
|Recipient |RSO EMEA (Gerard Otterspeer, Harold Van den Oetelaar), RSO AMEC (Steve Tangert; Chris Johnston; |

| |Willem Ryan), RSO APR (Jeffrey Law), RSO China (Leo Chen) |

|Cc | |

| |

|Topic |Bosch VMS Sales Guide |

| |


This document summarizes the Bosch VMS and BVIP design specifications, and is a guide to planning a Bosch VMS system with Bosch cameras and storage. It focuses on Bosch VMS with VRM.

This document is subject to change. Once a new version is published, earlier versions are void.

Design Specifications

This document lists the valid design specifications for version 4.5. You require an updated version of this document to commission sales for a more recent version of Bosch VMS.

1 Datasheet facts

|Subject |Management Server (MS) |Enterprise Management |

| | |Server |

|Management Servers |1 |10 per Enterprise User group |

| | |30 per Enterprise User group, if each MS < 100 |

| | |channels. |

| | |For more, s. note below* |

|Encoder inputs, cameras and decoders |2.000 |10.000 per Enterprise User group |

|summarized | | |

|Enterprise User Groups/ User Groups |n.a. |20 with overall max. 1000 users |

|User Groups |20 with overall max 1000 users |Same as MS |

|Workstations connected in parallel |100 |100 |

|Decoders in total |128 |Same as MS |

|IntuiKey Keyboards connected to decoder |60 |No Enterprise functionality. Per Management |

| | |Server only |

|Keyboards connected to workstations (IntuiKey|1 per workstation, hence 100 in total |100 |

|or Videotec DCZ) | | |

|Logbook |4GB (6 Million Entries) |Same as MS |

|VRM |Tested with 40 |Same as MS |

|Primary NVR / Backup NVR |4 max. |Same as MS |

|Failover NVR |4 |Same as MS |

|DiBos / BRS |Tested with 100 |1000 |

|DVR |15 |Same as MS |

|POS/ATM |15 |Same as MS |

|Virtual Inputs |4.000 (limited in configuration) |Same as MS |

|AMG |16 with max. 50 cameos per AMG (limited in |No Enterprise functionality. |

| |configuration), while maximum of 128 decoder in|On Management Server only |

| |overall system | |

|Task Schedules |200 (limited in configuration) |Same as MS |

|Compound Events |1000, up to 10 devices per compound event |Same as MS |

|Special Days |24 |Same as MS |

|Export ASF |“1 minute of exporting ASF (4 cameras) takes 1 |Same as MS |

| |minute” | |

|Export |Max 4 cameras in parallel |Same as MS |

|Maps |40 maps maximum |Same as MS |

|Allegiant CCL commands |Max 10/sec |Same as MS |

|Mobile Video Service (MVS) |20 connections per MVS. |No Enterprise functionality with remote access.|

| |(1 connection per device |Should be used in the same LAN. |

| |1 connection per cameo). | |

| |E.g. 5 Ipads with quadview: 5x4=20 connections.| |

*Note: Tests showed, that 50 Management Servers with max. 32 channels is possible, but not recommended if bandwidth is below 1GBit. Otherwise transmission of configuration may take a very long time (> 30minutes).

2 System facts

• WIN7 SP1 (64) & Server 2008 R2 requested

o Exception: NVR

• Enterprise Management Server requests 4 GB RAM

• Op-Client with Enterprise capabilities requests 4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended!)

• All IP devices must be associated to 1 Management Server. IP devices must not be shared between multiple Management Servers

• IP-Cameras, -Encoders and -Decoders must not be shared with other systems. For temporary migration reasons VIDOS and BRS can stream video from IP cameras or encoders in parallel to BVMS, but be aware of overloading the encoder

• Bosch VMS does not support connection to BVIP devices through HTTP, HTTPS, or other encrypted connections (e.g. AES). Changing the rcp+ port is also not supported.

