NMPhA 73rd Annual Convention - Sheraton Old Town Inn

Friday, June 22, 2018

8:00 - 11:30 am NMPhA Council Meeting

Isleta Resort, 11000 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105

Noon to Finish Isleta Golf Course, 4001 Hwy 47 SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105

Noon Registration

1:00 pm Golf Tournament Tee-time

6:00 pm Buffet Dinner - Golf Tournament Awards, Silent Auction & Raffle

Saturday, June 23, 2018

7:00 - 8:00 am Past President’s Breakfast – Sponsored by Pharmacists Mutual Companies

7:30 am Pick up name badges - Continental Breakfast

8:00 – 9:00 am General Session

Pharmacy Robbery 101 Detective Adam Perea

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-039-L04-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/23/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Create awareness and provide education to help prepare pharmacists for different types of pharmacy robberies; 2) Educate pharmacists on how to manage employees as well as the crime scene during and following the robbery. Describe the roles and actions to be taken by each employee; 3) Provide ideas on how to safely deploy any resources during and after the robber and

4) Describe law enforcement roles and the process in prosecuting offenders.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-039-L04-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Create awareness and provide education to help prepare pharmacy technicians for different types of pharmacy robberies;

2) Educate pharmacy technicians on how to manage employees as well as the crime scene during and following the robbery. Describe the roles and actions to be taken by each employee; 3) Provide ideas on how to safely deploy any resources during and after the robber and 4) Describe law enforcement roles and the process in prosecuting offenders.

Program Acknowledged by: APD Armed Robbery

9:00 – 10:00 am General Session

Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Adults

Marco M. Custodio, PharmD

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-040-L01-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/23/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe common etiologies of community-acquired pneumonia; 2) Recall the most important bacterial etiologies and those unique to New Mexico;

3) Create antibacterial regimens specific to your patients and 4) Describe the current paradigm regarding durations of therapy.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-040-L01-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Describe the common etiologies of community-acquired pneumonia; 2) Identify patients for whom vaccinations should be offered;

3) Describe the role duration of therapy plays in community-acquired pneumonia and 4) Review the importance of obtaining accurate patient allergy history and previous medications.

Program Acknowledged by: University of New Mexico Hospital

10:10 – 11:10 am General Session

Outpatient Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation & Pharmacy-Based Health Population Model for Detection of Atrial Fibrillation

Joe R. Anderson, PharmD, PhC, BCPS & Barry E. Bleske, PharmD

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-041-L01 -P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/23/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Define pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation; 2) Define ventricular response rate, permanent and paroxysmal AFIB; 3) List the common signs and symptoms associated with atrial fibrillation; 4) Describe the mortality and morbidity associated with atrial fibrillation; 5) Describe the stroke risk for patients with atrial fibrillation; 6) Know CHADS score and what is a low, moderate, and high risk patient; 7) Describe treatment recommendations and key concepts for drug therapy in the treatment of outpatient atrial fibrillation and 8) Discuss the role the community pharmacy and pharmacists may have in the disease management of atrial fibrillation.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-041-L01-T

Following this TBD-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Define basic mechanism and terms used and defining atrial fibrillation; 2) List the common signs and symptoms associated with atrial fibrillation; 3) Describe associated factors, stroke risks, and other health outcomes associated with atrial fibrillation; 4) Describe key concepts in the treatment of outpatient atrial fibrillation and 5) Discuss the role the community pharmacy may have in the disease management of atrial fibrillation.

Program Acknowledged by: UNM College of Pharmacy

11:10am - 2:00 pm Exhibits - Buffet Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 pm NM Pharmaceutical Care Foundation Meeting

2:00 - 4:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

|( 2018 New Mexico Board of Pharmacy Drug Law Update |

|Adela Padilla, RPh & Peter Ryba, PharmD |

|ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-002-L03-P |Contact Hours: 2.0 CEUs: 0.2 |Initial Release Date: 1/27/18 |

To familiarize health care professionals with new and/or changes to state and federal regulation or laws and to promote compliance with existing laws and regulations. At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacist participant will be able to: 1) Identify and describe new drug laws and regulations; 2) Identify and describe changes to existing drug regulation and laws; 3) Identify compliance problem areas in drug laws and regulations;

4) Define the Pharmacist role in compliance with the drug laws and regulations discussed and 5) Identify drug law trends.

