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ITE 325 (Math) Lesson Plan FormatName: Sidney Ayakawa Title: Volume Investigation Grade Level and Setting: 5th grade, Iliahi Elementary School Date Taught 4/2-4/3/2014 Duration _____2 Days_______ Number of Students 21Overarching Mathematical Goal:Students will: Gain a conceptual understanding of volumePredict the order of the boxes by volume from least to greatest using fillers (rice and beans) Determine actual volume of boxes using centimeter cubes Discover the formula for volume Consider Your Students Needs:All students (besides SPED students who are taken out during math) will get the chance to experience volume for themselves and discover the formula for solving volume upon their exploration of the concept. Considering All Students: Guide students toward desired discoveries by questioning them and keeping them engaged through hands on activities. For English Language Learners: Write directions on the board for students to see. Allow all students to work in groups so that they can collaborate on their ideas. Materials Needed:Each group of students will need: 1 set of boxes A-FScissorsScotch tapeChart paper Pens Centimeter rulersFillers (beans and rice) Centimeter cubes Volume ActivityData logSources:Standard/BenchmarkHCPSIII/Common Core Content Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3 Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement.I can recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume SS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3a A cube with side length 1 unit, called a "unit cube," is said to have "one cubic unit" of volume, and can be used to measure volume.I can use a “unit cube,” which is said to have “one cubic unit” of volume to measure SS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3b A solid figure which can be packed without gaps or overlaps using n unit cubes is said to have a volume of n cubic units.I can measure a solid figure, which can be packed without gaps or overlaps using n unit cubes to find the volume of n cubic SS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.5b Apply the formulas V = l × w × h and V = b × h for rectangular prisms to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with whole-number edge lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems.I can apply the formulas V = l × w × h and V = b × h for rectangular prisms to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with whole-number edge lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems.NCTM Process Standards/Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice:Reason abstractly and quantitativelyModel with mathematicsUse appropriate tools strategicallyLook for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Assessment Observe:Day 1: Students will use rice and beans as fillers to help them order the boxes from least to greatest according to their volume. Day 2: (OBSERVED) Students will then use centimeter cubes to more accurately find the volume of each box and order them from least to greatest. They will then record their new findings into their data log. After this, they will discover the formula for volume by noticing patterns and relationships within their data. Assessment Recording Sheets and/or Rubrics:Collect Volume Investigation Worksheets and Data Log (See below)Assess each student according to checklist (See below) Collect Exit Notes (See below) Activities/Instructional StrategiesDay 1BEFORE: (15 minutes) Lay down ground rules to students: Explain that if they do not listen and behave appropriately they will be fined $15 and after 3 fines, be asked to leave the classroom for the remainder of the lesson.Divide class into 7 groups of 3 according to pre-assigned groupings. Pass out sheets with boxes A-F to each group Explain: “I want you to build the 6 boxes labeled A-F. I will show you how to make one as an example.” Model building one of the boxes Instruct students to build boxes A-F (1 set of boxes per group) by folding and using tape. Explain that the boxes must be folded accurately on the lines with the letters on the outside. Apply tape on the outside of the boxes, not the inside. DURING: (25 minutes) Say: “Today we are going to be learning about volume. Volume is the amount that something can hold and is measured in cubic units. Your task is to figure out a way to compare the amount that these boxes can hold. You will have these supplies to help you: rice and beans. As a group, you need to problem solve and figure out a way to put these boxes in order from least to greatest according to how much rice or beans they can hold. Remember, do not allow any space. You must fill the box up entirely to find out how much it can hold, or it’s volume. Also, do not over-fill the boxes or let them bulge too much on the sides. Once you have determined the order of the boxes from least to greatest volume, one person from each group must be the recorder and record the ordering of the lettered boxes. You will have 20 minutes to complete this task.” Write definition of volume on the smart board.Instruct students to fill in the definition of volume on their handout Model filling out handout. (where to write which filler they used, and where to list the boxes from least-greatest) Say: “Choose someone to be the recorder in each group” Ask: “Are there any questions before I let you start?”Remind students to keep their area clean, that everyone should be a contributing group member, listen to each other, watch the time, be “thinkers” and problem solversWalk around the classroom and observe students as they “struggle” to determine the ordering of the boxes by volume using the fillers Answer any questions they may have Encourage whole-group participation AFTER: (20 minutes) Ask each group to report their findings Record the results of volume ordering on chart paper (teacher records results from each group on a piece of chart paper) Look at and analyze the results with the whole classAsk: “How did you determine the order of the boxes? What strategies did you use? Are there any differences in the results? Why? Did anyone fill their boxes above the top, or did any groups’ boxes expand/bulge when adding the fillers? Do you think this affected your results? Do you think your results are accurate? Is there a more effective way we could have measured the boxes?”