Memo to File

|04016 |Electric Vehicles Supply Equipment |Philip Saunders |

|Contract Type: New Rebid Replacement WSCA Enterprise General Use |

|Restricted to:_____________ |

|Contract Duration: Initial Term: 2 years months Maximum life: 8 years & Date: 9-9-24 |

|Estimated Term Worth: $2,246,922 Estimated Annual Worth: $187,243 |

|Number of: Bidders notified: 811 MWBE’s notified: 24; WA Small Business notified: 155; Veteran Owned Business notified: 26; Bids received: 13 Bids Rejected: 3 |

| WEBS was used to notify bidders 7-8-16. |

|WEBS commodity Codes used: 285-02, 060-09, 450-07, 941-21, 285-37, 290-80, 285-79, 961-83 |

|% DVA: ______ MWBE Goal: 3 % MWBE Award: WBE% _____ MBE%_____ |

| |

|Self Identified WBE% ______ Self Identified MBE% ______ |

|Executive Summary: |This contract is new to Department of Enterprise Services and encompasses Governor Inslee’s Electric Fleets |

| |Initiative. The contract is a cooperative and can be used by any State. |

|[pic] | |

|Bid Development |

|Stakeholder work |Provided specifications with anticipated prime users Dept. of Commerce, WSDOT, DES Fleet Manager, and City of Seattle |

|Customer Forum? |for comments and updates. |

|Vendor Forum? | |

|Supplier Diversity Strategy: |Ensured MWBEs (OMWBE's certification directory) was aware of upcoming solicitation for EVSE, commodity codes 285-02, |

| |060-09, 450-07, 941-21, 285-37, 290-80, 285-79, 961-83. Provided WEBS link for vendors that may not yet be registered|

| |in order to do so. |

| | |

| |Certification language provided “Up Front”, section 1.10 – 1.12 in solicitation. |

| Peer Review |IFB was reviewed by Contracts Specialists Momi Friedlander, Keith Farley, and Los Angeles Fleet manager Richard |

| |Teebay. Unit Manager Cynthia Shaw reviewed the IFB as well. |

| Management Fee? |Management fee of .74% was included in the IFB. |

|Bid Process |

|Pre-Bid Conference: |Followed lean process on IFB by having a Pre-Bid meeting and stakeholder conference (questions and answers) with all |

|Date: |required parties for the best contract product possible. Also required electronic and hard copy submittals of bids to|

|[pic] |easily transfer data. |

|Amendment(s): 0 |N/A |

|Bid Evaluation—Responsiveness and Scoring |

|Bid Due Date: 7-29-16 | |

|Bids Sealed & Signed? |Received thirteen (13) IFBs submittal electronically and hard copy. |

|Received all required submittals? |Ten (10) of thirteen (13) IFBs submitted were deemed responsive. |

|Bid Evaluation—Responsibility and Price Analysis |

|Non-Cost factors Evaluation |Responsive submittals were scored by the stakeholder committee on a |

| |Pass/fail basis for the “Lowest Price”. |

|Price Sheet |Pricing for the services provided is determined by the discounted price list from the contractor/vendor during the |

| |process, and is based on the “lowest discounted price by catalog per vendor” submitted with the IFB. |

| |Non-Cost Evaluation: |

|[pic] |The Non Cost evaluation was conducted by the Stakeholders, who ranked the Bidders in order of scores with the highest |

| |scores submitted (responsive to lowest price) for placement in the Rapid Selection Vendor Pool. Non-Cost evaluation |

| |will be subjected to preferences and penalties required by law, rule, or the solicitation. |

| | |

| |Rapid Selection Process Evaluation |

| |Proposers/bidders whose overall compliance and lowest price will be offered a Master Contract and be placed in the |

| |Rapid Selection Process for purchases. |

|Qualifications: |The apparent successful bidder(s) provided all of the documentation necessary and can meet the needs of the State. |

|Results & Recommendation |

|Recommendation: |After completing a competitive solicitation it is in the best interest of the State to award and enter the following |

| |responsive and responsible bidder to for Contract 04016 for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). |

| | |

| |1.ABM |

| |2. Broadband Telecom |

| |3. EV Connect |

| |4. Freewire |


| |6. Puget Sound Solar |

| |7. Tellus Power |

| |8. Valley Electric |

| |9. Wireless Advanced Vehicle Electrification |

| |10. Zeco Systems |

| |Bidder’s Qualifications |

| |EVSE Repair Services |

| |Smart/Basic Hardware Installation Services |

| |Customer Service |

| |Smart/Basic Turnkey Solution |

| |Cost Control |

| |Contractor Reports |

| |Smart/Basic Core Network Services |

| |Contractor Additional Services |

| |Case Study |

| |All Regions in Washington State |

| | |

|Award Activities |

|Implementation Plan |Notification will be sent to successful vendors after Unit Manager approval and counter signature. Contract will be effective |

| |September 9, 2016. |

|WEBS | Notify bidders of the award via WEBS |

| |Once contract award has been finalized, archive bid in WEBS |

|Communication | Send rejection letter to those bidders to disqualified bidders |

| |Send apparent successful bidder announcement letter |

| |Send Award Announcement letters to all bidders |

| |Email UM a brief award announcement for Bi-Weekly Broadcast |

|Contract | Model Contract updated to reflect Bid Amendment language |

|PCMS | Populate PCMS Info Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Expanded Description Tab |

| |Add Web remark in the PCMS Remarks Tab announcing the award of the contract |

| |Complete PCMS Internet Tab to include relevant search terms |

| |Complete PCMS Commodities Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Vendors Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Customer Tab |

| |Complete PCMS Fees Tab |

| |Complete PCMS WBE/MBE Percent |

|Post Contract to DES Website |Copy the following files into the G:\Shared Info\INTERNET folder: |

| |Copy Contract file 04016c |

| |Copy the price sheet 04016p |

| |Copy the qualifications |

| |Copy the bid tab 04016.xls |

| |Copy the bid document 04016b |

| |Copy the bid amendments 04016a |


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