

L[-.JF an. 21.7 x8-7Ir.


MAYO, Tho-n ,M.D., F. R S., formerly President of the Royal College of Physicians, at rrsham, Wiltshire, aged 8I, on January I3th.

*SCARR, R. T., Esq., Surgeon, at Bishop's Stortford, aged 6i, on January ist.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND.-The following gentlemen passed their primary examinations in anatomy and physiology, at a meeting of the Court of Examiners, on Jan. 17th; and, when eligible, will be admitted to the pass examination.

Messrs. W. C. Sparrow, Robert L. Sparrow, Thomas J. Hughes, and William MurrayT (Dublin School): Henry Pigeon and John Sprod (Bristol School) Joseph H. Mitchsinson and William D. Bowkett (London Hospital); Henryi. Payne and Robert Birch (King's College) ; Arthur H. Bateman and Charles E Alford (University College); Henry Thompson and Francis E. Thurland (St. Bartholomew's Hospital); Charles H. Newby (St. Thomas's Hospital); Joseph 0. Pires (Bombay); Henry M. Aspinall (Manchester School): George A. Critchett (Middlesex Hospital); David Munro (Kingston, Canada); Walter Hallam (Sheffield School); and William G. Nash (Guy's Hospital.

APOTHECARIES' HALL.-The following gentlemen passed their examination in the science and practice of medicine, and received

certificates to practise, on Thursday, January I2th, I871.

Cass, Stafford Thomas, 20, St. George's Road, S.W. Hollinshead, Francis, Selby Oak, near Birmingham

MEDICAL VACANCIES. THE following vacancies are announced:-

BEDFORD, County of-Surgeon to Visitors of Houses Licensed for Lunatics. BRISTOL ROYAL INFIRMARY-Assistant-Physiciarn for the Out-patient De-

partment; Assistant-Surgeon for Out-patient Department: 28th. CHELTENHAM GENERAL HOSPITAL AND DISPENSARY-Surgeon:

applications, 2ast; election, 31st. CLONMEL DISTRICT LUNATIC ASYLUM-Assistant Resident Physician:

applications, 25th; election, Feb. 2nd. COUNTY OF WICKLOW INFIRMARY-Surgeon; Apothecary; applications,


WOMEN, Ratcliff Cross-Surgeon: applications, 23rd; Weekly Board, 24th. HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST, Victoria Park-Assistant-

Physician: applications, 26th. KENT AND CANTERBURY HOSPITAL-Assistant House-Surgeon and Dis-

penser: applications, 26th; election, 27th. KENT COUNTY OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL, Maidstone-Consulting Sur-

geon: March i8th. MANCHESTER ROYAL INFIRMARY- Physicians'Assistant. MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL- Resident Medical Officer: Medical Committee, 2ISt. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE DISPENSARY-Two Visiting Assistants: appli-

cations, 26th; duties, Feb. 24th. NORTH ST. PANCRAS PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION-Physician. ROYAL SURREY COUNTY HOSPITAL, Guildford-Medical Officer: Feb. 23rd. SHEEPWASH, Devonshire-Medical Officer for the Foresters and other Clubs.


Names mtarked with an asterisk are those of Members of the Association. *GAYTON, William, L.R. C.P. Ed., appointed Medical Superintendent of the Small-

pox Hospital, Homerton. Toiws, C. S. Esq., appointed Lecturer on Dental Anatomy and Physiology at the

London School of Dental Surgery, Soho Square, vice *G. A. Ibbetson, Esq., resigned. *WARINGCURRAN, J., L.K. & Q.C.P.I., elected Surgeon to the Pleasley Vale Works, near Mansfield.

BREAKFAST DELICACIES.-According to the Chernist anzd Druggist,

Americans are manufacturing golden syrup with sulphuric acid and starch. It is said to blacken the teeth and "chaw up the gizzard". From the same land of innocence we read of currant jelly being made out of

old boots.


