Employee handbook

Employee handbook

Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose

Sidney Ohio


Introduction…………………………………………...……………………..…...….. 4

Important Contents…………………………………………………………………. 4

Lodge Description…………………………………………………………………… 4

Purposes of the Lodge……………………………………………………………….. 5

Goals of the Lodge………………………………………………………………........ 5

High Ethical Standards………………….…………………………………………... 6

Nature of Employment……………………….……………………………………… 6

Equal Opportunity Employment……………….…………………………………… 6

Employment Applications………………………….……………………………….. 6

Required Documents…………………………………..…………………………….. 6

Employment Status………………………………………………………………….. 7

Salaried Positions …………………………………………………………………….. 7

Status Groups ………………………………………………………………………… 7

Attendance ……………………………………………………………………………. 8

Work Week.....……….……………………………………………………………….. 8

Work schedules ………………………………………………………………………. 8

Lunch, Rest Breaks, Food and Golf for Employees …..………………….……….. 9

Dress Code ……………………………………………………………………………. 9

Smoking Policy ……………………………………………………………………….. 9

Overtime ………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Holidays …….…………………………………………………………………………. 10

Wage and Salary ……………………………………………………………………… 10

Introductory Employment …………………………………………………………… 10

Employment Records ………………………………………………………………… 10

Vacation ………………………………………………………………………………. 11

Approval of Vacation Days ………………………………………………………….. 11

Sick Leave …………………………………………………………………………….. 12

Bereavement Leave …………………………………………………………………... 12

Religious Holidays ……………………………………………………………………. 12

Jury Duty ……………………………………………………………………………… 13

Health Insurance …………………………………………………………………….. 13

Progressive Discipline ………………………………………………………………... 13

Termination ………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Resignation …………………………………………………………………………… 14

Tips Training Programs ……….……………………………………………………. 14

Employee Business Expenses……..………………………………………………… 14

Conflict of Interest ………………………………………………………………….. 15

Non Disclosure ……………………………………………………………………….. 15

Harassment/Discrimination Policy ………...………………………………………… 15

Retaliation Policy ……………………………………………………………………. 16



Drug and Alcohol Policy……………………………………………………….. 16

General Policy ………………………………………………………………………. 16

Drug Use/Distribution/Impairment/Possession ………………………………….… 16

Drug Testing ……………………………………………………………………….… 16

Alcohol Use ……………………………………………………………………….….. 17

Off-Duty Conduct ……………………………………………………………….…… 17

Discipline ……………………………………………………………………………. 17

Search Policy ………………………………………………………………………… 17

Safety ………………………………………………………………………………… 17

Workers’ Compensation …………………………………………………………… 18

A Final Word ………………………………………………………………………... 18

Administrative procedures and Forms………….…………………………... 19

Employee Change Procedure ………………………………………………………. 19

Request for Employee Change ……………………………………………………... 20

Employee Background Check Waiver ……………………………………………… 21

Time off Request Procedure …………………………………………………………. 22

Time off Request Form ………………………………………………………………..23

Work Schedule Change Notice ……………………………………………………….24

Work Schedule Procedure …………………………………………………………….25

Employee Written Warning …………………………………………………………..26

Employee Review Procedure………………………………………………………….27

Employee Review Form……………………………………………………………….28

Employee Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………….. 29

This handbook is copyrighted by West Bay Marketing, June 2009

Exclusive permission for its use hereby granted to

Sidney Lodge 568 Loyal Order of Moose, Inc.

for its use in personnel practices

No other rights or permissions are granted to any persons, corporations, their management, employees or staff for use in any way without the express written consent of West Bay Marketing.


This handbook pertains to employees of Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. herein called the “Lodge”. The handbook is designed to acquaint you with the Lodge and to provide information about working conditions, employee benefits and some of the policies affecting your employment. You should read, understand and comply with all the provisions of the handbook. One of the Lodge’s objectives is to provide a work environment that is conducive to personal and professional growth.

No employee handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question about policy. As the conditions governing our business change the need may arise to revise supplement or rescind any policies or portion of the handbook from time to time as the company deems appropriate, at its sole and absolute discretion.

