LaBarge Polices and Procedures - Ms. DePoorter's 7th Grade ...

DePoorter Policies and ProceduresWyandot Middle School’s Vision“All Wyandot Middle School students will reach their full potential.”Wyandot Middle School’s Mission Statement“The Wyandot Community is committed to providing a challenging, relevant, diverse curriculum in a safe, stimulating environment, enabling each student to become a life-long learner and contributing member of society.”2016-2017 School Theme“Believe, achieve and succeed”Planning Period: 7:58-8:58 Website: hdepoorterPhone- 723-4279 email- hdepoorter@cvs.k12.mi.usStudent Schedule: 1st Hour 7:58:-8:58 (first special) 2nd Hour 9:02-10:02 (academic) 3rd Hour 10:06-11:06 (academic) 4th Hour 11:10-11:38 (academic) Lunch 11:38-12:08 (lunch) 4th Hour 12:10-12:38 (academic) 5th Hour 12:42-1:42 (academic) 6th Hour 1:46-2:46 (second special)BiographyMs. Heather DePoorterMs. DePoorter graduated from Central Michigan University with her Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. She is certified to teach Math, English, and Science. She also earned a Master's in the Art of Education from Marygrove College located in Detroit. In August of 2005, she finished a second Master's degree from Walden University (Minnesota) in Integrating Technology into the Classroom. Ms. DePoorter had long-term substitute experiences in Holly, Utica and Warren Consolidated School Districts. She taught one year in the Dryden Community Schools, teaching math and science. Lastly, she joined the Wyandot Staff in the 2002-2003 school year and has been teaching 7th grade ever since. Ms. DePoorter is very involved in Wyandot Middle School. She plans all of the field trips for 7th grade, orders all the supplies for 7th grade, is the Science Department Chair for Wyandot, is part of the School Improvement Team at Wyandot, serves on the Science Curriculum Council for Chippewa Valley Schools, plans and organizes all the Relay for Life Bake Sales and participates in After-school detention. Her interests include reading, scrapbooking, card making, and spending time with family and friends. Lastly, she loves milk duds, listening to music, reef aquariums (she has one at her house) and swimming.Science Curriculum Topics Unit #1 Waves and EnergyUnit #2 Physical and Chemical Properties/Changes of MatterUnit #3 Structures and Processes of Living ThingsUnit #4 Fluid Earth Systems and Human ActivitiesHere are some items that you need to know about Ms. DePoorter‘s classroom.Grading Scale: 93-100= A 80-82 =B- 67-69 =D+ 90-92 =A- 77-79 =C+ 63-66 =D 87-89 =B+ 73-76 =C 60-62 =D- 83-86 =B 70-72 =C- 59-Below =F Not Handed in work (NHI) will be marked as a 40% in the gradebook.Late work will be accepted ONE day late with a parent signature on the Missing Assignment Log (MAL). Late work will receive a late score of 70% provided that the answers are correct and the work is COMPLETE. Unfinished late work will not be accepted. “Missing Assignment” will be stamped in the agenda, provided the agenda is brought to class. Absences aside, if a student does not have their work ready to turn in, they will fill out a Missing Assignment Log (MAL). The MAL states what the assignment is and the reason the assignment was not finished. Students will be required to obtain a parent signature on the MAL (or a hand written note if the MAL is misplaced) and it will need to be turned in with the late assignment. Everyone has bad days or nights with a lot of activities. Students will receive one “Late Pass” per quarter allowing them to turn in one assignment late without penalty. This will combat forgetting the homework on the counter, in the car etc. If students do not use their late pass, at the end of quarter they will earn three DePoorter Dollars or one Hawk Honor Award.. Cheating- Cheating is not tolerated and students will receive a zero if caught cheating. This includes a student that lets someone else copy his/her paper. How do I know what my grade is?Students are able to check their grades on Student Portal (find the link on Chippewa Valley’s Website). Parents that sign up for Parent Portal will be able to check their child’s grade. I update grades as often as I can with a minimum of every two weeks. I strongly encourage students and parents to check grades on a regular basis. Parents can sign up for a Parent Portal username and password with the office. Those that signed up last year do not need to complete the process again. Absent Work: When you are absent you are responsible for obtaining your work. Here are the suggested steps:Check edmodoCheck the mail for your Homework Buddy (a sheet of what you missed with any handouts) (If you do not receive a Homework Buddy Sheet, please let Ms. DePoorter know.)Ask your table partner what you missed.If you are still unsure, check with Ms. DePoorter.What if I don’t do my homework?If your homework is not completed you will need to fill out a Missing Assignment Log (MAL) indicating why the assignment was not done. The top portion of the form will be turned into Ms. DePoorter. The bottom portion of the form is to be shown to your parents to obtain a parent signature. You need to attach the bottom of the MAL to the assignment when you turn it in. (If you lose the MAL, your parents may write a note stating that they are aware of the missing assignment.)Late work is due by one day after the due date with a parent signature. Ms. DePoorter will also stamp your agenda “Missing Assignment”. Detentions may be assigned if work is not completedTurning in Absent or Late Work:There is an Absent/Late work