Instructions for Consuming Occupation Wages Web Service


Consumption Instructions: Occupation Wages Search Web Service

Last Revised: May 2, 2008

Occupation Wages Service

The Occupation Wages Service is a SOAP-based (Simple Object Access Protocol) API that enables developers to query and retrieve wage data based on geographic input values. The web service has 2 methods of retrieving data, GetWages and GetWagesByZip, detailed below. Refer to the following sections of this topic for more specific information for each method.

• Request Parameters

• Response Fields

• Errors

• Examples

GetWages method

This method returns wages data based on occupation code, state code and msa area code.

Request Parameters

Refer to the following table for a list of the required and optional request parameters.  All parameter names and values are case sensitive.

Important: You must provide all required parameters. Submitting an empty request does not return all possible results; an empty request returns an error.

|[pic]Parameter Name |Value |Required? |Description |

|soccode |String |Required |This value is the occupation code that the system will search the wage database |

| | | |with, in addition to the parameters below. |

|stfips |String |Required |This value is the 2 digit state code that the system will search the wage |

| | | |database with, in addition to the parameters above and below. |

|area |String |Required |This value is the 6 digit MSA metro area number that the system will search the |

| | | |wage database with, in addition to the parameters above. |

|userID |String |Required |This value is the unique user ID provided during the CareerOneStop web services |

| | | |registration process. |

Response Fields

The response includes information about the general response, as well as specific information for each field in the response XML. The results are sorted by relevance from high to low.


The response includes the following information about the overall set of results in the response.

|Node [pic] |Attributes |Description |

|Wages | |Root node, Contains 3 Region Nodes |

| |stfips |Stfips input parameter used to search |

| |soccode |Occupation code input parameter used to search |

| |occTitle |Title of the occupation for the soccode sent in |

| |wageYear |Year for the data returned |

| |area |Area code input parameter used to search |

|Regions | |Contains all region nodes |

|Region | |Region Node, 3 regions will be returned, National, |

| | |State and Local regions |

| |Type |Type of region, possibilities are National, State, MSA |

| |Name |Name of the region, i.e. United States, State Name, MSA region name |

|Periods | |Contains Period Type Nodes |

|Period | |2 Periods will be returned, one for Hourly and one for Annual data |

| |Type |Period type, either Hourly or Annual |

| | |Contains Wage Data Nodes |

|Pct10 | |The data value for the 10th percentile of wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01 |

|Pct25 | |The data value for the 25th percentile of wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01 |

|Median | |The median value for the wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01[pic] |

|Pct75 | |The data value for the 75th percentile of wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01 |

|Pct90 | |The data value for the 90th percentile of wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01 |


|[pic]Error |Description |

|“Invalid user ID” |The userID is not in the proper format. A user ID should be 15 alpha-numeric characters. |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has been suspended by CareerOneStop. |

|service has been suspended.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has not yet become active or has expired. |

|service is not valid at this time.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service could not be found in CareerOneStop system. |

|service cannot be found.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - Usage |This user’s usage limit for this service has been exceeded. |

|limit exceeded.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has expired. |

|Subscription has expired.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has not yet become valid. |

|Subscription is not yet valid.” | |

|“Access to Service Denied - No valid |No subscription was found for this user ID and service. |

|subscription found.” | |


Example Queries: GetWages Search Service

The Occupation Wages Service is a SOAP-based (Simple Object Access Protocol) API that enables developers to query and retrieve wage data based on soccode, stfips and area. Refer to the following use case for an example of this service.

Use Case #1

A user would like to see wage data for architects in the Los Angeles area in California.

Request Parameter Specifications

Refer to the following table for the parameters required to satisfy the use case above.

|Request |Value |

|Parameter | |

|soccode |171011 |

|stfips |06 |

|area |031084 |

|userID |123456789012345 |


Refer to the following table for an example (code example) of results for the request parameters specified above.

