Date: February 16, 2006

MEMBERS ATTENDING: President Pam Chally, Treasurer Debi Wagner, Secretary Cheryl Bergman, President elect Joy McConnell, JU counselor Mary Gipson, JU vice president Michelle Edmonds, Nominating Committee chair Li Loritz, governance committee chair Kathy Bloom



|Call to order | |Called to order at 4:40 pm | | |

| |Approval of Minutes |Minutes from January 19, 2006 approved. |Send minutes to Cathy Hough at mhough@unf.edu so |Cheryl will send the minutes. |

| | | |they can be posted on the website | |

|Officers Reports | | | | |

| |AONE meeting |The AONE meeting will be held in Orlando April 19-26. Our chapter was contacted | |Pam |

|President | |and asked if we would like to participate in a reception to be held for STT |If the other chapters in the region agree, we | |

| | |International President Carol Picard as part of Region 7. Heavy appetizers would |would like the champagne toast with strawberries. | |

| | |cost = $5000 (to be divided among all the chapters who participate within the | | |

| | |region) or $1500 for a champagne toast with strawberries. | | |

| |Chapter Leader Academy |The Chapter Leader Academy will be held in Indianapolis September 28-30. The |The newly elected president-elect should be | |

| | |chapter sent 3 members in 2004: Michelle, Joy, and Rachel. |encouraged to attend. | |

|President Elect |Research Scholarships |Joy stated that no applications for the Research awards have been received at | A paragraph or two will be included in the next | |

| | |this time. |newsletter asking for proposals Date of mailing | |

| | |* Recipients of the scholarships could be asked to speak at the induction |set for March 15th. The monetary amount is $1000 | |

| | |ceremony on how much the scholarship meant to them. This would be a way for the |each. The chapter will award 2 research | |

| | |general membership to see how some of the fundraising monies is spent. |scholarships. | |

|Treasurer | |No expenses over the past month. Just the accrued interest in accounts. | Joy will have the STT box decorated and at all | |

| | |Current balances in accounts: |STT events for possible donations. | |

| | |Vystar savings account: $8,383.53 | | |

| | |Checking account: $ 4,847.48 |Fundraising: a possible wine tasting event over | |

| | | |the summer. Publishing a cookbook? | |

|Vice Presidents |Research meeting |March 29th meeting to be held at Shands, Tower 2 on the 10th floor banquet room. |Shands will be providing the CEUs for this event. |Michelle Edmonds for RSVPs |

| | |The time is from 11:30-1:00pm. A short board meeting will follow. |Must RSVP to Michelle for lunch. | |

| | |Joy McConnell will present a 15 minute discussion on poster viewing and research | | |

| | |dissemination. | | |

| | |Mary Neeson is requesting a flier for the event; Joy will discuss this with her. | | |

| | | | |Joy for flier |

| | |Spring Induction set for April 23, 2006 at the Radisson beginning at 1pm. The | | |

| |Inductions |cost is $26 for members and $15 for students. Membership fees: $80 per year, and | | |

| | |$25 induction fee (this fee includes the honor cord). | |Michelle |

| | | | | |

| | |Summer Induction set for June 27th in the evening ~6:30. The Sea Turtle is still | | |

| | |the preferred location. | | |

| | | |No further report. | |

| | | | |Linda Connelly will coordinate |

|Newsletter Chair | |Next newsletter should be mailed around May 5th. |A write up on the research meeting should be |Barb Krueger |

| | | |included as well as spring induction news. | |

| | | |Still should have a hardcopy of the newsletter | |

| | |Discussed whether to only email the newsletter to members. |mailed. At present, too many of the emails are | |

| | | |inaccurate or missing. | |

|Counselors | |Mary (JU) reported 11 graduate students have qualified with a GPA of 3.5 or | |JU and UNF counselors |

| | |higher and 12 undergraduate students have been invited to join. |Michelle Edmonds will need an accurate list prior | |

| | |Michelle Bednarzyk sent a report that UNF is also in the process of reviewing |to the spring induction for the program. | |

| | |GPAs. | | |

| | | | | |

|Governance | |Kathy Bloom reported that the governance committee has the new national by-laws. | |Kathy |

| | |The committee will be meeting and have these ready for distribution at the next | | |

| | |board meeting. | | |

|New Business | | | | |

| |Nursing Super Website |Kathy discussed a meeting she attended for a website that would link 3-4 nursing | Excellent idea. Some details as to cost in the |Kathy |

| | |organizations under one website. It would act as a “portal” for all nursing |future would need to be addressed. | |

| | |organizations in town and be very convenient for all nurses who are looking for | | |

| | |current meetings, offerings, etc. | | |

| | |FNA is willing to donate the money for the startup costs ( $0.50 per person a | | |

| | |month) | | |

| | |The nursing organizations to be included on this website would be NEFARNPs, FNA, | | |

| | |STT, possible midwifery, in-service educator? | | |

| | |A master calendar of all organizations events would be available. | | |

| |Chapter Key Award |No formal discussion, continue to collect and organize data. |Save all documentation |All board members |

| | | | | |

| | |** A career fair will be held at JU on Feb. 23rd and STT brochures will be | | |

| | |displayed. | | |

| | |There will also be a Student Health Fair at JU in March and the brochures will | | |

| | |also be available there as well. | | |

|Nominating / |Officer Slate |Li Loritz discussed the board openings for next year. |Slate complete by April | |

|Leadership | |They are as follows: | |Li and committee |

|Committee | |2nd VP(JU) : Leigh Hart (JU), ? Maryann Bolin |Sandra Tonkinson, a graduate of JU has been | |

| | |Counselor (JU and UNF) : Michelle Edmonds (JU); ? UNF Bill Ahern |interested in volunteering. She may be interested | |

| | |Governance committee (2): Mary Gipson, Kay Hood |in an office. | |

| | |Leadership succession: Cheryl Bergman, ? UNF | | |

| | |President elect: ? Connie | | |

| | |Secretary: Lynette Kennison ? (JU); ? Linda Bell | | |

|Next Meeting | |March 29th at Shands following the research meeting | | |

| |Adjournment |Meeting adjourned at 6 pm. | | |


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