MONDAY ......Metropolitan Free, 2 P.M.-St. Mark's, I.30 P.M-Royal London

Ophthalmic, II A.M.

TUESDAY ...... Guy's, 1.30 P.M.-Westminster, 2 P.m.-National Orthopadic,

2 P.M.-Royal London Ophthalmic, II A. hi.-Royal Free, 2 P.M.

WEDNESDAY.. SItP..MB.a-rUtnhiovleormseiwt'ys,Co1l.l3e0geP,.M2 .P-.SMt..-SMta.ryT'hso,maI.so'3s0,PI.MP..-MM.i-dLdolnesdeoxn., P.M.-Royal London Ophthalmic, II A M.-Great Northern, P.M.-Samaritan Free Hospital for Women and Children, 2.30

P.M. -Cancer Hospital, Brompton, 3 P. M.-King's College, 2 P.M.


St. George's,




I P.M.-Central London Ophthalmic, P.M.-Royal London Ophthalmic, II



pital for Diseases of the Throat, 2 P.M.

FRIDAY ........Westminster Ophthalmic, 2.30 P.M.-Royal London Ophthalmic, II A.M.-Central London Ophthalmic, 2 P.M.

P.M.-King's SATURDAY ... St. Thomas's, 9.30 A.M,-St. Bartholomew's, 2.30

College, 2.30 P.M.-Charing Cross, I P. -Lock (Clinical Demonstrations and Operations), I P.M.-Royal London Ophthalmic,

II A. M.-Royal Free, 2 P.M.-East London Hospital for Chil-

dren, 2 P.M.-Hospital for Women, 9.30 A.M.


MONDAY.-Medical Society of London, 8.30 P.M. Mr. F. J. Gant, The Lettsomian Lectures on Excisional Surgery of the Joints; The Conditions appropriate for Excision; The Operations; [After-Treatment and Results. Lecture II, "The Hip and Ankle."

TUESDAY.-Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, 8.30 P.M. Mr. French, "On the Cause of the Post Mortem Muscular Contraction in Cholera"; Dr. Robert Lee, " Cases of Hysteria, with Sneezing"; Dr. Meryon, " Suggestions in support of a System of Rational Therapeutics."-Ethnological Society of London, 8 P.M. Rev. Dr. Steere, " On the Languages and Tribes of East Africa"; Dr. Eyschmacher, " On African Weapons and Implements"; communicated by Sir J. Luibbock, Bart., M. P., "A Zulu Law Case".

FRIDAY.-Clinical Society of London, 8.30 P.M. Dr. Silver, "On the Use of Veratrum Viride in Rheumatism"; Mr. Teevan, " On Four Cases of Operating for unsually large Calculi"; Dr. Handfield Jones, " Two Cases of Chorea, with

Urinary Analyses"; " On Puncture in Anasarca"; Dr. Broadbent, " On Para-

lysis of the Soft Palate resembling Diphtheritic Paralysis"



Operation for Tumour of Orbit, by Mr. Reeves.

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. The charge for inserting announcements of Births, Marriages, and Deaths,

is 3s. 6d., which should beforwarded in stamzs with the communication.

BIRTHS. CLOVER.-On December 6th, 1870, at 3, Cavendish Place, Cavendish Square, the

wife of *J. T. Clover, Esq., of a son. MILLER.-On January i4th, at St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, the wife of *Hugh

Miller, M.D., of a daughter. PICARD.-On January sith, at Abbey Road, London, the wife of P. Kirkpatrick

Picard, M.D., of a son. PLAYFASR.-On January I2th, at Curzon Street, the wife of *W. S. Playfair, M.D.,

of a son.

SMITH.-On January i3th, at Cobham, Surrey, the wife of *Rowland Smith, Esq., Surgeon, of a daughter.

THOMPSON.- On January I5th, at Leamington, the wife of *James Thompson, M. B., of a daughter.


ARMSTRONG, Henry, Esq., third son of *John Armstrong, M.D., of Gravesend, to Janet, eldest daughter of George ELPHINSTONE, Esq., of Oakfield House, Streatham Common, on January 12th.