Important Contents

The contents of this handbook do not constitute the terms of a contract of employment. Neither the employee nor the company is obligated to continue the employment relationship and either may choose to end the employment relationship at any time with or without cause. All employee relationships with the company are therefore “AT WILL” in accordance with the General Laws of the Moose International. No employment contracts, written or verbal, are permitted in any employment relationship with the Lodge.

Lodge Description

Sidney Moose Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. is a not for profit corporation existing by virtue of the laws of the State of Ohio. The Lodge is a no-for-profit corporation operating as a chartered affiliate of Moose International. As such, all activities are conducted in compliance with all local, state and federal laws and regulations applicable to such enterprises and the General Laws of Moose International.

Sidney Moose Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. further exists as a recognized fraternal and charitable entity governed entirely in its fraternal organization and operation by the General Laws of Moose International, Inc. as revised from time to time and by the Supreme Lodge. All members, employees and activities of Sidney Moose Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. function in compliance with those General Laws.

Purposes of the Lodge

The purposes of Sidney Moose Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, and Inc. are to:

➢ Unite in the bonds of fraternity, benevolence, and charity, all acceptable persons of good character.

➢ Educate and improve their members and the families of their members, socially, morally, and intellectually.

➢ Assist their members and their families in time of need. Aid and assist the aged members of lodges, chapters and their spouses.

➢ Encourage and educate their members in patriotism and obedience to the laws of the country in which the lodge exists.

➢ Encourage tolerance of every kind.

➢ Render particular service to children in need by the operation of one or more vocational, educational institutions of the type and character of the institution now called "Mooseheart", and located at Mooseheart, in the State of Illinois.

➢ Serve aged members and/or their spouses at one or more institutions of the character and type of the place called "Moosehaven", located at Orange Park, in the State of Florida.

➢ Create and maintain foundations, endowment funds, trust funds and subsidiary or related corporations, whether non-profit or for profit, for the purpose of carrying on, aiding and assisting the charitable and philanthropic enterprises heretofore mentioned. Moose International may, as appropriate, act as a member, shareholder, or trustee in the administration of such foundations, endowment funds, trust funds, and corporations.

Goals of the Lodge

The Lodge’s goals are:

➢ To meet or exceed the purposes listed above.

➢ To provide a financial platform to support those purposes.

High Ethical Standards

Honesty and fairness toward fellow employees, Lodge members, guests and all others are a must. The lodge believes that all activities should be made with an honest, straightforward approach. Should you ever be asked to engage in any activity that would subordinate this belief, notify your supervisor immediately.

Nature of Employment

All employment relationships within the Lodge are “at will”. Employment “at will” means that neither the employer nor the employee is obligated to continue the employment relationship, and either may choose to end the employment relationship with or without consent.

Equal Opportunity Employment

The Lodge administers all personnel actions, such as recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, compensation and benefits, discipline, termination of employment and educational, social and recreational programs without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age disability or other protected status under federal, state or local law. In addition, it is the Lodge’s policy to provide an environment that is free of unlawful harassment with respect to all of its employees.

Employment Applications

The Lodge relies upon the accuracy of information contained in the employment application, as well as the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in the information or data may result in the Lodge’s exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment or, if the person has been hired, termination.

Required Documents

In addition to the completed Application for Employment, The following will be required before applicant will be considered for employment:

- A copy of the applicant’s drivers license

- A copy of the applicant’s Social Security Card.

- A list of three (3) references. Name, address, and phone number for each.

- A signed background check release form.

- Drug screening if requested by Lodge management.

Employment Status

Employees are either exempt or non-exempt personnel who receive wages or salaries from the Lodge.

Non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay under the specific provisions of federal and state wage and hour laws. Exempt employees are excluded from specific provisions of federal and state wage and hour laws.

Salaried Positions

The following are the paid positions of Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc.

➢ Social Quarters Manager, Exempt

o Social Quarters wait staff, Non-exempt.

▪ Reports to the Social Quarters Manager

o Kitchen Staff, Non-exempt

▪ Reports to the Social Quarters Manager

➢ Golf Course Manager, Exempt

o Grounds keepers, Non-exempt

▪ Report to the Golf Course Manager

o Equipment Maintenance staff, Non-exempt

▪ Report to the Golf Course Manager

➢ The Administrator, Exempt (ELECTED)

➢ Administrative Assistant to the Administrator, Non exempt.

