Valeron Vortec Instruction Manual and Product Specifications

Introducing... Instruction and Technical Manual

Direct fixed cladding

Used for:

? Wall drainage barrier


? Specially engineered surface promotes water drainage ? Cavity free construction ? Trapped water easily drains, reducing the chance of mold and

mildew ? Textured pattern is multi-directional for quick and easy instal-

lation ? Perfect for use behind brick, vinyl, stucco, hardboard,

weatherboard and cementitious cladding


Valeron Vortec Drainage System

Insulation Wholesalers Seal of Quality

In today's rigorous environment, not just any product will Our key focus is on materials that provide High Thermal

do anymore to meet the ever increasing challenges set by Insulation. To Develop the manufacture for the supply of

design and quality management. New and complex de- products that are specified and incorporated into any

signs coupled with demanding requirements set by local building project. It is important for professional Designers,

authorities, consultants, contractors and clients demand Architects and Contractors to have confidence when pro-

products that are innovative, durable and flexible.

viding a solution that will meet the performance standards

Insulation Wholesalers Ltd manufactures and distributes of the New Zealand Building Code.

new building technology, high insulation and specialist

building materials. Our company has a commitment to- Our Partner Suppliers

wards innovative building products that offer outstanding Insulation Wholesalers also sources products and materi-


als from other manufacturers who are industry leaders in

? To provide products that offer outstanding perform- there respective fields. Together, our partner suppliers ance and durability for our customers within New complement our business and offer outstanding service.

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? Manufacture the best materials and products, to

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supply them at the best price possible, without com- All of our products will add genuine value to each home or


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? Maintain a quality system, independent testing and Find the product of your choice and start using the bene-

product Appraisal

fits they provide today.

Green, Cleaner world Many of our products when incorporated into a home or building project, greatly increase the overall thermal performance. This reduces the cost of maintaining warmth and comfort during winter months, while providing a more stable temperature all year round. Money savings are achieved in lower heating and cooling costs. Research and Development

Product Appraisal by BEAL

The Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM Drainage System has received BEAL Appraisal Number C801


Insulation Wholesalers Ltd as the exclusive Distributor warrants for a period of 15 years from the date of purchase that Valeron VortecTM EVDTM supplied will be free from defects due to defective factory workmanship or materials and subject to compliance with the conditions below. Valeron the manufacturer of VortecTM EVD TM produces to a US Based in house quality standard using ISO 9001 as its QA Criteria and supports ACIS Ltd with a 15 year warranty. This warranty shall not exclude or modify any legal rights a customer may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or otherwise (except where the same may be excluded or adapted by law).

CONDITIONS OF WARRANTY please refer to full warranty document available on

New Zealand Building Code Compliance

When installed according to the manufacturer's instructions, The Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM Drainage system will meet the Durability performance requirements of NZBC B2.3.1(a) in which building elements must, with only normal maintenance, continue to satisfy the performance requirements of this code for the life of the building, being not less than 50 years and the External Moisture requirement of E2.3.2.

Methods used for verifying compliance with the relevant performances of the New Zealand Building Code , include Testing and Assessment by a laboratory, Ease of installation assessment, Assessment of data provided by the manufacturer and the in-service history overseas and in New Zealand. Details are available from the distributor.



Insulation Wholesalers Seal of Quality Product Appraisal by BEAL

2 Warranty NZBC Compliance


1 Product description 2 Benefits 3 Limitations 4 How it works


1 Unwrapping 2 Securing 3 Openings 4 Flexible flashings 5 Window installation 6 Door installation 7 Penetrations 8 Other important details


1 Data sheet


1 Contact details

Valeron Vortec Drainage System


2 2

4 4 4 5

6 6 7 8 9 10 10 10




Valeron Vortec Drainage System

Specifying the Product

1. Product description and suitable applications

Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM is the premier wa- buildings. An engineered surface pattern of raised , micro-

ter-resistive barrier that incorporates a

perforated dimples creates a crush resistant airspace between framing and cladding, allowing moisture to drain

patent-pending pattern of multi-directional away from the wall cavity rather than pond behind the

channels to promote drainage, reducing

building fa?ade. Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM allows necessary moisture vapor

the chance of mold, mildew and structural migration while helping to protect against energy robbing


Developed and manufactured by Insulation Wholesalers international partner Val?ron Strength Films, a world wide leader in the high strength specialty film and moisture management systems with over 35 years experience in

air infiltration and the formation of mold and mildew that can lead to frame rot and poor indoor air quality. Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM is designed to drain and is intended for use behind a range of cladding systems including stucco, EIFS, masonry, cementitious cladding and weatherboard.

the industry.

Composition and materials;

Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM (Engineer Vented Drain) is a crush Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM is an engineered vertical rain sheet resistant , weather resistive barrier designed to drain mois- offering superior outdoor durability and strength. It is ture away from the wall cavity in homes and commercial manufactured of 100% UV enhanced, cross laminated high

2. Benefits

Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM drainage system offers a number

of benefits including:

? Cavity free installation as opposed to traditional


building wraps that require cavity construction.

? Can be used behind a range of claddings including ?

masonry, siding materials, weatherboards, stucco, ?

EIFS, curtain wall and cementitious cladding sys- ?



? Its engineered 3 dimensional dimple texture pro-

vides a crush resistant airspace between the framing

and cladding.


? Engineered 3-dimensional surface prevents water- ?

ponding and facilitates moisture drainage away

from the wall cavity.


? Its multidirectional pattern promotes drainage but

also permits vertical, horizontal and diagonal installation without altering drainage properties. Lightweight and translucent rolls offer easy installation? promotes ease of locating studs, openings etc. Tear, snag and puncture resistant Semi-permeable to allow proper vapor migration Ultraviolet resistance for up 6 months. Helps maintain the moisture level needed for better curing of stucco, improving the curing process resulting in stronger stucco. Can be used on both steel and wood framing Warmer, dryer homes Roll sizes Available in standard widths of 1.52m x 61. One role provides 93m? coverage.

3. Limitations

? Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM is intended for exterior wall

applications and is not for use in applications in


which temperatures will exceed 93 degrees Celsius

or as an alternative to asphalt-saturated organic felt

underlayment in roofing applications. Val?ron VortecTMEVDTM is not intended to perform the function of an exterior siding product and should be covered as soon as possible.


4. How it works

Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM Drainage system presents a innovative solution to a common building element, the building wrap. Traditional building wrap provides a water resistant barrier underneath the cladding but in order for it to drain water away safely a cavity needs to be constructed. This is not the case with Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM, as its specially engineered ,3 dimensional surface creates a airspace between the framing and cladding allowing moisture to drain therefore eliminating the need for cavity battens.

Valeron Vortec Drainage System

Val?ron VortecTM EVDTM

? Exterior Cladding ? Val?ron VortecTM EVD ? Framing (steel or wood) ? Insulation within framing cavity ? Plasterboard

Typical water resistant barrier

? Exterior Cladding ? Timber cavity batten ? Typical building wrap ? Framing ? Insulation within framing cavity ? Plasterboard



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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