HAIRE, John H., Esq., Retired Surgeon R.N., to Isabella, daughter of the late Robert TENNENT, Esq., of Glasgow, at Kingston, Portsea, on January 12th.

KING, Henry Kirwan, M.B., of Welwyn, Herts, to Sara, third daughter of the late Donald Mac Taggart Esq., of North Lodge, at Aberdeen, on January 12th.

MIDDLEMIST, Robert P., Esq., Surgeon, of Bedford Place, Russell Suare, to Alice, youngest daughter of the late James REID, M.D., of Brook Street, on January

i4th. DEATHS.

FIFE, Sir John, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, at Reedsmouth, aged 75, on January gth. FITZ PATRICK. On January s3th, aged 44, Mary Anne Ulrica, wife of *John Fitz

Patrick, M.D., retired Surgeon-Major Madras Army.


ALL Letters and Communicationsfor the JOURNAL, to be addressed to the EDITOR,

37, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. CORRESPONDENTS not answered, are requested to look to the Notices to Corre-

spondents of the following week. To PURCHASERS.-TO insure attention, it is requested that all orders sent to the Office

for extra copies of the JOURNAL, be accompanied with stamps for the amount.


CORRESPONDENTS, who wish notice to be taken of their communications, should

authenticate them with their names-of course, not necessarily for publication.

MR. BRADLEY'S, Mr. Trotter's, Mr. Lawson Tait's, anid Mr. Lane's papers shall

have early insertion.

THE letter which we last week published on Small-pox in Hospitals, from Mr. C. Roberts of Bolton Row, was erroneously attributed to Dr. F. T. Roberts of Uni-

versity College Hospital.

ERRATUM,- In Dr. Banks's paper in the JOURNAL of January 7th, page 2, column I, line 6 of third paragraph, for " syrup of the suepthate of iron and quinine", read " syrup of the thosthate of iron and quinine"


SIR,-In answer to Dr. C. H. T., I beg to suggest the following formula, which I

have frequently prescribed, and have myself taken. I have never found or expe-

rienced the least complaint or intolerance of the chloral hydrate thus adminis-

tered. Hydrate of chloral, 20 grains; syrup of tolu, syrup of orange-peel, each

3i; water to Si. The dose to be taken diluted in at least half a tumbler of water. It may not be out of place to state that, as the hypnotic effect is often almost

immediate, the patient should be in bed when the draught is taken.

December I870.

I am, etc.,


Jan. 21, 1871.]




COMMUNICATIONS have been received from the under-mentioned gentlemen, and the necessary steps have been taken towards election into the Association, as to

which they will receive official notice:Dr. J. Maclachlan, Walsall- Mr. M. Coates, Devonport: Mr. H. Crutchley,

Alsager; Mr. W. Cockcroft, Catterick, Yorkshire; Dr. W. S. Irvine, Pitlochry, N.B.; Dr. J. Currie, Lydney, Gloucestershire; Dr. E. Lynes, Coventry; Mr. J. Jones, Cardiff; Dr. G. C. Phipps, Manchester; Dr. W. J. Marshall, Greenock; Mr. J. Caldwell, Lanark; Mr. R. W. Egan, Dublin: Mr. H. Jay, Chippenham; Mr. T. McClure, Wellow, Bath; Dr. W. W. Campbell, Dunse, N. B.; Dr. W. Kennedy, Wick, N.B.; Dr. J. Carmichael, Burntisland, N.B.; Mr. W. Nuttall, Heywood, Lancashire; Dr. J. Simpson, R. N. Hospital, Stonehouse; Dr. J. Coats, Glasgow; Mr. W. J. Barkas, Boroughbridge, Yorkshire; Mr. J. G. T. Forbes, Woolwich; Dr. J. Young, Edinburgh; Dr. W. M. Crowfoot, Beccles; Mr. P. R.

