Abstract - NCSU


I. WORK PLAN ………………………………………………………………… 1

I.A Content Identification and Selection ………………………………. 1

I.B Content Acquisition ………………………………………………… 6

I.C Partnership Building ………………………………………………… 8

I.D Content Selection and Transfer ……………………………………….. 9


II.A NCSU Libraries Technical and Organizational Capacity ……………… 11

II.B NCSU Libraries Project Staff ………………………………………... 12

II.C CGIA Technical and Organizational Capacity …………………………. 13

II.D CGIA Project Staff ………………………………………………… 14

III. SUMMARY OF PROJECT OUTPUT ……………………………………….. 15

III.A Milestones …………………………………………………………. 15

III.B Summary of Deliverables ……………………………………….. 15

III.C Evaluation Measures ………………………………………………... 15


IV.A Budget Summary Form…………………………………………………. 16

IV.B Detailed Budget Proposal By Budget Year…………………………….. 17

IV.C Budget Justification ………………………………………………... 18


Content Identification and Selection: Detailed Work Plan ……………. 20

Content Acquisition: Detailed Work Plan ……………………………... 31

Partnership Building: Detailed Work Plan …………………..…………. 37

Content Retention and Transfer: Detailed Work Plan ……….……………. 38

Web Sites Illustrating Capabilities ………………………………………. 41

Brief Resumes of Primary Staff ………………………………..……... 52

Job Descriptions of Additional Staff ………..…………………..…………. 64

Letters of Commitment and Support ……….………………………………. 65

I. Work Plan

I.A Content Identification and Selection

This collaborative project of the North Carolina State University Libraries and the North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (CGIA) will focus on digital geospatial data, which may be defined as information that identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the earth.[1] Geospatial data resources include geographic information systems (GIS) data sets, digitized maps, remote sensing data resources such as digital aerial photography, and tabular data that are tied to specific locations. This data may be displayed within GIS software or, in the case of digital images, in digital image processing software. Geospatial data are created by a wide range of state and local agencies for use in applications such as tax assessment, transportation planning, hazard analysis, health planning, political redistricting, homeland security, and utilities management. Although often created with specific applications and functions in mind, these data resources are used in applications ranging far beyond those initially intended. End-user historical applications that might make use of historical and time series data include analyses of urbanization processes, environmental change, demographic change, and land use change. Libraries might also use these data for the purpose of “geo-enabling” library resources, enabling place-based discovery of information resources through mechanisms such as gazetteer lookup.

County and municipal data resources are in many ways analogous to the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps published at the turn of the last century. Those maps, while created with a very narrow purpose in mind, survived by virtue of their relatively stable analog form and the intervention of interested organizations, including the Library of Congress.[2] The new local geospatial data, while initially created for very specific administrative and operational purposes, already find uses in a wide range of applications beyond the intended uses. It has been estimated that the cost to create the geospatial data that exists at present for North Carolina counties and cities would be roughly $162 million.[3] Retrospective creation of a similar data collection for 1999 or 2000, for example, would be impossible. In the absence of legal and technical guidelines and the resources for agencies to preserve this data, each year vast quantities of it are being lost forever.

Content Subject Areas, Display, and Use Characteristics

Major types of data resources to be acquired include:

Vector data – These data resources model features on the earth’s surface as points, lines, or polygons. For example, a well location or a school may be modeled as a point; a stream or street centerline may be modeled as a line; and a land parcel or school district may be modeled as a polygon. A vector data set may form a “data layer,” such as a streets dataset covering a county. Vector datasets are not digital maps—maps are just one possible output—rather these data may be displayed or analyzed in many different ways, together with other data layers or inputs, using GIS software. State agency data is typically of larger scale (more detailed) than federal or national-level data. Even more detailed vector data is available from the county and municipal government level. The wide range of data layers available from county and municipal governments is illustrated by a sampling of typical layers shown in the table below. (See Appendix A for a detailed description of vector data, with examples.)

Table 1. Data layers often available from county or municipal agencies

| | | |

|Physical Environment |Infrastructure |Emergency and Disaster Response |

|Geodetic |Water Distribution Lines |Fire Districts |

|Land Cover |Roads |Emergency Mgmt. Districts |

|Soils |Sewer Lines |Flood Zones |

|Elevation |Railroads | |

|Watersheds |Schools |Political and Jurisdictional Boundaries |

|Surface Waters |Airports |Voting Districts |

| |Hospitals |County Lines |

|Land Use |Cell Towers |Municipal Lines |

|Zoning Districts |Prisons |School Districts |

|Buildings |Landfills |Extra-territorial Jurisdictions |

|Structures | | |

|Parcels, including Public |Remote Sensing | |

|Land Use |Aerial Imagery | |

Digital orthophotos – A conventional aerial photograph contains image displacements caused by camera lens distortion, camera tip and tilt, terrain relief, and scale. The effects of camera tilt and terrain relief may be removed through a rectification process to create a computer file referred to as a digital orthophoto, which is a uniform scale photographic image—essentially a photographic map. Through a process known as “heads-up digitizing,” a data user may edit or create vector data layers on top of digital orthophotos, which display features that may be omitted or generalized on other cartographic maps.

County government-produced orthophotos are typically created at resolutions ranging from six inches ground surface per pixel in urban areas to two feet per pixel in rural areas. In North Carolina, 80 counties currently have digital orthophotos, and 5 additional counties will have these by 2006. Counties typically conduct orthophoto flights every two to five years. File sizes for an individual county flight can total as much as 100 gigabytes or more, and 40 counties have had multiple flights.[4] Overall frequency of orthophoto flights is increasing as is the quantity of data generated in each subsequent flight. Statewide orthophotos at a lower resolution (one meter) have also been created through a combined state and federal effort for the years 1993 (black and white) and 1998 (color infrared), with actual image dates spanning several years. (See Appendix A for a detailed description of digital orthophotos.)

Digital Maps – Less common are digital maps which may be georeferenced in the same way as digital orthophotos. Georeferenced digital maps are typically created at the state agency level, and include digital raster graphics (digital topographic maps) and travel maps. Additionally, a range of non-georeferenced digital maps are available from state and local agencies, including traffic volume maps, bridge maps, county road maps, bike route maps, and zoning maps. Non-georeferenced digital maps will be acquired selectively, taking into account the potential for such maps to be used in geoprocessing applications. (See Appendix A for a detailed description of digital maps, with examples.)

Tabular Data – Tabular data are numeric or textual data stored in database, spreadsheet, comma separated value, or other like formats. Some tabular data may be associated with geographic features such as land parcels or census tracts. This project will focus solely on non-federal tabular data occurring at a granularity greater than county level. This largely concerns tax assessment data, which associates land parcel records with such attributes as property value, purchase price, purchase date, building type, construction date, square footage, zoning, land use, and owner name. These data are produced by county tax assessment agencies and are made publicly available according to public records law, often bundled together with land parcel vector data. (See Appendix A for a detailed description of tabular data, with examples.)

Processes, Systems, and Tools Used to Identify and Select Content

A key impediment to ongoing acquisition of state and local data has been the absence of a current inventory of the rapidly evolving body of data resources available from state and, especially, local agencies. Since the mid-1990s, a number of efforts have been undertaken to track the spread of GIS activity among local government agencies. Such efforts have typically been incomplete given the complexity of the task of surveying 100 counties and 140 cities. Furthermore, such inventories become obsolete quickly.

This project will benefit from a key and timely initiative put forward by the North Carolina Geographic Information Coordinating Council (GICC), which in November 2002 adopted a recommendation to develop an on-going inventory of municipal, county, state, and federal data. CGIA was designated to take the lead on the effort, and the NC OneMap Data Inventory was initiated in September 2003. This survey will act as a living inventory, as distinct from earlier one-time and quickly outdated static inventories. The initial Fall 2003 survey is making use of the SurveyMonkey commercial Internet service. In 2004, in connection with the proposed project, CGIA will develop a next-generation survey software system, using open source software tools, and will make the inventory information available to the NCSU Libraries on an ongoing, dynamic basis for use in data identification, selection, and acquisition efforts.

