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Pyramid of Interventions

RTI for Communication Concerns


| |

|General Education What is the SLPs role? Materials/Resources Needed |

|Tier I: Standards-Based Classroom Instruction | | |

|ClassroomTeacher (CT) may notice indicators of a language |SLP shares information with school staff on |Presentation on speech-language disorders; includes |

|problem, monitors progress more closely, provides models, and|identification of interventions for students with |information on language, communication skills and |

|uses instructional strategies/differentiated instruction to |language disorders |literacy; role of the SLP |

|assist students |SLP shares information with school staff on the | |

|CT informs parents of concerns |relationship between language/communication skills | |

| |and the development of literacy skills | |

| |When in an inclusion setting, SLP assists with | |

| |differentiated instruction and flexible grouping to| |

| |meet the needs of struggling students in the areas | |

| |of language and literacy (Lang. stimulation) | |

|Tier II: Needs Based Learning | | |

|Same initial procedure is followed for language as for other |SLP can be invited to Tier II meeting |Tier II Intervention/Strategies Form to provide |

|concerns(i.e., academic or behavioral) |SLP can suggest strategies, if needed |background information on the student’s present level|

|Background information on student history, academic, |SLP can observe in the classroom to help support |of performance (baseline) prior to evidence based |

|social/emotional functioning provided by the classroom |CT’s strategies |interventions |

|teacher, as well as parent concerns, if appropriate |SLP consults with teacher during the process |Language rubrics based upon CCGPS ELA standards to |

|Hearing/Vision screening | |help teachers identify weaknesses |

|CT completes Language Rubric | |List of Strategies for Language in the areas of : |

|Problem solving process; Identify 1 to 3 strategies that | |-vocabulary |

|teacher needs to implement in the classroom; interventions | |-comprehension |

|are matched to individual needs | |-oral expression- content & meaning |

|Teacher documents results, completes periodic checks (probes)| |-pragmatics |

|brings results to future meetings, adjusts plan as needed | | |

|with support of the Tier 2 team | | |

|If slow rate of progress and gap widens after intervention | | |

|consider moving to Tier 3 | | |

|Tier III : Committee Driven Instruction (SST) | | |

|Analyze Tier 2 results |SLP may participate in Tier III meeting |List of specific strategies with documentation for |

|Problem solving process: more individualized |SLP observes student in classroom |language in areas of: |

|strategies/interventions, more individualized assessments |SLP consults as needed (ex. Modifying/scaffolding |- vocabulary |

|Documentation of interventions & periodic assessments (tier |instructional materials) |-comprehension |

|II & tier III with at least 4 repeated assessments) |SLP visits classroom & models strategies |-expressive language |

|If slow rate of progress and gap widens consider referral to |SLP may assist in facilitating differentiated |-grammar & syntax |

|special education |instruction, flexible groups, and more |-pragmatics |

| |opportunities for interventions (ex. Communication |Examples of assessment probes for each strategy/area |

| |Club) |of Language which may include screenings conducted by|

| | |the SLP, if appropriate |

Pyramid of Interventions

RTI for Communication Concerns


| |

|General Education What is the SLPs role? Materials/Resources Needed |

|Tier I: Standards-Based Classroom Instruction | | |

|ClassroomTeacher (CT) may notice indicators of a |SLP shares information with school staff on |Presentation on speech-language disorders; includes |

|speech-language problem, monitors progress more closely, |identification of interventions for students with |information on language, communication skills and |

|provides models, and uses instructional |articulation impairments |literacy; role of the SLP |

|strategies/differentiated instruction to assist students |SLP shares information with school staff on the |Sound Development Chart based on system-wide norms |

|CT informs parents of concerns |educational impact of articulation disorders | |

| |When in an inclusion setting, SLP assists with | |

| |differentiated instruction and flexible grouping to | |

| |meet the needs of struggling students in the areas of| |

| |communication and literacy | |

|Tier II: Needs Based Learning | | |

|Same initial procedure is followed for articulation as for |SLP can attend Tier II meeting |Tier II Intervention/Strategies Form to provide |

|other concerns(i.e., academic or behavioral) |SLP can help suggest strategies, if needed |background information on the student’s present level |

|Background information on student history, academic, |SLP can observe in the classroom to support CT’s |of performance (baseline) prior to evidence based |

|social/emotional functioning provided by the classroom teacher |strategies |interventions |

|Hearing/Vision screening |SLP consults with teacher during the process |Word/Sentence repetition task to help CT identify error|

|CT completes word or sentence repetition tasks to identify | |sounds also used as documentation of progress to note |