ACPE #: 0104-0000-18-002-L03-T

At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the Pharmacy Technician participant will be able to: 1) Identify and describe new drug laws and regulations; 2) Identify and describe changes to existing drug regulation and laws;

3) Identify compliance problem areas in drug laws and regulations; 4) Define the Pharmacy Technician role in compliance with the drug laws and regulations discussed and 5) Identify drug law trends.

Program Acknowledged by: New Mexico Board of Pharmacy

2:00 - 3:00 pm Patient Safety CPE

( Implementation of a Relationship Centered Communication Framework within the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP)

Krista Dominguez-Salazar, PharmD, PhC

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-042-L05-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/23/18

Following this application-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Relate and respond to patient needs using a time effective patient-centered communication framework; 2) Negotiate a patient care plan by partnering with patients and other health care providers and 3) Assess patient understanding using a communication strategy to reduce medication related errors.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-042-L05-T

Following this application-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Relate and respond to patient needs using a time effective patient-centered communication framework; 2) Negotiate a patient care plan by partnering with patients, pharmacists and other health care providers and 3) Assess patient understanding using a communication strategy while partnering with pharmacists to reduce medication related errors.

Program Acknowledged by: UNM College of Pharmacy

3:00 – 3:10 pm Afternoon Snack Break

3:10 - 4:10 pm

( Transplantation; The Art of the Do-over Kirby D. Gabrys, MD

ACPE#:0104-0000-18-043-L04-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/23/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Review the kidney transplant recipient selection process; 2) Identify donor and recipient factors that lead to successful transplant outcomes and

3) Review standard transplant immunosuppression regimens.


Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Review the kidney transplant recipient selection process; 2) Identify donor and recipient factors that lead to successful transplant outcomes and 3) Review standard transplant immunosuppression regimens.

Program Acknowledged by: Presbyterian Transplant Department

4:20 - 5:20 pm General Session

Pharmacists Caring for Veterinary Patients – Part II Elaine Blythe, PharmD

ACPE#:0104-0000-18-044-L01-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/23/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Compare and contrast common human and veterinary disease states with emphasis on therapeutic options; 2) Describe fundamentals of pharmacokinetics and pharmacology that will support a pharmacist’s ability to recognize species specific disease state differences; 3) Recall drugs of choice to treat common endocrine diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, congestive heart failure and infectious diseases. Additionally, recall drugs for the treatment of behavioral modification and chronic kidney disease in pets; 4) Recall the mechanism of action for drugs that are known to be toxic to canine and felines and

5) Communicate effectively with animal owners and veterinarians to: meet state-mandated counseling requirements, ensure patient safety, and solve drug administration problems.


Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Recognize veterinary pharmacy as a specialized area within pharmacy practice; 2) Compare and contrast common human and veterinary disease states with emphasis on therapeutic options; 3) Recall drugs of choice to treat common endocrine diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, congestive heart failure and infectious diseases. Additionally, recall drugs for the treatment of behavioral modification and chronic kidney disease in pets and 4) List drugs that are known to be toxic to canine and felines.

5:30pm – 7:00pm Wine & Cheese – Sponsored by: New Mexico Pharmacy Business Council & American Pharmacies

Sunday, June 24, 2018

7:30 am Pick up name badges - Continental Breakfast

8:00 - 9:00 am General Session - Patient Safety/Opioid Safety CPE

The Hidden Opioid Abuse Epidemic, Geriatric Opioid Abuse, Or is Grandpa Really a Junkie? Ernest J. Dole, PharmD, PhC, FASHP, BCPS, CDE

