Ex: What is the effect of _________ (3 of the Manipulated ...

 Science ExperimentInformation and Guidelines2017Name __________________Science ProjectA science project gives students a chance to study areas of science that might particularly interest them. They go beyond the limits of the classroom to develop their own ideas. They use their own initiative to plan and create a science project using the scientific method as a guideline. Then, by displaying their project, students share what they have learned with others and are recognized for their efforts.Choosing a projectThere are two types of science projects, a demonstration and an experiment. A demonstration project demonstrates how something works, for example, the infamous paper mache volcano. An experiment project requires the student to choose a topic that interests them and to then ask a question that can be tested and answered using the scientific method steps. Your project must be an experiment project!ResourcesPlease consider your teacher as a resource for ideas, materials, books, information and guidance. You may also use the library/librarian as a resource to research more information about your topic. The internet may also be useful. Parent RoleParental involvement is important in this project. However, we ask that the involvement is supportive, directional, and encouraging. They may look to you for guidance or assistance in choosing a project, obtaining the necessary materials, assisting in the writing process, feedback on their display board design or as an audience to practice their oral presentation. Please feel free to ASSIST them and provide parent supervision for projects that may require it.MaterialsWhite and colored cardboard display boards are available in many stores including Michaels’, Fred Meyer, Office Depot, Target, and Office Max. Time ScheduleAssignmentDate DueDate CompletedQuestion chosen/ Project Proposal**Wait to start your project until your proposal is approved by your teacher. MondayJanuary 30, 2017Materials Gathered/ Start Experiment/ Start First Draft of Written ReportStart your experiment as soon as you have gathered all materials and your proposal is approved by your teacher. Start typing your report as you go!Final Written ReportFridayMarch 10, 2017Project Display**Wait to start your display until your report is approved by your teacher.Monday April 10, 2017Assignments may be turned in ahead of time for early review, but must be turned in by the due date so the teacher has time to review, give feedback, and approve. Please avoid falling behind. It will be difficult to complete at the last minute.Written Report Check ListThe written report is made up of the same items that are on the display board; they are simply put into report form and turned in that way. The written report should be neatly prepared, typed, and stapled or placed in a cover. The report should include:_____Title Cover Page_____Question (5 pts)_____Prediction (5 pts)_____Materials List (5 pts)_____Procedure (10 pts)_____Data & Results -Notes, Tables, Graphs (10 pts)_____Conclusion (10 pts)_____ Presented Neatly (5 pts)Science Fair Planner: TITLETry a catchy two word-phrase like Bubble Trouble. Put your name on the BACK RIGHT FLAP of the board.QUESTIONEx: What is the effect of _________ (3 of the Manipulated Variables) on _________(responding variable)?PREDICTION/HYPOTHESISI predict:because:CHOOSE VARIABLES (Include in your procedure, not a separate section)I will keep these the same:(CONTROLLED VARIABLES)I will change this variable:(MANIPULATED VARIABLE)I will measure:(RESPONDING VARIABLE)MATERIALS LIST:List everything you will need for the experiment, like ingredients in a recipe. Remember to include measuring tools, paper, and pencil.PROCEDURE: List the specific steps in a logical order. Name all 3 variables here. Tell what is being measured and how. Say what is being recorded and how often. Repeat your experiment 3 times. Take pictures of your materials, experiment, and results for your board.) Gather all materials. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.DATA OBSERVATIONS/NOTESDate and Time:Notes:TABLE OF RESULTS (Data)WHAT I CHANGEDMANIPULATED VARIABLEWHAT I MEASUREDRESPONDING VARIABLETRIAL 1TRIAL 2TRIAL 3TRIAL 4TRIAL 5TRIAL 6(mean)AVERAGEGRAPH OF RESULTS (Data)WHAT I MEASUREDRESPONDING VARIABLE (UNITS) on the Y axisWHAT I CHANGED (MANIPULATED VARIABLE) on the x axisCONCLUSIONWhat happened, THE ANSWER TO MY QUESTION (and why it might be important). Was my prediction/hypothesis correct? From your chart/graph, state the highest data and lowest data and show relationship (less than, more than, etc.) Therefore… What did I learn?Display Board LayoutScience Fair Experiment IdeasExample: What is the effect of ________________ (3 variables) on _____________?What is the effect of different surfaces (carpet, tile, or grass) on the speed of a toy car?What is the effect of different soils (dirt, clay, or rock) on water retention? What is the effect of types of water (salt, sugar, or plain) on rate of freezing?What is the effect of fruit type (orange, apple, or banana) on the amount of moisture present? What is the effect of ball type (basketball, football, or soccer ball) on the height