Practice and Objectives Communicate

Ac Ac

ad ad

Practice and Communicate

?Qu? haces?


Resources: Audio Program: CD 1, Para empezar, Track 5

Suggestions: Use the transparency to aid understanding as students listen to the dialogue. Then draw a large Venn diagram on the board. Label the left side invierno, the right side verano, and the section where the circles overlap, las dos. Mime activities that can be done in winter, in summer, or in both seasons and have students guess the activity and the season. Have volunteers write the activities on the diagram. Have pairs of students reread the dialogue, replacing the activities shown with other activities from the Venn diagram.





? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Resources: Audio Program: CD 1, Para empezar, Track 6; Resource Book: Para empezar, Audio Script; Practice Answers on Transparencies

Focus: Reading and listening compre-


Suggestions: Ask students how they would describe Sonia (deportista, sociable, talentosa) and Pepe (no deportista, un

poco perezoso, reservado). Tell students

that keeping Sonia and Pepe's personality

traits in mind will help them identify the

activities that each likes.

Script and Answers:

1. bailar (Paula) 2. leer (Pepe) 3. escuchar m?sica (Paula) 4. montar en bicicleta (Paula)

5. cantar (Paula) 6. nadar (Pepe) 7. correr (Paula) 8. tomar el sol (Pepe)

Extension: Play the Audio CD again and have students act out the activities.

Block Schedule

?????????? ??????

Assign each student a regular verb. Have one student start a story by forming a sentence using their verb. Have that student pick the next student who will continue the story by creating a sentence with his or her verb. Continue until the story ends or every student has had a turn.


? Talk about things you and other people do

? Write a poem describing what you are like and the things you do



--?Uy! No me gusta nada el invierno. Paula, ?qu? te gusta hacer en el invierno?

--Pues, paso tiempo con mis amigos: escuchamos m?sica, cantamos y por la noche bailamos. Lo que m?s me gusta hacer es practicar deportes.

--?Qu? deportes practicas?


13 Escuchar

--Monto en bicicleta o corro todos los d?as para hacer ejercicio. Practico deportes todo el a?o. ?Y t?, Pepe?

--No soy muy deportista. A veces nado, por eso me encanta el verano. Generalmente tomo el sol y leo. ?Qu? haces en tus vacaciones de verano?

--En el verano a veces patino y tambi?n monto en monopat?n con mis amigos.

Paula y Pepe

Divide una hoja de papel en dos columnas. En la primera columna escribe Paula, y en la segunda escribe Pepe.



Escucha una lista de actividades. Si Paula hace la

actividad, escribe el n?mero de la actividad debajo de

Paula. Si Pepe la hace, escribe el n?mero debajo de Pepe.

Usa los dibujos para ayudarte.

8 ocho

?Qu? haces?

Universal Access

Advanced Learners

Have students prepare a four-seasons guide to recreational activities in your area for Spanishspeaking tourists. They can group activities according to type, and then tell where each can be performed.

Students with Learning Difficulties

Give students three sets of index cards: one set with subjects and subject pronouns, one with the regular stems, and a third with the regular verb endings. Have them draw random cards from the first two sets, and then choose the correct ending from the third set.


Ac Ac

ad ad

Present tense of regular verbs

Remember that in Spanish there are three groups of regular verbs. Their infinitives end in -ar, -er, or -ir. To form the present tense of a regular verb, you drop the -ar, -er, or -ir ending from the infinitive and add the appropriate present-tense ending. Use the present tense to talk about what someone is doing or what someone does.


(yo) hablo

(t?) hablas

Ud. (?l) habla (ella)

(nosotros) (nosotras)

(vosotros) (vosotras)

Uds. (ellos) (ellas)

hablamos habl?is hablan

comer (yo)


(t?) comes

Ud. (?l) (ella)



(yo) vivo

(t?) vives

Ud. (?l) vive (ella)

(nosotros) (nosotras)

(vosotros) (vosotras)

Uds. (ellos) (ellas)

comemos com?is comen

(nosotros) (nosotras)

(vosotros) (vosotras)

Uds. (ellos) (ellas)

vivimos viv?s viven


14 Gram?tica Leer/Escribir

?Qu? hace Claudia los fines de semana?

A Claudia le gusta pasar tiempo con sus amigos. Lee la descripci?n y completa su historia con la forma apropiada de cada verbo.

