Name_______________________________________________________    Date____________ 7 - _____

“Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto Holt Literature p. 36

Vocabulary Practice

|quiver |sheepishly |ferocity |

|portly |linger |unison |

A. Write the vocabulary word that best completes the sentence.

1. The football coach said the team needed ______________________________ and complete commitment to win.

2. Knowing that Teresa was nearby, Victor would ___________________________ in the hallway instead of going straight to class.

3. When Michael scowled, his upper lip would _________________________ slightly, although the rest of his face did not move.

4. The student raised her hand confidently, but when she realized she did not know the answer, she put it down __________________________________________.

5. Mr. Lucas was a __________________________ man, but he was light on his feet.

6. The speech was unclear when Michael and Teresa spoke in __________________, so they decided to speak one at a time.

B. For each word in the first column, find a word or phrase in the second

column that has the opposite meaning (antonym).

Write the letter of that word or phrase on the line.

___________7. ferocity A. separately

___________8. linger B. hurry away

___________9. portly C. boldly

__________10. quiver D. gentleness

__________11. sheepishly E. stay still

__________12. unison F. slim

Name_______________________________________________________    Date____________ 7 - _____

“Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto Holt Literature p. 36

Vocabulary Practice

Define the following words:

1. quiver

2. portly

3. sheepishly

4. linger

5. ferocity

6. unison

A. Write the vocabulary word that best completes the sentence.

|linger |quiver |ferocity |

1. The football coach said the team needed ______________________________ and complete commitment to win.

2. Knowing that Teresa was nearby, Victor would ___________________________ in the hallway instead of going straight to class.

3. When Michael scowled, his upper lip would _________________________ slightly, although the rest of his face did not move.

B. Write the vocabulary word that best completes the sentence.

|sheepishly |unison |portly |

4. The student raised her hand confidently, but when she realized she did not know

the answer, she put it down __________________________________________.

5. Mr. Lucas was a __________________________ man, but he was light on his feet.

6. The speech was unclear when Michael and Teresa spoke in __________________, so they decided to speak one at a time.


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