Vocabulary Menu

Vocabulary Menu

Much like a restaurant menu, a vocabulary menu allows you to choose one of the following activities to practice your English vocabulary (if you have a better suggestion, come see me!):

• Analogies:

Create analogies for the Greek/Latin roots and affixes. For each root or affix, you should have 2 analogies, using examples of the word. This can be done on notecards or paper.

• Sentence Notecards:

Create one sentence that shows an understanding of the meaning of the Greek/Latin roots and affixes. You should provide the meaning and 3 examples of the word, along with one sentence. This can be done on paper or on an index card.

• Song:

Write lyrics to a song that use one example of each Greek/Latin root and affix. You will be using YOUR OWN example (not the one I gave you on the list) of the root or affix in the song. The lyrics should fit a well-known tune and should have context clues surrounding the word.

• Crossword Puzzle:

Create a crossword puzzle for the Greek/Latin roots and affixes. Each clue should contain the definition and 3 examples of the word. You may use or another site to assist you. Solve the puzzle in order to get credit.

• Story:

Write a story that uses one example of each Greek/Latin root and affixes. You will be using YOUR OWN example (not the one I gave you on the list) of the root or affix. In your story, you should have context clues surrounding the vocabulary word to show your understanding of the word in context.

• PowerPoint:

Design a PowerPoint for the Greek/Latin root and affixes words. Each word should be on one slide, along with its meaning, 3 examples, and a sentence using one of the examples, as well as a picture to help remember the word.

= If the option has a star next to it, it means it’s a more challenging option![pic]


(Non) Nonfiction is to fiction, as morning is to night (Opposites).

Nonexistent : Santa Claus :: Tropical : Hawaii (Adjectives and Nouns)


Un (word) -Opposite, not (definition)

-Unhinge, unnecessary, unlucky (examples)

-It was unlucky I was caught cheating on the quiz (sentence)

(Tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)

Unlucky means you are not lucky

I was incorrect about the capital of Kentucky.

I thought the capital was France,

But now I know it’s Frankfurt and I can dance.

Now I know that anything is possible, because if it was impossible,

I wouldn’t be able to learn states and capitals!

Example clue for “un”

12 Across( This word means not or the opposite; unhinge, unlucky, unnnecessary


Definition: Opposite, Not

Examples: Unlucky, unhinge, unnecessary

Sentence: It was unlucky that I got caught cheating on the test.



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