|problem sounds | |correct and incorrect production of target sound(s) |

|CT compares problem sounds to Sound Development Chart | |Sound Development Chart to compare age appropriateness |

|CT completes Language Rubric to provide more information on | |List of Strategies for general speech improvement in |

|speech-language development | |the classroom |

|Problem solving process; Identify 1 to 3 strategies that | |Documentation of impact in the educational setting |

|teacher needs to implement in the classroom; these involve | |(i.e., participation in discussion, spelling or writing|

|general strategies such as modeling and over emphasizing | |issues, withdrawal, etc.) |

|problem sound(s) | | |

|CT gathers information on the impact of the articulation | | |

|problem-anecdotal notes and work samples | | |

|Documentation of interventions & periodic assessment | | |

|If slow rate of progress and gap widens after intervention | | |

|consider moving to Tier 3 | | |

|Tier III : Committee Driven Instruction (SST) |SLP may participate in Tier III meeting | |

|Analyze Tier 2 results, identify indicators of educational |SLP observes student in classroom |Practice program for sounds that are not developing |

|impact of articulation problem |SLP pulls student aside to assess stimulability for |according to accepted norms and as recommended by SLP |

|Problem solving process: more individualized |sound development |Examples of assessment probes for monitoring progress |

|strategies/interventions, more individualized assessments |SLP sets up intervention plan, identifies roles for |of correct sound production may include articulation |

|Student Stimulable: Practice program set up that teacher and |teacher, parent and SLP |screening and data from programs such as Animated |

|parent complete (i.e., classroom practice and homework, cues |SLP consults as needed |Literacy, Earobics, etc. |

|and reminders as appropriate to use correct sound production), |(ex. Modifying/scaffolding instructional materials) | |

|SLP does a weekly check to see how program is working |SLP visits classroom & models strategies | |

|Student Not Stimulable: (can’t produce sound even with a model)|SLP may assist in facilitating differentiated | |

|SLP provides 4 weeks of interventions that includes 5 to 10 |instruction, flexible groups, and more opportunities | |

|minutes of drill and practice-3 to 5 times per week in the |for interventions (ex. Communication Club) | |

|classroom or just outside of the classroom | | |

|Documentation of interventions & periodic assessments (tier II | | |

|& tier III with at least 4 repeated assessments) | | |

|If slow rate of progress and educational impact is established | | |

|consider referral to special education | | |

Pyramid of Interventions

RTI for Communication Concerns

Fluency (Stuttering):

| |

|General Education What is the SLPs role? Materials/Resources Needed |

|Tier I: Standards-Based Classroom Instruction | | |

|ClassroomTeacher (CT) may notice indicators of a stuttering |SLP shares information with school staff on |Presentation on speech-language disorders; includes |

|problem, monitors performance more closely, provides models,|identification of interventions for students with |information on fluency, communication skills and |

|and uses instructional strategies/differentiated instruction|stuttering disorders and educational impact |literacy; role of the SLP |

|to assist students |When in an inclusion setting, SLP assists with | |

|CT informs parents of concerns |differentiated instruction and flexible grouping | |

| |to meet the needs of struggling students in the | |

| |areas of communication and literacy (Lang. | |

| |stimulation) | |

|Tier II: Needs Based Learning | | |

|Same initial procedure is followed for stuttering as for |SLP can be invited to Tier II meeting |Tier II Intervention/Strategies Form to provide |

|other concerns(i.e., academic or behavioral) |SLP suggests models of good fluency rate and |background information on the student’s present |

|Background information on student history, academic, |specific fluency strategies for the teacher |level of performance (baseline) prior to evidence |

|social/emotional functioning provided by the classroom |SLP observes student in the classroom, notes |based interventions |

|teacher |teacher style of rate and delivery |List of fluency strategies for general classroom use|

|Hearing/Vision screening |SLP consults with teacher during the process |Documentation of impact in the classroom (i.e., |

|CT completes form to document impact in the classroom |SLP visits classroom & models strategies |participation in discussions, spelling and writing |

|(where, when, how often stuttering occurs, situations, etc) | |issues, withdrawal, etc.) and history of stuttering |

|CT sends home Parent Questionnaire | |problems if applicable |

|Problem solving process; Identify 1 to 3 strategies that | |Review of questionnaire from parents |

|teacher needs to implement in the classroom- these involve | |Data/examples of progress/lack of progress of fluent|

|general strategies such as modeling, facilitating a less | |speech |

|stressful classroom environment for responses, etc. | | |

|Documentation of interventions & anecdotal notes(e.g. | | |

|provide think time, decrease stress, cue question response, | | |

|etc) | | |

|Consider moving to Tier III if slow rate of progress, | | |

|stuttering behaviors are pervasive across many settings, or | | |

|appear to be increasing | | |

|Tier III : Committee Driven Instruction (SST) | | |

|Analyze Tier 2 results , identify indicators of educational |SLP may participate in Tier III meeting |Examples of assessment probes for monitoring |