Additional survey resources that will be available for identification of content include:

North Carolina Flood Mapping Project – This project, initiated in September 2000, was kicked off with an investigation into data availability of local government data needed to update the state’s flood hazard maps in the aftermath of Hurricane Floyd. The survey process, which was conducted by CGIA, included site visits to relevant local agencies. The NCSU Libraries and North Carolina Department of Transportation provided input from earlier, separate investigations into data availability.

NCSU Libraries Local Government Data Acquisition Project – This NCSU project, initiated in spring 2000, resulted in an inventory of data holdings for more than one-half of the state and in acquisition of data for 47 counties in North Carolina. (See Appendix B.) The NCSU Libraries continues to maintain a comprehensive list of links to web sites, map servers, and data download sites at county and municipal agencies.

North Carolina Dept. of Transportation (NCDOT) – Since the late 1990s, the NCDOT has worked to acquire orthophotos and vector data sets such as street data from most North Carolina counties. NCDOT and NCSU have collaborated on local government data and inventory sharing since 2000.

North Carolina Dept. of Agriculture – Since 2001 the Department of Agriculture has worked to acquire land parcel data from a majority of counties in the state. The Department of Agriculture and NCSU Libraries currently share information on data inventories and holdings.

1997 National Geospatial Data Framework Survey – More than two hundred counties, municipalities, state government agencies and federal agencies responded in the North Carolina component of this survey, administered by CGIA. Although now largely historical in nature, this survey provided the basis for the NCSU Libraries data acquisition work begun in 2000 and still provides useful information about older local data holdings.[5]

Additional content will be obtained through systematic analysis of appropriate county, municipal, state, and lead regional organization web sites and by direct contact with relevant agencies as appropriate.

An expected benefit of this project will be the accumulation of inventory information from several different sources, creating the opportunity to provide feedback to the NC OneMap Data Inventory effort with regard to completeness of information acquired through the new online survey process. Data availability and acquisition progress will be tracked in a GIS database, allowing for query and display of inventory information, acquisition status, and data holdings by county, municipality or other place within the state.

Legal and Intellectual Property Issues

State and local government data resources in North Carolina are subject to public records law and as such must be made available to the public “free or at minimal cost unless otherwise specifically provided by law,” with a further stipulation that “minimal cost is defined as ‘the actual cost of reproducing the public record or public information.’” According to NC Gen. Statutes Section 132-10, “Qualified exception for geographical information systems,” agencies reserve the right to restrict resale of the data and to restrict commercial use, with some exceptions for the real estate industry.[6] In practice, freedom of access to data varies greatly, with some counties providing free public download and others charging considerable sums for data access. One of the concerns agencies have about access to older versions of data is the issue of liability with regard to possible confusion of current and old data. Many counties require individuals accepting data to sign a liability waiver. Municipal and state agencies are generally less restrictive in terms of data access, though some state agency data is restricted for privacy (e.g., public health and livestock disease data) or preservation (e.g., endangered species or cultural heritage) reasons.

In the short term, county government restrictions may require select county data resources to be restricted from redistribution or, in fewer cases, excluded from acquisition, but the general experience of data acquisition and partnering over the past three years has been that, as counties become more comfortable with data distribution, relevant policies become more relaxed. The growing openness towards making data freely available is reflected in the increasing number of counties providing free public download and the growing number of data sharing agreements being obtained in connection with the NC Floodplain Mapping Project. (See Appendix B.) Legal issues to be addressed in retention include downstream adherence to government restrictions on data redistribution and addressing the issue of disclaimer presentation as a precursor to data access.

Issues Affecting Technical Sustainability Over Time

Data formats – Vector data are typically stored in commercial data formats such as the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) “shapefile” and “coverage” formats, while new formats such as the ESRI “geodatabase” are emerging. Non-proprietary exchange file formats such as the Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) have not taken root in the industry, though open standards for client access to data servers are gaining ground. While ESRI formats predominate in North Carolina, data are available from some counties in formats such as the Intergraph or Understanding Systems OASIS formats. In the proposed project, data in non-ESRI formats will be converted to ESRI formats, with both the original and derived file retained. At some future point, these data will need to be migrated to newer formats as existing formats cease to be supported by successive software versions. Image products are typically produced as uncompressed TIFF or BIL files. Derivative MrSID and JPEG files are typically made for ease of distribution due to the large file size of the uncompressed imagery. Images will be acquired, whenever possible, as uncompressed files. Where no uncompressed file exists, images will be converted to TIFF format for archival purposes, with both the original and derived file retained.

Metadata and documentation – In order to use geospatial data reliably, the typical user will require metadata or technical documentation, which informs the user about data structure, content, georeferencing system used, data lineage (or processing history) and recommended use. Additional ancillary documentation such as data dictionaries for attributes (e.g., land use codes for land use polygons) may be required. The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) published the Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) in 1994, and federal agencies were mandated to begin using the standard in 1995.[7] The standard, which reached version 2 in 1998, has since been widely adopted the state government level, with a lower level of adoption at the local level. The state of North Carolina was an early adopter of the standard and CGIA has actively promoted the standard at the state and local level through grant-funded workshops and outreach.

Emerging data access technologies – It is often the case that secondary archives—such as those found in libraries--survive over time more readily than do those of the information producers. In the case of geospatial data, the secondary archive is often a by-product of the need to provide access. Over the past two to three years, new data delivery technologies allowing users to stream in data to their applications directly from the Internet without downloading data sets have begun to emerge. Available methods include ESRI’s ArcIMS image and feature services, OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS), and access to commercial data services via SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) connections. Such access methods are attractive to individuals and organizations, particularly because these data tend to be large in size and the user may only need to interact with a small subset. As such access methods become more widely used, the development of secondary archives may diminish, putting these resources at risk. On the other hand, these new technologies provide an opportunity to automate the processes of remote data inventory and acquisition and make the process of data archive development more sustainable.

The Content Selection and Identification phase will largely occur in year one of the project, but some components will continue through years two and three. Detailed content identification and selection plans for the three-year project may be found in Appendix A.

I.B Content Acquisition

Order of acquisition will be refined during the Content Identification and Selection phase, but some general principles are expected to apply as a default framework for acquisition efforts. These principles include:

• “time-sensitive” data—those used to create time series or at short-term risk of disappearing—will be acquired first. Targeted resources would include vector data that are routinely updated;

• digital orthophotos, while “at risk,” are not “time-sensitive”; acquisition will be largely deferred to years two and three of the project. Since orthophotos comprise the bulk of total collection file size, this also allows time for the redundant storage model to be fully implemented and tested;

• county and state data will be targeted from the first year of the project, since there is greater knowledge about data availability for these agencies and more comprehensive benefit from initiation of time series development. Municipal, lead regional organization, not-for-profit, and university data will be targeted in later phases;

• geographic gaps in existing agency acquisition efforts will be targeted for early acquisition, with a particular focus on Western North Carolina, which has not been thoroughly addressed in earlier acquisition efforts.

Technical Specifications and Standards For Capture Mechanisms

Because of the variety of distribution methods provided by local and state agencies, a number of different approaches will be used to acquire data:

• direct download from data servers – 14 counties, 7 cities, and several state agencies in North Carolina currently allow direct FTP or web download from their servers. The number of such services has increased steadily each year. In order to develop time series in a reliable fashion agent tools for automated download will be explored;

• upload by data producers to NCSU Libraries servers – NCSU Libraries servers will be equipped to allow incoming file transfer of data by state and local agencies;

• external hard drive transfer of data – Currently preferred by some partners, this method is expected to become more common as agencies include external drive support in their technical infrastructure. Onsite visits for external drive transfer from CD-ROM will be conducted on an as-needed basis;

• web extract from agency interfaces – Several local agencies have developed elaborate Web interfaces to allow for download of individual data files for specific locations, while not enabling bulk download. Agent applications may be constructed for automated parsing of individual web sites, although this approach is not sustainable on a wide scale due to the site-specific nature of the tools developed;

• feature server extraction – 58 counties, 14 cities, and 4 state agencies in North Carolina currently maintain web map servers, which allow users to construct maps on the fly using ordinary Web browsers, interacting remotely with data on the agency server. The underlying data will be extracted from these servers where possible (see Appendix B);

• non-Magnetic media transfer – Data will also be transferred by CD and DVD where necessary. Orthophoto holdings for individual counties may require between 10 and several hundred CDs for full data transfer.

