Vocabulary Review Games - Teaching English - Class

Use and adapt the following games to suit your goals.TouchdownOn 5” x 8” papers write your vocabulary review words, and put them on the board. Check students know the word definitions (meanings). Put students in two teams. Call out the definition. Students must run and grab the matching word. The student must then roll a dice: 1= related word; 2= rhyming word; 3= synonym; 4= antonym; 5= sentence; 6= definition (or change to suit student level) and give a word/sentence according to the number. Students win the number of points shown on the dice. The team with the highest score wins.Word TreePrepare around 12 vocabulary review cards. Put students in two teams. Tell Ss they are going to create a word tree on the board by joining words together like a crossword puzzle. To use all of their words, they must link them with synonyms, antonyms, related words or rhyming words. As soon as one team has used all their cards, the game stops. Students should use these sentences to join their words; _______ is the opposite of ______._______ is similar to _________._______ rhymes with ________. _______ is related to _________.TabooPrepare a set of blank cards. On each one, write one vocabulary review word in large writing with a circle around it. Give equal numbers of cards to each student. Ask them to write the first 3 words about the circled words they can think and write them on the card. Collect the word cards and shuffle them. In teams, the goal is for students to get their teammates to guess the circled word. They can say anything they like to try to make them guess, but NOT the words written on the card. Their team has 30 seconds to guess the word correctly. If they don’t, the other team gets a chance. The team who guesses correctly gets one point. The team with the highest score wins. Change this game in any way you want to suit YOUR needs!SwatPreparationWrite your vocabulary review words on cards and stick them randomly on the board using magnetsActivityOrganize students into teams. Give each team a fly swatter or plastic hammerWhen you read a definition of one of your keywords, ss must run and swat that word than make a sentence with it The other team must listen carefully and recite that sentence correctlyRemember to…make a scoring and penalty schememodel sentences in your ‘preparation’ stage!add more to this game to use more classroom English (for example, miss out letters, misspell words; use pictures as well as words; put words on the board upside down etc.)291147524066500Battle Ships Preparation: Divide the students into groups of four or five. Ask the students to make a name for their ship. For example, tell them that they could use the name of an animal, a city, etc. Ask them to choose the Captain and the Shooter for their team. The captain's duty is to memorize his ship's name, so he can reply if somebody calls his ship's name. The shooter's duty is to memorize the names of the ships of “their enemies”, so he can shoot them by calling their ship's name. The other crew members are “defenders” armed with only their knowledge of the category and words.Activity:The teacher gives a vocabulary category or topic. This vocabulary is what the students will use to defend their ships from attacks. The students are given 30 seconds to “huddle” (discuss together) where they brainstorm as many words as possible that fit that category. Each crew member should have two, three or four words to defend against the attack. They cannot use any written list of the words during the game. After the “huddle” is finished the students should line up behind their captains. The shooter is the last crew member in line.Start the game by calling a ship's nameThe captain of (that ship) must reply with a word from the category. The next crew member in line says another word from the categoryFinally, the last crew member in line, “the shooter”, says his/her word then calls out the name of another ship. The captain of the ship called must then reply with another word from the category followed by each member of his/her crew in order. THEY CAN’T REPEAT A WORD SAID BY THE OTHER TEAM OR ONE OF THEIR OWN CREW! If the captain or any crew member hesitates (waits) for more than 5 seconds or a word was repeated or the shooter shoots the wrong ship (his own ship or a ship that has already been sunk) then that ship is now SUNK! When a ship is sunk then the captain and the crew members of that ship must join the crew of another ship. They should divide themselves as evenly as possible among the remaining ships. The teacher announces the vocabulary for the next round. Another 2 minute huddle occurs and the game continues. In the last round there will be two big groups battling to be the winner. ................

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