
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM # 20 WEEKOF: 10/26-10/30/2020 TEACHER’S NAME: Katelynn and QuanDay of the WeekCC Goals being DAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 additional DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY- this does not include art, writing, literacy]MondayOct. 26, 2020Last week we were learning about our senses of taste and smell. Review that we have 5 senses. Todaywe will start learning about our fifth sense, our sense of hearing. Where are our ears? What do theyhelp us do? – They help us to hear. Being able to hear is one of 5 senses that people can have. Being able to hear is very helpful because it helps us to learn and understand the world that is around us.Let’s play with sound today. We can create sound all around us. Today let’s use our bodies andinstruments to play with sound. How can we sort them by the sounds we are hearing? What sound do you hear when you clap your hands? Stomp your feet? Drum with your hands on the table/chair? What sounds do you hear when you shake a shaker with uncooked rice or uncooked beans? Music and Movement: Carpet time: Blocks/building: Help your child use building blocks or recyclable materials (boxes, egg crates, plastic containers etc.) to build homes/ apartment buildings, build workplaces, shopping markets, schools, carwashes, subways, and restaurants to play with the people toys and car toys. Work on hand eye coordination to connect train tracks and play trains or to connect or stack blocks.Kitchen Play: Pretend your child and you are cooking. Talk about the sounds you and your child hear when you stir the pot with pasta. Does the spoon/fork clink the pot when you are stirring? Does your child hear the sounds made when the water is running as you are dipping the sponge into dish soap and washing dishes. Do the pots and pans make a clink sound as you are scrubbing? What sounds do you hear?Fine Motor/Manipulatives: Using a jar or a bag, have your child pick up coins and put them inside the jar/bag one by one to work on hand strengthening and the grasping coins Sensory:.Use different objects around your home (pots, pans, tables, floor,use plastic tupperware and your hands or spoons to tap on different things to play sounds like drumming. Do the art craft and make a shaker( using a water bottle or other container put in different small objects such as rice, coins, buttons, dried beans) . Art:Using a plastic bottle, help your child decorate the water bottle with markers or paint. They can also use stickers or make a drawing and tape it to the plastic bottle. Unscrew the cap and add 1-2 spoons of uncooked rice or uncooked beans. Close the cap and tape it up. Show your child that they can shake the bottle to make music. Writing: Work on writing simple shapes drawing: hexagon and octogon on your white board or pieces of paper. Work on writing/tracing letters of the month /a/e/l/p. Work on writing/tracing students' names. Literacy: Play the bounce patrol group for music to introduce the letter of the week and review its sound and find words and pictures that begin with the letter of the week in the book. Students can use alphabet puzzles or a picture of the letter and a book to search for the letter of the week. This week’s letter is /Pp/. Review the letter sound with your learner: Books- students will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Book suggestion: Spanish: Science: Have a tray of items that make sounds. Keys,uncooked rice or beans, a pen that clicks, spoons, a plastic bag, or paper (help your child crush it up to hear the sound it makes or when they rip it). Help your child explore the sounds they hear when they touch the items. Math: Play a game with your child to learn about weight. Practice sorting household objects by their weight. Compare the weight of two items and sort which one is light and which one is heavy. Talk to your child and help them to put the object in the correct place. Some of the possible items you can use are: Feel free to use other household objects not listed above. TuesdayOct. 27, 2020This week we are continuing to learn about sound. Yesterday we played with sound through instruments. Today we will make sounds and have students move or identify the sound might belong to. If we make the” oink oink” sound we can ask “What animal makes this sound?” What animal makes the “moo moo” sound? What object makes the “vroom vroom” sound? Music and Movement: Pretend Play: Pretend you and your child are driving a car to the farm. What are some sounds you hear before you see the animals or objects? Wee woo Wee woo is the sound an ambulance makes. Now we see the blue and red light of the ambulance coming towards us. Neigh Neigh is the sound a horse makes. We see the horse galloping by. Baa baa is the sound a sheep makes. We see a sheep eating the grass. Sensory/Fine motor manipulatives: Rice and beans: Students will work on finding objects in the sand and using tweezers to remove them. Students can work on hand coordination using a spoon to scoop and lift. Art: using a paper plate, decorate the back of the plate with markers, crayons and stickers. Fold the plate in half and put 1-2 spoons of uncooked rice or beans. Close the plate with staples or tape. Have your child shake or hit the plate to make music. Writing: Work with your child on following directions for stopping and starting. Make a large dot or draw a star near the top of a piece of paper and another dot/star directly below. Give your child the direction to draw a line down and show them where to start and stop. Work on writing/tracing letters of the month /a/e/l/p. Work on writing/tracing your child's name. Literacy: Books- Your child will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week. Letter P.Book suggestion: Spanish: /p/ pink pig. Have the half crescent shape of /p/ cut and help students cut the rectangle part of the /p/ so that they can glue it together. Students can cut 1 circle and 2 triangles to glue on to make the pigs face. Students can draw eyes. Science: Have your child close their eyes or shake the items behind them. Shake keys behind your child and talk about the sound keys make. Can your child hear the sound? What if you ripped paper. Can they hear the tearing sound of the paper? Or a clink of a spoon?Math:Play the game from yesterday with your child to continue practicing sorting objects by weight. Practice sorting household objects by their weight. Compare the weight of two items and sort which one is light and which one is heavy. Talk to your child and help them to put the object in the correct place. Some of the possible items you can use are: Feel free to use other household objects not listed above. WednesdayOct. 