3 Remote access

• Bosch VMS 4.5 supports connection across Wide Area Network (remote access) from an Operator Client to a Management Server and all devices managed by it.


o Devices and Management Server have to be in the same Local Area Network (LAN)

o Minimum bandwidth required within that LAN are 100Mbit/s

▪ Remote access of devices to the Management Server are not supported

o Minimum bandwidth required between remote site and local site is 300 Kbit/s

• Transcoded video

o Enables to BVMS OC to operate within low bandwidth (>=300 kbit/s) networks

o Transcoder is available for Live and Playback for VRM connected BVIP cameras.

o If no transcoder sessions or transcoder HW is available on the VRM no image will be displayed in OC.

o Transcoded videos are selected by Operator per device.

o Transcoded video is indicated by an icon in cameo.

o Bosch VMS supports the transcoder service within the internal transcoder of the VRM installed on DIVAR IP 3000/7000 as well as DIVAR IP 2000/6000.

o In addition the external transcoder VJT-XTC XF is supported as well

o Transcoding services are managed by VRM

▪ Not configurable or shown in BVMS

o Following operations are not supported by transcoded video

▪ Delete Video

▪ Protect/Unprotect Video

▪ Authenticate Video

▪ Export Video

▪ Forensic Search

4 Limiting facts

• Enterprise Management System

o Analog Monitor Group and Monitor Wall is not supported across different Management Servers

o BIS - BVMS connectivity is not supported across different Management Server

o Mobile Video Service is not supported across different Management Server

o Map does not indicate cameras of different Management Servers on one map

• NVRs:

o Bosch VMS 4.5 shall be the last version supporting Vidos NVR and BVMS NVR

o Bosch VMS NVR and VIDOS NVR do not support

▪ H.264

▪ HD resolution

▪ Forensic Search

▪ Windows 7 / Server 2008

• Devices & HW

o Status from Satellite Allegiant cameras and VIDOS NVR will not be displayed

o H.264 BP of TI based MPEG4 devices is not supported

o B-Frames are not supported

o Backup VRM, Backup LUN is not supported

o VIPXD decoders do not support H.264 MP

o VIPXD decoders do support H.264 BP+, which however must be limited to 1200Kbps for ARM based devices, and 2500Kbps for XFM4 devices

o Bosch VMS and BVIP components are tested on Bosch hardware. You can deploy a Bosch VMS system on 3rd party servers and workstations, following the minimum requirements. For workstations you must use one of the recommended graphic cards. For issues on servers and workstations which cannot be reproduced in tech support, we will ask you to reproduce the issue on Bosch hardware.

o DiBos and BRS are integrated into Bosch VMS as transceivers. I.e, both live and playback video is streamed through DiBos/BRS. Therefore, you cannot show any -DiBos/BRS image on a BVIP decoder like VIPXD.

5 Recording

• ANR is supported only for a couple of seconds to buffer short network outages (see separate Tech Note on ANR). In the case of new Starlight series, buffering time is considerably longer (> 1 min).

• Bosch VMS supports only one Pool (Pooling implemented in VRM 3.0)

o Migration from former VRM versions is possible

• Direct iSCSI and Local Storage is supported for devices which support Firmware 4.x and above. I.e. no Local Storage support for VIPX1/X2 and VJ800x.

• VRM and Local Storage support recording

o Pre-Alarm, Alarm and Post-Alarm, while pre- and post- must be at least 15 seconds. I.e., pre-alarm is always streaming over the network

o Continuous, Alarm and Post-Alarm, while post must be at least 15 seconds

• VRM/iSCSI and local recording do not support the configuration of Holidays for recording. Special Days must be used.

• From VRM datasheet: One VRM supports:

o 2048 channels

o 1 PB storage (net capacity)

o 40 disk arrays (recommended)

o maximum 120 iSCSI targets supported

When planning for larger environments we strongly recommend using large sized disk arrays instead of a large number of small disk arrays (vertical scaling instead of horizontal scaling). For systems with more than 40 disk arrays, please contact a Bosch Design Engineer. iSCSI based storage systems not qualified by Bosch are not supported.”


o BVMS 4.5 supports DVR 400/600 and 700

▪ DVR 431, 440, 451, 480

▪ DVR 630, 650, 670

▪ Divar 700

o Only DVR is licensed, not the cameras used on the DVR

o Needed license is: MBV-XDVR-45

o Supported DVR-Events:

▪ Disk Failure (only DVR 400 & 600)

▪ Disk Full (only DVR 400 & 600)

▪ Fan Failure (only DVR 400 & 600)

▪ Temperature above limit (only DVR 400 & 600)