Request (Soap 1.1)

POST /webservices/occwages_webservice/Occwagesservice.asmx HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

SOAPAction: ""





Response (Soap 1.1)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length













































GetWagesByZip method

This method returns wages data based on occupation code and zip code.

Request Parameters

Refer to the following table for a list of the required and optional request parameters.  All parameter names and values are case sensitive.

Important: You must provide all required parameters. Submitting an empty request does not return all possible results; an empty request returns an error.

|[pic]Parameter Name |Value |Required? |Description |

|soccode |String |Required |This value is the occupation code that the system will search the wage database |

| | | |with, in addition to the parameters below. |

|zip |String |Required |This value is the 5 digit zip code that the system will search the wage database|

| | | |with, in addition to the parameter above. |

|userID |String |Required |This value is the unique user ID provided during the CareerOneStop web services |

| | | |registration process. |

Response Fields

The response includes information about the general response, as well as specific information for each field in the response XML. The results are sorted by relevance from high to low.


The response includes the following information about the overall set of results in the response.

|Node [pic] |Attributes |Description |

|Wages | |Contains 3 Region Nodes |

| |stfips |Stfips retrieved from the database for the zip code sent in |

| |soccode |Occupation code input parameter used to search |

| |zip |Zip code input parameter used to search |

| |occTitle |Title for the occupation |

| |wageYear |Year corresponding to the wage data |

| |area |MSA Area code from the database for the zip code sent in |

|Regions | |Contains all region nodes |

|Region | |Region Node, 3 regions will be returned, National, |

| | |State and Local regions |

| |Type |Type of region, possibilities are National, State, MSA |

| |Name |Name of the region, i.e. United States, State Name, MSA region name |

|Periods | |Contains Period Type Nodes |

|Period | |2 Periods will be returned, one for Hourly and one for Annual data |

| |Type |Period type, either Hourly or Annual |

| | |Contains Wage Data Nodes |

|Pct10 | |The data value for the 10th percentile of wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01 |

|Pct25 | |The data value for the 25th percentile of wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01 |

|Median | |The median value for the wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01 |

|Pct75 | |The data value for the 75th percentile of wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01 |

|Pct90 | |The data value for the 90th percentile of wage data |

| | |Note: Possible values are: the numeric value as a string (formatted for |

| | |currency), “N/A” if no data exists, "$145,600+" for the annual amount if over |

| | |145,600, or "$70.01+" for the hourly amount if over 70.01 |


|[pic]Error |Description |

|“Zip code does not exist.” |The zip code value is not a valid zip code. |

|“Invalid user ID” |The userID is not in the proper format. A user ID should be 15 alpha-numeric characters. |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has been suspended by CareerOneStop. |

|service has been suspended.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service has not yet become active or has expired. |

|service is not valid at this time.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - This |This service could not be found in CareerOneStop system. |

|service cannot be found.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - Usage |This user’s usage limit for this service has been exceeded. |

|limit exceeded.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has expired. |

|Subscription has expired.” | |

|“Access to the Service Denied - |This user’s subscription for this service has not yet become valid. |

|Subscription is not yet valid.” | |

|“Access to Service Denied - No valid |No subscription was found for this user ID and service. |

|subscription found.” | |


Example Queries: GetWagesByZip Search Service

The Occupation Wages Service is a SOAP-based (Simple Object Access Protocol) API that enables developers to query and retrieve wage data based on soccode and zip code. Refer to the following use case for an example of this service.

Use Case #1

A user would like to see wage data for architects in zip code 55104.

Request Parameter Specifications

Refer to the following table for the parameters required to satisfy the use case above.

|Request |Value |

|Parameter | |

|soccode |171011 |

|zip |55104 |

|userID |123456789012345 |


Refer to the following table for an example (code example) of results for the request parameters specified above.

Request (Soap 1.1)

POST /webservices/occwages_webservice/occwagesservice.asmx HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

SOAPAction: ""




Response (Soap 1.1)

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length













































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