Content Authentication Issues

Vector and tabular data will be acquired directly from producing agencies. In an effort to extend time series into the past, vector and associated tabular data will also be acquired, where possible, from intermediaries who have in the past acquired the data (CGIA, NCDOT, and NC Department of Agriculture), and appropriate provenance metadata will be created.

Due to the size of uncompressed orthophoto collections and the cost of transfer, uncompressed orthophotos will be acquired, where possible, from intermediaries such as CGIA, NCDOT, and NC Department of Agriculture. Otherwise, uncompressed orthophotos will be acquired directly from producing county agencies.

Metadata Processing

FGDC Metadata – FGDC metadata is available for data originating from several state agencies. Availability of FGDC metadata for counties and cities is less comprehensive. Where FGDC metadata is available, it will be acquired along with the data. Where such metadata is not available, minimal data documentation will be gleaned from other agency documentation, through the NC OneMap Data Inventory, or by posing a set of questions to producers to acquire a minimal set of metadata. Batch extraction of selected metadata elements will also be undertaken. (For a discussion of tools see Appendix B.)

METS Metadata – While the FGDC metadata standard is exhaustive with regard to describing data content, structure, lineage, and georeferencing, it does not address some critical preservation metadata requirements. The proposed project will adapt the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS)[8] to geospatial data for the following purposes:

• to create a wrapper for the various components that make up a complex data object, including: the one or more data files making up a data object, georeferencing files, metadata files, and ancillary documentation;

• to provide a container for administrative metadata that is external to the FGDC metadata. This includes: data acquisition history, acquisition process, rights pertaining to the archive (as distinct from rights as expressed by the data producer);

• to link to services that operate on the data object using the METS “behavior” component. This will provide an end user or harvester with a pointer to a web map or feature service operating on a different copy of the same data; and

• to provide Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP), and Dissemination Information Package (DIP) functions in a digital repository context.

Commercial and open source authoring tools for METS records will be evaluated, though it is anticipated that the project will need to assemble METS records through batch scripting and XSLT processes in the initial stages. Creation of a GIS profile for METS will be explored.

The application of METS to geospatial data would continue a tradition of technological cross-fertilization between the GIS and library communities. GIS industry adoptions from the library community include study of the library cataloging standards in connection with creation of the federal Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata in 1994. A second example of technology crossover was the adoption of the

Z39.50 standard for cross-database searching. Though the standard was developed within the library community, the protocol was adopted by the GIS community, which in 1995 created a new “geo” Z39.50 profile for use in development of the National Spatial Data Clearinghouse search system.[9]

The library community also stands to learn much from the GIS community. Meta-search systems were developed on a wide scale in the national and global GIS communities before becoming common in the library community. Extensive development of non-MARC FGDC metadata by the mid-1990s spawned a small industry of authoring tools, and led toward XML metadata database development work. The GIS community has also been wrestling with Web Services-based information delivery issues at early stages in development of Web Services technologies. In the context of digital preservation, the library community may also stand to learn from the current experience of the GIS community in management of large quantities of digital content and associated metadata at the federal government level.

Detailed acquisition plans for the three-year project may be found in Appendix B.

I.C Partnership Building

The proposed project will build upon an existing statewide organizational framework, key components of which are the North Carolina Geographic Information Coordinating Council (GICC), the North Carolina Center for Geographic Information & Analysis (CGIA), and the NC OneMap Initiative.

The GICC is established by legislation and is charged with improving the quality, access, cost-effectiveness and utility of North Carolina's geographic information and promoting geographic information as a strategic resource for the state.[10] The Council creates policy and resolves technical issues related to North Carolina geographic information and GIS systems and fosters cooperation among government agencies, universities, and the private sector.

The GICC includes 33 members representing the GIS community statewide. Ten members are from local government, and the academic community is represented by the President of the University of North Carolina system and the President of the NC Community College System. The legislation also established six committees that support the GICC, including an active Local Government Committee.

The GICC established one of the first cooperating partnerships with the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC).  Through this partnership, the GICC promotes the goals of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure and actively cooperates with US Geological Survey (USGS) in the development of the National Map and the Geospatial One-Stop program.[11] This formal coordination structure is helping North Carolina realize the full potential of a coordinated approach for the use of geographic information technology within the state.

The CGIA is the primary state GIS agency and serves as staff to the GICC. In this role, CGIA is responsible for implementing the goals and strategies of the GICC. Established in 1977, CGIA also operates a GIS service program and provides GIS services—application development, data development, spatial analysis, system planning, image analysis, and general GIS technical assistance—to users in North Carolina.

For the next two years, the GICC has adopted as its first priority the design and implementation of a comprehensive statewide geographic data resource, called NC OneMap. NC OneMap is the North Carolina version of the National Map and will serve the basic information requirements for decision-making in the community, statewide, and in support of national priorities. Users will be able to view geographic data seamlessly across North Carolina; search for and download data for use on their own GIS; view and query FGDC compliant metadata; and determine who has what data through an online data inventory. A NC OneMap demonstration site () is already operational. The demonstration site was built on the architecture of the National Map and invokes OGC specifications.

More than a dozen county and municipal governments are participating in the NC OneMap demonstration viewer, which combines geospatial data in real time from federal, state, and local government servers in a seamless map display. In addition, more than 40 local governments have signed data sharing agreements with CGIA. NC OneMap is the portal that links geospatial data from users across the state. The goal of the GICC is to achieve participation in NC OneMap by all 100 NC counties and more than 140 municipalities in addition to state and federal government GIS users in North Carolina. NC OneMap will serve as a model for USGS and FGDC efforts to promote the use of geospatial data nationally.

The GICC has formally adopted an implementation plan that includes:

• the adoption of data content standards built on national standards under the Geospatial One-Stop program;

• formal community data sharing agreements;

• a system design that addresses hardware requirements, system architecture, network protocols, security issues, and privacy concerns; and

• an inventory—already underway—of GIS users across the state that will document data holdings and data gaps.

This proposal from NCSU and CGIA to the Library of Congress presents an important opportunity to address the issue of digital geospatial data preservation in the early stages of NC OneMap as part of the implementation planning process. North Carolina is an ideal test ground for the following reasons:

• an active and robust coordination structure—the GICC and its committees—is in place;

• successful cooperation between state, federal, and local governments and the academic community is already a reality as formal agreements and partnerships for sharing geospatial are already in place;

• a resource for accessing and sharing geospatial data – NC OneMap – is already under development and a demonstration site is operational. The infrastructure and institutional framework of NC OneMap will also serve as the focal point and core mechanism for preserving digital geospatial data.

I.D Content Retention and Transfer

Content will be physically acquired by NCSU Libraries from data producing agencies and intermediary agencies and stored in an online, mirrored digital repository. It is expected that individual state and local agencies will concurrently expand roles with respect to development of long-term archives and time series.

Repository Architecture

A 12.6 terabyte near-line storage disk array will be implemented with RAID 5 fault-tolerant architecture. The equipment will be connected to existing NCSU Libraries gigabit Ethernet switches to support rapid disk writes over the network. A tape library solution will be implemented to provide backup and redundant offsite data storage. In addition, a redundant disk-based archival copy will be maintained at the NCSU Libraries’ secure offside storage node, which is supported by library and university technical staff.

