Warwickshire and West Midlands

Warwickshire and West Midlands Association of Local Councils

(Affiliated to the National Association of Local Councils)

Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire CV35 9EF Tel 01789 472616

e-mail: enquiries@.uk .uk





Address of Council

To All Members of the Council Date When Agenda Was Prepared

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Name of Council to be held in Venue for Meeting, on Date of Meeting, at Time of Meeting, for the purpose of transacting the following business.

Signed by Convenor of Meeting usually the Clerk (the Proper Officer)

Printed name of Clerk, Clerk to the Council




1 Record of Members Present

2 To Receive Apologies and Approve Reasons for Absence

3 To receive written requests for Disclosable Pecuniary Interests where that interest is not already in the register of members’ interests. *

4 To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on Date of Last Meeting

5 Progress Reports for information

For information only and are items not on the Agenda

6 District and County Councillor Reports for information

Unless known in advance items raised for a decision will appear on next agenda

7 Public Participation

To receive any questions or presentations from the public. A council may place a time limit of say 15 minutes on this session.

8 Consideration of the Purchase of Play Equipment for the Playing Field

See report from playing fields committee

9 To Consider a Petition from 25 Young People in the Parish asking for the

Formation of a Youth Club

10 Planning

Local Plan, the Council to consider sending representatives to a presentation by

Xxx District Council on xxx

To Consider a response to the following Planning Applications

Give planning application numbers

11 Reports from Committees list those relevant for e.g.

i Finance

ii Footpaths

11 To Receive Financial Statement of Accounts for Quarter/Year and Agree Procedure for Setting the Precept at the appropriate time

12 To Approve the Following Accounts for Payment

Payee Name Brief Description for Service Amount


Barking Marquees Supply of 12 Trestle Tables for Barking Fun Day 70.00

Barking Mad

Village Hall Hire of Committee Room for PC Meetings 30.00

Petty Cash Reimbursement as at give date 40.00

13 Correspondence for Information

To note the attached appendix of items which have been circulated or will be available at the meeting

14 Clerk’s Report on Urgent Decisions since the last meeting ( if clerk has been given

delegated authority

15 Councillor’s reports and Items for Future Agenda

Each councillor is requested to use this opportunity to report on minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas.

Councillors are reminded that this is not an opportunity for decision making.

16 Date of Next Meeting

To confirm the date of the next meeting:

17 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in the public interest for consideration of the following issues

Councillors are reminded of their duty to consider all aspects of equal opportunities, crime prevention, unlawful discrimination, biodiversity of the natural habitat, and other best practice when making decisions at the meeting

Signed: Clerk to xxxx Council



* Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 states that if a member present at a meeting of the council, committee, sub-committee, joint committee, or joint sub committee of the council, and is aware he has a disclosable pecuniary interest in any matter to be discussed and that interest is not already in the register of members’ interests, the member must disclose the DPI to the meeting. (If it is a sensitive interest, he may disclose the fact of their being a DPT, but not the interest itself). This member may not participate further in any discussion or take part in any vote if a council’s standing order provides for the exclusion of that member. However the council may grant a dispensation in response to a written request to the clerk. A dispensation may be granted by the council only if having regard to all relevant circumstances, it considers that:

- Without the dispensation, the number of councillors (including co-opted ones) prohibited from participating in any particular business would be so great a proportion of the body transacting the business would impede the transaction of the business or

- Without the dispensation the representation of the political groups on the council transacting any particular business would be so upset as to alter the likely outcome of any vote relating to the business or

- Granting the dispensation is in the interests of persons living in the authority’s area, or

- It is otherwise appropriate to grant a dispensation

Please note

• this is a model agenda, illustrating how typical items are dealt with in a businesslike way

• the agenda should state the business to be transacted

• each decision item is self-explanatory with relevant information attached where possible

• the term “to consider” is used to identify an issue requiring a decision by the Council

• information items are clearly distinguished and are not for decision

• Short bullet-point working party reports & recommendations may be circulated with the agenda for clarity

• Councillors requiring more information should be encouraged to contact the Clerk BEFORE the meeting

Model agenda (a) for PT TC meeting

Revised September 2012


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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