OSPI Data Tools to Support EL Program ...

[Pages:2]OSPI Data Tools to Support EL Program Evaluation

Public Access

Name and Link TBIP Appendices Reports.aspx Performance Indicators k12.wa.us/DataAdmin/Perf ormanceIndicators/DataAnalytics .aspx

Student Growth Percentiles nt/StudentGrowth.aspx

Why access this? Language data, time in program (parent notification letters), enrollment by district (find districts similar to in size and percentage of students), student outcomes on ELPA21 and other state assessments, outcomes for exited ELs, State highly capable data, percentage of ELs who qualify for SPED

1. Interactive 4 and 5 year graduation data to quickly analyze performance gaps across student groups within districts while simultaneously comparing results with other, similar districts

2. Postsecondary enrollment rates by race/ethnicity and student groups. Remediation rates for Math and English.

3. Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) in all six indicators by student group.

4. Statewide assessment data for both proficiency and student growth by student group.

5. Enrollment in college-level courses and dual credit. (e.g., AP, IB, Running Start, Tech Prep) by student groups.

6. Compare gaps by race/ethnicity in 9th grade course failure rates. 7. Suspensions and expulsion by race, sex, program, etc. 8. Chronic absenteeism by race, sex, program, etc. Describe a student's growth compared to their academic peers with similar prior test scores

REPORT CARD Smarter Balanced /TemplateDetail.aspx?domain=S BAC REPORT CARD ELPA21 /TemplateDetail.aspx?domain=W ELPA

REPORT CARD Demographic Data /summary.aspx Data Download /DataDownload.aspx

Smarter Balanced assessment data by grade level for English Language Arts and Math. You can view trends for the individual school, district of entire state.

Student performance for the English Language Proficiency test for the 21st Century (ELPA21). The state administered the Washington English Language Proficiency Assessment (WELPA) on 2011-12 through 2014-15, and prior to that, the Washington Language Proficiency Test (WLPT-II). You can view either details or trend for an individual school, school district or the entire state. Race and ethnicity and special programs

All data posted on Report Card can be downloaded in Excel, by state, school district, and school.

*NEW* Washington School Improvement Framework /SchoolIndex_2018.aspx

Password Protected Tools

Name LEP Application


Log into EDS > applications list. If not listed, reach out to your District Data Security Manager to gain access: .

Title III Data (WAMS)

Report Card Preview (EDS)

WAMS under File Downloads > 2017 Administration > 8. NonAssessment Files > DistrictSD_2017SYT3TBIPRpt

Contact your district assessment coordinator to access the data ( DistrictTestCoordinators.pdf) Log into EDS > applications list. If not listed, reach out to your District Data Security Manager to gain access: .

Use Lists for enrollment, detailed student info, parent waived, program model counts, nonqualifying student, withdraw/termination, exited TBIP. Assessment reports and peer analysis. Possible Eligible Not Reported (data cleanup). Exited-EL data, transition rates by grade span.

Unsuppressed data for districts and schools with smaller student counts. Districts can preview unsuppressed data before it is released publicly.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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