Tentative plans call for deployment of the DSpace digital repository software developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Hewlett Packard.[12] Although DSpace does not currently support METS records, version 1.2 is expected to support METS for Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP), and Dissemination Information Package (DIP) functions, which will be a requirement for use of DSpace in this project.[13] Analysis of emerging METS authoring tools will focus on both individual and batch authoring of METS records. Other digital repository software tools such as FEDORA (Federated Digital Object Repository Architecture), developed by the University of Virginia and Cornell, will be evaluated over the period of the project.[14] The proposed project work will leverage existing NCSU Libraries investments in infrastructure and expertise for digital repository development.

Research and Development

This project will involve an investigation into current data storage and preservation technologies and methodologies as currently employed by large federal repositories. Particular focus will be given to the EROS Data Center, which has demonstrated experience in managing extremely large geospatial data archives.[15] While the EROS Data Center is not believed to be currently addressing state and local data—focusing instead on national and global data—it is expected that important lessons may be learned from the EROS Data Center experience.

Post-Project Retention and Transfer of Content

The NCSU Libraries will commit to storing and preserving data acquired during the three-year period of the project (data translations) for a minimum of five years beyond the conclusion of the funding period, and will pursue additional sources of funding to support continuation beyond this period. Following the completion of the three-year project, it is expected that the project components and content areas will fall into one or more of the following categories:

a) Components that will have become part of state and local government data infrastructure and processes. The “Characteristics of NC OneMap” as defined by the North Carolina Geographic Information Coordinating Council include the statements that “Historic and temporal data will be maintained and preserved” and that “NC OneMap data are reliably maintained by the data provider organization through partners and formal arrangements.”[16] During the period in which the supporting infrastructure for NC OneMap objectives is put into place, a three-year span of time series data will have been acquired by the project. In addition to accumulated content, the proposed project will have developed a body of experience and serve as a test-bed for development of best practices with regard to long-term access and preservation. The involvement of CGIA, as the state’s coordinating GIS agency, will serve to further disseminate best practices. North Carolina’s history of leading-edge activities with regard to geospatial data infrastructure and close involvement in activities such as the National Map enable the project partners to leverage experience and knowledge of current practices onto the national scene.

b) Components that NCSU Libraries continues because of fit with organizational mission. The NCSU Libraries is committed to providing a high level of service with respect to geospatial data access, and there is a high level of university-wide interest in GIS, with over 35 academic departments involved in GIS activities. Local government data acquisition efforts, which have been carried out on a more limited scale to date, have helped to change the nature of GIS work done on campus, as the large-scale local data enables application development and pursuit of research in fields not previously using GIS. The NCSU Libraries will have a clear interest in continuing to provide long-term access to such data, including time series resources developed as a result of long-term archival processes.

c) Components which prove to be unsustainable. It is entirely possible that some of the project components will turn out to be unsustainable over a longer period of time. Following analysis of findings in an end-of-project evaluation, additional funding might be pursued to continue development in acquisition areas that show promise but which do not fall within the set of sustainable activities that the project partners and collaborators identify as part of their organizational scope. If any acquired content has not, in the five years following the end of project funding, been assimilated into ongoing NC OneMap and NCSU Libraries long-term archival functions, the content in question will be made available to the Library of Congress.

Detailed content retention and transfer plans for the three-year project may be found in Appendix D.

II. Staffing and Institutional Capacity

The proposed project benefits from being a collaborative effort among geospatial data repository managers at NCSU Libraries and the North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. North Carolina State University is a research-extensive institution with well established strengths in science and technology as well as in statewide extension and local government partnerships. With its resident expertise in information science and commitment to long-term management and protection of resources, the NCSU Libraries is uniquely prepared to lead this project. With its experience in developing a statewide geospatial data archive, promoting standards and best practices for data production and documentation in the state’s geospatial data user community, and in developing innovative tools for data access, CGIA will play an important role in identifying and acquiring content as well as in promoting development of historical archives and time series within the data producer community and relevant organizational entities.

II.A NCSU Libraries Technical and Organizational Capacity

Technical Architecture

The NCSU Libraries houses and supports a server, backup and network infrastructure that is comparable in sophistication and staffing expertise to many university computing centers. The library supports a

high-availability failover server architecture in which there are no single points of failure for production services. Up to six terabytes of data are currently backed up through a tape library. The library also utilizes offsite storage for tapes and backup servers. The Libraries has a direct gigabit connection to the campus backbone. NCSU, a member of Internet 2, is also a founding member of the North Carolina

Networking Initiative (NCNI). NCNI provides gigapop network capacity among the Triangle area universities and research community with links to the statewide North Carolina Research and Education Network. Among the digital library initiatives with which the NCSU Libraries is currently engaged is an NSF-funded collaborative project to build a web-based searchable archive of wood anatomy images (the majority of which will exist only in digital form) and associated metadata, with managed content expected to total 5-7 terabytes.

Geospatial Data Infrastructure and Expertise

The NCSU Libraries also brings considerable expertise with geospatial data resources to bear on the project. Since 1993 NCSU has maintained a data server for campus-wide access to data resources, and in 1997 the Libraries began to serve data through interactive web-based mapping applications. As a result of cumulative efforts in data collection building, access tools development, outreach, and partnering, in 2001 the NCSU Libraries became the first library to receive the industry ESRI Special Achievement in GIS Award. For the past decade, library staff have developed an ongoing collaboration with the Center for Earth Observation, which is based in NCSU's College of Natural Resources and manages numerous teaching and research programs. That center offers substantial expertise in geospatial technologies and has worked and consulted with the library on a number of grant-funded initiatives focused on public access to GIS data.

The NCSU Libraries has well developed expertise in the area of identifying, acquiring, and managing state and local agency data resources. Beginning in 2000, the library led a University Extension-funded effort to acquire county and municipal data in central and eastern North Carolina. This effort spurred development of expertise in the areas of data acquisition negotiations, metadata authoring, image compression, development of tools for batch processing of data and metadata, and large-scale data collection management. (See Appendix B for a summary of data acquisition efforts.)

II.B NCSU Libraries Project Staff

Primary Staff (existing)

Steven P. Morris (.15 FTE), Head, Digital Library Initiatives, will serve as project director and will be the authority on data archival issues. He will act as the principal investigator for NCSU Libraries on the project. In addition to coordinating overall project work, he will be responsible for directing development of digital repository infrastructure and will lead investigations in the area of OGC protocol-based data identification and extraction. Mr. Morris has led data services efforts at NCSU since 1997 and initiated and led an ongoing effort to acquire state and local data for archival purposes. He represents the University of North Carolina System on the State Mapping Advisory Committee (SMAC), a subcommittee supporting the GICC.

Jefferson F. Essic (.25 FTE), Data Services Librarian, Research and Information Services, will provide GIS technical expertise with regard to identification, evaluation, and processing of data resources. He will also integrate current library data inventory information and holdings into the project effort. Mr. Essic currently manages data services operations at NCSU. Previously, as an employee of Triangle J Council of Governments, Mr. Essic led a regional effort in the area of local government data acquisition and acted as Lead Regional Organization representative to the SMAC.

James M. Jackson Sanborn (.1 FTE), Metadata Architect/Assistant Head, Digital Library Initiatives , will serve as consultant on metadata architecture issues, including design of metadata schemas, development of tools, such as XSLT style-sheets for metadata transformations, and database design. Mr. Jackson Sanborn currently designs and develops XML and database applications related to information discovery and consults on metadata architecture issues in a variety of information resource projects within the library.

Jacqueline Samples (.1 FTE), Metadata Librarian, Cataloging Department, will supervise metadata production work with regard to creation of technical, administrative, and descriptive metadata needed for preservation purposes. Ms. Samples currently supervises non-MARC metadata production for the NCSU Libraries Special Collections content.

Secondary Staff (existing)

Robert W. Main III (.05 FTE), Technical Operations Manager, Systems Department, will design and implement the disk repository and backup architectures and incorporate them into the existing systems architecture of the library. He will supervise staff who maintain systems administration and daily operation functions to assure data integrity, security, and reliability of systems.

Barry Gaskins (.1 FTE), Applications Analyst Programmer II, Digital Library Initiatives Department, will do programming and development work on enhancing DSpace, as well as other repository software and tools that are implemented as part of the project.

