|June 25, 2012 |

|1-866-613-1756 Pass code 73548606# |

|CALLED TO ORDER: 7:30 ET; 6:30 CT; 5:30 MT; 4:30 PT |

|Adjourned: 7:56 ET; 6:56 CT; 5:56 MT; 4:56 PT |

|Members: Barbara Fontaine, committee chair; Erin Andersen, secretary; Wendy Grant; Susan Edwards, Angela Jordan |

|AAPC staff: Emilie Nelson |

|Members Not Present: all members present |

|AAPC staff: all staff present |

|Excused: none |


|1. Articles |.Review of the SCHEDULE OF ARTICLES: |

| |Due July 23rd for October publication: |

| |Member article: Erin on Roles of Officers in order to entice members to become one. Barbara suggested that Erin talk with officers in each |

| |role about the pros of the position. |

| |President: Barbara will send Erin her president’s contact info. |

| |Vice President: Angela will send Erin her VP’s contact info. |

| |Secretary: Barbara is the Secretary. Erin will query her about the position. |

| |Treasurer: Sue will send Erin her Treasurer’s contact info. |

| |Education Officer: Wendy will send Erin her EO’s contact info. |

| |Handbook Corner: Erin on a Chapter success story. Angela sent Erin the list of the Runner’s Up for Chapter of the Year after last month’s |

| |meeting. Erin will interview the two chapter Presidents. It will not be revealed that they were Runner’s Up. |

| |Due August 20th for November publication: |

| |Member article: Wendy on Test Taking Tips for members who will be trying to accomplish certification by year end. |

| |Handbook Corner: Wendy on How to Qualify for Chapter of the Year |

| |Due September 17th for December publication: |

| |Member article: Barbara on ending your chapter year with fun (already written from last year but not published due to space issues). |

| |Handbook Corner: New Handbook changes. Last month, Marti did not think we would have enough changes to warrant an article but she has since |

| |changed her mind. Author: Lissa D (Barbara will contact her). |

| |October 22nd for January publication: |

| |Member article: Resolutions for your Chapter (how to turn around a failing chapter). Author: Collaboration from all Members. By October 12th, |

| |we will submit Resolutions to Barbara so that she may put them together into an article. There is some concern about the timeline because this|

| |coincides with the Regional Conference in Chicago. It was suggested that the members attending could put the finishing touches on the article |

| |when they are there together. |

| |Handbook Corner: Importance of reading the Handbook to new Officers. Author: Sue |

| |November for February: |

| |Member article: Members: Be All You Can Be. Author: Angela |

| |Handbook Corner: Member Checklist Author: Barbara |

| |December for March: |

| |Member article: May May-nia stories. Emilie has/will compile stories from different chapters that can be used to write our article. Author: |

| |Barbara |

| |Handbook Corner: Handbook Pop Quiz! Author: Erin |

| |January for April: |

| |Member article: TBD |

| |Handbook Corner: TBD |

| |February for May: |

| |Member article: Year End Review and Introduction to New BOD Members. Author(s): Barbara/Brenda |

| |Handbook Corner: TBD |

|2. Other Articles|This month articles published outside the Coding Edge were turned in to Barbara. They included the following: |

|Written by |Amy Bishard: Evaluation and Management Services and the Electronic Health Record |

|Committee Members | |

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| |Wendy Grant: Update Your Fee Schedules Regularly; Slice & Dice the Operative Report for CE in mid-July |

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| |Melissa Corrall: Customer Service = Profitability New & improved version |

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| |Roxanne Thames: Coding for Screening Labs (from Dec 2011 but Barbara just got a copy) |

| |Erin Andersen: Evaluation and Management: Areas of Under-documenting |

| |Angela Jordan: Coders role in Implementing an EMR for CE, date unknown |

|4. Next Meeting |July 23, 2012 7:30 ET; 6:30 CT; 5:30 MT; 4:30 PT |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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