Math Vocabulary Illustrated Dictionary or Flip Book …

Coordinate Algebra Vocabulary Dictionary Project

Due Tuesday, December 16, 2014

For this project, you will be making a book that contains all of the vocabulary words that we have learned about (or will learn about throughout the semester). This project is to help you remember vocabulary words that you have difficulty remembering and to help you comprehend the language in word problems and instructions. You will need to follow the Frayer Model for defining terms. This includes giving a written definition of the word in complete sentences, listing facts/characteristics about the term, and giving examples and non-examples of the term. You will provide a picture or an example problem, whichever is more appropriate to the word and 1 -2 real world example(s).

Your project must have the following criteria:

1. Each vocabulary word will be bolded.

2. Created out of computer paper or colored paper (NOT notebook paper).

3. All components of this project MUST be TYPED or WRITTEN IN INK! No exceptions!

4. The papers are put together as a book – stapled or connected in some other creative manner and words are in alphabetical order.

5. The project contains a definition, a picture and/or example, non-examples, facts/characteristics and 1 – 2 real world examples for all words.

6. Each term is in the Frayer Model format.

7. Each definition is in a complete sentence. Example: An acute angle is an angle that is less than 90 degrees.

8. Each word takes up the space of at least 1/2 of a full sheet of paper but no more than a one full sheet of paper.

9. Only words in the lessons may be used.

10. Every page contains at least two different colors.

11. If two words are located on a page, there is a top-half and a bottom-half with a line drawn between them.

12. The project is neat and shows that some time and effort were put into the project.

13. The rubric must be attached to the back of your project. If it’s not attached 10 points will be DEDUCTED.

14. The last inside page of the book is a bulleted question and answer list that answers the following questions (in complete sentences).

▪ Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?

▪ Did this project help you to remember vocabulary words? Why or why not?

▪ What was the hardest part of this project?

▪ What was the easiest part of this project?

▪ Would you recommend that this project be assigned to classes in the future? Why or why not?

▪ How much time do you think you put into this project? (Your grade will not be influenced by your answer – just be honest)

▪ Less than 3 homework assignments

▪ 3 – 5 homework assignments

▪ 6 – 8 homework assignments

▪ More than 8 homework assignments

▪ I don’t usually do my homework at home so I can’t really say

▪ What is one change you would make to improve this project? Why?

Cover Page:

The cover should have the following:

▪ Title of your math dictionary: e.g. Luke’s Coordinate Algebra Language, Valerie’s Vocab of Coordinate Algebra. The title must let the reader know it is a Coordinate Algebra dictionary. Be creative.

▪ Your name

▪ Your class period

▪ Decoration: It should be decorated, with color (at least two different colors), and your goal is to make your book look like the one that a person would pick out to learn the information. It should look neat. Use a ruler to make straight lines, if necessary.

Points to Remember:

• Review the rubric to ensure that you are earning all possible points.

• Use your textbook for definitions. If you cannot find the definition there, then use an online dictionary but beware of definitions that do not relate to math.

• Use the internet to find real life examples of each word. Simply Google “right triangles in the real world” and see what you get. If no websites come up, look through Google images on that word.

• Suggestion – do as many words a night as possible starting today. You have 14 weeks to complete this project. Do not wait until the last minute, it will become overwhelming. Spread out the work so the project is fun, creative and meaningful not rushed and overwhelming.

• There will be checkpoints to ensure students are completing the assignment.

• The rubric must be attached to the back of your project. If it’s not attached 10 points will be DEDUCTED.

• We will have quizzes/tests on these words and concepts throughout the semester. In addition to creating this project, you also need to study all of the words listed.

• This is an INDIVIDUAL project! So you are not permitted to collaborate with any other students.

• NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give YOUR project to a substitute teacher.

• If you submit your project early, you will receive bonus points as follows:

• On December 1, 10% increase (if grade 100, add 10 points)

• On December 3, 5% increase (if grade is 100, add 5)

• On December 5, 2.5% increase (if grade is 100, add 2.5 points)

Name:_____________________________________ Date:______________Period:__________

Coordinate Algebra Vocabulary Dictionary Project

Do not complete this page (except name, date, and period). Turn it in with your project.

| | |Possible |Your Points |Comments |

| | |Points | | |

| |The book is at least 5.5” by 8.5” (folded full sheet) |5 | | |

| |The book is assembled and stapled or connected in an organized fashion and words |10 | | |

| |are in alphabetical order. | | | |

| |All words were used and bolded. |20 | | |

| |Frayer Model is used for all terms. |20 | | |

| |All definitions were accurate. |20 | | |

| |Each word has a picture/example that appropriately explains the meaning of the |20 | | |

| |word. | | | |

| |Each word has non-examples that are math related. |20 | | |

| |1-2 real world examples are given for each term. |20 | | |

| |Each page contains two different colors (the color of the paper does NOT count as|5 | | |

| |a color) | | | |

| |Facts/characteristics are listed for each term. |20 | | |

| |Question and Answer Bulleted List and the answer portion are in complete |10 | | |

| |sentences. | | | |

| |The cover page is titled, decorated, and has your name, class period, and the |20 | | |

| |date. | | | |

| |Neatness, spelling, grammar, creativity, etc. |10 | | |

|Extra Credit | | | |

|Total |200 | | |

Score: _______+ _________ = __________

Score Extra Credit

Teacher Comments:


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