Scott Devine (.05 FTE), Head, Preservation Department, will provide consulting and expertise on broader preservation issues and will facilitate transfer of expertise from other digital preservation initiatives in which the library is involved.

Project Funded Staff

Project Manager (1 FTE) - The position of Project Manager will be created following receipt of the grant. This person will take lead responsibility for identifying content for acquisition, leading data collection work, supervising FGDC and METS metadata production work, and managing flow of content into the repository.

Temporary Data Management Staff - North Carolina State University has numerous graduate students with the appropriate background and skills. The project will employ them to help coordinate with local agencies on acquisition of data files and metadata, acquire necessary documentation, carry out metadata file creation and metadata transformations, and conduct transfer of data and metadata into the repository.

II.C CGIA Technical and Organizational Capacity

CGIA is the state agency responsible for providing geographic information and services statewide, developing an Internet mapping and information system—NC OneMap—and serving as staff to the NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council. Operating since 1977, CGIA has completed more than 400 hundred projects with state agencies, counties, municipalities, nonprofit organizations, universities and businesses as well as managed some 100 GIS data layers for statewide use. CGIA staff has extensive experience in database management, data creation, custom computer applications, analysis, reporting, custom mapping, partnership building and professional presentations. CGIA analysts and programmers apply GIS tools to North Carolina data on a daily basis.

CGIA, a receipt-supported agency, has provided technical support to hazard mitigation planning and emergency management, built GIS capacity in public health agencies, created an inventory of conservation and open space, created tools for coastal land use planning, designed Internet mapping for rural telecommunications, and assisted the state’s Floodplain Mapping Program. In addition to its expertise in GIS, CGIA’s professional staff has training and experience in water quality, city and regional planning, economics, demographics, forestry, geography, geology, transportation, database management, information technology and system design.

Several of CGIA’s recent projects have featured application development to customize desktop GIS and to create new GIS-based decision support tools. For the NC General Assembly, CGIA developed the “District Builder” system that enables users to create new voting districts statewide. CGIA is a partner with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program, the National Weather Service, and USGS in development of a flood inundation and forecast mapping system for the Internet. CGIA has also developed custom GIS projects for joint land use planning in the Fort Bragg region, and land suitability analysis for coastal counties. Equally important have been projects funded and assisted by federal partners relating to National Spatial Data Infrastructure, metadata, clearinghouse, the National Map, statewide aerial imagery and other efforts to build statewide GIS capacity.

II.D CGIA Project Staff

Primary Staff (matched salary)

Zsolt Nagy (288 hours/year), Program Manager, Geographic Information Coordination Program, will be the principal investigator for CGIA on the preservation project and provide oversight for NC OneMap partnering, inventory and infrastructure development. Mr. Nagy, who has worked with CGIA since 1982, has done considerable work on national, state, regional and local geographic information initiatives, including efforts to develop the National Spatial Data Infrastructure. He provides executive staff support to the North Carolina GICC and is integral to the NC OneMap initiative. Mr. Nagy is currently President-Elect of the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC).

Tom Tribble (96 hours/year), Manager, Asheville Field Office, will provide outreach to local agencies, playing a key role in enabling access to local government data resources. Mr. Tribble acts as lead CGIA liaison to the Local Government Committee of the North Carolina GICC. He has played a key role in building CGIA's capabilities and reputation since the mid-1980s.

David Giordano (288 hours/year), Senior GIS Analyst, Geographic Information Coordination Program, will contribute as lead analyst on administration of the NC OneMap inventory and in collection of community data holdings. Currently, he is coordinating a statewide GIS data inventory for NC OneMap, and is also heavily involved in the CGIA GIS Coordination Program as lead liaison to the State Government Users Committee and as staff to the Statewide Mapping Advisory Committee. Mr. Giordano, who has worked with CGIA since 1992, is the database manager for the NC Corporate Geographic Database.

Primary Staff (project funded in part)

Julia Harrell (518 hours/year), Applications Programmer, will be the lead applications programmer for development of NC OneMap infrastructure, including the inventory component that will provide data availability information to the proposed project. Ms. Harrell works with various programming tools including ArcIMS, Visual Basic, ArcView Avenue, MapObjects, and HTML. She plays a key role in the Floodplain Mapping Information System and is redesigning the NCMapNet Internet mapping application. Julia worked for the GIS Unit in the NC Department of Transportation before joining CGIA in 2000.

III. Summary of Project Output

III.A Milestones

|Acquisition of NC OneMap Data Inventory (version 1) content |Month 2 |

|Hire and train staff |Months 1-3 |

|Determination of layer priority/frequency for time series |Month 4 |

|Cumulative analysis of GICC survey and other surveys complete |Month 4 |

|Disk storage system deployed |Month 6 |

|Digital repository software installation and configuration complete |Month 8 |

|Stage 2 GICC survey information acquisition begun |Month 18 |

|Completion of first full year cycle of state and county vector time series capture |Month 18 |

|Report to Library of Congress on Data Selection and Identification Phase |Month 18 |

|50% of available county orthophoto data acquired |Month 24 |

|Report to Library of Congress on Content Acquisition phase |Month 24 |

|Report to Library of Congress on Partnership Building Phase |Month 30 |

|Report to Library of Congress on Content Retention and Transfer Phase |Month 36 |

|Project Evaluation completed |Month 36 |

III.B Summary of Deliverables

• Comprehensive archive of county and state digital orthophoto resources

• Archive of selected digital map resources

• Archive of selected state and local vector data resources, including time series data where appropriate

• Archive of selected state and local tabular data resources, including time series data where appropriate (these data may be previously integrated with vector data)

• Documented expertise and best practices in the application of METS (Metadata Encoding and Transfer Standard) to the geospatial data industry for long-term data management

• Documented expertise and best practices with regard to management of geospatial data within emerging open source digital repository software

• Documented expertise and best practices with respect to automated identification and extraction of data from OpenGIS specification-based services

• Cultivation of a greater awareness of time series, long-term access, and digital preservation issues in the data producer community

III.C Evaluation Measures

• Number of counties, municipalities, lead regional organizations, state agencies, and other entities from which data has been acquired

• Total file quantity and data file size acquired

• Percent of data objects for which at least minimal FGDC metadata has been developed

• Percent of data objects for which METS metadata has been developed

• Percent of acquired data objects submitted to the digital repository

• Percent of vector and tabular data resources targeted for time series capture for which continuous time series have been acquired

• Rate of adoption in the state and local geospatial data producer community of preservation strategies and time series development

• Percent of NC OneMap data sources exposing time series data for access



A.1 Content Description

a) Vector Data

Vector data resources model features on the earth’s surface as points, lines, or polygons. For example, a well location or a school may be modeled as a point; a stream or street centerline may be modeled as a line; and a land parcel or school district may be modeled as a polygon. A vector data set may form a “data layer,” such as a streets dataset covering a county. Vector datasets are not digital maps—maps are just one possible output—rather these data may be displayed or analyzed in many different ways, together with other data layers or inputs, using GIS software.

Figure 1. Wake County land parcel data overlain with Raleigh City curb and gutter lines and building footprints.


State agency vector data is typically of larger scale (more detailed) than federal or national-level data. The North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (CGIA) Corporate Geographic Database (CGDB) includes over 100 vector data layers, such as “streams” or “land cover types,” covering the state of North Carolina.[17] Additional vector data layers not included in the CGDB are available from a variety of state agencies. Even more detailed vector data is available from the county and municipal government level. County government data resources are typically developed in association with tax assessment functions and so usually prioritize data layers such as land parcels, street centerlines, and municipal boundaries. Municipal data resources include additional physical and cultural data layers.

If available as snapshots in time, vector data will be able to provide future researchers with historical information about human and environmental processes. Unfortunately state and local agencies typically make only the current data available. In the example map below, Raleigh city boundary data that was archived by the Triangle J Council of Governments in 1995 is combined with 2001 municipal boundary data from Wake County government to illustrate expansion of urban boundaries.

