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|SEIC | |


| |

|Status: Draft |

|Document Version: 0001 |

| |

|Released Date: TBD |

|Effective Date: TBD |

| |

|Document Owner: James H. Watson & |

|Eugene A. Tartaglione |

|Confidentiality Classification: TBD |

| |

|File Location\File Name: TBD |

| |

|Copyright © 2017 SEIC. All rights reserved. |

Table of Contents

1) Introduction 3

A) Scope and Purpose 3

B) Intended Audience 3

C) Definitions 3

D) References 5

2) Building Process Overview 5

A) Responsibilities 5

B) Pre-Tasks 5

C) Building Process 6

3) DVD-Based Net-New Installations 7

A) Current ESXi version ISO 7

B) Process for Deploying Cisco Blade Services for ESXi Builds 7

C) Associate Service Profile to a physical server 12

D) Boot to a build image (Map ISO for storage) 16

E) Assigning the Boot Order 19

F) Custom ESXi Installation 23

i) If you haven’t disabled the non-boot HBA’s before getting to this step, please do so now. 23

ii) To re-enable the HBA’s reverse the steps: 26

H) Check faults in UCS manager 29

I) Console Installation 30

4) vSphere Client Post ESXi Build Steps. 31

5) Add Server to cluster on vcenter 32

A) Creating a Host Profile 36

B) Edit the Host Profile 37

C) Applying the Host Profile 42

6) Wording for Storage Tickets: 47

7) How to enable CDP on all vSwitch’s 73

A) To create a new host profile 75

B) Enable/Disable Profile Configuration 77

C) Apply a profile to a host – Additional steps need to be documented (vmotion IP, etc) 79

8) Setting Disk.QFullSampleSize 32 (For NetApp attached hosts only - Corp DMZ & Prod Farm) 82

9) Post Host Profile Tasks 84

A) Change iops=1 on all LUNs 84

10) Check Host Profile Compliance 86

11) Add Fiber Channel Storage (Add a LUN) 86


This document describes information needed for the ongoing operations of VMware ESX server configurations.

1 Scope and Purpose

This manual details administration tasks for the VMware components. It defines the day-to-day operational procedures for managing and maintaining the VMware servers and environments.

The VMware environments covered by this manual include:

List all environments

Readers should be familiar with the vendor documentation covering VMware ESXi and Virtual Center software. (See References.) Also, the instructions and screenshots in this manual may not be updated as the vendor software is updated. Please consult the current vendor documentation for these details.

2 Intended Audience

The intended audience includes:

First, second or third level support of each VMware Environment.

Maintenance responsibilities for each VMware Environment.

Change Management responsibilities for each VMware Environment.

This guide is intended for use by the administrators of VMware components. Staff participating in the VM User role is not the intended audience for this guide.

3 Definitions

The following definitions are provided for easier readability of this document.

|Term |Definition |

|VMware Environment |This document uses the term “VMware Environment” to refer to a group of software components: |

| |Software Components: |

| |VMware ESXi Host |

| |VMware vCenter Server |

| |Each VMware Environment may contain multiple VMware resource clusters within its farm. vCenter deployments will |

| |vary to meet design objectives. |

|VMware |VMware is a software company that creates hardware virtualization products such as ESXi. VMware also created the |

| |Virtual Center software. |

| |The term VMware is also used informally to refer to the ESX product or to hardware virtualization in general. |

| |Example: The title of a project could be “Hardware Virtualization in the ASP Environment,” or, simply “VMware in |

| |ASP”. |

|Virtual Machine |“VM” is an abbreviation for Virtual Machine. A Virtual Machine is a VMware term for an instance of virtualized |

|(VM) |hardware. Multiple VMs may be allocated on the same physical server that is running the ESX operating system. |

| |The VM appears as physical hardware to the guest operating systems running within the VM |

|ESXi |The VMware operating system installed on the physical server. ESXi Hosts will support multiple occurrences of |

| |virtual hardware (VMs) that can be used by guest operating systems such as Windows or Linux. |

|Virtual Center |This software is a centralized management tool used to monitor and configure groups of ESXi Hosts. After ESXi is |

| |installed, most ESXi configuration options are set though Virtual Center. vCenter (as it is also known) manages |

| |the Virtual Machines running on the ESXi Hosts too. |

|VMware Tools |VMware software installed within the guest OS of each VM. This software enables vCenter features for the VM. |

| |Installing the tools improves the performance of the VM and the ESX server. |

|SAN |Storage Area Network. This indicates a large pool of storage that is not located on the physical servers. ESXi |

| |Hosts have access to the SAN using specialized hardware known as Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) and connect through |

| |optical fiber cables. |

|LUN |LUN indicates a partition of storage space from a SAN that is allocated to a server. For example, a 500 GB LUN |

| |indicates 500 GB of storage that the server can use as though it were a 500 GB disk drive. A LUN will be formatted|

| |by the Host with the vmfs file system. |

4 References

These documents may be referenced by the solution.