______________________________________________________________________Day2 BEFORE: (20 minutes)Read: How Big Is A Foot by: Rolf Myller Say: “While I am reading, I want you to think about how we measured the volume of the boxes yesterday. I also want you to think about whether there is a better/more accurate way we could have measured it instead.” Read book to class. Ask: “What did you learn from this book?”Relate what they learned to yesterdays volume activitySay: “Remember yesterday when we tried to order these boxes from least to greatest by how much they can hold using rice and beans? Today you will test your results by using centimeter cubes. Centimeter cubes are 1 centimeter on each side. To get the accurate volume of the boxes, fill up your boxes using the cubes. Stack the cubes and make sure there are no gaps in between. The centimeter cubes are a standard unit to measure volume. Volume is how much something can hold. DURING: (25 minutes) Explain: “Remember, you are to work as a group to be problem solvers. Voices should not be too loud.” Distribute centimeter cubes and data log to each group.Model stacking the cubes in one of the boxes and determining the length, width, height, and volume. Instruct students to find the volume of the boxes and put them in order from least to greatest according to volume and to record their results in the data log. Explain: “In your data log, you will write the letter of the box in the left hand column under “box” and then proceed by filling in the height, length, width, and lastly the volume of that letter box. Do this for all 6 boxes.”Model filling in sheet for one of the boxes using the unit cubes Monitor students as they work in their groups to accurately find the volume of boxes A-F using the unit cubes Look for students to be filling the boxes with no gaps between each cube, and accurately locating and counting the unit cubes to find the length, width, height, and volume of the boxes Ask each group for their new results when they have finished Record new results for each group under Day 1 results on chart paperCompare results from Day 1 and Day 2 as a classAsk the whole class to discuss in their groups: What do you notice about the results? Why are the results different? Which is more accurate? Why? Write these questions on the smart board. Turn and discuss these questions in your groupsGather as a class and discuss the above questions: Why are the results different? Which is more accurate? Why? Instruct students to look at their data log Ask: Is there a relationship among these numbers? What is it? Does it work for all of the boxes? Test it out. Explain that the formula for volume is “L×W×H”. Share BrainPop video on volume with studentsAFTER: (15 minutes) Explain: So today, 5th graders, you learned about volume, and that it is the amount that a solid figure can hold. You also learned about the importance of using a standard unit of measurement to find the volume of these boxes, which in this case, was the centimeter cubes. You also discovered the formula for volume, which is LxWxH. Instruct students to complete an exit pass by answering the questions on their handout (see bolow) Collect Volume Activity and Data Log. Any other resources needed (worksheets, data tables, etc):Volume Investigation Worksheet, Data table, Paper boxes Assessment Recording Tool: Checklist. See below. Other Assessment Notes (other things students said and did):Student ChecklistName of Student:CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3 I can recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and understand concepts of volume measurement.Student utilized materials to help him predict the order of the volume of boxes A-F from least to greatest CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3b I can measure a solid figure, which can be packed without gaps or overlaps using n unit cubes to find the volume of n cubic units.Student accurately measured the volume of boxes A-F by using n unit cubes CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.3b I can measure a solid figure, which can be packed without gaps or overlaps using n unit cubes to find the volume of n cubic units.Student accurately ordered the boxes from least to greatest according to their volumeCCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.5b I can apply the formulas V = l × w × h and V = b × h for rectangular prisms to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with whole-number edge lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems.Student discovered/now knows the formula to solve for volume (LxWxH) CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.C.5b I can apply the formulas V = l × w × h and V = b × h for rectangular prisms to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with whole-number edge lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems.Student can apply the formula to solve for volume Comments: 1.SYYYYPart of group who came up with two separate lists for order of boxes2.YYYYNMultiplication error3.YY4.YYYYY5.YYYYNMultiplication error on exit note6.YYYYY7.YYYY8.YYYY9.YYYYNMultiplication error on exit note10.SYYYWas not being a contributing group member. 11.YYYYY12.YYYYY13.YYYYNMultiplication error on exit note14.YYYYNMultiplication error on exit note15.YYYYY16.YYYYY17.YYYYY18.YYYYY19.YYYYY20.YYYNNWrote incorrect formula for volume: “b x h” solved exit note problem wrong 21.YYYYYY=YesN=No S=Sometimes Exit NoteName ______________________________________________ Date______________________Why were our measurements for the volume of boxes A-F more accurate when we used unit cubes instead of the rice and beans?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the formula to find the volume of rectangular prisms? _____________________Find the volume of the rectangular prism below. Answer: ________cm3() ................

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