No More Vocal Abuse! - ArkSHA

No More Vocal Abuse!

How to make it go away and make my voice better

This book belongs to a superhero named:


This will help me become a voice superhero. I will first learn about my voice, and then I will learn what I need to do to make it go back to normal. It is up to me to work hard and battle the things that are not good for my voice and do the things that will help my voice.

I need to do good things with my voice and stay away from the bad things. If I don't take care of my voice, I can get nodules (the villain). These are like the calluses I get on my hands, but they are on my vocal folds. They can get angry and become red, swollen, and sore and feel like a sore throat. These nodules can make my voice rough, squeaky or scratchy. These nodules can even make it hard for me to talk.

Here are some pictures of what my vocal folds look like normally and some pictures of what they look like with nodules.

Normal Larynx

When I am breathing in When I am talking

Vocal Nodules

Breathing in



What does my voice sound like to me? _________________________________

Do I like my own voice? _______________________________

Are there times when your voice sounds worse or better?


Are there times when I yell and scream? _____________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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