|Project Documentation |

|Document Name |Location |

|Operations Guide |TBD |

These vendor documents may be referenced by the solution.

|Vendor Documentation (VMware) |

|Document |Location |

|VMware vCenter User’s Manual |These document can be found at: |

| | |

|ESX Administration Guide | |

|ESX Installation Guide | |

|VMware Virtual Center Technical Best Practices | |

|ESX Build Spreadsheet |TBD |

Building Process Overview

1 Responsibilities

The owner of the build process is responsible for:

▪ Keeping the Install guide document up to date.

▪ Keeping the Install media up to date.

▪ Keeping the install script on the USB drives up to date.

▪ Assigning hosts builds to the team.

2 Pre-Tasks

• Server was ordered

• Server was added to the Host Build sheet with all information

• Server was released from the Hardware & Networking teams

3 Building Process

Note: Specifics are listed later in this document (There is an excel ss with the below information located here: TBD

DVD-Based Net-New Installations

1 Current ESXi version ISO

The current, standard ISO version of the ESXi software will reside on..


2 Process for Deploying Cisco Blade Services for ESXi Builds

Cisco UCS Environments:

• Production:

1. Login to UCS Manager





• Navigate to the appropriate Domain >

• Save the uscm.jnip file

• [pic]

• Click Continue

• [pic]

• Click Run

• [pic]

• Click Accept

• [pic]

• Change the dropdown box to corp.

• [pic]

• Login via corp. account

Deploying Blade Servers From UCS ESXi Builds

(Note: For ESXii Host Rebuilds, see “Procedures for disabling/re-enabling storage connectivity (ESXi Host Rebuilds)”, below.

• Login per the above

• To build a new host:

1. Click on the UCSM Servers Tab.

2. Click on Service Profile Templates


3. Expand the directory structure from Root>Sub-Organizations> VMware

4. Right-click on Service Template ESXi-Prod-New Template

5. Select Create Service Profiles from Template


1. In Naming Prefix, enter the ESXi Server name, e.g. usoak-esxd01-03.corp.

(FQDN in lower case)

2. In the Number of instances field, enter 1


click OK


click OK

NOTE: The above number represents the number of Service Profile Templates you need to build during this session. We have found over time that it’s best to build 1 at a time.

3. Under the Servers Tab, (change the Filter to Service Profiles if neces.) expand on Service Profiles. Drill down to Root>Sub-Organizations> VMware> Sub-Organizations> usoak-esxlab (or appropriate location)

4. Click on the server name you just created:

5. On the General tab, In the Description field, put in the appropriate GL#

6. [pic]

7. Click Save Changes

8. [pic]

9. Click OK


Clcik Rename Service Profile


Click Yes


Put in the correct name (Essentially remove the “1”) and ensure there is no trailing space

Click OK


Click OK

3 Associate Service Profile to a physical server


Highlight your newly built Service Profile, right-click and select Change Service Profile Association


Click the Server Assignment drop down and select : Select Existing Server


Select the correct server radio button, then click OK


Click Yes


Click OK


Before opening a storage ticket, it’s necessary to boot the new host to ESXi install media. This will initialize the HBA’s and get them online so that the VPLEX can see them and then storage can be zoned.

4 Boot to a build image (Map ISO for storage)

10. Right click your Service Profile, then Click KVM Console , to get to the KVM.


TIP: Minimize all your open windows, or you might not see the KVM Security Warning, as sometimes it opens in the background behind other open windows.


