterns and features of predictable spoken texts | |

|EN1-8B recognises that there are different kinds of texts when reading and viewing and shows an | |

|awareness of purpose, audience and subject matter  | |

|EN1-10C thinks imaginatively and creatively about familiar topics, ideas and texts when responding to| |

|and composing texts | |

|EN1-12E identifies and discusses aspects of their own and others’ learning | |

|Library & Community Language |

|Librarian - fortnightly lesson will read & discuss |

|Look a Book! |

|2 posters (Harry Potter) - visual literacy |

|Community Languages Teachers (1 hour/week) will read & discuss |

| a range of fantasy texts from countries of students' backgrounds |

|Content |Teaching, learning and assessment |Adjustments and extensions |

|Stage 1 - Speaking and listening 1 |Technology Lessons 2H |v |

|Students: | Wk 2 - create a simple photostory using prepared fantasy clipart | |

|Develop and apply contextual knowledge |pictures - to depict a range of typical fantasy characters | |

|listen for specific purposes and information, including |Wk 4 - use 2 CreateAStory program to create a scene with 'spooky | |

|instructions, and extend students' own and others' ideas in |atmosphere' using prepared landscape | |

|discussions (ACELY1666) [pic] [pic] |  | |

|Respond to and compose texts |Classroom 4 lessons 4 times a week of 2H (Include ILOs & Plenary & | |

|communicate with increasing confidence in a range of contexts |Jolly Phonics weekly spelling lists) | |

|engage in conversations and discussions, using active listening |KWL use Socrative Web 2.0 tool - Assessment - use 5 questions to | |

|behaviours, showing interest, and contributing ideas, information |ascertain current knowledge from all students. | |

|and questions (ACELY1656) [pic] |Building Field Knowledge | |

|use a comment or a question to expand on an idea in a discussion |Whole class | |

|Stage 1 - Writing and representing 1 |Basic Questions from Concept map program - useteacher's Popplet (Ss| |

|Students: |supervised by CRT as not over 13YO) | |

|experiment in all aspects of composing to enhance learning and |Reading | |

|enjoyment | Modelled 10m   | |

|create short imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using |Wk1-​ Cinderella​ ​ familiar​ text​  | |

|growing knowledge of text structures and language features for |Honestly,​ Red​ Riding​ Hood​ was​ Rotten​ -​ Trisha​ Shaskam | |

|familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and |Wk2 - Tiddalick​ -​ the​ frog​ that​ caused​ a​ flood​ -​ Robert​ Roennfeldt | |

|multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose |Wk3 - Beware​ of​ Story​ Boo​k​ Wolves​ -​ Lauren​ Child | |

|(ACELY1661, ACELY1671) [pic] [pic] |Wk4 - The​ Great​ Bear​ -​ Libby​ Gleeson​ &​ Armin​ Greder​ | |

|Respond to and compose texts |Shared​ 15m | |

|create events and characters using different media that develop key|Wk1   - Out in the Woods (chorus) | |

|events and characters from literary texts (ACELT1593) [pic] |Wk2 - The Thirsty Frog Tiddalick  Aboriginal) | |

|Stage 1 - Reading and viewing 1 |Wk3 - The Shark King's Son (Hawaii) | |

|Students: |Wk4 - The 3 Billy Goats' Gruff (traditional) | |

|discuss different texts on a similar topic, identifying |extra - The North Wind and The Sun (Chorus - Ancient Fable) | |

|similarities and differences between the texts  (ACELY1665) [pic] |Guided 30-45m | |

|Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features |4 rotating groups | |

|understand that nouns represent people, places, things and ideas |Activites - | |

|and can be, for example, common, proper, concrete or abstract, and |online reading texts (prepared list), | |

|that noun groups/phrases can be expanded using articles |guided reading with class teacher - levelled for each group - use | |

|and adjectives (ACELA1468) |CASTLE CLINKER series, | |

|understand patterns of repetition and contrast in simple texts |listening post (prepared texts) & activities from weekly text | |

|(ACELA1448) [pic] |Activity with Ms C - reading using audacity & puppets | |

|Respond to, read and view texts | Independent 10m | |

|use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning |DEAR | |

|and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of |Writing | |

|context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text|Modelled/Shared 20-25m - use Notebook 10 prepared resource & range | |

|structures (ACELY1660, ACELY1670) [pic] [pic] |of web2.0 tools (prepared) | |

|predict author intent, series of events and possible endings in an |Wk1 - Fantasy concept & narrative structure | |

|imaginative, informative and persuasive text [pic] |focus on introduction techniques | |

|identify visual representations of characters' actions, reactions, |Wk2 - focus - hero & other characters | |

|speech and thought processes in narratives, and consider how these |focus on adjectives & adverbs | |

