A. Content Vocabulary

[Pages:4]NAME _______________________________________ CLASS ______________ DATE __________

Vocabulary Builder Activity

The Executive Branch

netw rks

A. Content Vocabulary

Directions: Match the content vocabulary words with their


1. political appointee 2. civil service system

12. amnesty 13. trade sanction

3. executive order 4. pardon 5. embargo 6. executive agreement 7. reprieve 8. federal bureaucracy 9. national security 10. regulatory commission 11. treaty

14. ambassador 15. cabinet 16. government

corporations 17. spoils system 18. elector 19. executive agency 20. foreign policy

A. a person appointed to vote in presidential elections for president or vice president

B. a nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations

C. a person appointed to a federal position by the president

D. an agreement among a group of nations that prohibits them all from trading with a target nation

E. the ability to keep the country safe from attack or harm

F. a declaration of forgiveness and freedom from the president

G. a formal agreement between the governments of two or more countries

H. a group of presidential advisers who head the executive departments

I. an order to delay a person's punishment until a higher court hears the case

J. agencies and employees of the executive branch


Copyright ? The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

NAME _______________________________________ CLASS ______________ DATE __________

Vocabulary Builder Activity

The Executive Branch

netw rks

A. Content Vocabulary, Cont.

K. an independent agency created by Congress to make rules that an industry or group must follow

L. an agreement between the president and the leader of another country

M. an official representative of a country's government

N. an effort to punish another country by imposing trade barriers

O. rewarding people with government jobs on the basis of their political support

P. a rule or command the president gives out and that has the force of law

Q. the practice of hiring government workers on the basis of open, competitive examinations and merit

R. a business owned and operated by the federal government

S. a pardon to a group of people

T. an independent agency that deals with certain specific areas within the government

Copyright ? The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


NAME _______________________________________ CLASS ______________ DATE __________

Vocabulary Builder Activity

The Executive Branch

netw rks

B. Academic Vocabulary: Synonyms

Directions: Choose the synonym listed in the box for each of

the academic vocabulary words. Write the synonym on the line next to the word.

quit function

need technique

goal show

result particular

1. display 2. outcome 3. require 4. method 5. target 6. resign 7. role 8. specific

Copyright ? The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


NAME _______________________________________ CLASS ______________ DATE __________

Vocabulary Builder Activity

The Executive Branch

netw rks

C. Combined Vocabulary Reinforcement

Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct academic or

content vocabulary word.

1. The

(spoils system / merit system)

has proven to be a better


/ target / method) of hiring people for government jobs than


(spoils system / merit system).

2. The Federal Communications Commission is a(n) (government corporation /regulatory

commission / executive agency) that (requires / resigns / displays) television and radio stations to follow certain rules.

3. Under the

(spoils system / civil

service system) workers are hired for government positions

based on their qualifications. These

(political appointees / civil service workers) must take

competitive examinations to qualify.

4. The president may issue a

(pardon /

reprieve) to delay punishing an accused person until a higher

court hears the case. The president may declare that a

person is forgiven and free from punishment by granting a

(pardon / reprieve). A pardon for a

large group of people is called (amnesty / embargo).

5. In a presidential election, the ballots (require, display) the names of the candidates. However, when people vote, they are actually choosing (ambassadors, electors) who support the candidate they vote for.


Copyright ? The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


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