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-045-L05-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, utilizing a case of an elder patient on chronic opioid therapy (COT) for chronic noncancer pain (CNCP) with the comorbidity of geriatric opioid abuse (GOA), the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Discuss the common presenting signs & symptoms of GOA; 2) Review why GOA may be difficult to diagnose; 3) Assess the impact of common comorbidities present in older patients on GOA; 4) Analyze patient-specific information to identify geriatric opioid abuse (GOA) in the setting of chronic opioid therapy, including risk factors for GOA and misdiagnosis; 5) Analyze patient-specific information to identify comorbid conditions that may influence the clinical presentation of GOA, including the impact of advanced age on opioid pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in the elderly and 6) Given patient-specific information, design a care plan that addresses the management of concurrent CNCP and opioid abuse in an elderly patient.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-045-L05-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Discuss the common presenting signs & symptoms of geriatric opioid abuse (GOA); 2) Discuss geriatric opioid abuse (GOA) in the setting of chronic opioid therapy; 3) Review risk factors for GOA and misdiagnosis and 4) List ways to prevent opioid abuse in an elderly patient.

Program Acknowledged by: UNMH

9:00 – 9:10 am Coffee Break

9:10 – 10:10 am Concurrent Sessions

VACCINE FOLLOW-UP - Mandatory for Pharmacists w/ Vaccination Prescriptive Authority (One Live CE hour per year)

( Guard Ur Self: HPV and Immunization Education

Molly Benning, Marcus Garcia, Jacquelyn Silver, PharmD Candidates

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-046-L06-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Review ACIP updates in general immunizations; 2) Define common terms used in vaccination history; 3) Describe the significance of the HPV and the HPV vaccine; 4) Determine trends/rates of HPV and clinical information regarding the HPV vaccination and

5) Describe the Guard Urself Initiative.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-046-L06-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Review ACIP updates in general immunizations; 2) Define basic terms used in vaccination history; 3) Define what HPV consists of and the HPV vaccine; 4) Determine trends of HPV and the HPV vaccination rates in New Mexico and 5) Describe the Guard Urself Initiative.

Program Acknowledged by: UNM College of Pharmacy

9:10 – 10:10 am

( Atypical Antipsychotics in the Pediatric Population Paula Hensley, MD

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-053-L01-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Discuss the clinical indications and guidelines for use of atypical antipsychotics in children and adolescents; 2) Discuss the recent advances in the psychiatric literature that address use of these medications in children and adolescents and 3) Discuss methods to improve the appropriate utilization of these medications in children and adolescents.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-053-L01-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Reflect on how you would answer questions from parents and guardians regarding controversial topics in the use of atypical antipsychotics in children and adolescents; 2) Discuss how pharmacy technicians may assist pharmacists in addressing such questions from parents and guardians and 3) Consider how pharmacy technicians can collaborate with pharmacists to improve the appropriate utilization of these medications in children and adolescents.

Program Acknowledged by: UNM

10:20am – 11:20 am Concurrent Sessions

Patient Safety/Opioid Safety CPE

( Cutting Edge Issues in Naloxone Pre-Hospital Usage

Susan Smolinske, PharmD, BCPS, DABAT

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-047-L05-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe the impact of novel synthetic opioids on naloxone dosage requirements and 2) Describe the potential role of pharmacists in community heroin injection sites.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-047-L05-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Describe current trends regarding novel synthetic opioid usage and 2) Describe pros and cons of community heroin injection sites.

Program Acknowledged by: New Mexico Poison & Drug Information Center

10:20 – 11:20 am (TECHNICAN SPECIFIC)

( The Basics of Veterinary Compounding  Stephanie Montoya, CPhT

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-048-L07-T Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Review Veterinary pharmacology; 2) List Compounding guidelines (USP 795); 3) Choose appropriate equipment and supplies required to compound veterinary preparations; 4) Describe different formulations; 5) Choose appropriate flavors for palatability and 6) Perform calculations necessary to compound veterinary preparations.

Program Acknowledged by: CNM

11:30am – 12:30pm General Session

What Outpatient Pharmacy Services do our Patients Want?​

Luis J. Gonzalez, PharmD, PhC

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-049-L04-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe knowledge gaps and differences between community pharmacy vs. health fair respondents awareness of community pharmacy services; 2) Describe community pharmacy and health fair respondents attitudes towards receiving and paying for community pharmacy services; 3)  Describe patients’ perceptions of community pharmacist and 4)  Discuss barriers and strategies to help implement community pharmacy services.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-049-L04-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1)  Recall knowledge gaps and differences between community pharmacy vs. health fair respondent’s awareness of community pharmacy services; 2)  Recall community pharmacy and health fair respondent’s attitudes towards receiving and paying for community pharmacy services; 3)  Recall patients’ perceptions of community pharmacist and

4)  Discuss barriers and strategies to help implement community pharmacy services.

