How to compare two columns in excel in two different sheets


How to compare two columns in excel in two different sheets

We have two tables of orders copied into one worksheet. You need to compare the data of the two tables in Excel and check which positions are in the first table but not in the second one. It makes no sense to manually compare the value of each cell. ? How can we compare values for two columns in

Excel? To solve this task, we recommend using conditional formatting which quickly selects the color of positions that are only in one column. Worksheet with tables: First, you need to name both tables. This makes it easier to understand which cell ranges are compared: Select the "FORMULAS" tool "Defined Names" - "Define Name". Enter the value - Table_1 in the appeared window in the field "Name:" With the left mouse button click on the input field "Refers to:" and select the range: A2:A15. Then click OK. For the second list follow the same steps and just use another name - Table_2. And choose

the range C2:C15 respectively. Helpful advice! Range names can be assigned more quickly by using the name field. It is located on the left of the formula row. Just select the ranges of cells, and in the name field enter the appropriate name for the range and press Enter. ? Now let's use conditional

formatting to compare two lists in Excel. We need to get the following result: Positions that are in Table_1, but not in Table_2 will be displayed in green. At the same time, the items in Table 2 which don¡¯t present in Table 1 will be highlighted in blue. Principle of comparing the data of two columns in Excel

We used the COUNTIF function when defining conditions for formatting column cells. In this example, this function checks how many times the value of the second argument (for example, A2) occurs in the list of the first argument (for example, Table_2). If the number of times is 0, then the formula returns

TRUE. In this case, the cell is assigned a custom format specified in the conditional formatting options. The reference in the second argument is relative, then all the cells of the selected range will be checked in turn (for example, A2: A15). Download example comparison 2 tables in Excel The second

formula works similarly. The same principle can be applied to various similar tasks. For example, for comparing two prices in Excel and even on different worksheets. In Microsoft Excel you can use a formula to compare two similar documents in different workbooks. For example, if a small business has

two people compile financial statements in Excel using the same form, you can create a third workbook that will tell you how the values between like cells in the two workbooks differ. This is useful to quickly compare two documents that should be similar. How to Compare Two Columns in Excel Kasper

Langmann2021-01-04T16:03:30+00:00 Watch Video ¨C Compare two Columns in Excel for matches and differences The one query that I get a lot is ¨C ¡®how to compare two columns in Excel?¡¯. This can be done in many different ways, and the method to use will depend on the data structure and what the

user wants from it. For example, you may want to compare two columns and find or highlight all the matching data points (that are in both the columns), or only the differences (where a data point is in one column and not in the other), etc. Since I get asked about this so much, I decided to write this

massive tutorial with an intent to cover most (if not all) possible scenarios. If you find this useful, do pass it on to other Excel users. Note that the techniques to compare columns shown in this tutorial are not the only ones. Based on your dataset, you may need to change or adjust the method. However, the

basic principles would remain the same. If you think there is something that can be added to this tutorial, let me know in the comments section Compare Two Columns For Exact Row Match This one is the simplest form of comparison. In this case, you need to do a row by row comparison and identify

which rows have the same data and which ones does not. Example: Compare Cells in the Same Row Below is a data set where I need to check whether the name in column A is the same in column B or not. If there is a match, I need the result as ¡°TRUE¡±, and if doesn¡¯t match, then I need the result as

¡°FALSE¡±. The below formula would do this: =A2=B2 Example: Compare Cells in the Same Row (using IF formula) If you want to get a more descriptive result, you can use a simple IF formula to return ¡°Match¡± when the names are the same and ¡°Mismatch¡± when the names are different.

=IF(A2=B2,"Match","Mismatch") Note: In case you want to make the comparison case sensitive, use the following IF formula: =IF(EXACT(A2,B2),"Match","Mismatch") With the above formula, ¡®IBM¡¯ and ¡®ibm¡¯ would be considered two different names and the above formula would return ¡®Mismatch¡¯.