Me gusta pasar tiempo con mis amigos los fines de semana. Los viernes generalmente vamos al cine. (Nosotros) 1. (vivir) cerca de un cine donde dan muchas pel?culas. Por lo general, los s?bados por la ma?ana, (yo) 2. (correr) por una hora y luego

3. (montar) en bicicleta. Mis amigos, Carlos y Mario, generalmente 4. (montar) en monopat?n y en el invierno 5. (esquiar). Los domingos generalmente (yo) 6. (leer) un libro y hago la tarea para el lunes.


You can talk about leisure activities using these

regular verbs and expressions:


montar en bicicleta


montar en monopat?n




pasar tiempo




practicar deportes

escribir cuentos

tocar la guitarra

escuchar m?sica

tomar el sol


usar la computadora

leer revistas

*In the present tense, esquiar has an accent on the i in all forms except nosotros and vosotros: esqu?o, esqu?as, esqu?a, esquiamos, esqui?is, esqu?an.

nueve 9

Para empezar

Enriching Your Teaching


Divide the class into groups. Have each group pick an -ar, -er, or -ir verb and create a Sesame Street?style video to teach the verb and its endings to elementary school students. They could also create a slide show using presentation software.


Have students take pictures of one another performing the various activities listed here, either singly or in groups. Have them label the pictures using complete sentences and create an album for the class.

Practice and Communicate


Resources: Voc. & Gram. Transparencies: 24

Suggestions: Make two sets of 13 ping-pong balls with the regular -ar, -er, and -ir verb endings (-o, -as, -a, -amos, -?is, -an, -es, -e, -emos, -?is, -en, -imos, -?s) written on them. Place each set in a box. After reviewing the Gram?tica, divide the class into two teams. Give a student from each team one of the boxes. Call out a verb. The first student to pull out six correct verb endings for that verb and place them in order on the chalk rail wins a point for the team. For more variety, you may want to include other infinitives than those shown here.





? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Resources: Practice Answers on Transparencies

Focus: Using the present tense of regular verbs to complete a paragraph

Suggestions: Point out that in items 1, 2, and 6, students are given the subject pronouns, but they will need to determine which verb forms to use in the other items by looking at the sentences.


1. vivimos 2. corro 3. monto

4. montan 5. esqu?an 6. leo

Common Errors: Students may forget the accent mark on esqu?an. Direct their attention to the note at the bottom of ?Recuerdas? before they begin writing their responses.

Extension: Have students imagine they just moved to Beverly Hills, California. Have them write a letter to their friends back home, bragging about the activities they do with their new movie star friends.





Practice and Communicate






? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Resources: Practice Answers on Transparencies

Focus: Reviewing interrogative words

Suggestions: Review the ?Recuerdas? by giving students situations in English, such as: "You can't find your favorite T-shirt." Students will tell you which question word they would use to ask about their T-shirt's whereabouts (?d?nde?). Remind them of the importance of writing the accent marks on question words. Review the expressions of time and frequency by asking choice-forcing questions: ?Montas en bicicleta todos los d?as o solamente los fines de semana?


1. qui?n 3. D?nde 2. Cu?ndo 4. Qu?

5. Cu?l

7. Cu?ntas

6. Cu?ndo

Extension: As homework, have students write an e-mail to a student in one of your other Spanish classes or to a Spanish student at another school. In their e-mail, they should ask five questions.





1.1, 1.3

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Focus: Asking and answering questions about activities and writing summaries

Suggestions: Have students create a twocolumn chart with the headings Actividad and Frecuencia to record their partner's answers to their questions.

Answers will vary.






? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Resources: Practice Answers on Transparencies

Focus: Writing, reading, and responding to questions about activities

Suggestions: Write the names of activities on the board with the letters scrambled. Have the class unscramble them and leave them on the board for reference as students do the activity. Remind students to write complete questions.

Answers will vary.







15 Escribir

Unas preguntas

Vas a contestar unas preguntas, pero primero tienes que completarlas. En una hoja de papel, escribe los n?meros del 1 al 7. Luego escribe la palabra apropiada para completar cada pregunta.

1. ?Con ___ pasas tiempo los fines de semana? 2. ?___ vas al cine, los viernes, los s?bados o los

domingos? 3. ?___ vives? ?Est? cerca de la escuela? 4. ?___ deportes practicas? 5. ?___ es tu restaurante favorito? 6. ?___ usas la computadora, despu?s de las

clases o por la noche? 7. ?___ veces vas a la biblioteca durante la



Here are the question words you already know:

?Ad?nde? ?C?mo? ?Cu?l(es)? ?Cu?ndo?