▪ System alarm state (only DVR 400 & 600)

▪ Software Incompatibility (only DVR 400 & 600)

▪ DVR DataInput (only DVR 700)

o Supported Archive Operations

▪ Delete Video (only Divar 700)

▪ Export native and asf (all Divars)

▪ Motion search (all Divars)

▪ IVA overlays in cameo (only Divar 700)

▪ No protect/unprotect (all Divars)

▪ No instant playback (all Divars)

▪ No playback in alarm cameo space (all Divars)

▪ No Video authentication (all Divars)

o Divar is only supporting 5 connections:

▪ 1 connection for events etc. from server

▪ 1 connection per live cameo per camera

▪ 1 connection for playback per camera

o No support for decoder connections

6 Mobile Video Service

o Runs on iPad, iPhone and HTML 5 web-client (tested on Internet Explorer 9.0)

o Supports live and playback simultaneously!

o Supported IOS versions: 6.0.1 or earlier

o Supported HW versions: iPad 2 and 3; iPhone 4 and 5

o Supported cameras:

▪ IP cameras with H.264 support that are controlled by Bosch VMS

• (not controlled by VIDOS)

▪ ONVIF cameras

▪ BRS/DiBos H.264 cameras


o BVMS 4.5 supports ONVIF Profile S:

▪ ONVIF cameras are detected in network scan

▪ Life images of ONVIF cameras are shown

▪ Supports PTZ control

▪ Recording, playback and export is possible via Video Streaming Gateway

▪ In case ONVIF camera provides a second stream, this can be selected for live view

o State supervision and configuration of ONVIF cameras is not yet supported in BVMS 4.5

o For the max. no. of ONVIF cameras connected to a Video Streaming Gateway, pls refer to the VSG datasheet

o ONVIF cameras do not work on Monitor Wall

o ONVIF cameras are listed on the following webpage:

o The following ONVIF cameras were tested with Bosch VMS 4.5

|Vendor |Camera |Camera Type |used FW |

| |Model | | |

|Axis |M7014 |4-channel NVT | |

|Axis |P1347 |fixed camera | |

|Axis |P5534 |PTZ | |

|Axis |Q1604 |fixed Camera | |

|Axis |Q6035 |PTZ |5.41.1 |

|Sony |CH240 |fixed camera |1.50 |

|Sony |CH280 |fixed camera |1.50 |

8 Calculations

• Encoding of IP encoders and cameras is limited and must under no circumstances be overloaded. To check if the required resolution, IPS and streaming values are achievable, check VRM calculation excel sheet.

• Storage must be calculated taking iSCSI sessions, RAID levels and internal buffer into consideration. In order to calculate the required storage for certain video bandwidth levels and retention times, use the VRM calculation excel sheet in its latest available version.

9 Further design information

• For system examples please refer to Bosch VMS Blueprints

• Bosch VMS requires an extension of the Software Maintenance Agreement after 1 year of License Activation in SLMS. Without a valid SMA, the system is not covered by Technical Support and will not receive upgrades to future revisions.

• Upgrading to 4.5 requires a valid SMA.

New purchases have one year of SMA included, hence activations after April 8th 2012 will still be able to upgrade.

Installations that activated before April 8th 2012 are required to extend the SMA.

10 Compatibility BVMS Rel. 4.5

Bosch VMS 4.5 has been tested with the following SW/FW versions:

♣ Firmware MPEG-4: 4.15.02

♣ Firmware CPP3: 5.70.0039

♣ Firmware CPP4: 5.70.0038

♣ Firmware CPP5: 5.70.0020

♣ Firmware CPP-ENC 5.52.15

♣ Firmware X1/X2: 2.53.05

♣ VSG (VIP XTC XF): 5.60.0054

♣ Combined Firmware 5.70.0213 (CPP3, CPP4, CPP-ENC)

• VRM: 3.00.42

♣ BRS: 8.10/8.11

♣ BIS: 3.0

♣ iOS: 6.1.2

♣ Allegiant MCS:

♣ Intuikey Keyboard: 1.96

♣ VMWare: 5.1.0 (Tested and approved w/ Build 623860 – update1)

♣ DVR 2.07 / 3.60

• VideoSDK: 5.61.42

Latest compatibility matrix will also be available at the IPP – Web-page:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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