Program Acknowledged by: UNM College of Pharmacy

12:30 – 2:00 pm Luncheon "Members of the NM Board of Pharmacy may participate in the “Meet your Board Members and Staff” lunch event  that will be held during the NMPhA 89th Annual Convention.

In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, NMSA 1978 Section 10-15-1 et. seq., board members will not discuss any public business or take any board action during this event."  

State of the Association – Joseph Danny Cross, President

Current Issues - R. Dale Tinker, Executive Director

UNM College of Pharmacy Update – Dean, Donald Godwin

2:00 – 3:00 pm Concurrent Sessions

( Medical Cannabis: Drug Interactions and Adverse Effects Jennifer Smith, PharmD & April Cross, RPh & Leslie Collishaw, PharmD Candidate

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-050-L01-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Review the New Mexico Cannabis Program; 2) Describe how cannabis works in the body; 3) Identify available dosage forms and their benefits and cautions; 4) Identify common adverse effects of medical cannabis use; 5) Describe medical cannabis drug interactions; 6) Identify contraindications to medical cannabis use and 7) Describe common effects of cannabis and review uses in specific disease states.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-050-L01-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Review the New Mexico Cannabis Program; 2) Describe how cannabis works in the body; 3) Identify available dosage forms and their benefits and cautions; 4) Identify common adverse effects of medical cannabis use; 5) Describe medical cannabis drug interactions; 6) Identify contraindications to medical cannabis use and 7) Describe common effects of cannabis and review uses in specific disease states.

2:00 – 3:00 pm

HORMONAL CONTRACEPTION FOLLOW-UP - Mandatory for Pharmacists w/ Contraception Prescriptive Authority (One Live CE hour per year)

( Contraceptive Choices: A Pharmacy Perspective Alexandra Sible, PharmD

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-051-L01-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe various contraceptive options, to include non-hormonal and hormonal long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), short-acting hormonal contraception, emergency contraception, and barrier and behavioral methods; 2) Describe differences in efficacy and safety among contraceptive options; 3) Recognize and manage adverse effects of various contraceptive options and 4) Engage in shared decision making with a patient about contraceptive choices.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-051-L01-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Describe various contraceptive options, to include non-hormonal and hormonal long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), short-acting hormonal contraception, emergency contraception, and barrier and behavioral methods; 2) Describe differences in efficacy and safety among contraceptive options and 3) Refer patients for pharmacist counseling on contraceptive choices and management.

Program Acknowledged by: UNM College of Pharmacy

3:00 – 3:20 pm Afternoon Snack Break

3:20 – 4:20 pm General Session

Got Ethics? Amy Bachyrycz, PharmD

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-052-L04-P Contact Hours: 1.0 CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/24/18

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Define general terms with regards to the topic of ethics and considerations; 2) Determine and define pattern/source(s)of ethical standards;

3) Identify the ethical obligation within the profession of pharmacy; 4) Determine ethical decision making skills with regards to practical cases and 5) Report existing NM pharmacists, interns, and technicians ethical decision making in practical cases.

ACPE#: 0104-0000-18-052-L04-T

Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Define general terms with regards to the topic of ethics in patient care; 2) Define source(s) of ethical standards and ethical obligations specific to pharmacy; 3) Determine ethical decision making skills with regards to practical cases and 4) Report existing NM technicians ethical decision making and involvement in practical cases.

Program Acknowledged by: Walgreens


Isleta Resort

11000 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105

(505) 848-1999/(877) 747-5382

You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations through the Isleta Resort by calling (505) 848-1999/(877) 747-5382. Reservations must be made by June 6, 2018 to be a part of the NMPhA room block (Mention Group Code PHA0618 or New Mexico Pharmacists Association). Reservations received after June 6, 2018, will be confirmed on a space available basis only. 