Figure 2. Raleigh municipal boundary changes.


b) Digital Orthophotos

A digital orthophoto is a uniform scale photographic image—essentially a photographic map. Through a process known as “heads up digitizing,” a data user may edit or create vector data layers on top of digital orthophotos, which display features that may be omitted or generalized on other cartographic maps. Digital orthophotos are usually produced in TIFF or BIL image format, with MrSID or JPEG compressed version created for image delivery. These images are georeferenced using “world files,” ASCII text files that accompany the images and provide software with instructions for locating the images on the earth’s surface.

Statewide digital orthophoto flights have been carried out in 1993 and 1998 as a cooperative effort between the state government and the U.S. Geological Survey. These “Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles” are included in a partially complete national collection of one-meter resolution imagery. The 1993 North Carolina flights were done in black and white while the 1998 flights were done in color infrared to support applications involving land cover analysis. Orthophoto “flights” are typically done during the winter, usually around February, when leaves are off the trees and better ground exposure is available.

The mix of orthophoto resources available from federal, state, and local government agencies makes possible the analysis of change over time. The increasing frequency of local government orthophoto flights are enabling more such analysis, though the agencies in question typically focus on providing access to the most current images. The following images illustrate land use changes in the vicinity of the Interstate 540 / US Highway 70 Interchange, north of Raleigh-Durham International Airport.

Figure 3. Land use change over time near Raleigh-Durham International Airport

|1993 USGS/CGIA DOQQ |1998 USGS/CGIA Color Infrared DOQQ |

| | |

|1999 Wake County Color Orthophoto |2002 USGS Hi-Res Urban Orthophoto |

| | |

County government orthophoto data is generally of much higher resolution than the state/federal data, with data resolution ranging from six inches ground surface per pixel in urban areas to two feet per pixel in rural areas. The images below of downtown Pittsboro in Chatham County, North Carolina illustrate the difference in detail between the state/federal data and the county data.

Figure 4. Comparison of federal/state and county orthophoto detail

|1993 One meter resolution DOQQ |1997 Six inch resolution county orthophoto |

| | |

c) Digital Maps

A wide variety of digital maps are also available. These maps may georeferenced in the same way as digital orthophotos, using “world files.” Georeferenced digital maps are typically created at the state agency level, and include digital raster graphics (digital topographic maps) and travel maps. Additionally, a range of non-georeferenced digital maps are available from state and local agencies, including traffic volume maps, bridge maps, county road maps, bike route maps, and zoning maps. Although the maps themselves are not necessarily “digitally born,” many of these resources are only distributed electronically. Hence archival development is most likely to occur with the digital copy. In addition, any georeferencing work is only represented (and hence preservable) in the digital version.

|Figure 5. Pavement condition map for Chatham |Figure 6. Bike route map for Transylvania County, NC (2003) |

|County, NC (2003) | |

|[pic] | |

d) Tabular Data

Tabular data are numeric or textual data stored in database, spreadsheet, comma separated value, or other like formats. Some tabular data may be associated with geographic features such as land parcels or census tracts. This project will focus solely on non-federal tabular data occurring at a granularity greater than county level. This largely concerns tax assessment data, which associates land parcel records with such attributes as property value, purchase price, purchase date, building type, construction date, square footage, zoning, land use, and owner name. This data is produced by county tax assessment agencies and are made publicly available according to public records law, often bundled together with land parcel vector data.

A given geographic feature may be assigned many different attribute values based on tabular data that might be associated with that feature. In the example below land parcel data for Raleigh, North Carolina is displayed two different ways, using different parcel attributes.

Figure 7.

Wake County parcel boundaries (2002) attributed with tabular tax assessment data



A.2 Content Availability

State Agencies

In addition to CGIA, several state agencies have active GIS programs that are involved with geospatial data production and use. Key agencies include the Department of Transportation (NCDOT), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), the North Carolina Flood Mapping Program, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Public Instruction. Both NCDOT and NCDENR include several sub-departments with their own GIS programs. Many of the geospatial data resources created by these state agencies are included in the Corporate Geographic Database managed by CGIA, but many more data resources are not available in a central state repository.

County Governments

GIS activity at the county level often begins with a focus around tax assessment, which is handled by county governments in North Carolina. Geospatial data creation is typically initiated by the county tax assessment (or land records) office and focuses on development of resources such as high-resolution digital orthophotos, street centerlines with addresses, and municipal boundaries, which are needed for tax assessment operations. This data is much more detailed and typically more current than data available from the state or federal level. As county GIS programs mature, the data comes to be employed by a wide range of agencies outside of tax operations, and more data layers representing features such as school locations, utility lines, elevation, and land use zones are created. Currently, 92 of 100 North Carolina counties have GIS systems.[18]

Figure 8. North Carolina counties with GIS systems as of 2003


Digital orthophotos provide the base material for creation of vector layers such as land parcels and street centerlines and so are typically the first data resource created. Counties that have orthophotos typically make flights every 2-5 years. Eighty North Carolina counties currently have at least one flight dataset available, and five additional counties are known to have plans for flights by 2006.[19]

Figure 9. North Carolina counties with digital orthophotos existing or planned


City Governments

An increasing number of city governments are using GIS as part of ongoing work in areas such as land use planning, zoning, utilities management, park and open space planning, and emergency response. City governments typically acquire the relevant county data as a base resource and then develop additional, needed data layers as a result of ongoing operations.

Lead Regional Organizations (LROs)

These organizations are typically referred to as “Councils of Government,” of which there are 17 in North Carolina and to one of which every North Carolina county belongs.[20] Many of the LROs provide GIS services to their constituent counties and municipalities, and in some cases additional, regional data layers are produced.


Other data producing entities include universities, non-governmental organizations (e.g., Triangle Land Conservancy), and private firms that manage large land holdings (e.g., Weyerhaeuser).

A.3 Access and Rights Issues

North Carolina public records law dictates that government geospatial data be made available to the general public, but provisions are made allowing for recovery of costs of distribution and for restrictions on commercial use. In practice, many local agencies freely redistribute data, while others charge significant sums of money for data transfer. Frequently, an agency will require that the acquiring entity sign a statement to the effect that liability is waived and that redistribution will be controlled. In a few extreme cases the acquiring agency is asked to accept responsibility for downstream uses of the data. The general trend in data distribution over time has been toward more open access. One key outcome of the North Carolina Flood Mapping Project has been the securing, by the state government--of local government data sharing agreements that either, under “Option A,” include allowance of data distribution or, under “Option B,” allow public viewing of the data via a web mapping application but do not allow actual data download. Progress in establishing such agreements, as of August 2003, is indicated in the map below.[21]

Figure 10. North Carolina counties that have signed data sharing agreements

as of August 2003


A.4 Detailed Phase Timeline

|Content Identification and Selection: Year One |

|Action |Timeline |

| | |

|Acquire initial NC OneMap data inventory information from CGIA. Information gathered during fall 2003 using the |Months |

|online SurveyMonkey Web-based survey service will be made available for analysis. |1-18 |

| | |

|Acquire updated North Carolina Dept. of Transportation (NCDOT) Planning Department data holdings information and |Months |

|data survey information. The NCDOT Planning Department has been maintaining an inventory of acquired county |1-2 |

|orthophoto data, including year of flight. Generally, only MrSID compressed data has been retained as part of this | |

|effort, so this collection is not an acquisition target. | |

| | |

|Acquire updated NC Dept. of Agriculture data holdings information and data survey information. The Dept. of |Months |

|Agriculture, in cooperation with the NC Geodetic Survey, has been acquiring information about past, current, and |1-2 |

|planned county orthophoto flights, and has acquired land parcel data from most counties in the state. | |

| | |

|Acquire updated NC Flood Mapping data holdings information and data survey information. In conjunction with the |Months |

|Flood Mapping effort, detailed inventories, including site visits, were conducted by CGIA with local agencies during|1-2 |