Status Groups

Employees are classified in one of three employee status groups:

1. Full- Time employees are those that are not assigned to a temporary status and who are regularly scheduled to work 20 hours or more per week. Full- time employees are eligible to participate in the Medical coverage offered by the Lodge.

2. Part- Time employees are those who are not assigned to temporary status and who are scheduled to work less than 20 hours per week.

3. Temporary employees are those that are hired as interim replacements, to supplement the work force temporarily, or to assist in the completion of a specific project. Employment assignments in this category are of limited duration. Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a

change in employment status. Temporary employees retain the status of temporary until notified of a change by Lodge management.


Absenteeism and tardiness are expensive, disruptive and place an unfair burden on fellow employees and the Lodge. Unsatisfactory attendance or tardiness may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

Except as noted in this policy for sickness or bereavement leave, employees not reporting for work or calling in for two consecutive days, the Lodge will assume that you have abandoned your position and may process termination paperwork. If your are absent for three successive days due to illness, the company may request you to submit documentation from the attending physician.

Work Week

The work week begins on Sunday at 12:00AM and ends at 11:59PM on the following Saturday.

Work schedules

The Social Quarters and kitchen hours are designated by the House Committee in accordance with the General Laws of the Order. (Sec 50.5)

The Social Quarters Manager and the Golf Course Manager will publish work schedules, based on the designated hours, for all their direct-report non-exempt employees. This schedule will show the employee’s name and his or her scheduled work hours and when their schedules begin and end for the succeeding 4 weeks.

It is the responsibility of the employee to ascertain his or her work schedule as provided by his or her supervisor and to advise the supervisor of any conflicts in their schedule.

Failure to do so or failure to be present for the scheduled work period may result in disciplinary action.

Note: Employee’s will be paid only for the hours approved by his or her supervisor. Time recorded prior or after the work schedule will not be eligible for compensation.

Lunch, Rest Breaks, Food and Golf for Employees

The Lodge does not compensate employees for lunch breaks and, with the exception of full time employees, lunch breaks are not provided unless an employee’s medical condition requires them.

The lunch period is limited to 30 minutes and when requested by the employee, will be scheduled by the employee’s supervisor in order not to interfere with standard business operations.

The employees may eat in the dining room so long as their attire is not offensive to the customers dining there. Dirty attire as a result if the employee’s work is not acceptable and the employee should choose an area of the lodge to eat that will not offend Lodge patrons. In no case will any employees eat behind the bar or in the kitchen area. When eating they must be seated as described above.

All full time employees will be charged half price for meals ordered from the menu. This half price discount applies to the employee only and only during his or her scheduled work period. It is not extended to anyone else and does not apply to the employee when not on regularly scheduled duty.

All full time employees are entitled to use the Golf course at no charge to the employee. Each employee must register at the Pro shop. This accommodation applies ONLY to the employees and cannot be transferred to anyone else

Rest breaks will be scheduled with the employee’s supervisor but in no case will exceed five minutes in any two hour period.

Dress Code

The Lodge, through the House Committee reserves the right to establish a dress code policy for all employees. Such policy will be communicated to every employee. This policy will be enforced by the employee’s supervisor.

Any dress or appearance which could be considered revealing or disruptive is not permitted. The employee’s supervisor may require the employee to vacate his or her work station to correct a specific dress considered inappropriate by the supervisor. Non-exempt employees will not be compensated for time away from work to correct their attire.

Smoking Policy

The lodge, under state law, is a non-smoking facility. “Smoke Breaks” in designated areas outside the Lodge facility will be scheduled with the employee’s supervisor but will

Not exceed five minutes in any two hour period. Smoke breaks may not be taken consecutively with rest breaks in order to extend the employees off duty rest break.


Full time non-exempt employees will be compensated for overtime hours for all hours worked over 40 hours in a seven day work period. A non-exempt employee must receive prior approval from his or her supervisor to work overtime. The overtime payment will be calculated on the basis of one and one half 1-1/2 the employee’s regular rate of pay.


The Lodge does not provide paid holidays.