Example: Highlight Rows with Matching Data If you want to highlight the rows that have matching data (instead of getting the result in a separate column), you can do that by using Conditional Formatting. Here are the steps to do this: Select the entire dataset. Click the ¡®Home¡¯ tab. In the Styles group, click

on the ¡®Conditional Formatting¡¯ option. From the drop-down, click on ¡®New Rule¡¯. In the ¡®New Formatting Rule¡¯ dialog box, click on the ¡®Use a formula to determine which cells to format¡¯. In the formula field, enter the formula: =$A1=$B1 Click the Format button and specify the format you want to apply to the

matching cells. Click OK. This will highlight all the cells where the names are the same in each row. Compare Two Columns and Highlight Matches If you want to compare two columns and highlight matching data, you can use the duplicate functionality in conditional formatting. Note that this is different

than what we have seen when comparing each row. In this case, we will not be doing a row by row comparison. Example: Compare Two Columns and Highlight Matching Data Often, you¡¯ll get datasets where there are matches, but these may not be in the same row. Something as shown below: Note that

the list in column A is bigger than the one in B. Also some names are there in both the lists, but not in the same row (such as IBM, Adobe, Walmart). If you want to highlight all the matching company names, you can do that using conditional formatting. Here are the steps to do this: Select the entire data

set. Click the Home tab. In the Styles group, click on the ¡®Conditional Formatting¡¯ option. Hover the cursor on the Highlight Cell Rules option. Click on Duplicate Values. In the Duplicate Values dialog box, make sure ¡®Duplicate¡¯ is selected. Specify the formatting. Click OK. The above steps would give you

the result as shown below. Note: Conditional Formatting duplicate rule is not case sensitive. So ¡®Apple¡¯ and ¡®apple¡¯ are considered the same and would be highlighted as duplicates. Example: Compare Two Columns and Highlight Mismatched Data In case you want to highlight the names which are

present in one list and not the other, you can use the conditional formatting for this too. Select the entire data set. Click the Home tab. In the Styles group, click on the ¡®Conditional Formatting¡¯ option. Hover the cursor on the Highlight Cell Rules option. Click on Duplicate Values. In the Duplicate Values

dialog box, make sure ¡®Unique¡¯ is selected. Specify the formatting. Click OK. This will give you the result as shown below. It highlights all the cells that have a name that is not present on the other list. Compare Two Columns and Find Missing Data Points If you want to identify whether a data point from

one list is present in the other list, you need to use the lookup formulas. Suppose you have a dataset as shown below and you want to identify companies that are present in column A but not in Column B, To do this, I can use the following VLOOKUP formula. =ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,$B$2:$B$10,1,0))

This formula uses the VLOOKUP function to check whether a company name in A is present in column B or not. If it is present, it will return that name from column B, else it will return a #N/A error. These names which return the #N/A error are the ones that are missing in Column B. ISERROR function

would return TRUE if there is the VLOOKUP result is an error and FALSE if it isn¡¯t an error. If you want to get a list of all the names where there is no match, you can filter the result column to get all cells with TRUE. You can also use the MATCH function to do the same;

=NOT(ISNUMBER(MATCH(A2,$B$2:$B$10,0))) Note: Personally, I prefer using the Match function (or the combination of INDEX/MATCH) instead of VLOOKUP. I find it more flexible and powerful. You can read the difference between Vlookup and Index/Match here. Compare Two Columns and Pull the

Matching Data If you have two datasets and you want to compare items in one list to the other and fetch the matching data point, you need to use the lookup formulas. Example: Pull the Matching Data (Exact) For example, in the below list, I want to fetch the market valuation value for column 2. To do

this, I need to look up that value in column 1 and then fetch the corresponding market valuation value. Below is the formula that will do this: =VLOOKUP(D2,$A$2:$B$14,2,0) or =INDEX($A$2:$B$14,MATCH(D2,$A$2:$A$14,0),2) Example: Pull the Matching Data (Partial) In case you get a dataset where

there is a minor difference in the names in the two columns, using the above-shown lookup formulas is not going to work. These lookup formulas need an exact match to give the right result. There is an approximate match option in VLOOKUP or MATCH function, but that can¡¯t be used here. Suppose you

have the data set as shown below. Note that there are names that are not complete in Column 2 (such as JPMorgan instead of JPMorgan Chase and Exxon instead of ExxonMobil). In such a case, you can use a partial lookup by using wildcard characters. The following formula will give is the right result in

this case: =VLOOKUP("*"&D2&"*",$A$2:$B$14,2,0) or =INDEX($A$2:$B$14,MATCH("*"&D2&"*",$A$2:$A$14,0),2) In the above example, the asterisk (*) is a wildcard character that can represent any number of characters. When the lookup value is flanked with it on both sides, any value in Column 1

which contains the lookup value in Column 2 would be considered as a match. For example, *Exxon* would be a match for ExxonMobil (as * can represent any number of characters). You May Also Like the Following Excel Tips & Tutorials: In this video, I demonstrate how to compare two Excel