|2000-2001. | |

| | |

|Summarize current NCSU Libraries data acquisition and inventory information. The Data Services unit continues to |Months |

|acquire new state and local data resources. |1-2 |

| | |

|Combine data inventory information from the various sources. Cumulated data inventory information will be stored as|Months |

|tables in a GIS database, allowing for viewing and reporting of data availability by location or region. |3-4 |

| | |

|Determine, with stakeholders, vector data layers to be acquired on periodic basis and determine frequency by layer. |Months |

| |1-6 |

| | |

|Identify gaps in current county data holdings and target agencies for intensive data gathering efforts. |Months |

| |5-6 |

| | |

|Provide CGIA with feedback on NC OneMap data inventory completeness and accuracy, based on comparison of NC OneMap |Months |

|survey results with inventory information from other sources. |5-6 |

| | |

|Refine target list of state agency data to be acquired. Potential targets include the CGIA Corporate Geographic |Months |

|Database; the 1998 uncompressed statewide orthophotos; NC Dept. of Transportation county map data, digital maps, and|6-12 |

|traffic counts; NCDOT Photogrammetric Unit digital aerial photos; NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources | |

|digital topographic maps, NC Division of Coastal Management digital orthophotos, digital maps, and wetlands data; | |

|and miscellaneous data sources. | |

| | |

|Submit preliminary report to Library of Congress on Content Identification and Selection Phase. |Month |

| |12 |

|Content Identification and Selection: Year Two |

|Action |Timeline |

| | |

|Acquire data holdings and data survey information from lead regional organizations (Council of Governments). Many |Months |

|LROs are in the process of acquiring data from relevant local county and city agencies. |13-18 |

| | |

|Acquire updated NCDOT, NCDA, and NC Flood Mapping data holdings information and data survey information |Months |

| |16-18 |

| | |

|Report to Library of Congress on Content Identification and Selection Phase. |Month |

| |18 |

| | |

|Review combined inventory of data holdings. |Months |

| |18-20 |

| | |

|Provide feedback on second generation NC OneMap Data Inventory content/completeness. The second phase software will|Month |

|be developed by CGIA programmers using open source software tools including Zope and MySQL, adapting a system |20 |

|developed by the Indiana state government. | |

| | |

|Investigate possibility of automating data identification processes using ArcIMS and OGC-compliant services (image |Months |

|services, feature services, registries). |20-24 |

|Content Identification and Selection: Year Three |

|Action |Timeline |

| | |

|Target additional data to be acquired (university, non-governmental organizations, private companies). |Months |

| |25-30 |

| | |

|Where possible, systematize data identification through processes using ArcIMS and OGC-compliant services (image |Months |

|services, feature services, registries). As these technologies are in an early stage in development, it is |31-36 |

|difficult to predict the degree or extent to which these methods will be successfully deployed. | |

A.5 Phase Budget

Content Identification and Selection Budget

|Staff (NCSU) |$ 98,557 |

|Staff (CGIA) |$ 154,123 |

|total staff costs |$ 252,680 |

|travel |$ - |

|equipment |$ - |

|materials and supplies |$ - |

|other direct costs |$ - |

|indirect costs (NCSU) |$ 48,211 |

|TOTAL |$ 300,891 |

A.6 Phase Gantt Chart

Content Identification and Selection Phase

| |2004 |2005 |2006 |2007 |

| |

|Action |Timeline |

| | |

|Develop guidelines for metadata and documentation acquisition (i.e., minimal set of questions if no FGDC metadata |Months |

|exists). |1-4 |

| | |

|Test batch authoring of FGDC metadata using ArcCatalog and VBA scripts; define procedures for metadata authoring. |Months |

| |1-4 |

| | |

|Develop criteria for on-receipt migration of data (e.g. from OASIS to ESRI). Original data will be retained in the |Months |

|repository in addition to the converted data. |1-6 |

| | |

|Configure and enable access to partner-accessible data submission space. This will consist of an incoming FTP space|Month |

|with password access. |5 |

| | |

|Test “OASIS to .e00” batch conversion tool and determine translation methods for other data formats such as |Months |

|Intergraph. The OASIS vector data format from the Understanding Systems software firm is used by several NC |5-6 |

|counties. A software tool for conversion to the “.e00” ESRI interchange format is available, but complications with| |

|the conversion process are known to exist. Tests will be carried out to assess the integrity of conversions. | |

| | |

|Determine practice for preservation of “geodatabases,” including possible export of content as feature classes. A |Months |

|geodatabase, a data storage mechanism recently introduced by ESRI, represents geographic features and attributes as |5-6 |

|objects and is hosted inside a relational database management system. Multiple data layers may be stored in a | |

|single geodatabase. In November 2003 the NCSU Libraries acquired a geodatabase from a county agency for the first | |

|time. | |

| | |

|Initiate statewide acquisition of targeted, time-sensitive county government vector data layers (including land |Months |

|parcels, streets, municipal boundaries, and other layers as determined in the Content Selection and Identification |6-36 |

|phase). | |

| | |

|Initiate comprehensive vector data acquisition for counties with data holdings gaps (as determined in the Content |Months |

|Selection and Identification phase) targeting Western North Carolina as first priority. |8-36 |

| | |

|Initiate comprehensive acquisition of targeted, time-sensitive state government data resources (including NCCGIA |Months |

|Corporate Database, NCDOT county GIS files NCDOT infrastructure maps, and other resources as determined in the |8-36 |

|Content Selection and Identification phase). | |

| | |

|Begin acquisition of municipal and lead regional organization data in selected cases where county data is not |Months 10-36 |

|available. | |

|Content Acquisition: Year Two |

|Action |Timeline |

| | |

|Begin transfer of previously acquired of digital orthophotos from state agencies, including the Dept. of |Months |

|Transportation and the Dept. of Agriculture. Uncompressed data and compressed data will be acquired. If only |13-24 |

|compressed data are available, the original uncompressed data will be acquired from the relevant local agency, due | |

|data loss in compressed data. If the uncompressed data cannot be acquired, the compressed data will be exported to | |

|TIFF for archival purposes, with both versions of the data retained. MrSID images which have been compressed at | |

|very high compression levels (greater than 15:1 for black and white) will be recreated from the original data at a | |

|10:1 compression level. JPEG2000 will be explored as an alternative compression format. | |

| | |

|Begin acquiring digital orthophotos in areas with data holdings gaps (based on combined state agency/NCSU holdings).|Months |

|Processing steps to be carried out on orthophoto receipt include: generation of image index shapefile(s), |13-36 |

|examination of indexes for data gaps, generation of FGDC metadata and METS records, and creation of MrSID derivative| |

|images. | |

| | |

|Begin acquisition of municipal and lead regional organization data resources. |Months |

| |18-36 |

| | |

|Report to Library of Congress on Content Acquisition Phase. |Month |

| |24 |

|Content Acquisition: Year Three |

|Action |Timeline |

| | |

|Where possible, acquire data from universities, non-governmental organizations, private companies. It is expected |Months |

|that significant barriers will exist with respect to acquisition of many of these resources. |25-30 |

| | |

|Implement systematic content acquisition from ArcIMS feature services and WFS services where feasible. As these |Months |

|technologies are in an early stage in development, it is difficult to predict the degree or extent to which these |31-36 |

|methods will be successfully deployed. | |

B.6 Phase Budget

Content Acquisition Budget

|staff (NCSU) |$159,016 |

|staff (CGIA) |$ 20,909 |

|total staff costs |$179,925 |

|travel |$ 4,500 |

|equipment |$ - |

|materials and supplies |$ 8,735 |

|other direct costs |$ 45,000 |

|indirect costs (NCSU) |$102,810 |

|TOTAL |$340,970 |

B.7 Phase Gantt Chart

Content Acquisition Phase

| |2004 |2005 |2006 |2007 |

| |A |

|staff (CGIA) |$ 43,718 |

|total staff costs |$ 59,341 |

|travel |$ 8,000 |

|equipment |$ - |

|materials and supplies |$ - |

|other direct costs |$ - |

|indirect costs (NCSU) |$ 13,741 |

|TOTAL |$ 81,082 |



D.1 Overview

Content will be physically acquired by NCSU Libraries from data producing agencies and intermediary agencies and stored in an online, mirrored digital repository. A 12.6 terabyte near-line storage disk array will be implemented with RAID 5 fault-tolerant architecture. The equipment will be connected to existing NCSU Libraries gigabit Ethernet switches to support rapid disk writes over the network. A tape library solution will also be implemented to provide backup and redundant offsite data storage. In addition, a redundant disk-based archival copy will be maintained at the NCSU Libraries’ secure offsite storage node.