Wage and Salary

All employees will be paid on the basis of a seven-day work week. Exempt or non-exempt salaries will be paid at the rate agreed to at the time of employment.

Wages and salaries may be periodically adjusted by management to ensure consistency with existing economic conditions and performance. Recommendations from supervisors are considered in wage and salary adjustments. Other considerations for wage and salary adjustments include, but are not limited to, job performance, ability, responsibility, attitude and value to the Lodge.

Paychecks will be distributed on the next Thursday after the Saturday week end.

As required by federal, state and local tax regulations, all employees will be responsible for proper record keeping and reporting of tips and gratuities given to them by a customer or others using the Lodge facility and services.

Introductory Employment

An employee’s first 90-days of employment in a position are considered an introductory employment period. This period of time allows the Lodge to assess the employee’s performance and provide the employee with an opportunity to determine whether he or she likes working for the Lodge.

Employment Records

Employment related information is kept in each employee’s file located in the Administrator’s office. It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify his or her supervisor of any changes in employee data. Personal mailing addresses, telephone numbers, number and names of dependents, individuals to be contacted in the event of emergency, educational accomplishments, and other such employee information should be accurate and current at all times.


Full time employees unless otherwise noted in this policy are eligible for vacation days according to the guidelines in this policy. The amount of vacation to which an employee is entitled is determined by the employee’s length of service with the Lodge.


Under 1 year of service…….Less than 1,000 hours/year……………..……...........5 hours

1 year to less than 6 years … 1,000 hours/year…………………….....1 week or 20 hours

6 years to 15 years ……….…1,000 hours per year …….……………2 weeks or 40 hours

15 years or more ……………1,000 hours/year………………………3 weeks or 60 hours


Under 1 year of service…….Less than 2,000 hours/year……………..……...........8 hours

1 year to less than 6 years … 2,000 hours/year…………………….....1 week or 40 hours

6 years to 15 years ……….…2,000 hours per year …….……………2 weeks or 80 hours

15 years or more ……………2,000 hours/year…………………..…3 weeks or 120 hours

Vacation leave credits are accrued in one year but are not available until January 1st of the following year. In any event, no employee is eligible for paid vacation leave until he or she has completed 90 days of employment with the Lodge as a full time employee (At least 20 hours per week).

Pay during vacation days will be calculated based on the employee’s base rate in effect when vacation is used.

Note: Holidays that fall during an employee’s scheduled vacation days do not count as vacation days.

Approval of Vacation Days

Employees should arrange to take vacation days at a time that will least interfere with Lodge operations. The employee will complete a Time off Request Form and submit it to his or her supervisor

The employee’s supervisor will have final approval regarding when vacation days may be taken. Whenever possible, the supervisor will meet the employee’s request to take vacation days.

The supervisor will sign the Time off Request Form and submit it to the Administrator for payroll execution. The Time off Request will be filed in the employee’s file.

Should the Time off Request be denied by the supervisor, the supervisor will notify the employee immediately and discuss an alternate vacation schedule.

Sick Leave

The Lodge does not offer sick leave benefits; however, full time employees are allowed an excused absence of up to one week as a result of sickness or injury to themselves or their mother, father, daughters or sons. The employee must request sick leave from his or her supervisor or notify the Administrator’s office by 9:30AM on the first day of absence. Failure to notify the supervisor or the Administrator’s office will result in the absence being considered an unexcused absence and subject to disciplinary action.

The supervisor will complete, approve and sign a Time off Request Form, noting the reason for the absence, and submit it to the Administrator for filing in the employee’s personnel file.

Bereavement Leave

The Lodge does not provide paid bereavement leave; however, full time employees will be allowed an excused absence for a reasonable time of bereavement as a result of the passing of the employee’s immediate family.

The employee must request bereavement leave from his or her supervisor the Administrator’s office by 9:30AM on the first day of absence. Failure to notify the supervisor or the Administrator’s office will result in the absence being considered an unexcused absence and subject to disciplinary action.

The employee will complete a Time off Request Form, noting the reason for the absence, and submit it to his or her supervisor for approval. The approved Time off Request Form will be submitted to the Administrator for filing in the employee’s personnel file.

