Checklist: Set up a CPAC online search database

CPAC Application Form

Fill out this form and email it along with any image files, mockups and documents as attachments to

School or Institution name: _______________________________________


Contact person’s name: __________________________________________

Contact person’s email: __________________________________________

Note: the Bookmark team will assign to you a ‘username’

Search Page Design

If you have designed a mockup search page, please attach it to the email as it can help with design.

Search Page display format : (tick one)

□ Full-page display

□ Split-page

□ Insert panel (part of one of your pages)

Important: Which user page or example is closest in design to what you would like?



Background colour or wallpaper graphic __________________________

(If a wallpaper image, indicate below which number from the manual (1 to 9) or write the filename of your image file. Attach the background image file to your application email.)

Logo and/or Heading (Banner) Graphic (optional):

Would you like a graphic image 'logo' at the top of your page? ___________________________

(Attach the image file to your application email.)

Heading text (optional):

(This is the name that appears at the top of a full screen page or the bottom of a frame. It can be blank if a graphic banner is used or frames. It is not used for an Insert page.)

Heading font (Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, other specify) _____________________

Heading font size (in points, e.g. 14, 16, 18, 20, etc) ___________

Heading Colour __________________________________________________

(name of colour or if possible a 6-character long ‘colour code’ e.g. #aa6e00)

Search Area:

This is where users enter their search.

Search Area style (choose ONE only!):

□ Simple (keyword search only, like Google)


□ Radiobuttons fields


□ Dropdown list fields


□ Icons


Which fields do you want available to users to search (does not apply to ‘simple’ above but applies to all the other choices):

□ Keyword □ Series

□ Title □ Subjects

□ Authors

□ Include Help with searching?

Instructions, Contact details, etc.:

If you would like any instructions, contact details, etc., please include these separately or write the instructions just below and/or include them on your mockup page. Instructions can have a font style, font size and colour. Font sizes normally range from 8 points (small) to 10 (average) to 12 points. It is best to select a "Web safe" font – e.g. Arial, Times, Verdana as many fonts are not available to others. Please indicate where on the page you would like the instructions located – e.g. above the search area, below, etc. If unspecified, black Arial size 10 is used.

Instructions font (Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, other specify) _____________________

Instructions font size (in points, e.g. 8, 10, 12, 14, etc) ___________

Instructions Colour ______________________________________________

Please write below the instructions you would like to include, or have these on a document that you submit along with this form:

Link to Upload page:

□ Include a link at the bottom of the search page to the Upload page?


Title List Page Designs

□ Column display style?


□ Row display style?

□ Display book covers if available? (only available with row display)

□ Include item type icons next to titles?

□ Include Return to Search Page link? (not available for insert design)

□ Printer friendly option

Background colour of screen or wallpaper graphic? _____________________

Text colour (black is default) _______________________________________

Font (Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, other) ________________________________

(Arial is default) (Recommended to use a "web safe" font.)

Font size (in points, e.g. 8, 10, 12, etc) ___________ (10pt is default)

Specify any other items to be included – e.g. logos, images, headings, etc. (optional):

Item Details Page Designs

□ Display book cover graphic if available?

□ Include list of copies? (shows barcode number, location and status)

□ In list of copies, include call numbers as well? (adds call number to copies list)

□ Include Return to Search Page link? (not available for insert search page)

Background colour of screen or wallpaper graphic? _____________________

(white is default)

Text colour (black is default) _______________________________________

Font (Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, other) ________________________________

Font size (in points, e.g. 8, 10, 12, etc) ___________ (10pt is default)

Specify any other items to be included – e.g. logos, images, headings, etc. (optional):

Multiple Site Searches

(Not applicable to single site searches)

What method should be presented to users to select the sites that can be searched?

□ Checkboxes

□ Dropdown list

If the search page is to allow searching two or more sites, list below each site's username.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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