it bounces?What is the effect of colored light (red, blue, or natural) on plant growth?What is the effect of popcorn brand (SmartPop, Orville, or store brand)on the amount of kernels that pop?What is the effect of detergent brand (Tide, All, or store brand) on effectiveness of stain removal?What is the effect of fertilizer type (Miracle Grow, store brand, or plain water) on plant growth?What is the effect of different liquids (Flower Mix, sugar, or plain water) on keeping flowers fresh?What is the effect of different color water (green, red, or plain) on evaporation rates?What is the effect of diaper brands (Huggies, Luv or store brand) on liquid retention? What is the effect of bread type (white, wheat, or corn) on rate of molding? What is the effect of powder type (sugar, salt, or Epsom salt) on making the best crystals? What is the effect of the amount of baking soda(1 tbsp, 5 tbsp, or 10 tsp) of eruption size? What is the effect of cheese type (cheddar, American, or swiss) on rate of molding? What is the effect of soap brand (Dawn, Ivory, or store brand) on the amount of suds produced? What is the effect of glue type (white glue, glue stick, or Crazy Glue) on holding paper together?What is the effect of soda brand (Coke, RC, or store brand) on time of fizziness? What is the effect of paper airplane design (sports, stunt, or standard) on distance flown?What is the effect of paper type (printer, construction, or cardstock) in making paper airplanes fly the farthest?What is the effect of balloon size (small, medium, or large) on static electricity?What is the effect of magnet size (small, medium, or large) on number of paper clips picked up?What is the effect of location (inside, outside sun, or outside shade)on pansy growth?What is the effect of video game type (war, sports, or adventure) on heart rate? HiCap Science Experiment Display Scoring CriteriaTitle of Project ______________________________________________ Project # _________(Student name should NOT appear on this paper OR the FRONT of your board.)Scoring Guide: 0-Not seen; 1-Attempted but incomplete/unclear; 2- Basic/Minimal; 3-Meets standard; 4-Above and beyond Criteria: Use a ? for each bullet, then use an X for the overall score for each category.0 1234Title: Can the title be easily seen without dominating the board? (Correct cover page format?)Is the title clearly on topic? Does it show creativity or does it distract from the scientific concept? Question: Does the question make scientific sense? Are the manipulated and measured variables clearly identifiable? Prediction/Hypothesis:Does the prediction/hypothesis clearly give an answer to the question?Does it include a reasonable statement to support the prediction in 50 words or less? Materials: Are all materials needed to do the experiment clearly listed in a logical order?Procedure:Do the steps in the procedure flow in a logical manner?Are all materials listed above clearly identified and used in the procedure?Have controlled, manipulated, and measured variables been adequately addressed?Is there evidence that relevant data is to be recorded in a logical manner? Is there evidence that sufficient repeated trials to ensure validity are required?Have relevant safety precautions been noted?Do the procedures show a clear connection to the question?Could you easily follow the procedures to repeat the same experiment?Data, Notes, Tables, and/or Graphs (Results):Is the data collection system logical, organized, and easy to understand?Are both manipulated and responding variables correctly identified/labeled?Are both numerical and graphical data that support each other present and labeled?Does the information convey relevant data that can support a conclusion?Conclusion:Is the question clearly answered in the conclusion?Are the highest and lowest data points included in the conclusion?Has the data been interpreted correctly to support the conclusion?Is there commentary on what was learned, ways to improve this experiment, or possible next steps? (Bibliography = Bonus)Complexity:What is the overall complexity of this question and experimental design?Visual Presentation:Is it typed with a neat, professional appearance? Is the space used well?Are grammar and spelling conventions used correctly throughout?Does the display show creativity that complements rather than distracts from the scientific content? (Use of color, graphics, photos, etc.)Average Overall ScoreScience Experiment ProposalName ________________Please complete and return with parent signature by Monday, January 30, 2017.What will your Experiment Title be?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________What Question will you ask for your experiment?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What Prediction will you make about your question?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Parents please sign stating that you understand that your child will be involved in a science project and that you are expected to provide support. All of the work will be done at home._______________________________________________________Parent Signature Date___________________________________Child’s Name ................

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