Religious Holidays

The Lodge does not offer paid time off for religious holidays; however, the Lodge will make a reasonable accommodation to an employee’s request for time off based upon his or her sincere religious belief and the tenets of the religion.

The employee will submit a completed Time off Request Form to his or her supervisor two weeks prior to the time off requested.

The employee may choose to have the time off without pay or use vacation pay for payment of the time to the extent that he or she is eligible for and has available vacation time. This policy extends to all exempt and non-exempt employees.

Jury Duty

The Lodge recognizes your civic obligation to serve as a member of a jury. Therefore, time off to serve as a juror will be granted as an excused absence. An employee must provide his or her supervisor with signed release from the court clerk showing dates and hours served.

An employee must show the jury duty summons to his or her supervisor as soon as possible so that the supervisor can make arrangements to accommodate the employee’s absence. An employee must report for work whenever dismissed by the court during the employees regularly scheduled working hours unless the court orders otherwise.

The Lodge may request that an employee be excused from jury duty if, in the Lodge’s judgment, the employee’s absence will create operational difficulties.

Non-exempt employees who are absent from work as a result of testifying as a witness pursuant to a subpoena are not compensated for such absences under this jury leave policy unless state law provides otherwise or unless it relates to his or her employment. The employee may elect to use his or her accrued vacation days for the absences.

Health Insurance

Full time employees are eligible for medical, dental and life insurance benefits as follows:

➢ Medical coverage

o The Lodge will pay 45% of the monthly premium

➢ Dental coverage

o Full premiums will be paid by the employee.

➢ Life Insurance

o Full premiums will be paid by the employee.

Progressive Discipline

Progressive discipline may be initiated for various reasons, including, but not limited to, poor job performance or violation of Lodge employment policy or the General Laws of the Order as amended from time to time, or violations of the Lodge policies or standards of conduct. The severity of the action generally will depend on the nature of the offense and on the employee’s record and may range from verbal warning to immediate dismissal.

Progressive discipline may progress through the following sequential steps:

1. Verbal warning

2. Written warning.

3. Discharge

(Progressive discipline cont’d)

Any and all steps may or may not be utilized depending on the individual circumstances and the nature of the infraction. Moreover, exceptions or deviations from the normal procedure may occur whenever the Lodge deems appropriate.

Nothing in this policy shall confer upon the employee any right to continue in the employment of the lodge, nor shall it interfere with or restrict in any way the rights of the Lodge to discharge or otherwise discipline an employee at any time, for any reason, with or without consent.


Upon termination of employment, whether by resignation or otherwise, the employee shall promptly return all company property, including but not limited to, financial records, and keys to the facility and any information of a confidential nature. The employee is prohibited from using or disclosing such information for any purpose.


All resignations should be in writing with the employee’s signature and should be submitted to his or her supervisor. The Lodge would appreciate at least two week’s advance written notice of an employee’s decision to resign. However, an employee may resign at anytime without notice.

Tips Training Programs

A wait staff and any members of the Board of Officers or the members of Lodge general membership who regularly serve alcoholic beverages to anyone in attendance at the Lodge Social Quarters, Ball Room, Dining Room or at any part of the Lodge facility must successfully complete the standard TIPS Training provided by the Lodge and a certificate of successful completion must be submitted to the Administrator for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file.

Employee Business Expenses

To receive reimbursement for ordinary and necessary out-of-pocket business expenses, the employee must complete an expense report and submitted it to the employee’s supervisor who will obtain the necessary approvals. The expense report will be submitted to the Administrator for reimbursement. Failure to provide receipts may result in disallowance of the reimbursement.

Under no circumstances will any employee, member of the Lodge or any other person be awarded “free” services such as meals, drinks, golf privileges or any other asset or service of the Lodge in exchange for services performed by that person.

Conflict of Interest

All employees have an obligation to conduct business in a manner that avoids actual or potential conflicts of interest. An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in a position to influence a decision that may result in a personal gain for that employee, a relative or acquaintance, as a result of the business dealings of the Lodge.

Any suspected conflict of interest will be immediately reported to the Administrator who will ask the Governor to present the suspected conflict of interest to the House Committee at either a regular stated meeting of the House Committee or at a special meeting of the House Committee called for that purpose.