28, 2020This week we have been learning about our sense of hearing yesterday we heard the sounds that different things make like fire trucks. Today we will learn how people use sound to alert them and help keep people safe. We will talk about sirens like on ambulances and fire trucks. They are there because sound can be heard before objects might be seen. Sound can help get people's attention and alert them to a safety risk like car horns and train whistles . These sounds can help make people aware of a danger they may not see such as a fire truck trying to quickly get to a fire. Music and Movement: Pretend Play: Pretend you and your child are going to ride the train. How do you know the train is coming? What sounds do you hear? What are we supposed to do when the train is coming? Hold your hand, look for the train, stand behind the yellow. How do we know what stop to get off at? Who lets you know what stop you are on?Carpet time: People/stuffed toys: Play with the people/stuffed toys, build houses with blocks, use blocks or car toys to pretend they are emergency vehicles. Pretend that there is a fire in the houses/buildings. What should the people hear and do when there is a fire? What emergency vehicles do we hear and see? - Fire truck ambulance. Practice making the sounds of the emergency vehicles with your child. Fine Motor/Manipulatives: Puzzles- students will use puzzles in multi-faceted ways including matching skills and identification skills by displaying 3 pieces and directing the child which one to select.Mr. Potato Head- students can also use Mr. Potato head to work on identifying body parts and can use it when identifying body parts that are used when following different classroom rules. Sensory: Using play dough work on hand strengthening through rolling playdough and pushing it out and pinching it.Art: Draw, paint, or build a fire truck using basic shapes by helping students use scissors to cut out the basic shapes of a rectangle, a square, 2 circles Writing: Work on writing simple shapes drawing: hexagon and octogon on your white board or pieces of paper. Work on writing/tracing letters of the month /a/e/l/p. Work on writing/tracing students' names. Literacy: Books- Your child will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week.This week’s letter is /Pp/. Review the letter sound with your learner. Students will use a book with an adult to find words and pictures in the book that start with the letter of the week. Book suggestion: Spanish: Math: Using a hanger and 2 pieces of string, create a weight scale. Using household objects, tie 1 object on the left. Then tie another object on the right. Hold the hanger up. one side will go lower to show that it is heavy. The higher side is the lighter side. Talk to your child about how objects can weigh heavy or light. Help your child sort which object is heavy and which object is light.Feel free to use other household objects not listed above. ThursdayOct. 29, 2020Yesterday we were learning about some sounds that use our sense of hearing to alert us to a danger we may not be able to see. We reviewed and heard the sound fire trucks make and some other sounds that are meant to get people's attention. Today we are going to hear the sound of a fire alarm and a smoke detector. When we hear the smoke detector/fire alarm. What is it signaling (telling)us to do. We learned that it means there may be a possible danger we cannot see. But a smoke detector also signals for people to leave a building or location and call 911.Music and Movement/Sensory: : Listen to the song and show/practice how to safely evacuate out of your home in the case of an emergency. Practice using the sensory obstacle course. Create an obstacle course with pillows, blankets and cardboard (empty food boxes or empty mail packages). Parents can put the blanket above the couch to pretend it is smokey and have their child crawl on the floor. Help your child crumble paper to represent the fire that your child has to jump over. Put pillows on the floor to indicate an area your child needs to walk around to safely get to the door (exit). Talk to your child about how they are moving as they are touching the floor and covering their nose. Jumping on over the fire and touching the door to see if it is hot before they open the door. \Art: Help your child draw or paint a map of where they went in order to safely exit out of your home. Pretend Play: Explore where your smoke detector is. Pretend to make the sound when the smoke detector rings. What are the next actions you and your child need to take? Walking out the door with everyone and staying safe by listening to the adults.Writing: work with your child in following directions for stopping and starting. Make a large dot or draw a star near the top of a piece of paper and another dot/star directly below. Give your child the direction to draw a line down and show them where to start and stop. Work on writing/tracing letters of the month /a/e/l/p. Work on writing/tracing your child’s name. Fine MotorManipulatives: Beading- Beading can also be used as a sorting task based on bead color or a patterning task. If you do not have beads at