Statement No


“U c, I dun BlEv dat libraries shud b drab plAcz whr ppl sit n silence, & datz Bin d mAn rEsN 4 our policy of employing wild animLz az librarian.” ---Monty Python skit *[i]

No names. Just your age and where you go to school. All responses are confidential


How old are you?________________

What school do you go to? ______________________________________________________________

During the last school year, how often have you used the Thomas Crane Library in Quincy center or any of the branch libraries?

Never_____ 1-3 times______ 4-10 times_______ More than 4-10 times_______

Please put a check next to the library you use the most.

_____The main library near Quincy High School in Quincy Center

_____The North Quincy branch near North Quincy High School and the North Quincy T station

_____The Wollaston branch on Beale Street opposite the CVS and near the Wollaston T station

_____The Adams Shore Branch on Sea Street near Broad Meadows Middle School

On weekdays, what time are you most likely to come to the library? _________________________

CHECK-OFFS PART I: If you used the library within the last 12 months did you

___Borrow books or other materials (audio, videos, etc)?

___Come to a program such as a film or a lecture?

___Look for information you needed for school?

___Look for information you needed or wanted about health?

___Look for information about a product you wanted to buy?

___Look for information about a job?

___Use the Internet on a public computer?

___Go there to meet a friend or hang out?

___Other (please describe)___________________________________________________________

CHECK-OFFS PART II: Put a check next to the statements that are TRUE FOR YOU.

____I like to go to the public library.

____I rarely go to the public library.

____I know I can use a library computer to get on the Internet.

____I go to the public library for help with school research projects.

____I have called the public library for help with schoolwork.

____I like to check out books at the public library.

____People who work at the public library are nice to me.

____I have gone to teen activities sponsored by the library.

____I would go to teen activities sponsored by the library if I knew about them.

____I would go to teen activities sponsored by the library if a friend invited me to go.

____I go to the public library because my parents suggested it.

____I like the way the public library looks.

____I get to the library using public transportation

____I walk to the library

____I know where the library is

____I know what the library hours are.

____I have visited the library website.

____Libraries are old fashioned and stuffy.

Do you speak any language(s) in addition to English? YES NO

If YES, what language(s)?_________________________________________________________

Enough about the LIBRARY! Put a check next to the statements that describe YOU!

_____I use the Internet daily

_____I like to read books

_____I like to surf the web

_____I like to hang out with my friends.

_____I like to get mail at home

_____I have an email address

_____I like to get e-mail

_____I read my e-mail daily

_____I have a cellphone

_____I listen to my cell-phone messages at least once a day

_____I enjoy family activities


Please rate your interest in the following activities using this scale of 1-3:

1 indicates little or no interest; as way

2 indicates some interest; as in...maybe

3 indicates so much interest you might just try it out. As in...sick!

_______Computer Gaming. Library provides the space, food, computers and some games. Kids can also bring in their own games.

_______Publishing an e-zine.

_______Creating and maintaining a teen page on the library website.

_______Learning basic graphic design using Microsoft Publisher.

_______Learning how to put together a Power Point Presentation.

_______Volunteering to help seniors learn basic computer skills.

_______one on one help to improve your reading and writing skills.

_______one on one help with homework assignments, including help with writing.

_______Putting together and updating a list of books recommended and reviewed by other teens

_______Putting together a website that lists job and volunteer opportunities in Quincy for teens.

_______One on one help on how to search and find magazine and newspaper articles through the library's website. Useful for school research assignments and for anyone thinking about college.

_______Serving on a teen advisory board that would meet regularly once a month that would create policy, and suggest and help administer library programs and services for teens.

Other suggestions? ______________________________________________________________________

Please circle YES or NO. If you circle YES, please write a sentence or two to tell us about what happened. (It can be really short). THANK YOU!!!!

Did you ever have a really good experience in the public library? YES NO

Did you ever have a really bad experience in the public library? YES NO


[i] You see, I don’t believe that libraries should be drab places where people sit in silence, and that’s been the main reason for our policy of employing wild animals as librarians.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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