The House Committee may ask the subject employee to review his or her actions and to provide documentation. The House Committee will then take the disciplinary actions that it deems appropriate up to and including discharge.

Non Disclosure

All employees may in the course of their employment have or use confidential information about the business of the Lodge. Such information may include, but is not limited to, Lodge membership, disciplinary actions, employee salaries, prices and costs or other unique information about the Lodge which the Lodge considers confidential.

Any employee who discloses such confidential information shall be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including discharge.

It is the Lodge’s policy that only the Governor or the Administrator is authorized to speak publicly about the business of the Lodge.

Harassment/Discrimination Policy

For the purposes of this policy, the term “harassment” includes without limitation, verbal harassment (epithets, derogatory statements, slurs), physical harassment (assault, physical interference with normal work or environment), visual harassment (posters, cartoons, drawings), and innuendo. It also includes harassment that is related to, among other things, an individual’s race, religion, color, national origin, or age. For example, this policy prohibits an employee from making derogatory statements or slurs with respect to another employee’s age or race.

Sexual Harassment includes sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, unwelcome or offensive touching, and other verbal, graphic or physical conduct of a sexual nature the impacts the workplace.

Complaints may be made orally or in writing to the employee’s supervisor, the Governor of the Lodge or the Lodge Administrator.

(Harassment cont'd)

The Lodge will follow all harassment or discrimination complaints with an immediate investigation. The Lodge shall make efforts to keep information concerning the complaint confidential, and all parties are expected not to discuss the investigation of the complaint with other employees

Any individual found to have engaged in unlawful harassment or discrimination will be disciplined as appropriate, up to and including discharge.

Retaliation Policy

The Lodge will not in any way retaliate against an employee, potential employee or former employee who, in good faith, makes a complaint or report of unlawful harassment or discrimination or participates in an investigation of such a complaint or report.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

General Policy

Each employee has a responsibility to co-workers, Lodge members and guests, and the public to perform his or her duties in a safe and conscientious manner. Continuing research and practical experience have proven that even limited quantities of narcotics, abused prescription drugs, or alcohol can impair reflexes and judgment. This impairment, even when not readily apparent, can have catastrophic results. For these reasons, the Lodge has adopted this policy.

Drug Use/Distribution/Impairment/Possession

All employees are prohibited from manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing or using illegal drugs or other unauthorized or mind-altering or intoxicating substances anywhere on Lodge property or while performing job duties away from the Lodge facility.

Employees are also prohibited from having any such illegal or unauthorized controlled substances in their systems while at work or on duty, and from having excessive amounts of lawful controlled substances in their systems while at work or on duty.

Drug Testing

The Lodge has adopted a policy of random drug testing. From time to time employees may be asked to submit to testing. By accepting employment with the lodge, the employee agrees to being subjected to such testing.

Alcohol Use

All employees are prohibited from distributing, dispensing, possessing, using, or being impaired or intoxicated while at work or on duty.

Off-Duty Conduct

Off-the-job manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, or possession of illegal or unauthorized substances is prohibited. Off-the-job use of illegal drugs, alcohol or other controlled substances which results in impaired work performance including, but not limited to, absenteeism, tardiness, or poor job performance, or which can be expected to cause harm to the Lodge’s image or relationship with co-workers or the public, is prohibited.


Violation of this policy may result in forfeiture of all workers’ compensation and unemployment compensation benefits as well as disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

Search Policy

The Lodge reserves the right to search all company property including, but not limited to, desks, lockers, and company vehicles or equipment, and to inspect personal property on company premises including, but not limited to, briefcases, purses, parcels, and personal vehicles for the purpose of investigating violations of the drug and alcohol policy or investigating theft of company, customer, vendor or employee property.

Furthermore, when an employee leaves the employ of the Lodge for any reason, the Lodge reserves the right to inspect the employee’s work area and property that the employee has left on the Lodge premises.


Establishment and maintenance of a safe work environment is the shared responsibility of the Lodge and all its employees. The Lodge will attempt to do everything within its control to ensure a safe environment and compliance with federal state and local safety regulations. Employees are expected to exercise caution in all work activities. Unsafe conditions should immediately be reported to the employee’s supervisor or to the Administrator.

