
Vocabulary Guidelines & Instructions (Language Arts/Literature)

| During the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters, we will focus on vocabulary. We will do a list of at least 10 words in class almost every week. |

|Below, there is a tentative schedule for Monday thru Friday. One of the main reasons for this vocabulary is so that you will gain comprehension of |

|various words. Comprehension will help with your reading as well as test taking abilities. I suggest the use of flashcards for studying because they |

|will help with comprehension as well as success on various assessments. You will be assessed in two formats. The first will come in the form of |

|homework that will be assigned every Monday and due on Tuesday of every week. The second will come in the form of quizzes that will occur every |

|Friday (listen for clarification because there may a few modifications due to in class reading or scheduling). |

|Monday: - Write down the words, their parts of speech, and word origin (if assigned) on a clean full sheet of paper. Be sure to have the appropriate |

|heading on this paper. You will be responsible for turning these words in on Tuesdays… |

|Tuesday: - Bring your written vocabulary study sheet to class with the following completed: #1) word definition #2) at least one original sentence |

|for each word #3) the origin of the word (if assigned). This will be graded as weekly vocabulary homework… |

|Thursday: - Vocabulary Review (tbd) |

|Friday: - You will receive a Vocabulary test every week. This quiz will be worth 10 points (25% of your grade are tests/quizzes, so please study |

|accordingly). |

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|These vocabulary words are pulled from SAT (scholastic assessment test) for 7th Grade level as well as the National Spelling Bee list for 7th |

|Graders… |

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|Please ask your teacher if you do not understand or have questions!!! |

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|All homework assignments regarding vocabulary are due the week assigned. Meaning, if words are assigned during week #1, they cannot be turned in |

|during week#2… |

|* no exceptions (please ask for any clarification to this rule)… |

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