St Bonaventure Elementary School

News & Views St. Bonaventure Catholic School September 2020PowerSchool Website: School Website: Power of the RosaryBy Cheryl Zoucha, PrincipalSeveral years ago, my husband woke up one morning and immediately told me that he had had a very vivid dream of our Blessed Mother coming to him and telling him to pray the rosary. From that time on, we tried very hard to pray the rosary every day, unsure of why he had this dream. In the fall of 2017, many of you know that my husband became very ill and nearly died. Eventually, he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (blood cancer) and spent nearly the whole month of October (ironically, the month of the rosary) in the hospital fighting for his life. During that time, I clung to my rosary. I recall that on my trips to and from Lincoln and later to and from Omaha, I was clasping my rosary and praying desperately for Mary’s intercession. Within less than a year of Rick’s diagnosis, my father was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and died only 3 months later, my husband received a stem cell transplant, and Rick’s father passed away. It was a trying time for our family.Three years later, Rick is doing very well. He is not ‘cancer free,’ but he has been able to manage his cancer and is able to live a fairly normal life. We are grateful for all the prayers and for our Blessed Mother’s protection, as we now realize why Rick had that dream. She was preparing us for a very difficult year. 50292001968500I share this story with you as we are now heading into October – the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary. I know deep down in my heart that my family would not have been able to endure the pain we experienced without the intercession of our beautiful Blessed Mother. Time and time again, devotion to our Blessed Mother through the Holy Rosary has lead to many miracles and graces. Wars, battles, and the potential destruction of cities have been prevented when faithful Christians picked up the greatest weapon ever – the rosary. Today, we can see signs everywhere of violence, separation, division, destruction, and sorrow. Our world needs help! During this month of October, I encourage you to join me in picking up the peaceful weapon of the rosary, and pray it often (preferably daily) for any intentions you have on your heart. Pray for peace in our country. Pray for God’s blessings on our upcoming election. Pray for your families. Pray for our school community. Try to make it a part of your daily routine, and find out for yourself the great power this prayer has available to you. There is a great spiritual battle going on for our souls. Are you willing to pick up the greatest weapon to fight this battle? Join me as we work to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus through the powerful intercession of Mary! 015049500 Don’t ForgetIt is very important that every student remembers to bring a filled water bottle and a mask to school each day. Please help your child be prepared for their day at school! Thanks!School PicturesSchool picture order forms are due online Thursday, Oct. 1st. Please place your orders online before the deadline to avoid a late fee. If you wish to have your child’s photo retaken, return the proof and write Retake on it. Retake Day is Wednesday, Oct. 7th. Students can dress up on this day if they are doing picture retakes.Book FairSt. Bonaventure Social HallOct. 5th – 8th Monday after schoolTuesday – Thursday - 11:00 – 4:00 p.m.Please wear a mask!Thank YouScrip is such an important fundraiser for our school. It would not be possible without our many great volunteers. We want you to know how much your time and efforts are appreciated! Our coordinators this year are Chrissy Lade, Shelli Naughton and Laura Urkoski. Our local orderer is Lissette Pelayo and our Great Lakes orderer is Sam Lozos. Ashley Karges and Melissa Kosch are scrip counters and we have numerous parents who are runners to pick up local scrip. We will also need Sunday scrip sellers in the coming months. Scrip is a great way to get involved with our school. Please say yes to helping with this wonderful program. We can always use more volunteers!!!eScrip171450044958000ShopWithScrip has a new app for ordering scrip eCards on your phone. It is called the RaiseRight App. If you were using Wallet, you can transfer your gift cards and payment information to the new app. If you have not bought eCards before, now is a great time to start. You no longer need to set up a PrestoPay account. You just link the app to a bank account. You can also use a credit card, but be careful to read about the fees for using a credit card. When would I use this? Have you been shopping out of town and are in Target with over $100 with of merchandise in your cart. With this large purchase, you might wish you had purchased Target scrip before you came. Now with the RaiseRight app, you can purchase a Target eCard while in line at the checkout!!The steps to setting up an account on your phone are posted on the scrip tab on our website at . There are two parts to the set up. First you need to set up a bank account and then you need to link your account to our school. Not every business has eCards so make sure you pay attention to what you are ordering. We want you to use this app for eCards only. If you want physical cards, you need to send orders to the school like usual. A few businesses that use eCards are Target, Kohl’s, Walmart and Amazon as well as many restaurants such as Applebee’s, Pizza Ranch or Olive Garden. We still have scrip folders available if you are interested. It is any easy way to get your physical scrip card orders. Just fill out a preorder form found in the folder, include payment in the envelope on the back of the folder and send it to school. School staff or scrip volunteers will fill your order and send it back home with your child. VERY CONVENIENT!!Lost & FoundIn the hallway by the school office is a Lost & Found cart. We have many school sweatshirts already on the cart. If your child is missing something, please tell them to check the cart. Please label sweatshirts and jackets. It is much easier to find the owner if they are labeled!Health ScreeningsHealth screenings will be conducted on Thursday, Oct. 22nd. Health screenings will consist of heights/weights, vision and hearing if requested. Dental checks will not be done this year. Please make sure your child is wearing his/her glasses to school on this day. Thanks!Thank YouThanks to everyone who participated in the Arby’s fundraiser Night. We earned $225.85 for the Home & School Association. The next fundraiser Night will be at Runza on Oct. 20th!!Thanks for your support!Public Rosary Rally1600200123444000Please bring your family and join us for a public rosary on Saturday, Oct. 10th at 11:00 a.m. outside the east side of our school by the statue of our Blessed Mother. Since 2017 Public Square Rosary Rallies have been held in the US. They are held on the closest Saturday to October 13th, feast of the last apparition of Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun. We will pray for God’s blessings on our election, for our families, for peace in our country, and an end to abortion. 2286009207500Saintly SprintersOn Wednesdays if you see children running laps at Hanover Park, they are part of the Saintly Sprinter Running club. Any 5th or 6th grader can participate. One lap around Hanover Park is ? mile, so the runners keep track of their laps by getting a popsicle stick after each lap. At the end of the hour, they count their popsicle sticks to see how far they ran. The children set goals for themselves and try to reach milestones over the 6 week program, such as 5K, 10K and marathon. This year water bottles were donated by one of our parent’s online activewear business. Thanks Sara Miller!!Spirit WeekOct. 26 – 30thMore details to come later.Watch for information about the pumpkin decorating contest too!! ................

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