All accidents that result in injury must be reported to the employee’s supervisor or the Administrator, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear. Such reports are necessary to comply with laws and initiate insurance and workers’ compensation procedures.

Workers’ Compensation

The Lodge maintains required workers’ compensation insurance on all employees in case of job related injury. If you are injured on the job, you must immediately inform your supervisor or the Administrator. Failure to do so may result in the denial of your claim or a delay in the determination of coverage.

A Final Word

All information, policies and rules in this handbook will remain in effect unless changes are deemed necessary solely at the discretion of the Board of Officers of Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose Inc., which reserves the right to make any changes at anytime.

You should refer to this handbook often to answer questions. Your supervisor or any member of the Board of Officers will be happy to answer questions regarding Lodge policies and procedures. You may also submit questions to the Board of Officers in writing and submit them to the Administrator who will report questions to the Board of Officers if necessary.

We welcome you as a new employee of Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order Of Moose, Inc. and we hope that you find your employment interesting, fulfilling and rewarding

The Board of Officers, Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose Inc.

Employee Change Procedure

The House Committee will approve all employee hiring or discharge.

All Social Quarters and Kitchen Staff report directly to the Social Quarters Manager.

All Golf Course employees report directly to the Golf manager.

All employees are considered casual labor as required by the General Laws of Moose International. There are no employment contracts either written or oral.

To hire a new employee, the Social Quarters Manager or the Golf Manager will complete the “Request for Employee Change” and submit it to the Administrator.

The Administrator will present the request to the House Committee at the Committee’s regular stated meeting or at a special meeting called to review the request. The House Committee will act on the request and either approve or deny the request.

The Administrator will notify the respective manager of the Committee’s decision.

All candidates for employment at Sidney Lodge 568 Loyal Order of Moose Inc. will:

➢ Provide a drivers license or other form of identification.

➢ Provide a Social Security card

➢ Provide references from at least three past employers.

➢ Complete an Application for Employment as provided by the Administrator.

➢ Sign a Background Check Release Form

➢ Submit to a drug screening if asked to do so.

The above information will become part of the Employee’s file as maintained in the Administrator’s office.

All employees are hired as temporary employees only. New employees will undergo a 90-day trial period or longer at the discretion of the House Committee.

Request for Employee Change

(To be completed by supervisor)

Date _____________________ Requested By _____________________________

 New Hire  Replacement  Discharge

For New Hires and Replacements:

New Employee name ____________________________________________________

Position ________________________________________________________________

Replaces ________________________________________________________________

Starting Date __________________ Rate of Pay ____________________

For Discharges:

Employees Name_________________________________________________________

Position _________________________________ Last work Day _________________

Reason for discharge ________________________________________________________________________


Approved by the House Committee:

Date _________________________ Governor __________________________

Administrator ________________________

Employee Background Check Waiver

I am certifying that I am __________________________ and I hereby

(Please print)

authorize Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc through its

authorized representative, Kent Miller to investigate my credit

history, criminal history and employment/personal references.

I understand and agree that the findings of this check will be kept

confidential and will be discussed only with the board of directors of

Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose Inc.

I understand further that I am currently working in a probationary

period at Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose Inc. and my further

employment with the lodge is dependent on the outcome of this routine


_____________________________________ Date _________________

  Employee signature


  Print name

      Please provide the following information:

Social Security #_____________________ Date of Birth:_________________

      Current mailing address:

Name ___________________________________________________

Street _________________________________________________

City _________________ State ________________ Zip ______________


Recent Employment and Personal References.

Reference Address Contact Pnone

_________________ _____________________________ ________________ _____

_________________ _____________________________ ________________ _____

_________________ _____________________________ ________________ _____

_________________ _____________________________ ________________ _____

Time off Request Procedure

The Time off Request Form is to be used for all time off requests.

The employee completes the Time off Request Form and submits it to his/her supervisor.

Supervisor approves the time off request by signing the form and submits it to the Administrator.

NOTE: The supervisor must make necessary changes to the appropriate Employee Work Schedule and submit the amended schedule to the Administrator.