Tentative plans call for deployment of the DSpace digital repository software. Although DSpace does not currently support METS records, version 1.2 is expected to support METS for Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP), and Dissemination Information Package (DIP) functions. Analysis of emerging METS authoring tools will focus on both individual and batch authoring of METS. Other digital repository software tools such as FEDORA (Federated Digital Object Repository Architecture) will be evaluated over the period of the project.

It is expected that individual state and local agencies will concurrently expand roles with respect to development of long-term archives and time series.

D.2 Detailed Phase Timeline

|Content Retention and Transfer: Year One |

|Action |Timeline |

| | |

|Evaluate digital repository software options, including DSpace, and select software for deployment. |Months |

| |1-6 |

| | |

|Acquire and deploy primary disk storage system and tape backup system. |Months |

| |1-6 |

| | |

|Evaluate available METS authoring tools and define METS record authoring procedures. |Months |

| |1-6 |

| | |

|Investigate data storage infrastructure at EROS Data Center and conduct site visit. |Months |

| |1-6 |

| | |

|Install and configure DSpace or alternative digital repository software. |Months |

| |7-8 |

| | |

|Acquire and deploy redundant, offsite disk storage system and define procedures for data transfer. |Months |

| |7-8 |

| | |

|Begin authoring of METS records for data resources, for the purpose of preparing Submission Information Packages |Months |

|(SIPs) for digital repository submission. |7-36 |

| | |

|Begin submission of data resources into the digital repository. |Months |

| |9-36 |

| | |

|Conduct initial tests of data export from repository. Initial tests will focus on ensuring ability to individually |Month |

|export or batch export content in such a manner that the output can be handled by an application, with the |9 |

|longer-term goal of enabling Dissemination Information Package (DIP) output for data distribution. | |

|Content Retention and Transfer: Year Two |

|Action |Timeline |

| | |

|Review digital repository software performance and re-evaluate alternatives. |Months 20-24 |

| | |

|Evaluate emerging FGDC and METS authoring tool options. While the FGDC standard has been in use for nine years, the|Months 20-24 |

|METS standard is relatively new and it is expected that new software tools will emerge. | |

|Content Retention and Transfer: Year Three |

|Action |Timeline |

| | |

|Explore potential methods for exposure of content to NC OneMap map services. |Months |

| |31-36 |

| | |

|Assess potential for transfer of content to NC OneMap partners. |Months |

| |34-36 |

| | |

|Determine data collection tasks to be continued by NCSU Libraries. |Months |

| |34-36 |

| | |

|Report to Library of Congress on Content Retention and Transfer Phase. |Month |

| |36 |

D.3 Phase Budget

Content retention and transfer budget

|staff (NCSU) |$114,974 |

|staff (CGIA) |$ 35,716 |

|total staff costs |$ 150,690 |

|travel |$ 1,000 |

|equipment |$ 127,640 |

|materials and supplies |$ 7,500 |

|other direct costs |$ - |

|indirect costs (NCSU) |$ 59,673 |

|TOTAL |$ 346,503 |

D.4 Phase Gantt Chart

Content Retention and Transfer Phase

| |2004 |2005 |2006 |2007 |

| |A |

| | |

|County GIS Directory |A comprehensive directory of county GIS web sites, web map servers, |

| |and data download sites. |

|(See attached printout) | |

| | |

|City GIS Directory |A comprehensive directory of city GIS web sites, web map servers, |

| |and data download sites. |

| | |

|GIS Lookup |Thesaurus-based access to nearly 2,000 state, national, and global |

|(See attached printout) |data layers, based on a browse list of over 500 feature terms. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Data Selection Wizards |Interactive tools to facilitate independent selection of data |

|(See attached printout) |resources from among many competing options, and to support |

| |librarian reference interviews with end users. |

| | |

| | |

|Sample County Data Page (Nash County) |Sample county GIS documentation page, including data descriptions, |

|(See attached printout) |links to relevant resources, and minimal FGDC metadata records |

| |created with batch extraction software tools. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Sample Orthophoto Index (Nash County) |Sample clickable index of an individual county orthophoto |

| |collection, based on an image index created using GIS software |

| |tools. |

E.2 Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Links

| | |

|CGIA Website |CGIA is involved with a wide range of projects and services related to|

| |GIS application development, geospatial data creation, data |

| |distribution, data visualization, and metadata creation |

| | |

|NC OneMap |NC OneMap is the North Carolina version of the National map and will |

| |provide seamless access to state, federal, and local data; the |

|(See attached printout) |demonstration viewer currently provides access to data from more than |

| |a dozen state and local agencies. |

| | |

|NC MapNet |A public access interactive web mapping site based on Corporate |

| |Geographic Database data layers, available since 1999 and more |

|(See attached printout) |recently available via the Open GIS Consortium Web Map Service (WMS) |

| |specification for open, software-neutral access |

| | |

|NC Flood Mapping |A public access interactive web mapping and data download site |

| |highlighting recently created flood zone maps based on analysis of new|

| |high resolution elevation data and local government geospatial data |

| | |

|Corporate Geographic Database |A collection of over 100 statewide data layers created by several |

| |state agencies and available via wide area network (WAN) connection to|

|(See attached printout) |dedicated service points at locations such as NCSU Libraries |

| | |

| | |

|NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council (GICC) Website |The GICC is a cooperative partnership with the FGDC, promotes goals of|

| |the National Spatial Data Infrastructure and actively cooperates with |

|(See attached printout) |the USGS in development of the National Map and the Geospatial |

| |One-Stop program. |

E.3 Page Printouts

Printouts of selected institutional web pages follow.


[1] "Executive Order 12906 -- Coordinating Geographic Data Acquisition and Access: The National Spatial Data Infrastructure", 59 Federal Register, April 13, 1994. Available (GPO Access) .

[2] “Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps.” Available .

[3] “Funding Allocation for State Data Production: A Cost Allocation Model,” National States Geographic Information Council. Available .

[4] Flight data derived from combined North Carolina Department of Transportation, North Carolina Department of Agriculture, and NCSU Libraries inventories. 2005-2006 flight plans for many counties remain unknown.

[5] “NSGIC/FGDC Framework Survey: North Carolina.” Available .

[6] “North Carolina Public Records Law.” Available .

[7] Information on geospatial metadata standards is available on the Federal Geographic Data Committee Metadata website. Available .

[8] Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard website. Available .

[9] Doug Nebert, “Use of Z39.50 to search and retrieve geospatial data.” Available .

[10] NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council website. Available .

[11] National Map website. Available .

[12] DSpace Federation website. Available .

[13] Announcement on dspace-tech listserv, Sept. 5, 2003. Available:

[14] Federated Digital Object Repository (FEDORA). Available: . Of particular interest with regard to FEDORA is the Web Services-based architecture and the potential to use the “behavior” component of METS records to link data objects to disseminators, or services, that operate on the objects in question (e.g., map renderers).

[15] EROS Data Center website. Available: .

[16] “NC OneMap Vision and Characteristics.” Available:

[17] CGIA Corporate Geographic Database:

[18] County GIS status information provided by the NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis in Nov. 2003

[19] Based on NCDOT, NC Dept. of Agriculture, and NCSU Libraries surveys

[20] NC Council of Governments List and Image Map. Available:

[21] North Carolina CTS Committee Meeting #22 August 19, 2003. Available:

[22] NC OneMap participants are listed at: .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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