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Chapter 6 “The Progressive Movement”LESSON 2Roosevelt and TaftESSENTIAL QUESTION?Can politics fix social problems??Reviewing Vocabulary1.?Explaining?Why did President Taft fire Gifford Pinchot for insubordination?Pinchot accused Taft’s secretary of the interior, Richard A. Ballinger, of having planned to give public lands in Alaska to a private business group for his own profit. After the attorney general decided that the accusation was unfounded, Pinchot disobeyed Taft by going to the newspapers and asking Congress to investigate.?Using Your Notes2.?Identifying?Use your notes to identify ways in which Taft helped conservation efforts and child labor problems.Taft helped conservation efforts by setting up the Bureau of Mines and addressed child labor problems by establishing the Children’s Bureau.?Answering the Guiding Questions3.?Evaluating?What approach did Roosevelt take toward regulating big business?Roosevelt believed that most big businesses benefited the economy. But he was worried about abuse of power. He asked the attorney general to file an antitrust lawsuit against Northern Securities and convinced Congress to create the Department of Commerce and Labor to investigate corporations and publicize the findings. Roosevelt also pushed the Hepburn Act through to strengthen the Interstate Commerce Commission by giving it power to set railroad rates.4.?Analyzing?Why did President Roosevelt support conservation?President Roosevelt was an avid outdoorsman who believed that it was important to protect and conserve natural resources for future generations.?5.?Examining?How did President Taft’s beliefs differ from the progressives’ beliefs?Progressives favored tariff reductions. Taft showed his beliefs differed from this point of view by signing the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, which hardly cut tariffs at all and actually raised tariffs on some goods. Taft also appointed a conservative lawyer as secretary of the interior. This showed a divergence from the progressives’ beliefs because the progressives supported James R. Garfield, an ardent conservationist.?Writing Activity6.?Argument?Who did more to support the conservation of natural resources: President Roosevelt or President Taft? Write an essay in which you express your opinion and support it with specific examples.Students’ essays should express an opinion about which president did more to support the conservation of natural resources and defend the opinion with specific examples from the text, such as: In 1902, Roosevelt supported passage of the Newlands Reclamation Act, authorizing the use of federal funds from public land sales to pay for irrigation and land development projects. In 1910, Taft set up the Bureau of Mines to monitor the activities of mining companies, expand national forests, and protect waterpower sites from private development.? ................

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