folder on the black trays. You need to:Be sure that your MAL is stapled to the assignment if it is LateIf you were absent, write the dates you were absent at the top of the paper. Redoing Poor Homework Instead of failing an assignment and just forgetting about it, I would rather you actually learn the material. So you are allowed to redo assignments to earn a better score. You will earn ? back for each problem/question that you redo. Ms. DePoorter suggests redoing work that is below a 70%. Redos are due one week after the assignment is passed back. Redo Procedure:Rewrite the ENTIRE problem that you had wrong and then put in the correct answer. For example, if we are answering matching questions you may not put and answer like “F”. You need to write: The first step of the scientific method is “F” State the problem. Staple the redo on top of the old one (I need to see what you had wrong the first time.)Put both papers in the Redo Folder located in one of the black trays. Note: Redos are only allowed for up to ONE WEEK after the assignment was corrected and passed back. Agenda BookStudents are encouraged to fill out their agenda books hourly and daily. It is up to the parent on whether or not they wish to sign it. If parents would like me to sign the agenda to indicate correct information is being recorded; it will be the student’s responsibility to obtain my initials. The agenda will be on edmodo as well as posted in the room if students are absent or forget to bring their agenda home. SnacksPeanut free snacks are allowed 2nd or 3rd hour as long as they are “non-messy” and we are not in the science lab. If crumbs or messes become a problem, the class will lose the privilege. Coupons:How to Earn CouponsCompleting Classroom Jobs (Attendance, Secretary etc.)Coupon Activities (Done in class.)Wear Wyandot Wear or Chippewa Wear on Fridays.Wear Hero in the Hallway shirts on WednesdaysAnswering questions and completing jobs for the teacher during class. Bring in 10 paper grocery bags.Bring in tissues, hand sanitizer and/or wipes. How to Spend CouponsMs. DePoorter’s “store” will be open every few weeks. In the store you can use your coupons to purchase privileges such as use of the teacher’s chair, change your seat for an hour, a bathroom pass etc. Water Bottles:You are allowed to bring a water bottle (plastic with a lid that closes.) to class. You are allowed this privilege unless you cannot handle it. If you leave your water bottle trash, spill or squirt people, you will lose your privilege. You may have WATER ONLY, nothing from the machines. Leaving the roomI encourage you to bring with you all the supplies that you need, use the bathroom before class and to get your drinks before class. If you have to leave the room to take care of any of the mentioned needs you will be charged one 7th grade pass. Each 7th grader will receive 8 passes to be used in academic classes. If you use your passes up, you will have a consequence for needing to leave the room. SubstitutesIf your name is left after a substitute has been in the classroom, it is an automatic five behavior paragraphs or charts. A detention may also be assigned. You are encouraged to be on your best behavior at all times. BehaviorYour parents have taught you appropriate behavior and values so they are expected in the classroom. If you choose to break the rules:1st time: Warning receive one “tick” on the behavior chart2nd time: A second “tick” on the behavior chart and a behavior paragraph3rd time: Third tick and detentionIf the undesirable behavior continues:4th time: Referral to Counselor, phone call home and either a detention or behavior paragraphs5th time: Referral to The Office See the Expected Behaviors for desired behavior. DePoorter Suggested SuppliesOne Organizational system for the year. Suggestions: 1. Binder with color-coded pockets (one folder for each class) 2. Accordion folder system 3. Folders (One different color/style for each class) 2. White paper (standard rule). (Keep some at school and at home) Can be spiral notebooks. 3. 1 pencil case with zipper or hard case 4. At least 3 red pens and 2 blue or black pens (keep a supply at home or in your locker) 5. #2 pencils (keep a supply at home and in your locker) 6. A fine tip black marker (non-permanent are better for outlining) 7. 1 box colored pencils, crayons or markers (most students prefer colored pencils) 8. At least two highlighters (different color, three is a good number) 9. Adult sized scissors 10. Glue sticks (about one per quarter) 11. Scientific Calculator (labeled with your name) 12. Ruler with both inches and centimeters 13. Some students may want to purchase a flash drive to transport documents to/from home/school 14. Erasers *14. A box of tissue or two to donate to the class *15. Hand sanitizer to donate to the class *16. Baby wipes to donate to the class * A Box of Band-aids *Optional but greatly appreciated This is a suggested supply list. It is not intended to be very costly to the family. Consider the dollar store for the calculator and other expensive items. ParentsMs. DePoorter is always in need of paper grocery bags for her Auto/Bio class. Please consider asking for paper at the grocery store and send them in to school!If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, Ms. DePoorter can always use assistance assembling scrapbooks, help with science labs, photocopying, assembling bulletin boards and laminating. If you are interested in volunteering, please send Ms. DePoorter an email. ( ................

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