|impact of the stuttering problem |SLP observes student in classroom |progress of fluent speech which may include |

|Problem solving process: more individualized |SLP consults as needed |screenings specific to the area of fluency |

|strategies/interventions, more individualized assessments |SLP visits classroom & models strategies | |

|Documentation of interventions & periodic assessments(tier |SLP pulls student aside or just outside the | |

|II & tier III with at least 4 repeated assessments) |classroom to provide some trial techniques to | |

|Consider referral if slow rate of progress and stuttering |establish fluency | |

|behaviors are pervasive across many settings, or appear to |SLP may assist in facilitating differentiated | |

|be increasing and educational impact is established |instruction, flexible groups, and more | |

| |opportunities for interventions (ex. Communication| |

| |Club) | |

Pyramid of Interventions

RTI for Communication Concerns


| |

|General Education What is the SLPs role? Materials/Resources Needed |

|Tier I: Standards-Based Classroom Instruction | | |

|ClassroomTeacher (CT) may notice indicators of a voice |SLP shares information with school staff on |Presentation on speech-language disorders; includes |

|problem, monitors performance more closely, provides models, |identification of interventions for students with |information on voice, communication skills and |

|and uses instructional strategies/differentiated instruction |voice disorders and educational impact |literacy; role of the SLP |

|to assist students |When in an inclusion setting, SLP assists with | |

|CT informs parents of concerns, asks if problems are seen at |differentiated instruction and flexible grouping to| |

|home |meet the needs of struggling students in the areas | |

| |of communication and literacy (Lang. stimulation) | |

|Tier II: Needs Based Learning | | |

|Same initial procedure is followed for voice as for other |SLP can be invited to Tier II meeting |Tier II Intervention/Strategies Form to provide |

|concerns(i.e., academic or behavioral) |SLP helps suggest strategies for the teacher |background information on the student’s present level|

|Background information on student history, academic, |SLP can observes student in the classroom to help |of performance (baseline) prior to evidence based |

|social/emotional functioning provided by the classroom |CT’s strategies |interventions |

|teacher |SLP consults with teacher during the process |List of strategies for general vocal hygiene in the |

|Hearing/Vision screening |SLP assists teacher in developing a plan to involve|classroom |

|Discuss medical concerns with parent to see if problem has |the student in self-monitoring or appropriate vocal|Documentation of impact in the classroom (i.e., |

|been addressed by Doctor/ENT |hygiene |participation in discussions, spelling and writing |

|CT completes form to document impact in the classroom (where,| |issues, withdrawal, etc.) and history of voice |

|when, how often voice problems occur, situations, etc) | |problems if applicable |

|CT sends home Parent Questionnaire | |Review of questionnaire from parents |

|Problem solving process; Identify 1 to 3 strategies that | |Data/examples of progress/lack of progress of voice |

|teacher needs to implement in the classroom- these involve | |production (i.e., charting appropriate vocal |

|general strategies such as modeling, facilitating a less | |production during certain parts of the school day, |

|stressful classroom environment for responses, etc. | |observation of vocal abuse behaviors and |

|Documentation of interventions & anecdotal notes | |characteristics of the behavior, etc.) |

|Consider moving to Tier III if slow rate of progress, voice | | |

|problems are pervasive across many settings, or appear to be | | |

|increasing | | |

|Tier III : Committee Driven Instruction (SST) | | |

|Analyze Tier 2 results , identify indicators of educational |SLP may participate in Tier III meeting (SLP will |Examples of assessment probes for monitoring progress|

|impact of the voice problem |provide Voice Form for ENT to parents) |of fluent speech which may include screening specific|

|At initial Tier 3 meeting, ensure that ENT documentation has |SLP observes student in classroom |to the area of voice |

|been obtained prior to proceeding with a referral-Tier 3 |SLP consults as needed | |

|strategy of communication club cannot be implemented |SLP visits classroom & models strategies | |

|Problem solving process: more individualized |SLP pulls student aside or just outside the | |

|strategies/interventions, more individualized assessments |classroom to provide some instruction related to | |

|Documentation of interventions & periodic assessments (tier |vocal abuse patterns | |

|II & tier III) if problem is severe and other concerns are | | |

|present | | |

|Consider referral if slow rate of progress and voice problems| | |

|are pervasive across many settings, or appear to be | | |

|increasing and educational impact is established | | |


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