Single or Double.................................................................................. $122.00


Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Information

The New Mexico Pharmacists Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. Pharmacists and other health professionals may earn up to 12.0 contact hours or 1.2 CEU’s by participating and successfully completing a program evaluation form for each program attended. (There are concurrent programs, an individual can earn at the most 12.0 or 1.2 CEU’s.) NMPhA will submit your completed CPE hours into the CPE Monitor database within 60 days to attendees who have successfully completed a Program Evaluation Form.

NOTE: CPE will not be submitted until all appropriate fees are paid.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy students.

GRIEVANCE POLICY: If, for any reason, a participant is unsatisfied with one program or the entire program, that participant must file his/her grievance, either by phone or in writing, with the NMPhA office within ten business days of the program in order to determine the refund amount. If the individual(s) remain unsatisfied with the response from the NMPhA Program Administrator, he/she may request to appeal the situation before the Association’s Executive Council at the next scheduled meeting. Such an appeal may be done either in person or in writing. All expenses pertinent to such an appeal shall be borne by the individual(s) requesting the appeal. REFUND POLICY: Up to five days prior to the program, a refund less a $25 administrative fee may be obtained. NO REFUNDS after June 19, 2018. Refunds will not be granted for no shows.



AFIB Device Training

Aging & Long Term Services Dept.


American Associated Pharmacies (AAP)

American Pharmacies


Anda, Inc.


AWS Bio-Pharma Technologies, LLC

Cardinal Health


The Conversation Project

CVS Health

DMC Logistics

Donate Life - NM Donor Services


Health Leadership High School

Independent Pharmacy Cooperative

Isleta Resort

JH Enterprises, LLC

The Juice Plus+ Company

The Keeper Stories


Mary Kay

New Mexico CPR Associates

NMDOH TUPAC, Public Health Division

New Mexico Pharmacy Business Council (NMPBC)

New Mexico Poison & Drug Information Center


Pharmacists Mutual Companies



Shockwave Defense

Southwest CARE Center

Trividia Health

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of NM

UNM College of Pharmacy

UNM College of Pharmacy Students


Program Acknowledgements

American Pharmacies


APD Armed Robbery

Cardinal Health

Central New Mexico Community College (CNM)

Independent Pharmacy Cooperative (IPC)


National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS)

New Mexico Board of Pharmacy

New Mexico Pharmacy Business Council (NMPBC)

New Mexico Poison & Drug Information Center

Pharmacists Mutual Companies

Presbyterian Transplant Department

Regent Drugs of New Mexico

Rx Systems Inc.

University of New Mexico

University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy

University of New Mexico Hospital



Joe R. Anderson, PharmD, PhC, BCPS

Associate Professor Pharmacy Practice and School of Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

Amy Bachyrycz, PharmD

Walgreen’s Patient Care Center Clinical Pharmacy Specialist;

Clinical Assistant Professor, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Molly Benning

PharmD Candidate 2019, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Barry E. Bleske, PharmD

Professor & Chair, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Services, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Elaine Blythe, PharmD

Adjunct Professor of Animal Science, West Texas A&M University, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Canyon, TX

Leslie Collishaw

PharmD Candidate 2019, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

April Cross, RPh

Retail Pharmacist, WalMart, Albuquerque, NM

Marco Custodio, PharmD

PGY-2 Resident, University of New Mexico Hospitals, Albuquerque, NM

Ernest J. Dole, PharmD, PhC, FASHP, BCPS, CDE

Clinical Pharmacist, UNM Hospital Pain Consultation & Treatment Center, Albuquerque, NM

Krista Dominguez-Salazar, PharmD, PhC

Interprofessional Education Coordinator & Associate Professor, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Kirby D. Gabrys, MD

Presbyterian Transplant Dept., Program Director & Medical Director, Renal Transplant Division, Albuquerque, NM

Marcus Garcia

PharmD Candidate 2019, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Luis J. Gonzalez, PharmD, PhC

PGY-2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice Resident, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Paula Hensley, MD