worksheets in order to find the differences between them. I look at two scenarios: one where the worksheets are in the same workbook and then where the worksheets are in separate workbooks. Download the featured files here: Compare Data in the Same Workbook If the worksheets are in the same

workbook, the first thing to do is to display both worksheets on the screen at the same time. To achieve this: Click on the Ribbon¡¯s View tab and then click on the New Window button in the Window group. Still on the Ribbon¡¯s View tab, click on the Arrange All button. In the Arrange Windows dialog box,

select Vertical and then click OK. Select the worksheets you want to appear in each window. Method 1: Conditional Formatting To use conditional formatting to compare the two worksheets, do the following: Select all the data in the first worksheet. On the Ribbon¡¯s Home tab click on Conditional Formatting

in the Styles group. Select New Rule¡­ in the menu. Under Select a Rule Type:, select Use a formula to determine which cells to format. In the Format values where this formula is true: box, write the following formula: =A1¡¯Ver2¡ä!A1, where Ver2 is the name of worksheet you are comparing with. The

formula returns TRUE if the cells contain values that are different. Click on the Format button to specify a format to apply if the rule is met ¨C for example a red fill and white font. Click on OK to confirm the format. Click on OK to confirm the rule. Method 2: A Formula The second method for comparing

worksheets and showing differences uses a formula. To use this method: Create a new worksheet within the same workbook that contains the worksheets you want to compare. The formula to use is =IF(¡®Ver1¡ä!A1=¡¯Ver2¡ä!A1,¡¯Ver2¡ä!A1,¡±Ver1:¡±&¡¯Ver1¡ä!A1&¡± | Ver2:¡±&¡¯Ver2¡¯!A1) Copy the formula across and

down the worksheet. Compare Data in Different Workbooks If the worksheets are in two different workbooks, follow these steps: Arrange the workbooks on your screen so they can both be seen. On the Ribbon¡¯s View tab, click the Arrange All button in the Windows group. In the Arrange Windows dialog

box, select Vertical and then click OK. Conditional formatting can¡¯t be used across workbooks so use the formula method described above. In one of the workbooks, create a new worksheet and use the same formula to compare the first cell in workbook 1 with the first cell in workbook 2. The only thing to

watch out for is that when you refer to a cell in another workbook (by clicking on it), the cell address is by default locked with dollars. Delete the dollars to make the cell reference relative. If you are not sure about how to create this formula, please watch the video. The following formula can help you to

extract the names both in Names-1 and Names-2 sheets, please do as this: 1. In Names-1 sheet, select a cell which beside your data, please enter this formula: =VLOOKUP(A2,'Names-2'!$A$2:$A$19,1,FALSE), and press Enter key, if the names in this sheet, it will display the name, if not, an error value

will be returned, see screenshot: 2. Then drag the fill handle down to the cells to return the names both in Names-1 and Names-2 sheets, see screenshot: Notes: 1. Another formula: =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2,'Names-2'!$A$2:$A$19,1,FALSE)), "No", "Yes") also can help you to compare the two lists and

identify if the names are exit in both sheets, after apply this formula, you can get the following result, and Yes indicates the corresponding name exists in both sheets, and No indicates not exist. 2. In the above formulas: A2 is the first cell of the worksheet that you want to compare, Names-2 is another

worksheet name that you want to compare, A2:A19 is the name column to be compared with. Vlookup to compare two lists in separated worksheets If you have Kutools for Excel, with its Select Same & Different Cells feature, you can find and highlight the same or different values from two separate

worksheets as quickly as you can. Click to download Kutools for Excel! Kutools for Excel: with more than 300 handy Excel add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 30 days. Download and free trial Now! Vlookup to compare two lists in separate worksheets with Kutools for Excel If you have Kutools for Excel,

with its Select Same & Different Cells feature, you can quickly compare two lists in separated worksheets and select or highlight the names which are both in these two sheets without any formulas. After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as follows: 1. Click Kutools > Select > Select Same & Different

Cells, see screenshot: 2. In the Select Same & Different Cells dialog box, do the following operations: (1.) Select the data list in Names-1 sheet under the Find values in, and then select the data from Names-2 sheet under the According to; (2.) Check Each row from the Based on section; (3.) Choose

Same Values from the Find section; (4.) Then you can choose background color or font color for the same names which are in both sheets as you need. 3. Then click Ok button, and a prompt box will pop out to remind how many matching cells have been selected, the names which are both in these two

worksheets have been selected and highlighted at once, see screenshot: Click to Download and free trial Kutools for Excel Now ! Demo: Vlookup to compare two lists in separate worksheets with Kutools for Excel


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