|images add to or contradict or multiply the meaning of accompanying|Wk3 - | |

|words (ACELA1469) [pic] |focus on connectives | |

|Stage 1 - Writing and representing 2 |Wk4 - | |

|Students: |focus on prepositions | |

|discuss some of the different purposes for written and visual texts|Guided/Independent 30-40m | |

|Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features |Use teacher puppets & setting resources - video if time to play | |

|compare different kinds of images in narrative and informative |back later | |

|texts and discuss how they contribute to meaning (ACELA1453) [pic] |use prepared activities each week | |

|Respond to and compose texts |Students to add to class blog each week during independent reading | |

|discuss the characters and settings of different texts and explore |- timetabled | |

|how language is used to present these features in different ways |Wk1 - introductions in narratives | |

|(ACELT1584, ACELT1591) [pic] |Wk2 - character development | |

|make inferences about character motives, actions, qualities and |Wk3 - setting deveoplment & complication | |

|characteristics when responding to texts [pic] |Wk4 - resolution & writing an entire narrative | |

|Stage 1 - Expressing themselves |Include resources - | |

|Students: |story starters/endings | |

|Develop and apply contextual knowledge |word walls | |

|discuss how depictions of characters in print, sound and images |WORDLE - teacher supervised | |

|reflect the contexts in which they were created (ACELT1581, |clines | |

|ACELT1587) [pic] [pic] |y chart - looks/sounds/smells like | |

|Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features |discussions - class, small groups, pairs | |

|discuss aspects of imaginative texts such as setting and dialogue, |Notebook prepared teacher resource | |

|making connections with students' own experiences |Extra - use youtube - sorcerers'Apprentice clip - silent film - how| |

|identify features of texts from a range of cultures, |to gain meaning without words - use of techniques etc | |

|including language patterns and style of illustration [pic] [pic] |Extra - Use youtube clip of The Sorcerer's Apprentice (clip from | |

|Respond to and compose texts |movie) as example of fantasy genre that is silent, animated & | |

|discuss characters and events in a range of literary texts and |digitalExtra | |

|share personal responses to these texts, making connections with |  | |

|students' own experiences (ACELT1582) [pic] [pic] |  | |

|Stage 1 - Handwriting and using digital technologies |  | |

|Students: |  | |

|Respond to and compose texts |  | |

|construct texts featuring print, visual and audio elements using | | |

|software, including word processing programs (ACELY1664, ACELY1674)| | |

|[pic] | | |

|Stage 1 - Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary | | |

|Students: | | |

|begin to understand that choice of vocabulary adds to the | | |

|effectiveness of text | | |

|Stage 1 - Spelling | | |

|Students: | | |

|Understand and apply knowledge of language forms and features | | |

|know that regular one-syllable words are made up of letters and | | |

|common letter clusters that correspond to the sounds heard, and how| | |

|to use visual memory to write high-frequency words (ACELA1778) | | |

|spell high-frequency and common sight words accurately when | | |

|composing texts | | |

|isolate and write the initial, medial and final sound of a word | | |

|exchange one letter in a written word with a different letter to | | |

|make a new word | | |

| | | |

|Resources overview |Enter your own title |

|Variety of Multi Modal & Digital Texts |Texts |

|VIsual Literacy card resources |April Underhill By Bob Graham​ -​ not​ available |

|You tube videos |Tooth Fairy By Bob Graham​ -​ not​ available |

|Mind maps |Beware of Storybook Wolves by Lauren Child​ |

|Concept maps |Cinderella​ ​ |

|Google images |Honestly,​ Red​ Riding​ Hood​ was​ Rotten​ -​ Trisha​ Shaskam |

|Reading post resources |Tiddalick​ -​ the​ frog​ that​ caused​ a​ flood​ -​ Robert​ Roennfeldt​ |

|blogs |The​ Great​ Bear​ -​ Libby​ Gleeson​ &​ Armin​ Greder​ |

|Smore (flyers) |Guided Reading texts - use Castle Clinker series |

|Scaffold for Narratives |Reader's Theatre texts -  Out in the Woods, The Thirsty Frog, The Shark King's Son, The 3 Billy |

|Blooms Taxonomy Action Verbs  |Goats' Gruff, The North WInd & the Sun |

|  |Range of online texts |

| |The Sorcerer's Apprentice by Disney |

| | |

| |You tube video - Elements of fantasy genre |

| |  |

|Evaluation |

|Formative Assessments: |

|weekly class blogs |

|Web 2.0 tools - Socrative |

|Dramatisation of 1 student's fantasy story |

|Weekly spelling tests |

|Summative Assessments |

|peer evaluations |

|self-reflections |

|Fantasy story |

|Flyer to advertise their story |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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