Cresswell, Merthyr Tydfil; Mr. T. Batten, Coleford, Gloucestershire; Mr. F. Bateman, Canterbury; Dr. W. Leishman, Glasgow; Mr. C. Heaton, Leek; Mr. P. Porter, Tideford, Cornwall; Dr. A. Mackintosh, Callington, Cornwall; Mr. Wade, H.M.S. Irnzfregnable, Devonport; Dr. T. A. Chapman, Hereford; Dr. J. Dobbie, Glasgow; Mr. J. H. Wathen, Fishguard, S. Wales; Dr. M. T. Sadler, jun., Barnsley; Mr. E. W. S. Davis, Aberdare; Dr. J. A. Innes, Dufftown, Banffshire; Mr. D. Havard, Newport, Pembrokeshire; Mr. W. Summerhayes, Ealing; Dr. H. J. Young, Bridgnorth; Mr. J. Roberts, Golcar, near Huddersfield; Mr. J. F. McMahon, Market Deeping : Mr. G. Richards, Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire; Mr. J. N. Stevens, Plymouth; Mr. T. Buxton, Fazeley; Mr. W. B. Thomson, Edinburgh; Mr. Ed. Crickmay, Laxfield Villa, near Framlingham; Mr. S. F. Underhay, Gussage All Saints, Dorset; Mr. T. Wise, Castletown, Isle of Man; Mr. T. Mudge, Bodmin; Dr. C. J. Workman, Teignmouth.; Mr. J. King, Stratton, Cornwall; Dr. J. Worrall, Adare, co. Limerick; Dr. M. G. Painter, Connemara; Dr. H. R. Howatt, Glasgow.


UNDER this head, the Daily Telegratk has the following paragraph :-" The friendly societies of Preston, viewing as a piece of 'trade combination', very detrimental to their interests, the agreement among the surgeons in that town to increase their rate of charges for attendance as 'cluLb doctors', joined together, a twelvemonth ago, in establishing a provident dispensary, the first annual report and balance sheet of which institution have jilst been issued. After paying for furniture and other expenses, which were necessarily heavy at starting, a balance of more than ?20 remains in hand; anid this, too, after a heavy defalcation by one of the officers The dispensary has enabled malny poor persons not connected with the benefit societies to obtain good medical attendance who would otherwise have been almost

compelled to forego stich necessary aid, or to apply to the parish. Our informant

naively adds that 'several of the Preston doctors have recently given up their carriages."' There are probably two sides to this story, and we should be glad to receive some further details from our members in Preston. " Medical clubs" and

"provident dispensaries" are cognate institutions, which equally tend to encourage providence and self-reliance among the poor; and we do not understand the sort of opposition in which they are here described.

A MONTHLY medical reviesv appears this weelk in its first number, under the title of the Doctor. It proposes to " give an epitome of the practice and literature of the medical profession at home and abroad"; and to "present in a few paragraphs the pith of the periodicals, in such a manner that those who desire to enter more fully into any subject may learn where to find the latest researches upon it." We wish success to the new venture, but at present there is a very large gap between its promise and,its performance. Its review of home literature is absurdly meagre, and of foreign literature by far more so. Nor is it of any real service as a guide; for in most instances it does not indicate its souirce; nor does it in any instance do so with proper exactness. Its first article is a badly written abstract of Dr. Gairdner's

paper on Bronchitis with Dropsy, from the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL of Decem-

ber s7th, entirely unacknowledged; its second is an abstract of Dr. Gee's notes on Relapsing Fever, from the JOURNALS of November and December, equally without acknowledgment or reference; its third is a long but very careless and imperfect note on the metropolitan epidemic of small-pox, from various sources, equally without references, and without exact data of any kind its fourth is an abstract of Dr. Sansom's paper on Sulphocarbolates, from our pages of December 24th, also without reference or acknowledgment; and, later on, a page is filled with an abstract of Mr. W. Adams's paper on Subcutaneous Section of the Thigh-Bone, from our number of December 24th, of course without the engravings, which adds so much to the value of that importanit contribution to surgery, and equally without any reference to the source at which the paper is to be found. We appreciate the compliment of these copious extracts, but we do not understand on what ground this sort of proceeding can be justified, or why the fair promise of the programme of the first page is so entirely belied by the unfair performance of the later pages.