?Cu?nto, -a? ?Cu?ntos, -as? ?De d?nde? ?D?nde?

?Por qu?? ?Qu?? ?Qui?n(es)?

And here are words you can use to talk about how often you do an activity:

a menudo a veces despu?s de

el (los) fin(es) de semana


siempre todos los d?as





?A menudo o nunca?

Usa las preguntas de la Actividad 15 para hacer una conversaci?n con otro(a) estudiante. Preg?ntale con qu? frecuencia hace estas actividades. Escribe las respuestas de tu compa?ero(a) y ?salas para escribir un p?rrafo.


A veces paso los fines de semana con mis amigos. Siempre vamos al cine los s?bados . . .





Dos preguntas, por favor

1 Van a trabajar en grupos de tres. Cada estudiante debe escribir en una hoja de papel una actividad que hace.

Modelo Monto en bicicleta.

2 Pasen la hoja de papel a la persona a su izquierda. Esta persona va a escribir una pregunta usando la informaci?n de la primera frase y una palabra interrogativa.

Modelo ?Cu?ndo montas en bicicleta?

10 diez

?Qu? haces?Tema 1 ? Tu d?a escolar

3 Pasen la hoja de papel a la persona a su izquierda que va a escribir otra pregunta usando la informaci?n de la primera frase y otra palabra interrogativa.

Modelo ?D?nde montas en bicicleta?

4 Pasen la hoja a la persona que escribi? la primera frase. Esta persona tiene que leer las preguntas y contestarlas.

Modelo Monto en bicicleta a menudo. Monto en bicicleta en el parque.

Universal Access

Heritage Language Learners

Have students research a popular entertainer and write a report on his or her life and career. They should follow the model shown in Actividad 19. Have them begin by writing six to eight questions to which they would like to find the answers. They should turn in both their questions and their report.

Students with Learning Difficulties

Some students will have difficulty understanding which interrogative words elicit which kinds of information. You may want to give them a simple chart that makes the relationships clear. It could be organized according to the categories Who? What / Which? When? Where? Why? and How?







Tu tiempo libre

Trabaja con otro(a) estudiante y preg?ntale ad?nde va en su tiempo libre. Tu compa?ero(a) te va a contestar y va a decir con qu? frecuencia va.

Modelo A --?Ad?nde vas en el verano? B --En el verano voy a la piscina todos los d?as.

Estudiante B

Estudiante A

1. en el invierno 2. los fines de semana 3. despu?s de las clases

4. en la primavera 5. en el oto?o 6. de vacaciones

?D?nde? la piscina el centro comercial la playa el parque el gimnasio

?Respuesta personal!

?Cu?ndo? todos los d?as siempre a veces nunca a menudo

?Respuesta personal!



19 Leer/Escribir


Lee este art?culo de una revista sobre el cantante Enrique Iglesias. Luego contesta las preguntas.

Enrique Iglesias

EacmpPrAhllnacsoaeoeluclongoecraiporscnoertirrtarustnidngmaaatipinb?lssbouenacprtepstpvesrtaieiaruarcoimit?eemoensvreosaaspgceLntaeeonJserrelcarp,cora1euiaiartryiboct9?Einlmcirnaiimenniv9nooaneedcMaoner6,nooundtesIzia,irGicdaqepga"ecmoopueoBreymlalEpseneeannuarpumneisprmdsi.srIlraliodoi?,llcsoDti,iarieoesppsaoiessirymsicitaemc,a,pt.oaG"odri?evsoerenSrorrs"evcrosrfieqBeauiriaamllcesusmsauodenaelnude?cesitadmassW esneunnaem"jctty?cnoeSc?dloiietiidaElctavcgaoe.llihoooenefcsoosyEmlpcaon,msayeYenly?imaeseaonrosdos,?msostonvi.uiia"qpppicMccose?dn,uateo"a?eCysspaeseeisncniuemysiljcaacimtaa,rdaoarqii"otnosselrioHumdicdttrerneeoiaoeroteae.croen,qmenoksstulo.p,e"eo

1. ?C?mo se llama el padre de Enrique? 2. ?De d?nde es Enrique? 3. ?D?nde vive ahora? 4. ?Cu?ndo recibe el premio Grammy? 5. ?Qu? tipo de m?sica le inspira a

Enrique? 6. ?Qui?n es Grammy? 7. ?Qui?n es tu cantante favorito(a)?