Research Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

Stephanie Montoya, CPhT

Instructor, CNM, Albuquerque, NM

Adela Padilla, RPh

Drug Inspector, New Mexico State Board of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Detective Adam Perea

APD Armed Robbery, Albuquerque, NM

Peter Ryba, PharmD

Director, Prescription Monitoring Program, New Mexico State Board of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Alexandra Sible, PharmD

Assistant Professor, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Jacquelyn Silver

PharmD Candidate 2019, UNM College of Pharmacy, Albuquerque, NM

Jennifer Smith, PharmD

Registered Manager, Local Specialty Pharmacy, Walgreen Co. Presbyterian Hospital, Albuquerque, NM

Susan Smolinske, PharmD, BCPS, DABAT

Director, New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center, Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences

University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

FULL DISCLOSURE POLICY: All presenters participating in the continuing education programs of the 89th Annual Convention of the New Mexico Pharmacists Association are expected to disclose to the program audience any real or apparent conflict(s) of interest related to the content of his/her presentation. Full disclosure of speaker relationships will be made available at the event.

REGISTRATION NMPhA 2018 Annual Convention - 6/23 - 6/24/18

Name: (Print Clearly) ___________________________ _______ Profession: (R.Ph., CPhT, etc.)_________

NABP e-Profile ID:_________________DOB (MMDD)__________Employer :________________________

( to obtain ID #)

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________

(How you wish to be listed in NMPhA database)

City: _____________________________________________________ State: _____ Zip: _________________

Work #: __________________ Other #: __________________ E-Mail: _______________________________

Spouse/Guest-Full Name_____________________________________Professional Designation___________

|FULL REGISTRATION — Section A |Daily Registration |

|Includes continental breakfast and lunch both days. |Circle which day. Includes continental breakfast and lunch. |

|Please Circle Choice(s) |Saturday (6.0 CE) or Sunday (6.0 CE) |

|Member RPh (12.0 CE) |$ 360.00 |Member RPh |$ 250.00 |

|CNP, CNM, PA (12.0 CE) |$ 360.00 |CNP, CNM, PA |$ 250.00 |

|Non-Member RPh (12.0 CE) |$ 610.00 |Non-Member RPh |$ 500.00 |

|Non-Member Federal RPh (12.0 CE) |$ 520.00 |Non-Member Federal RPh |$ 410.00 |

|Pharmacy Technician (12.0 CE) |$ 190.00 |Pharmacy Technician |$ 120.00 |

|Non-Member Technician |$ 260.00 |Non-Member Technician |$ 190.00 |

|Associate Member/Spouse/Guest (No CE) |$ 120.00 |COP Students | FREE |

| | |Saturday Law Program |$ 60.00 |


| |Make check out to: NMPhA |

|Saturday, June 23, 2018 |Complete entire page, mail to: |

|**NOTE ANY DIETARY RESTRICTIONS BELOW… |Fax credit card or PO registrations: (505) 255-8476 |

| |Register on-line: |

| |Phone in: (505) 265-8729 / (800) 464-8729 |

|6/23/18 Past President’s Breakfast-No Charge/Must RSVP_____ |FEES |

| |Registration Fees (from section A) $ |

|6/24/18 Exhibit Lunch |$30.00 X_____ |= $_____ |Extra Meal Tickets (from section B) $____ |

| | | |Late Fee After June 19th add $20.00 $____ |

|Sunday, June 24, 2018 |TOTAL DUE $ |

|Luncheon |$30.00 X_____ |= $_____ |AMEX/VISA/MC#______________________________Exp_______ |

| | | |Security Code:______________Card Billing Address:____________ |

| | | |_______________________________________________________ |

|**NOTE DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: | | |Name on Card__________________________________________ |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|□ Vegetarian | | | |

|□ Gluten Free | | | |

|□ Other______ |□ Other______ | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Signature______________________________________________ |

( Program information + online payment available at…

√Mark your calendars…

2019 Mid-Winter Meeting – 1/26 – 1/27/19 – Hyatt Downtown

2019 90th Annual Convention – 6/22 – 6/23/19 – Marriott Pyramid


2716 San Pedro NE, Suite C

Albuquerque, NM 87110


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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