VACCINE Lysipit-Can any member oblige the writer by informing him where fresh vaccine lymph from the cow may be obtained? A notice appeared in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL lately, but the address has been forgotten.-E. M. D.

A YOUNG MEMBER.-It is doubtful if there is any opening at Polperro, Polruan, or Fowey, Cornwall. The neighbourhood is well occutpied.

ERRATUM.-In remarks on Dr. Bradbury's Case of a Rare Form of Pulmonary Hemorrhage, in JOURNAL of January i4th, page 35, column i, line 7, for "fluid",

read "florid".

Two AssocIATES.-The Fellows of the College are not entitled to wear a gown Or cap. The only dress of the description mentioned is confined to the President

and Professors. For the former there are three gowns. One, worn on state occasions, is scarlet, covered with gold lace, with a little black silk hat of three corners, last worn, we believe, by Sir William Blizard. Another is of black silk, with purple facings, and covered with frogs, worn on semi-state occasions; and the third is a plain black silk gown, with crimson facings. That of the professors is the counterpart of the last mentioned. The only members of the Council entitled to wear the gown on public occasions are those gentlemen who have passed the chair.


SIR,-I think "Anodyne" will find in " Nepenthe, double strength," as prepared by

Ferris & Co., Bristol, all he desires. Nepenthe is of the same strength as tincture

of opium.

I am, etc.,


Harston, Cambridge, December I870.


SIR,-Now that small-pox is raging in London, and the question of vaccination and re-vaccination is becoming one of the greatest importance, the following statistics

may be of service to some who, like myself, are interested in large schools and


We have just had a mild case of small-pox at the Orphan Working School,

Haverstock Hill; and, as a preventive measure, my partner (Mr. S. S. Alford) and I have vaccinated the whole of the children. We have operated on 376 boys and

girls, every one of whom had previously been vaccinated in infancy, and without

an exception all had well marked cicatrices. Out of these cases of re-vaccination, 325 were more or less successful; 246 having well developed large vesicles on the

eighth day; and 75 were smaller and more shrivelled. Only 55 out of the whole school were considered as not have taken at all. The children varied in age from

8 to 15; and I think we may fairly conclude that in them the primary vaccine

virus had been exhausted, arid that, if the one case of small-pox had not been most

carefully isolated, and the remaining children re-vaccinated, we might have had a terrible outbreak of small-pox in the school.

I may mention, as a practical hint, that' as we were short in our supply of vac-

cine lymph, having only a few large tubes, we freely diluted their contents with

glycerine, evidently without impairing the efficacy of the lymph.

I am, etc.,


i, Fellowes Road, Haverstock Hill. December I870.


SIR,-Might I ask the Secretary of the St. Andrew's Medical Graduates' Associa-

tion, through the medium of the JOURNAL, whether the new regulations at St.

Andrew's are likely to come into operation during I871 ; and if the fee for gra-

duation is to be the same as at present-viz., Fifty Guineas? I presume the new

regulations will be published shortly.

I am, etc.,

December 23rd, 1870.

L. R. C P.EDIN. (exam.)

MR. KERSHAW.-Dr. Crace Calvert may be addressed at the Royal Institution, Manchester. We do not think that the use of charcoal lining to ice-provision safes is a novelty, although the arrangement described is one which may prove to be new and useful.

WE are indebted to correspondents for the following periodicals, containing news, reports, and other matters of medical interest:-The New York Medical Gazette, Dec. 31st; The New York Medical Record, Jan. 5th; The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Jan. 5th; The Madras Mail, Nov, 7th; The Shield, Jan. x4th; The Southport Independent, Jan. iith; The Southport Visiter, Jan. 13th; The Sheffield Daily Telegraph, Jan. sith; The Manchester Daily Examiner and Times, Jan. 12th; The Malvern News, Jan. 7th; The Southport Advertiser, Jan. 14th; The Braintree and Bocking Advertiser, Jan. isth; The Scotsman, Jan. i6th; The Redditch Indicator, Jan. 7th; The Bromsgrove Messenger, Jan. 7th; The Worcestershire Advertiser, Jan. 7th; etc.

