Recommendations for E-Learning Books

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|Discover the dramatic changes that are affecting all learners in the new book The world is open: How web technology is revolutionizing education (2009). The world is open is a journey |

|into the world of Web 2.0 resources and the future (and present) of global educational opportunities by SurveyShare president Dr. Curtis J. Bonk. Visit or publisher |

| to learn more. |

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E-Learning Bibliography

Deb Haney ( and Curt Bonk (

* indicates top sellers in this category in sales in 2000.

** indicates highly recommended for online evaluation.

1. Abbey B. (Ed.), Instructional and cognitive impacts of Web-based education. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.

Addresses national and international issues of Web-based instruction and learning, offers suggestions and guidelines for Web site design using cognitive and instructional psychology; heavy instructional design emphasis in higher education settings.

*2. Beer, V. (2000). The Web Learning Fieldbook: Using the World Wide Web to Build Workplace Learning Environments. Jossey-Bass.

Includes basic and advanced templates and tools that the reader can use to create learning-based web sites. Many good "common sense" suggestions. The treatment of the topic is broad but not very deep.

3. Bonk, C. J., & King, K. S. (Eds.), (1998). Electronic collaborators: Learner-centered technologies for literacy, apprenticeship, and discourse. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Written to summarize the research on collaborative learning tools.

4. Driscoll, M., & Alexander, L. (1998) Web-Based Training : Using Technology to Design Adult Learning Experiences. Jossey-Bass Publishers.

This book is written for instructional designers, training managers, and human resource managers. The CD-ROM contains five different resources: worksheets, templates, job-aids, and links to the WWW.

5. Draves, W. A. (2000). Teaching online. River Falls, WI: LERN Books, Learning Resource Network.

Adult learning expert writes about how lifelong leaning on the Web will change education, how adults learning; also addresses planning, developing, and teaching online courses.

*6. Ellis, A. , et al. (1999). Managing Web-Based Training. ASTD

Provides practical tips and tools designed for quick implementation, real life examples of managing Web-based training, and advice on staffing and hiring a Web-based training staff.

*7. Hall, B. (1997). Web-Based Training Cookbook. Wiley.

The single most popular book on e-learning. The CD-ROM includes full code for the best examples of each type of training Web pages shown in the book, which can be customized for creating training sites.

8. Donald Hanna & Associates (2000). Higher Education in the Era of Digital Competition. Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing.

Edited book of choices, policies challenges, ethics, players, technologies, learning patterns and future trends in digital learning.

9. Horton, S. (2000). Web teaching guide: A practical approach to creating course Web sites. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Includes course planning including courseware comparisons, content development, site creation, and site assessment.

**10. Horton, W. K. (2000). Designing Web-Based Training: How to Teach Anyone Anything Anywhere Anytime. Wiley.

Talks about all practical aspects of WBT site design: designing, setting-up, and managing an WBT site - from graphics and content design, to finding potential students and assessing their needs, from hardware and software options, to usability testing.

*11. Horton, William (2001). Evaluating E-Learning: Here is how you can predict success, measure value, and prove worth. Alexandria, VA: ASTD.

Covers why evaluate e-learning, levels of evaluation, tips for measurement, performance evaluations, results evaluations, calculating ROI, evaluating course quality, evaluation plans, transforming goals into objectives.

12. Jones, Steven G. (Ed.). (1998). Cybersociety: Revisiting Computer-Mediated Communication and Community. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Edited book with contributions on emergence of online communities, political contexts, gender, play, global communications, dissolution and fragmentation, and ethnicity.

13. Kearsley, G. (2000). Online education: Learning and teaching in Cyberspace. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

Discusses elements of online education, online learning, online teaching, the design and development of online courses, organizations and networking, policies, and future directions.

14. Khan B. H. (Ed.). Web-based instruction. Englewood Cliffs: Educational Technology Publications.

Nearly 60 short chapters on Web-based learning, designing and delivering Web-based instruction, and some case studies mostly in university settings,

15. Lee, W. W., & Owens, D. (2000). Multimedia-Based Instructional Design: Computer-Based Training, Web-Based Training, and Distance Learning. Jossey-Bass.

Discusses aspects of the development process. A step-by-step guide to completing multimedia projects. Provides the reader with forms, checklists and templates. CD-ROM included.

16. McCormack, C., Jones, D. (1998). Building a Web-based education system. NY: Wiley.

Meant for building Web-based systems mainly in universities, and includes planning, content development, class management, some courseware comparisons, and setting up and maintaining system.

17. Rosenberg, M. (2000) E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age. McGraw-Hill.

A detailed (300+ pages) presentation of many e-learning issues: integrating e-learning and classroom training, organizational requirements for e-learning, vendor selection, and strategies.

18. Salmon, Gilly (2000). E-Moderating: The Key to Teaching and Learning Online. London: Kogan Page or Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Extensively addresses the new instructional roles for those teaching online, qualities of e-moderaters, training e-moderators, and resources for online practitioners.

19. Sinclair, J. T., Sinclair, L. W., & Lansing, J. G. (2002). Creating Web-based training: A step-by-step guide to designing effective e-learning. NY: AMACOM (American Management Association)

Covers such topics as creating Web pages, adding images, Web publishing, navigation, Web-based training basics, building interactivity, streaming sound and video, costs, projects, using XML, and advanced software.

20. Steeples, Christine, & Jones, Chris (eds.). (2002). Networked Learning: Perspectives and Issues. London: Springer-Verlag.

Is a compendium of research on networked learning for European scholars; addresses online small group learning, psychological foundations, instructional design, managing institutional change, calculating costs, situated learning, social identity, the future of networked learning,

21. White, K. M., & Weight, B. H. (Eds.). (2000). The online teaching guide: A handbook of attitudes,strategies, and techniques for the virtual classroom. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Chapters of this edited book written written mostly by college faculty who have taught online; includes their advice, teaching practices, stories, feedback, etc. related to online teaching and course preparation, online tools, online teaching methods, and facilitating groups online.

23. Williams, R., & Tollett, J. (1997). The non-designers Web book. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press.

This book is “geared to the person who has no background in design or the World Wide Web, but who still wants to participate in this communication explosion;” covers basics of Web design, interface design, good and bad design, Internet search, advanced tips and tricks.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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