Board of Secondary Education, Madhya Pradesh



Time 3 Hrs. Max Marks - 100

(Theory - 75 Practical 25)

      Unit 1.0      Data Processing Concepts.

Fundamentals : Defining Data processing and main steps ivolved in data processing,

     Comparison of Human and Computerised methods of data processing.

File Organisation : Sequential Access file, Random Access file, Indexed

Squential Access.

Defining various files according to their usage : Master file, Transaction

files, Reference files, Archival files, Working files, Backup files, Report files.

Modes of processing : Batch, offline, on-line, real-time and distributed processing,

      Designing Logical files, Data item collection, preparation, verification, editing and checking.

Key fields and arranging Data : Key field, Primary, Secondary and

arranging data, Concept of file sorting, searching, matching and merging.

      Unit 2.0      Basics of data communication Network and Internet.

1.1      Basics of Data Communication.

Concept of Data Communications : Data Communication Code (Data encoding, ANSI, IBM),

Communication speed or Rate, Private vs Switched Channels, Analogy and Digital Tarmsmission,

Parallel and Serial Transmission, Tariff, Communication Protocol/Standard

 Data Communication Modes : Svnchronous and Asynchronous, Transmission, Simplex,

                                     half duplex, Full duplex Communication.

  Communication Hardware : Sender and Receiver Hardware (Nodes and workstation,

                         Multiplexer), Communication devices (Modems, Line drivers, CODEC),

                      Communication channels, (Two wire open line, Twistel pair cable, Coaxal cable,

                          Fibre Optic cable, Radio, microwave and satellite channels).

1.2 Basics of Computer Networking.

Fundamentals : Network Concept, Types of Network : LAN, WAN. Network Typologies         and their advantages and disadvantages.Star, Bus, and Ring.

LAN Access Method : CSMA/CD, Token passing.

Seven Layers of Communication Architecture : Application, Presentation, Session, Transport,

                                     Network, Data link and Physical.

LAN Hardware and Software : Transmission channel (Twisted pair cable, Coaxal Cable,

    Fiber optic cable, Radio waves), Network Interface Cards (Ethernet Arcent), Server (File Server,              Printer Server, Modem server, distinguish between dedicated and Non-dedicated server),                                      awareness of LAN Software and Operating System.

Awareness of Wide Area Network : Communication

Switching Techniques : Circuit switching. Message swithching and Packet switching

                                     (Datagram, virtual circuit) , WAN devices/

Hardware : Bridges, Routers, Gateways, X.25.

Types of WAN : 1. Public Networks : PSTN, PSDN, VAN/VAD, ISDN

                          2. Private Networks.

2.3 Basics of Internet

Fundamental : Internet and working, governing of internet, financing.

Tools and services on Internet : Functional attributes of Electronic mail, World Wide Web

                                     (WWW), Hypertext, Hyperling, Hyper media, User Group, newsgroups, FAQ, FTP, Telnet, Internet

relay chart.

Search Engines : Search engines, PS function-Infoseck, Cycos, Altavista, Netscape,

Excite, Yahoo, Khoj, Deva, Internet Explorer, Nets- cape Nevigator/Communicator.

Communication Protocol : TCP/IP

User identification : Domain Narming System or Letter Addressing System (Organisation

                                     Domain, Geographic Domain), Required Hardware and Software to user of Internet.

Ways for internet connection. Direct Link, Indirect link, Dial up access through Internet

                                     services Povoider (IPS) and accounts : (SI, IP, PPP, Shell accounts).

Internet in India : Internet Access Through ISP-Educational Network (ERNET), Gateway

                                     Internet Access Service (CHAS) and VSNI. Research getting, Internet connected through VSNI.

Unit 3.0 Database Management System :

3.1      Database Management System

Fundamentals : Distinguish between DATA and INFORMATION Defining Database

                                     and its characteristics. Types of Data bases (Sample, Relational), Defining need of a

                                     Computerised Database.

DBMS : Defining Database Management System. Three level of Architecture of a DBMS.

                                     Internal, External and Conceptual, Data Independence Feature. speed of Information Retrieval.

Different Approaches : for Data Retrieval : Ilierarchical, Network Relational, Differences

                                     between Ilierarchical and Network Databases versus Relational Databases, Database Management

                                     System versus File Management System. Indexing and searching techniques : Indexing, Binary

                                     search, Index Sequential Access Method.

      3.2      Fox (Pro) Application Package.

Introducting Fox Pro : Running Fox Pro. exploring Fox Pro-menu system with mouse and

                                     keyboard, type of fields -: character, numeric, float date. logical, memo, general creating of a

                                     data-base file structure, entering record in a data-base file, listing contents of a database file using

                                     options with LIST, using Fox Pro. Help system, Moving and re-sizing common window.

Viewing and Editing Data with : DISPLAY, LIST/DISPLAY, LOCATE, EDIT, CHANGE,

                                     BROWSE, REPLACE, DELETE, RECALL. PACK RECNO() modifiying structure, handing

                                     memo field.

Sorting and indexing Database File : Defining sorting, Indexing sorting file with SORT command

                                     and its options, indexing file with index command and its options, comparison between SORT and

                                     INDEX commands. distinguish between CDX, IDX, finding information with FIND and SEEK


Reports and label : Creating and saving report format and a quick report generating. previewing

                                     and printing a report, saving a report in a text file, designing a custom report. adding feature of report,

                                     grouping and sub-grouping of data in a report designing, mailing address labels, displaying and printing

                                     labels. Memory variables, Date & Time functions and key Trapping: Defining memory variables.

                                     creating and using memory variables displaying and manipulating information with ?/?? TIME ()

                                     Displaying system clock on a screen. SECOND(), SYS(2). DATE() OMONTII() CMONTII()

                                     YEAR() DTOC(). CTOD(). DOW() CDOW(). STR(). SUBSTR(). UPPER(). TRIM().

                                     REPLICATE(). INDKEY() LASTKEY(), READKEY(). ON KEY(). ON KEY LABLE command.

             Mathematical functions and commands : Controlling decimal digits in result. SORT(), INT(),

                                     FV(). PV(), ABS(). ROUND(). MIN(). MAX() BETWEEN() MOD() AND % LEN(), SUM,

                                     AVERAGE, COUNT CAL- CULATE.

Windows, menu. popups. Radio buttons, Check boxes using commands : DEFINE

        WINDOW with its options DEFINE MENU with its options, DEFINE POPUP with its option,

                                     creating radiobuttons and check boxes using GET and FUNCTION with its options.

Creating and running command, flying commands : MODIFY COMMAND. DO WHILE-END

                                     DO, SKIP, ACCEPT INPUT, @ROW. COLSAY GET-READ. WAIT Mathematical, relational and

                                      logical operations IF- END IF. SCAN-ENDSCAN. FOR-END FOR, DO CASE END CASE TEXT-

                                      END TEXT, SETCOMMANDS, Multiple file handing, using SELECT SET RELATION TO

                                      PROCEDURE names, SET PROCEDURE TO PROCEDURE name DO WITH list of memory

                                      variables, running command file with DO command.


Practicals in Computer application

Class XII

Time 3 Hrs. M.M. 25

      1.      Practicals based on Internet 5 Marks

      2. Practicals based on Fox Pro 10 Marks

  3. Internal assessment (Examination of Practical record/Project file) 5 Marks

  4. Viva 5 Marks  


Total 25 Marks





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