COMMUNICATIONS, LETTERS, E:TC., have been received from Sir W. Fergusson, London; Mr. Joseph Lister, Edinburgh; Mr. J. M. Wilson, Chatteris; Dr. Gardner, Box, Wilts; The Editor of the "Malvern News"; The Secretary of the Clinical Society; Dr. Meadows, London; Mr. B. Kershaw, London; Mr. Frederick Churchill, London; Dr. Cholmeley, London; Mr. Firth, Macclesfield; Mr. Brudenell Carter, London; Dr. Peacock, London; Mr. Benson Baker, London; Miss Anderson, Edinburgh; Mr. W. D. Husband, York; The Secretary of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society; Dr. Roberts, London; Mr. Gascoyen, London; Mr. Kesteven, London; Mr. J. Waring-Curran, Mansfield; Dr. Hardie, Manchester; Dr. Miller, Glasgow; Dr. Nicholls, Chelmsford; Dr. Cheadle, London; Dr. A. T. H. Waters, Liverpool; Dr. Douglas Powell, London; Messrs. Orlando Jones and Co., London; Dr. R. Barnes, London; Dr.

Henry Barnes, Carlisle; Dr. Bradbury, Cambridge; Dr. J. W. Moore, Dublin; Mr. J. P. Daniel, Beaminster; Dr. Joseph Rogers, London; Dr. Crossby, Leeds;

Mr. Reginald Harrison, Liverpool; Dr. Nunneley, London; Mr. P. Lloyd Lavies, Abergele; A. C. K., London; Dr. Hall Davis, London; Dr. Sutton, London; Mr. H. A. Reeves, London; Dr. Shettle, Reading; Rev, Dr. Haughton, Dublin; Dr. D. Page, Kirkby Lonsdale; etc.

LETTERS, ETC. (with enclosures), from:Dr. C. Handfield Jones, London; Mr. Campbell De Morgan, London; Dr. G. H. Philipson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Mr. Wm. Mac Cormac, London; Mr. James Startin, London; Mr. A. Haviland, London; Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson, London; Dr. Calvert, Manchester; Dr. Theodore Williams, London; Dr. C. T. Moore, Dublin; Dr. T. T. Maunsell, Dublin; Dr. Pierce Egan, Dublin: Our Manchester

Correspondent; Dr. Sieveking, London; Mr. Prescott Hewett, London; Our Glasgow Correspondent; Dr. E. Symes Thompson, London; Our Liverpool Correspondent; Dr. A. W. Edis, London; Dr. E. Waters, Chester; Our Edinburgh Correspondent; The Honorary Secretary of the Ethnological Society; M. R. C. S.; The Registrar-General of England; The Secretary of Apothecaries' Hall; The Registrar-General of Ireland; Mr. T. M. Stone, London; The Registrar of the Medical Society of London; Dr. W. Ogle, Derby; Dr. Mapother, Dublin; Dr. Charlton, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Dr. Thomas Jones, London; Mr. L. P. Merriam, London; The Secretary of the Obstetrical Society; etc.


Monthly Report on the Health of the Parish of St. Marylebone, during November 2870. By J. Whitmore, M.D.

Second and Fifth Annual Reports on the Sanitary Condition of Merthyr Tydfil for the years s866 and 869. By T. J. Dyke, F.R.C.S.

Report of Committee, etc., of the Association of Certifying Medical Officers. Fourth Report of the Health and Meteorology of Newcastle and Gateshead for

2870. By G. H. Philipson, M.D. Report to the Merthyr Tydfil Local Board of Health upon the Sanitary Acts, as far

as they affect Fever arrangements.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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