Click Continue

click the Virtual Media menu item, then click Activate Virtual Devices


Once the Virtual Devices have been activated, click Map CD/DVD


• Click Add Image; path out to

• Where the ISO is

(Or current ESXii.iso )



Click Map Device

• Click Reset to reboot the server (with Power Cycle option). (NOTE – If you don’t see the server hostname in the upper left of the KVM window, close the window and wait a few minutes and try again)


• [pic]

• Click OK


Click OK


Click OK

5 Assigning the Boot Order


Click on Modify Boot Policy

Click on the dropdown next to Boot Policy and select the PG provided by storage:


Then click OK



Click Yes


Click OK


Click on Pending Activities


Expand the first column to verify the correct server name


Verify the correct server name, click Reboot Now, then click OK

The server will need to run through some processes, then you’ll need to re-add the boot.iso as previously documented.

6 Custom ESXi Installation

1 If you haven’t disabled the non-boot HBA’s before getting to this step, please do so now.

In UCS Manager, open the vHBAs, go to the first non-boot HBA and click on it. Then click on the link next to Equipment in the right hand window as shown below


Click Disable


Click Yes


Click OK


Click OK


Repeat these steps for all non-boot HBA’s.

2 To re-enable the HBA’s reverse the steps:


Click Enable


Click Yes


Click OK


Click OK


Repeat the above steps for all remaining HBA’s


Steps to Identify WWPNs in UCS (HBA Data)

(if necessary before the ESXii Host build is completed)

1. From within UCS Manager (not the KVM Manager), Under the Servers Tab, expand on Service Profiles. Drill down to Root>Sub-Organizations> >ESXi, highlight the Service Profile, expand to see the HBAs

• Make note of the WWPNs



8 Check faults in UCS manager

1. Check the Fault Summary info box in UCS Manager for the server you are building. Example of what you should see:


2. If you see anything other than the above, please open a service desk ticket for the hardware team to investigate.

9 Console Installation


This is what the boot screen to the custom ESXi installation looks like. At this point, you will need your host build data to complete the build.

The server will need to run through some processes, then you’ll need to re-add the boot.iso as previously documented.

Installation will begin at this point

vSphere Client Post ESXi Build Steps.

Use the table below for access information to the respective farm vCenter

|Virtual Environment |Virtual Center Server |URL to Terminal Server (if applicable) |

|Corp Prod |us1-pvctr01 | |

|“Production” | |  |

|  | | |

|Corp Dev |us1-dvctr01 | |

| | |  |

| Under vRA control | | |

|Old Corp Dev | | |

| | | |

|VDI | | |

| | | |

|Lab | | |

| | | |

|  | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|“DMZ” | |Access requires a USMLVVDMZ01 domain login. |

Add Server to cluster on vcenter

Richt-click on the appropriate cluster, then left-click on Add Host…


Input the Hostname. Click Next


Input the root userID and Password, then click Next


Click Next


Select the appropriate license, then click Next:


Leave the default, then click Next


Leave the default, then click Next


Click Finish


1 Creating a Host Profile


Type the name of the Host Profile (Use the cluster name), Put the server hostname you extracted the host profile from, then click Finish


2 Edit the Host Profile



Because we only use Host Profiles for networking, uncheck all the check boxes except the Networking Configuration. Click the balck arrows next to Advanced Configuration Settings, General System Settings and Security and Services and uncheck all the check boxes there as well.



Click Next after unchecking all but Networking.


Click Finish

3 Applying the Host Profile

Right click on the Host Profile you want to attach your host to. Left-click on Attach/Detach Hosts and Clusters


Left-click on your host, then click Attach



Click Next


Verify the info and click Finish


Right click on the Host Profile. Left click on Remediate


Click Next


Verify the info and click Next


Click Finish

Wording for Storage Tickets:

Storage Ticket for Boot LUNs

Please assign a 10GB Boot lun to the following HBA's:

hostname: usoak-esxd01-03.corp.



Please note:

This server is being added to the existing cluster: us1-esxd01 in the us1-dvctr01.corp. vCenter.

It will join existing hosts:



The current name of the host in this ticket is based on the new naming standards, whereas the existing hosts are based on the old naming standard.

The host is powered on booted to the ESXi boot iso, so should be viewable.


Storage Ticket for Data LUNs

Please add the Data storage LUNs from cluster:


to the following host:


FC2 20:00:00:25:B5:50:10:8E Please zone the storage to these HBA's

FC3 20:00:00:25:B5:50:10:9E Please zone the storage to these HBA's

FC4 20:00:00:25:B5:50:10:6E Reserved for Flash storage

FC5 20:00:00:25:B5:50:10:7E Reserved for Flash storage

Add Licensing

Left click on your host once, the click in the Manage Tab, then Settings, System-Licensing, Assign License


Select the appropriate license radio button, then click OK



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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