?Por qu? te gusta?

once 11

Para empezar

Enriching Your Teaching


Have students turn Actividad 18 into a skit about a journalist interviewing someone who just won $100 million about his or her daily activities. Allow them to add additional places to the list.

Cuture Note

The Grammy Award for "Best Latin Recording" was first awarded (to Eddie Palmieri) in 1975, 18 years after the first Grammy Awards ceremony was held in 1958. The separate Latin Grammy Awards ceremony was first held in 2000.



Practice and Communicate






? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Focus: Asking and telling where one goes and how often

Suggestions: Before they begin their conversations, ask students what the weather is like in each season and what activities they are likely to do in each one.

Answers will vary.

Common Errors: Student B may respond with answers in the order they are listed in the box. Remind students to give appropriate responses based on the season, day of the week, or time.

Extension: Encourage Student B to give longer responses by using y, pero, or o to connect phrases.





1.2, 2.2

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Resources: Practice Answers on Transparencies

Focus: Reading comprehension

Suggestions: Read items 1?6 and have students write their guesses on a sheet of paper. Have volunteers read the article aloud and see who guessed the most answers correctly.

Answers: 1. El padre de Enrique se llama Julio Iglesias. 2. Enrique es de Espa?a. 3. Ahora vive en Miami. 4. Recibe el premio Grammy en 1996. 5. La m?sica rock norteamericana, la m?sica latina,

caribe?a y europea le inspiran a Enrique. 6. Grammy es su perro. 7. Answers will vary.

Common Errors: Students may confuse el premio Grammy with el perro Grammy. Advise them to read items 4 and 6 carefully.




Practice and Communicate




Standards: 1.3

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Focus: Describing images

Suggestions: Have students write the questions in step 1 on a sheet of paper and then give them a time limit in which to write words for each question.

Answers will vary.

Extension: Have students compete to see who can describe one of the images for the longest time without pausing for more than three seconds or saying "Umm . . ." or "Uh . . ."





1.1, 1.3

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Focus: Writing about and discussing activities

Suggestions: For item 1, suggest that students review the ?Recuerdas? on p. 9 for activity ideas. Point out that item 2 has a follow-up question. Tell students that they may make up an answer for item 3 if they like.

Answers will vary.

Block Schedule

?????????? ??????

Divide the class into small groups and give each group the name of a popular Spanish-speaking singer. Have the groups research their singer on the Internet and give a brief report to the class about what he or she is like.

Additional Resources

? Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: CD1, Para empezar, Audio Activity 3, Track 7

? Writing, Audio & Video Workbook: Para empezar, Writing Activity 6









1 Escribe palabras que puedes usar para hablar de los tres dibujos. No tienes que escribir frases completas. Piensa en estas preguntas:

?Qu? hacen los j?venes?

?D?nde est?n?

?Cu?ndo es?

?C?mo se llaman ellos?

?C?mo son ellos?

2 Formen grupos de tres. Decidan qui?n va a empezar (start). La primera persona habla del primer dibujo por 20 segundos. Su profesor(a) va a decirles cu?ndo se termina el tiempo. La segunda persona habla del mismo dibujo por 15 segundos sin repetir nada. Su profesor(a) va a decirles cu?ndo se termina el tiempo. Luego la tercera persona habla del mismo dibujo por diez segundos.

3 Ahora repitan el Paso 2, pero describan el segundo dibujo. Luego repitan lo mismo, pero con el tercer dibujo.



21 Escribir/Hablar

Y t?, ?qu? dices?

1. ?Qu? haces los fines de semana? 2. ?Cu?ndo vas al gimnasio: nunca, a veces o todos los d?as? ?Por qu?? 3. ?Qu? hace tu familia en el verano?

M?s pr?ctica Practice Workbook P-4

For: More practice with regular verbs Visit: Web Code: jdd-0004

12 doce

?Qu? haces?Tema 1 ? Tu d?a escolar

Universal Access

Heritage Language Learners

To extend Actividad 20, ask students to write a letter to a long-lost relative that describes what they typically do on the weekends. Encourage them to give as many details as possible, and to use adjectives. Remind students to check their work for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.

Students with Special Needs

For Actividad 20, pair advanced learners with visually impaired students. For each illustration, have the advanced learner briefly describe the illustration. The visually impaired student then can use interrogatives to elicit additional details.


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