home do not worry you can cut/poke or hole punch holes in paper shapes and have your student bead that onto string or you can cut plastic bending straws and have students use them as beads. Literacy: Books- Your child will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week.This week’s letter is /Pp/. Review the letter sound with your learner. Your child will use pictures to create a collage of words that start with that letter of the week Book suggestion: Spanish: Math: Using a hanger and 2 pieces of string, create a weight scale. Using household objects, tie 1 object on the left. Then tie another object on the right. Hold the hanger up. one side will go lower to show that it is heavy. The higher side is the lighter side. Talk to your child about how objects can weigh heavy or light. Help your child sort which object is heavy and which object is light.Feel free to use other household objects not listed above. FridayOct. 30, 2020This week we have been learning about our sense of hearing and over the last couple weeks we have been learning about our other senses. Today let's review our 5 senses and how each of our senses: sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing can help us stay safe as we think about and practice fire safety and other ways we can stay safe using our senses.We need to use our hearing and our eyes to watch and listen to the adults for directions.We should use our sense of smell to see if we smell smoke. At the door we should use our sense of touch to touch the door and feel if it is hot. Practice with your child, what should you do? – we should crouch and get low to the floor to make our way to the door. At the door we should use our sense of touch to touch the door and feel if it is hot – if the door is cool to the touch it is safe to open and peek outside to use our sense of sight to look and see if we can see fire before we would leave the house. Music and Movement: (music starts at 1min 8sec).Science: Fire Safety- what to do if we are on fire. Practice Stop drop and roll. Use a blanket lifted above the ground by chairs and pretend it is smoke encourage your child to get low to the floor and practice crawling under the smoke. Carpet time: Build/Pretend Play: Help your child use trains, cars and other toys with wheels that can be pushed. Use water bottles, toilet paper rolls and tissue boxes or blocks to create a firetruck and a house. Talk with your child about being a fireman. What does a fireman do? What sound do fire trucks make when they are close by? How do we know a fire truck is coming? What happens when there is a fireman? Work on hand eye coordination and moving body/ crawling on the floor during play.Pretend Play/ Fine Motor Manipulatives/ Sensory: Have your child fill up a bottle. Have your child pretend that they are firemen spraying a fire. What do fireman's use when they spray a fire. Help your child work on their hand strength by having then squeeze the spray bottle to put out the pretend fire. You can use balls of paper or plastic cups to pretend they are fire. Set them up on the side of the bathtub and have your child spray till all are knocked down. Talk about what we used to put the fire out (water). Art: Draw or paint a drawing of fire and smoke.Writing: Work on writing simple shapes drawing on your white board or pieces of paper. Work on writing/tracing letters of the month /a/e/l/p. Work on writing/tracing students' names. Literacy Books- Your child will sit with a parent and be taught book handling and care, turning pages, attending to 2D images, and attending to a story being read to them. Work on picture identification and what and where questions while looking at books. Work on finding words that begin with the letter of the week.This week’s letter is /Pp/. Review the letter sound with your learner. Students will walk around their homes with an adult to help with identifying objects in the home that start with our letter of the week. Book suggestion: Spanish and English: Math: Using a hanger and 2 pieces of string, create a weight scale. Using household objects, tie 1 object on the left. Then tie another object on the right. Hold the hanger up. one side will go lower to show that it is heavy. The higher side is the lighter side. Talk to your child about how objects can weigh heavy or light. Help your child sort which object is heavy and which object is light.Feel free to use other household objects not listed above. Social Emotional- Review Week 6: Focus Word- mon Core Goals:CC Domain 1 – PK.AL.FS.1: Actively and confidently engages in play as a means of exploration and learning – a. Interacts with a variety of materials through Domain 2 – PK.PDH.5: Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and dexterity needed to manipulate objects – e. Uses buttons, zippers, snaps, and hooks and loops successfully?CC Domain 3 – PK.SE.6: Understands and follows routines and rules. – b. Engages easily in routine activitiesCC Domain 4 – PK.CLL.AC.1: Demonstrate that they are motivated to communicate – a. Participates in small or large group activities for storytelling, singing, and/or finger Domain 4A– PK.AC.1: Demonstrates motivation to communicate – c. Listens attentively for a variety of purposes.?CC Domain 5– PK.CKW.ScientificThiknings.6: Acquires knowledge about the physical properties of the world – a. describes, compares, and categorizes objects based on their properties. CC Domain 2 – PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning – a. Identifies sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and Domain 2 – PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning – b. Compares and contrasts different sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and Domain 2 – PK.PDH.1: Uses senses to assist and guide learning – c. Uses descriptive words to discuss sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures. ................

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