Senior Project Self Evaluation

|Answer the following questions using proper grammar and conventions. The self evaluation must be typed. Bold face the questions and type |

|your answers below them. Have someone read it for errors. Edit it. Print it. Turn it in to the Mrs. Nightingale.  |

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|Questions— |

|Total Hours spent on your Senior Project:___________ |

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|In at least 75 words, describe your physical project. Imagine you are explaining it to someone who has never heard of your project before.|

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|In at least 50 words, describe your research paper. Explain how it connects to your project. |

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|Would you feel threatened to show your project to an expert for evaluation? (25- 50 words) |

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|Describe very specifically how you strived to make your project the very best quality you could.  Consider your skills in creativity, |

|professionalism, time management, communication, organization, and/or problem solving skills. Use at least 50 words. |

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|What was the biggest challenge you faced while completing this project? (25-50 words) |

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|What was your favorite part of the entire Senior Project process? |

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|In what ways has the Senior Project changed your concept of yourself? Are you more confident in your abilities? Are you more focused and |

|directed? Are you more willing to take risks? What have you learned about yourself to help prepare you for the next step after high |

|school? (at least 100 words) |

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|When you reflect on the process, what would you change and what are you most proud of? Justify each answer. (at least 100 words) |

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|Which aspect of the Senior Project provided the greatest learning for you? Explain why. |

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|Now that you are nearing the completion of your project, what three tips would you share with students who are about to start their |

|process? Explain why these tips are significant. |

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|Who was most helpful to you and what is your final impression of working with your mentor? |

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|How has this project influenced your future plans in relation to work, education, and/or personal interest? |

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|What changes do you think should be made to future senior projects? (25-50 words) |

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|On a scale of 1 to 5, what rating would you give yourself for your Senior Project? (1 POOR, 3 AVERAGE, 5 EXCELLENT!) Justify the |

|evaluation of your rating in at least 100 words. Give specific support with examples.  |


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