The administrator will verify whether or not the time off is earned. Earned time off will be compensated on the next payroll check issued to the requesting employee.

The employee record is updated.

The Time off Request Form is filed in the employee’s permanent file.

If requested, an approved copy of the Time off Request will be returned to the employee.

Time off Request Form

Date _______________________

I, _________________________________ would like to request time off for the

(Employee name)

following reason:  Vacation  Other (please describe)




Date absent _________________________________________________________






Supervisor must approve this request and submit it to the Administrator.

Work Schedule Change Notice

(To be completed by the supervisor and submitted to the Administrator)

Date ____________________

To the Administrator,

I have approved the following work schedule change. Please adjust the employee payroll accordingly.

 Schedule change  Overtime

|Employee Name |Date |Hours |

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Signed _____________________________


Work Schedule Procedure

The supervisor will complete the Work Schedule Chart and submit it to the Administrator. It is to be posted on the employee bulletin board.

Payroll will be issued ONLY for the hours shown on this schedule.

Any changes or overtime approvals must by submitted on a Work Schedule Change Notice by the employee’s supervisor.

Work Schedule

For Week of ______________________

| Employee |Sun |Mon |Tues |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |

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Employee Written Warning

(To be completed in the presence of the employee and one Board of Officer)

Date __________________ Employee _________________________________

Violation ________________________________________________________________________




Does the employee understand and acknowledge the above violation?  Yes  No

Is this is a first warning? Yes  No. If not, is the  First  Second  Third?

Employee response ________________________________________________________________________





Disciplinary Action  Warning only  Time Off  Dismissal




Employee Signature _____________________ Supervisor ________________________

Witness _______________________________

Employee Review Procedure

The supervisor will review each full time non exempt employee that reports to him or her at least once every six months. Seasonal employees such as those who work only during the golf season will be reviewed at the end of the season and before the employees are released for the winter.

The Supervisor will schedule the review and notify the employee of the date and time.

The review should be limited to about 30 minutes and should follow the following outline:

1. Assigned tasks.

a. Review the employee’s assigned tasks.

i. discuss performance

ii. Any tasks that are not applicable

iii. Any tasks that should be added

2. Job Performance

a. Review employee’s job performance

i. Describe any issues

1. Attendance (Absences)

2. Safety issues

3. Knowledge of job assignements

4. Any Other issues

3. Employee in put

a. Allow the employee to describe any issues with the Lodge

4. Safety

a. Review General Safety procedures

b. Review Safety procedures specific to the employee’s work assignments.

Note: The supervisor should complete the review form and have the employee sign it. The completed form is to b e forwarded to the Administrator for filing in the employee’s HR file

Employee Review Form

Employee Name _________________________________ Review Date ____________

Employee Work Class.  Wait Staff  Kitchen  Grounds Keeper Maintenance

 Other ________________________

Supervisor ______________________

Assigned task Review


Job Performance Review


Employee Comments


Safety Review & Comments


Supervisor’s Comments


Employee Signature _____________________ Supervisor ____________________

Employee Acknowledgement

The Employee Handbook describes important information about employment with Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. and I understand that I should consult my supervisor or a member of the Board of Officers regarding any questions not answered in this handbook.

I understand that the Lodge has reserved the right to change any information, policies or benefits described in this employee handbook. I understand that such changes will be communicated through official notices revising, superseding, modifying or eliminating information, policies and benefits described in this handbook and that such changes may be made effective prior to such notice. I also understand that only the Administrator, acting at the direction of the Board of Officers of Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. has the authority to communicate any changes or revisions to this handbook.

Furthermore, I understand that this handbook does not constitute a contract for employment or contain any commitments or promises by Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. which I may legally rely upon. I understand that the purpose of this handbook is to provide information and guidelines only and that I have n o legal recourse against Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. if information, policies and benefits set forth in this handbook are not followed by Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc.

I also understand that I am an employee at will and that nothing in this handbook guarantees or obligates Sidney Lodge 568, Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. or me to continue the employment relationship.

I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of the employee handbook and I understand that it is my responsibility to read and comply with the policies and provisions contained therein as well as any subsequent changes or revisions thereto.






EMPLOYEE’S NAME (Typed or Printed)


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