Lauren Boden

EDU 9014

Lesson 5


Subject: Science

Theme/Topic: Rain Forest/Visualization

Grade//Level: 5th grade intermediate

Content Objective:

1. SWBAT identify animals, weather patterns and plants typically seen in the Brazilian rain forest.

Language Objective:

1. SWBAT use textual cues to define new vocabulary terms.

2. SWBAT write a poem using visualization.

Learning Strategy Objective:

1. SWBAT use visualization to comprehend a reading.

Other strategies that could be used:

Common Core Standards:

7.RIT.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.

7.RIT.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

7.W.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (a single setting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes and audiences.

7.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Materials: SMART board, “A Walk in the Rain Forest” reading, “Ode to a Tree” poem, comprehension questions


1. Upon entering the room, the students will be prompted by a “do now” on the board that will ask them to TURN AND TALK with a partner about what they visualize when they think of the rain forest. They will come up with a list of ideas and share with the class.

2. The students will then go through the reading and find the underlined vocabulary words. They will write these words in their notebooks with the inferred meaning they gathered from the text.

3. The new vocabulary words will be reviewed as a class to ensure all students got the right answer.


1. The teacher will read the objectives for the day to the students.

2. The teacher will preview the reading for the students by telling them that they are going to read about the Brazilian Rain Forest today.

3. The teacher will introduce the learning strategy of visualization by telling the students that sometimes when they are reading a text that has many descriptive words, you are able to “paint a picture in your head” of what the author is describing in the text. The teacher will explain how using visualization as a learning strategy can be very helpful to understand a text. If you can picture what the text is describing, you can get an idea of what is going on. The teacher will model the use of visualization by having students close their eyes and reading a description of a sandy beach on the coast of Chile. After the short reading the students will discuss what they saw, felt and heard as the teacher was reading.

4. The teacher will begin to read the article “A Walk in the Rain Forest” to the students. As it is read, the teacher will stop occasionally to have students “turn and talk” to their partner about what they are visualizing from the text.

5. The students will answer several comprehension questions after the reading with their partner.


1. The students will review their comprehension questions with the teacher and the class.

2. They will read the poem “Ode to a Tree” aloud in their small groups, stopping after every stanza to discuss what they are visualizing as they read.


1. The students will rate whether they thought the visualization strategy helped them understand the text by circling the appropriate face at the bottom of their comprehension questions. (( It helped! Or ( It didn’t help!)


1. The students will write their own visualization poems in small groups about the rain forest using the one they read as a model. Their poems should contain descriptive vocabulary that allows the reader to “paint a picture in their head”.

2. The students will read their poems to the class and the class will evaluate their use of visualization through discussions.


1. The students will be informally assessed on their use of visualization through teacher questioning and class discussion during the reading.

2. The students will be assessed on their poem’s use of visualization.

Name: ___________________________________

Date: ________________________

Answer the following questions about the reading with your groups. Be sure to back up your answers with evidence from the text!

“A Walk in the Rain Forest”

1. How big is the Brazilian Rainforest? _________________________________________

2. What did you visualize from the second paragraph on p. 22? (Three things)


3. While listening to the story, were there times when you could hear anything? When?


4. What kind of weather do they have in the Rain Forest? Is it similar or different to the weather here on Long Island?


5. What kind of animals are in the Rain Forest? Are they dangerous?


6. Did visualization help you to understand this story? Why? (circle one)

( It helped! ( No it didn’t help!



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